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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Just for the record, I'm aware of the film Serenity (I saw it before I saw the series, and I own the DVD). I was largely being facetious with my previous Abrams comment....
  2. Forums don't use html ( < and > tags), so yeah, won't work properly.
  3. Sorry, didn't notice this until just now. Congrats on the lvl 20 Leadership! Heh. In chat someone else and I were talking about how long it takes, with others going "You're wrong, it doesn't take long, I've gotten mine to level 11/12 in not too much time." To which I and the other person started laughing. I like that they have a "Refine rough AD" button on the Gateway now. Seems to work well, so I finally feel "safe" completing tasks that give AD rewards via the website. Much easier, especially since I now run so many of those. Wish they'd let you view your bank stash there too, as well as your backpack inventory. Ah well, nothing's perfect.
  4. Those faces still look terrible to me. Altho it's not so much that they're "ugly" so much as the expressions and vacant stares are oddly disturbing...
  5. Occasionally I read this thread and think to myself: "Everything I know about how guys really feel about dating, I learned from this forum." Caught up on Dexter ... guess the next episode is tomorrow night. So Breaking Bad, then Dexter. Both ending their series runs. And it wouldn't surprise me if neither has very "happy" endings. A little gaming time, now, then snoozing.
  6. Yeah, I have no idea how much Firefly cost....didn't look like a high budget show ala ST:TNG at its height. Mostly in Firefly's case it seems more an issue of not finding an audience until too late. I didn't watch it when it was actually on ... didn't even know it existed.
  7. I really really want to ask the neighbors if they'd give up one of their many kittens. But since I already have a beloved cat, it's too risky if there's a chance the kittens have one of those bad diseases. So I just pet them a lot when I'm outside (and wash hands/change clothes before going back inside). I'm usually ok with resisting such temptation but having just lost Mr. Grey it's tougher. Why do kittens have to be soooo cute.
  8. A year already? ... *looks in a mirror* ...yup. Can't believe it's been that long ... which is good, because it means I've successfully distracted myself away from the wait.
  9. I don't find that "seapig" cute at all. At least not in that pic. Ick.
  10. A little over-rated, yes. And absence makes the heart fonder. But there's so little decent sci-fi TV series (imo) to pick from, it always sucks when they cancel one of the good ones. Sci-fi shows rarely seem to find enough of an audience to stay on air for long. Sometimes, perhaps, because they can be more costly to make than yet another Law and Order or reality show. Sigh.
  11. I like his long legs, makes me think a bit of a greyhound or something. And I suspect the only nefarious deed he's considering is how to steal dinner. ...I woke up late today, feel like ****. Sadly, it's not because I was painting the town or doing anything interesting.
  12. Some How to Train Your Dragon Xmas 20-minute short, from a while ago. I know some people dislike the original movie because of "what it turns dragons into" but I don't care. Toothless is awesome. Oh and the Xmas short? It was cute. Not as decent as the film of course, but good for kids I suppose and it had a lot of Toothless in it, so that was all I cared about.
  13. Listening to music, doing laundry, will soon be leaving the house to do some girly things. Pics are mandatory.
  14. I raised some baby squirrels as part of a wildlife rescue volunteer thingie once. Fed them with the syringes, weighed them on scales, and all that. I think if the cage was big enough you could have them indoors, but yeah, they'd probably not be the best or safest pets (those claws of theirs would require major protective clothing if they wanted to scamper around on your shoulders, heh). When we first moved in this house I made friends with several of the yard squirrels, who would hang out by the glass door every morning waiting. One took treats from my hand and would waltz into the house to grab nuts from a bag if I left the door open (I miss that one a lot). I had a lot of pics from then, which some here may remember. Then the cat-neighbors moved in and I got worried and stopped encouraging them, so they went away.
  15. Capybara's at the zoos are one of the first pens I go gaze at. They make me think of giant guinea pigs. I still want a squirrel as a pet. Also:
  16. Yeah, I don't really expect to find one, at least not any time soon. Does make one wish they were good with programming/gaming engines themselves. I'll be interested to see how that Frontiers game turns out. I know there have been some discussions on the topic of non-combat in games before...it's not that I mind fight-combat existing, it's more that it's just so same-y, with everything in the game designed around being better at it in order to progress...and at this point it's become dull as dishwater. Going through the motions. Maybe I'll go back to Cribbage.
  17. Thinking about it further, I do/can understand wanting some level of tension sometimes etc, but seems like you can get that tension from something other than some enemy attacking me. There's plenty of tension/stress in real life that has nothing to do with combat, after all. If you're exploring a cave, can't there be tension from wondering if the roof or entrance is going to cave in on you? Whether that crumbly old bridge is going to hold your weight and what measures you could do to help ensure it could? Whether there's a huge colony of diseased bats and if you disturb them you might get bit? Or even just a visual/sound tension, from having to walk a narrow cliff edge with the wind screaming around you and getting vertigo looking down? I'm not sure I even know exactly what I want, exactly. I just know I haven't found/seen it yet.
  18. Frontiers looks interesting, although perhaps not the level of "graphic shiny" I'm in the mood for. Still, conceptually it's closer to what I might be interested in. Sometimes I wish you could combine the sense of explore/discover of Myst with the 3D-shiny environment and some of the task orientation of rpg's. Which doesn't mean I want devilishly difficult puzzles, btw. I dunno...sometimes I want a virtual fantasy world that doesn't have a ton of "point" to it, other than to pretend you live there and are wandering, exploring, meeting people, surviving. I don't even care about having an over-reaching story arc. What if I want to pretend I'm a wandering Bard who just likes to travel the world, sing for his supper, explore a dungeon/tomb/cave now and then, see stuff, collect souvenirs? Something like that.
  19. Finished Season 7 of Dexter, started Season 8. All I gotta say at this point is .... poor Deb. I couldn't stand her character for most of the show's run, but now ... just ... poor Deb.
  20. "Is it here yet? Is it here yet?" (repeat all afternoon until a box shows up on the doorstep) ... "Yesssss!" ...time to eat jerky and watch the baseball game.
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