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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Memory: the older you get, the more you can remember things you did 15+ years ago like it was yesterday, but can't remember what you did last night. Half the time I barely know what day of the week it is anymore. I think we just tend to focus less and less on remembering small details. Unless it's the statistical probabilities of getting that uber weapon you want to drop in a game, of course. Braincell priorities, y'know.
  2. I had to look up "rasher" to see what that meant in terms of amount. This website page had a nice, picture illustrated blog about it. http://www.thepauperedchef.com/2010/04/a-guide-to-bacon-styles-and-how-to-make-proper-british-rashers.html Anyway, US version of Canadian bacon is more like ham, or almost honey ham at times, around here, which is good but doesn't make me think of bacon. But the more UK version of rasher sounds interesting. And tonight, I gaze into a full fridge and am thinking ... I don't want any of that. Chinese food time again.
  3. Mr. Grey eats enough baby food to keep from losing more weight - if I offer it 8 times a day. Still not enough tho. I think I'm going to have the vet take a lone head/dental type x-ray soon. Didn't do that yet. Could be a tiny jaw tumor that's hard to spot maybe. No face swelling (like one of my past cats) but stuff like that isn't always obvious. Off to sweep the store shelf clean of meat baby food.
  4. I'm disappointed the Leprechaun companion in NWO only increases gold find a bit and doesn't seem very useful outside of that. I think they should give 100AD every 24 hours or something instead. Who the heck needs more gold. Maybe one day they'll put in a few more gold items to buy. I wouldn't mind a pig companion (20 day long Festival) for the lulz, however.
  5. Ripley always reminded me of my older sister. Not in facial looks, but the tall/thin and rangy look (my sister isn't quite as tall as Weaver, tho).
  6. Yeah, I remember thinking the same thing when I first saw Aliens. Outside of the wants-skinny-fashion model area, Korean women (of which I am one) can be naturally fairly "bulky/squat". Like Yeon Woo Ji. A lot of her pics seem like hard work, but then at some point she did bulk out enough to where I'd guess she started on roids to get further.
  7. Some of that may be lighting - you'd be surprised what only lighting (overhead vs. side, and other such) can do to make someone look more defined/cut then they are, ala those phony before and after pics for products. But the pic that shows her back muscles feels a bit out of place. Being short and someone who can pack on muscle really easily (for a girl), which can make my arms look bulky (short upper arm) I'd debate whether the girl in the pic is impossible without roids. I'd agree probably not likely, but not impossible. I've never upper-weight lifted and my flexed upper arm can still look pretty defined/bulky/squat in the bicep as an out of shape middle-age fart if I try...a feature of myself I've always hated. Course, maybe I'm really a man. You can never tell on the internet.
  8. Pain & Gain? I doubt it ... tho the TV ads displayed some amusing bits.
  9. 8BitMMO - "Fight evil Lawyercats." lulz, I want that game. It looks like silly 8bit fun. ExoPlanet, ForgeQuest, and Underrail look interesting....
  10. What in blazes? Sir Stewart, you are a nut. (I guess that's his gf's feet, according to the Telegraph).
  11. My mother was a great cook until my sister turned her into health nut. If I never have raw sunflower seeds in a raw wheat bran "cookie" again, I won't cry. We've gone to a few of the farmers markets around here, but since it's city-life, they're not very interesting. When we lived further south closer to Morgan Hill, it was easier to find/shop for awesome fresh stuff from local farms. The only thing I was very good at baking is yeast breads, cakes/sweets and a few pasta dishes, none of which I do anymore. I'm adequate in other things, but nothing special. I could never make a beef stew come out right, which annoyed me. Not that my husband didn't like it/want it. I was just never happy with it.
  12. Watched The Rundown again via Netflix. I vaguely remember seeing it before, but could barely recall it. The action pieces are fun, Christopher Walken is fun...but overall not a great film. One day The Rock will be in a movie I really like, instead of it being "meh" or "ok". Or I'm hoping, because I like The Rock. Dredd's on Netflix now too...might watch it again. Maybe I'll think it's better on a 2nd watch. If it's ever on Netflix, I will.
  13. Heh, it was more impressive in WoW (9) and Diablo2 (20+ via multiple accounts). Logging into D2 to make sure chrs. didn't expire was a PITA.
  14. Raked leaves/trimmed bushes and other yardwork. I have to do this wearing a dusk mask because of allergies, which means the neighbors probably all think I'm some kind of crazy nutjob. They might be right.
  15. If you actually play/quest, not long. A few days to a couple weeks to reach 60, at most. Praying/leadership method ... 2-4 months. Probably longer if you don't have the speed-bonus profession workers. But it's not much logged-in or website Gateway time - 1-2 hours per day maybe.
  16. Hi, my name is LadyCrimson, and I am a gaming alt-aholic. (only my 1st lvl60 was actually played much tho - the others got/get 70% of their levels via praying/Leadership...).
  17. I felt super tired a couple hours ago. But I failed to lie down. So now I'm wide awake, of course. Netflix to the rescue. Side note: Not sure I like the Simpson's cat lady avatar. Not for subject matter (it does rather fit me), but because the colors aren't my thing. Plus it's not cute enough.
  18. ... yes, that amount of usage bothers me personally, like I already mentioned. Mostly (for me) because it creates a visual staccato interruption, akin to using extremely short sentences with periods too many times in a row, rather than as an affront to my intelligence. But asterisks used a couple times over the course of a paragraph or three...bothers me not a whit. Anyway...always interesting the different things we all can have pet peeves with. Like too many smilies. I know some people can't stand that. And I sometimes use too many.
  19. Hiro, it doesn't matter if they *have* to be there or not. What matters is the fact that their mere presence seems to bother you (which is fine). Many people, I think, just really don't care if words or phrases are asterisked, italicized, bolded, etc now and then ... some people may actually find them additive if used judiciously and only find them annoying if used every other word. Other people may find any use of bold, or (parathesis) or colored text as irritating and unneeded as you find asterisks. You seem to keep harping on the whether not they're needed at all, period, simply because you want them gone. To you they're not needed, because you don't like them/they do nothing and add nothing for you. That may not be true for everyone on the planet, however. It is not a logical thing and trying to reduce it to such seems kind of pointless. So let's just say you have your preferences on what you think is "needed" and annoying ... can we drop this sub-topic now/move on?
  20. Burglars Return Stolen Computers to Nonprofit - Along With Apology Note
  21. Same here. The patch that dropped this morning seemed to have caused a whole host of issues. Volition is working on a hotfix right now. I guess I'll play some Might & Magic X for the time being. And that right there is why I like to stay in offline mode until I hear whether a game patch is ok or not. I so miss separate, downloadable patches.
  22. My husband is a BL2 fiend, I tell you. Seriously, I love the game too, but sometimes I wish he'd like something else, heh. Maybe I should accidentally "lose" his copy...oh wait, it's a Steam game....grrrr...
  23. A Single Shot - wow that was a glacially paced film. A lot of visuals, not much dialogue. It did serve to make the few dramatic moments more jarringly effective, but at the same time, while I love Sam Rockwell, watching him snooze in his car/bed and gaze into the distance while in a mental stupor for long minutes isn't all that interesting. The other issue was when there was dialogue, it was half incomprehensible mumbling. Seriously, couldn't understand what they were saying much of the time. Which is too bad, because it had some aspects I liked. eg, it's not a terrible movie, but it could've used some more work.
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