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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Re: text colors One thing to consider is if one is color blind, the text should still be at least readable. Not being color blind myself, I don't know what dark green on dark brown background would look like, if it would have enough contrast or not. At any rate, this isn't to say one shouldn't have colors in text ... just that the contrast between text and background would hopefully be enough that it's still readable even if one can't see the intended color. Just a thought.
  2. I saw a TV ad for D3 on console. "Enjoy it on your TV" or some tag line like that, with costume dressed people on the couch as a guy gets home from work. Made me roll my eyes. I had a fair bit of fun trying D3 out ... I complained a lot, but I still had some fun. Did like that Monk. But I haven't played in months - originally thought I might try it again once expansion came out, but the longer I'm away from it, the less I think I will. Nothing stands out to tempt me back, yet, and BL2 works well enough for the actiony loot and leveling fest, plus that has LAN. Still, it'll be interesting to see what some friends think when it comes out. Most of them don't play anymore either, but I'm sure they'll try the expansion and I'll get an earful.
  3. I catnapped a lot. The new toilet float thingie makes for a much louder flush, for some reason. All the better to scare Mr. Black with...
  4. Yeah...I bought the other two on Steam-sale, so as much I wouldn't mind playing the new one now, so I can be in-the-know in a timely fashion (heh), I'll probably wait for at least a moderate sale.
  5. GoG's version of DK1, last I knew, is not the "Gold" version (no Deeper Dungeons, no editor). Hence I haven't bought it. My DK-Gold still works on my XP system just fine, so I'm still golden. Today I bought 999x3 Nightmare Lockboxes off the auction house in NWOnline (21 AD per box), because I have too many diamonds and nothing to spend it on, so why not. I figure either I'll slowly (very very slowly) buy the keys, one or two at a time, off the AH as well, and/or sell off the Lockboxes 6-8 months from now when they're not as common (since no more NM boxes after Fey release) and some folk will still be wanting those special horsies or Tene enchants. Or they'll just sit and rot in my Bank stash. Whatever. It's only diamonds.
  6. I still haven't played more than about an hour or two of SR2 (I have 3, too, but I haven't even dl'd it...). And yet I'm still tempted to buy this one. The games always look so funny/cool, but I just haven't gotten around to investing the time.
  7. So, what's the extra chr. slots to the sides of the main party portraits for? I mean, I'd guess they're "followers" of some kind but what purpose do they serve? I vaguely recall followers in the older games, is it the same thing?
  8. I get this sort of comment a lot....even moreso if I have my black panther summoned.
  9. We live in Calif. and I can say that isn't what I'd call the norm. Grass is always greener!
  10. Sweating sunshine might be a disadvantage when trapped in a dark dungeon full of monsters ... but otherwise, it sounds pretty cool.
  11. My preferred nick at the time was taken. So was my alternate. And the other alternate. And the other. So I tossed up my hands and put a color after "Lady," figuring that wouldn't be taken. But it was. And the next color. And the next. But this one, finally, wasn't! ...my avatar changes periodically, there's no origin for those except "I liked it/it's cute."
  12. I found one video on YouTube that I could watch. Doesn't look bad ... even the dark parts. Spider dungeon has vibrant colors. Still....mostly what it makes me want to do is play the old games again. Speaking of which ... one way you got past the behemoths during a MM7 speed run. http://youtu.be/nt4-VBCIIaI?t=1h4m2s (parts of that video are hilarious, with all the "ow's, is that supposed to hurt" in constant rapid succession...)
  13. Hmm....sounds promising. Still not into the Uplay thing tho. Which is too bad (for me). Well, by the time the final game comes out, who knows how I'll feel about that.
  14. Seem to be a in a bit of a blue funk. ...and the toilet needs a new float, which gave me a bit of amusement. The tank lid is off (so I can pull the float up when it sticks/doesn't shut off), so when Mr. Black jumped onto the toilet seat, the view/noise of the water flushing startled him. He stuck his nose partway in the tank to watch, then freaked out and went skidding back to the living room. Brave is not in his vocabulary.
  15. She's beautiful. Someone needs to wash the photo studio's floor. Yes, I notice stupid stuff like that. I can't help it.
  16. I've been wondering about that myself. Because once Lydia finds out Hank knows (and you she will, otherwise why keep showing what she's up to), Hank becomes, in her nutso mind, a loose end. Actually, Walt and Jessie, in her mind, are also loose ends. And Lydia does not like loose ends. I'm becoming pretty convinced the Lydia/Todd pairing is going to be the catalyst for major stuff going down. Otherwise, Walt/Skyler just wait it out and Hank just tries to get evidence. In fact I'm starting to wonder if And yeah...Huell is hilarious. I also liked Walt's "close enough" when he's checking his cash, then giving Huell and the other guy a certain knowing look.
  17. That pic ... is the cutest (non-cat) thing ever! Hehe, armored guinea pig. Thanks, those made me smile.
  18. I'm a KB/mouse type of person. very strongly so. But lately I've been feeling like getting a pc xbox controller of my own purely for occasional Borderlands use. So I can play in my den whilst lounging on the daybed that sits near my large desk. Especially with winter coming up. I might need to buy a 30" monitor if I do that, however, and I barely have room on here for my two current monitors. I suppose I could shove the daybed closer to my desk....or hang the monitor from the ceiling on a remote controlled cable/pulley/rail system. That would truly make me a geek...
  19. I'm still not quite convinced (whether there will be an actual sense of free exploration or just "run from point A to point B with nice side-scenery") and will let you two be the guinea pigs.
  20. Caught a bit of that game. Glad they won, but I still dislike Fox baseball coverage. Lackey's been pitching well so I give him team-props for that, but I still don't like personally like him. He rubs me the wrong way ... at least on TV, not like I know the man. Feeling bad for Remy ... the father, not the son. I don't feel sorry for the son one bit, he sounds like trash.
  21. I bet Keyrock has sexy legs. ...I think the longest bike ride I did was about 30 miles. I biked a lot, but usually not for long distances.
  22. Oh and ... if you like your beer at the beach, perhaps in the future one won't have to worry as much about dehydration and hangovers. Hydrating Beer Cures Hangovers After Australian Scientists Add Electrolytes to Ale
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