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Everything posted by DexGames

  1. It's an incredible song if you're into Roots Reggae Music ! [Just put the first song that came under my mouse though...]
  2. Discovered some weird glitches [shadows], when you're on your Ship. Just in case this had not been posted yet, here it is :
  3. Well, now that I own one yeah ! I hope it won't !
  4. Druids get some Love : https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/967145848202133504 No hints on their new Passive Abilities. Multiclass Sidekicks : https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171211025696/looking-over-the-multiclass-spreadsheet-for
  5. I've converted some Portraits before... However, I believe this one deserves a much better treatment than what I can provide. [i tried but couldn't do it justice] So Aramintai... If spare time comes around you : [For the sake of Godlike Lovers] EDIT : Here's the Original in case you wanna do a better "Close Up", or Crop it differently.
  6. It IS for today guys. https://twitter.com/MikeyDowling/status/966802979608133632 [This Tweet is from yesterday]
  7. I figured I'd post a Thread around 21/9 Monitors, for Users & Support purposes. Currently Good : Main Screen - Ok. In-Game - Ok. World Map - Ok. Boat Map - Ok. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Issues : Character Creation - Display. Level Up Screen - Display. Resting Scene - Left & Right Black Bands. Doesn't really show up well here but you can see the Left & Right Black Bars when the Scene triggers [Feels a little bit unatural, but it's a really minor issue. Parallax Layers - Display. As mentionned by Olauron Mor-Galad here : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/95304-bug-0000021-backer-beta-release-20886-bb/?p=1969710 Crafting & Enchanting Scrolling Bars UI - Display. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Man, Deadfire looks Gorgeous on this Aspect Ratio ! [34" at 3440x1440] Feel free to add anything weird you encounter.
  8. Just received mine today, [i did as planned - IIyama 34"], and man Deadfire does look awesome ! Just Woaw, can only recommend switching to this if you want to.
  9. Justin Bell's Music sneak peak : https://twitter.com/sonic_presence/status/966525156532224001 EDIT : Neketaka - Temple District Song
  10. Josh on Difficulty Recommendation : https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171135042801/if-someone-enjoys-poe1-most-on-potd-difficulty
  11. Another recent Josh Interview with Kotaku : http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2018/02/15/obsidians-josh-sawyer-on-pillars-of-eternity-ii-publishers-and-dwarven-discrimination
  12. The thing is I can't decide between Xoti & Tekehu... The more I learned about Tekehu, I started to like him more & more. For now Xoti is my go to, she'll be my thief. [Heavy investments on Sneak, Mechanics & Sleight of Hands]
  13. I liked that Tyranny used what became the "Classic Color Code" for Rarity / Quality Item's Icons. The Color Code from POE is identifiable on its own, but doesn't look pretty.
  14. Well yeah, that's what I'm wondering too ! That's why I showed how the current Proficiency System would end in previous post. Yup Mannock, I've been calling for Ranks & Commitment to certain Weapons since the System has been revealed. Then Josh decided to go from picking a proficiency every 1/4 Level, to 1/3 Level.
  15. Restrictions are already there in Deadfire : Certain Armors are Vailian, Huana... Only. Soulbound Weapons are Classes Restricted. [Dagger in Backer Beta] In a sense, the "Carsomyr Case" is already there. So I don't see why Weapon Proficiencies don't follow the same Path / Logic.
  16. Oh really ? Unless you consider your post as an absolute truth, and irrefutable by anyone. And since I don't claim mine as such, I don't see any rebuttal, worth the try though.
  17. Per-Encounter VS Per-Rest. Pillars I : You had Per-Encounter & Per-Rest. Those who liked Per-Encounter had what they wanted. [some Spells Per-Encounter] Those who liked Per-Rest had what they wanted too. [some Spells Per-Rest] Both Sides : Happy. Pillars II : Empowering got introduced : Which is now a new way to replenish your "Consumed Spells", aside from Resting. Yet, Per-Rest has been Removed. Everything became Per-Encounter. Those who liked Per-Encounter still have what they wanted. [spells Per-Encounter] Those who liked Per-Rest got F*cked. Per-Encounter Players : Win. Per-Rest Players : Lose. Fair.
  18. Yep ! Infinite Spells now ! Spam Fest feels great. No, just kidding.
  19. I value Ressource Management over No Ressource Management.
  20. Aaanywayyys We just have two different visions, some like one, some prefer the other, It will all comes down to this in the end. "Hardcore" in the 90/2000s, was simply used as a Generic Term before it became overused everywhere. So I used it here as the Generic Term it was. What I want, is these type of Games to not be Over-Simplified, therefore Casualized. It distorts everything the genre represents. Like it has distorted many Franchises in the past.
  21. So, from one Fight to another, you want to never run out of any spell ? Spam them Endlessly = Yey ? Problem is, from Fight to Fight : "0" never comes. Making a Hardcore Based Game > More Casual - Step One. Ahh the infamous Loss of Time... What you want is to never have, anything that breaks you from adventuring ? So, you want to : Never Rest ? Never go back to Town ? Never have anything that would stop you from going on ? Making a Hardcore Based Game > More Casual - Step Two. True, & that sucks currently. Oh, and you already had a limit before, not only "in the current system". That limit was the Number of unused Spells left in your List, because you had more Spells to use overall. [Diversity] Now ? You have, let's say... ~6 Spells for exemple, instead of a full list of Spells. But beware ! Even if you had a Full List of Spells... You could still only cast one... two... maybe four ! [~Four Spells per encounter, Oh my God ! Feels Good Man !] Because some of them will cost you 3, 4, 7 and even more Points ! How Great it is ! You'd probably tell me : "If you wanna cast more Spells, just cast Lower Level Spells, Dude". Sure ! How Awesome that would feel too ! No diversity + Spamming the same Spells, Fights after Fights, after Fights afer Figh.... [so on & so forth] Making a Hardcore Based Game > More Casual - Step Three. Actually, that's what we do. Not within one single Encounter, rest assured. I never said that. [see what I did there ?... Rest assured... Rest... Come on ! That's funny ! ] But... Fight after Fight after Figh... [Ok I stop]. You do Spam Indefinitely, over & over again. Because unless you're injured, you don't even need to rest. Why ? Because you'll never run out of ressources. Making a Hardcore Based Game > More Casual - Step Four. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You know, most of us participated in the First Campaign to Re-Experience a Get Back, a Feel on what a true Hardcore CRPG was. I do want the Franchise to innovate & move many steps forward... But right now, Combat is many Steps Backward from what it was. So I'm asking you, do you want all of this to be a Casual Gaming Experience ? Sounds like it is. In the end, with proper Patches & Fine Tuning : We will probably all enjoy the hell out of the Game, [i will, despite what I dislike currently], just have to be patient for it to be balanced... again.
  22. Here is How it's going to End : Basically : Like someone would say : Ha ! Good Fun !
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