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Everything posted by DexGames

  1. Looks like we have a winner here. Since the Fig Campaign until now, there have been an ever-increasing, multiple demands for a portage on Console. I saw it everywhere, in fact few months ago, I directly answered to someone's comment asking for this. I told him that, given the demand from the public, I could see eveywhere : Press Comment Sections. Tons of Deadfire's Twitter posts [Everytime there was a reply : Console Plz ! With several likes] Same in Every Youtube Update. They've been even asked about this Live in many of their Twitch Q&A Sessions. People who bought the the 1st Game on PS4/XBOX, seemed to praise the portage in such a way that I never had anticipated. Back to the story, I told this guy I was pretty sure they were already planning this, given what I've just said above. And that he should, undoubtedly, expect a console portage fairly soon... & here we are. In any case : Obsidian focused on the PC Experience. Red Cerberus Focuses on the Console Experience. There's room for both, just : Deal With It. I'm happy for these Players, who never gave up on asking the Company to do it, and I'm happy for Obsidian who'll broaden their audience & expand their Own First Franchise even more. All of this augures an awesome future for Pillars Of Eternity. [iII... ]
  2. Not from Josh, but I thought you'd wanna check it out : https://www.pcgamer.com/watch-pillars-of-eternity-2-deadfires-ship-combat-in-action/ Seems like every major video games Press Company is releasing something about Deadfire today. [Probably somekind of a Press Embargo has just been lifted] EDIT : One More - https://www.mmorpg.com/previews/pillars-of-eternity-2-hands-on-preview-it-may-be-obsidians-best-rpg-yet-1000012453
  3. Josh Sawyer at PCGamesN : German Paper from Gamestar : http://www.gamestar.de/videos/pillars-of-eternity-2-deadfire-preview-von-baldurs-gate-zu-fluch-der-karibik,95539.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Gamespace Hands-On Preview : https://www.gamespace.com/featured/pillars-of-eternity-2-deadfire-hands-on-preview/
  4. Ok well, I can see what you mean Balthazar. [i'm not strictly rejecting it, more like trying to figure it out. ] Let's forget all that Gwent stuff, but now I'm also wondering the same questions Wormerine asks. How would it work, without having to re-build the entire thing... I think we should give the current system a chance, as it is a pretty damn good start for now, and wait to see how it evolves. On the Side of a "Mechanical" standpoint, I can see the Wind Direction become a reality fairly soon, and on the "Interest It Can Provide", a bigger emphasis on the Narrative Strentgh & Consolidation is the way to go. Roughly Resumed : Narrative > Mechanics. [Where both are important] I put Narrative first as it could provide more uniqueness to each Individual Encounters, & pull the player's will to dive into this System. It should have something different to tell everytime, in order to draw us in... Everytime. ["Tell", in the sense of "Storytelling"] -------------------------------------------------------- Basically, what I'm saying is that we must remain reasonable on what we ask from them. Asking more, more & more isn't fair. That's why I suggested, in previous posts, few more Scripted Style Drawing &, as I imagine, quite a lot of Brainstorming on the "Short Stories" to be told. But still, definitely more feasible, as opposed to adding a brand new system they'd have to come up with & create from the start. Maybe closer to what the Core of a Scripted Interaction is, in the end. [The Derelict Ship is good way to see this, & to dig further into it]
  5. Card Game >>> Graphics ? Did I mentionned Graphics ? Far from it. People, Time & Ressources is what is required to make what you want happen. Just cut CDProject's Productions Ressources, Time & People, to something similar as Deadfire, then your Gwent would be : Find & Collect Cards all over the World ! No Mini-Game, just Collectibles, as you said : Zero Interest.
  6. That's so unrealistic Bhaltazar, man you can't say : "Just make a Witcher 3 Card Game ! It's simple ! I mean, it's only... Cards right ?"You're talking about a ~$81M Game VS a ~$5 to $6M Budget for Deadfire. The Witcher 3 had a Production Time of three & a half years, a team of 1500 People of which 240 In-House Developpers at CDProject Red ! Lol, Obsidian probably only had ~75 Persons working on Deadfire : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91197-so-who-is-working-on-the-game/ If you think it's easy & that CDProject made the Gwent as awesome as it is "Just like that", because it's only "A Mini-Game", I sincerely think you're mistaken or should revise your position.
  7. I think you're all pretty harsh on this... It does need improvements for sure, but you're almost asking for a Game in the Game. What I'd do like to see is that : Ship to Ship doesn't necessarily involves combat. I think they should see this in a more scenarized way. Like it's the case with the Derelect Ship. Ghost Ship that needs Investigations : Using Players Skill to unfold the Scripted Interactions in Various ways, [i hope there's more of that]. Merchant Ship : [itinerant Commerce], the Ship Captain's is a d*ck, you have to convice him to sell you some valuable goods. [Diplomacy, Bluff, Etc] Vailian Armada doing a Blocus, Convince them to let you pass. So on & so forth, I just hope there's more than : 76 Ship to Ship "Combat Only" & 5 Derelict Ship "Sink or Leave". Just a little more background situations & story involved in it. If there's that, I'm okay with this System & to do, from time to time, the current Ship to Ship Combat. it only needs to not be overly present at every corner you come accross. All I'm saying is that some Ship to Ship Combat, as it is now, is Ok to deal with & cool, [with some improvements], if there's more uniqueness to each one of them, [Text, Scenarii & Outcome]. Finding Enemy Survivors at sea after the fight, floating in a barrel. Choose what to do with them. [The Ennemy Captain is a "Wanted Man", either you kill him, let him drown, enprison him, send him back to a faction or another for a Reward, Etc] ---------------------------------------------------------- EDIT : Ok I say "Improvements" everywhere but don't give any insights to what I mean. So to me, the First thing to be addressed is "Visualization" & more "Scripted Style Drawings" on the right panel : I think it needs 5 or 7 more Drawings, to visually represent what's hapenning between "My Ship" in relation to the "Ennemy Ship".For Instance, you see that Wallpaper where you see Edèr smoking is pipe at the bow of the boat with Neketaka on the Horizon? Change Edèr with another Character, say a Crew Member or even a drawing representation of the Watcher. Do 4 POV Drawings, from the Bow, Port, Starboard & Front side of the Boat, where I can see visually the "Point of View" in which I'm seeing the "Ennemy Ship". Use the Same Drawings & Play with the "Zoom", to convey the sense of Distance as I'm getting closer & closer. [it's already the case but needs more of it] When it is behind my Boat : The Right Panel should show me a Drawing Representation of the Watcher, [Or Whoever that'd be], at the back of his Ship looking the "Ennemy Ship". [Let say you could see the Helm for Exemple] Depict the "V Shape" of the Front of the Boat to show me that I'm actually watching the Ennemy Ship from the Tip of the Boat. It's tricky for Left & Right, as it could be the same but, I know you can come up with something ! Another thing, when I was talking about Scenarii, Outcomes & Stuff : Don't rely so much on Dice Rolls, Let me developp : "You Fire all your Cannons at once, & by pure hazard, one of the Boulder decapitate the Ennemy Captain, fear starts growing within the ranks of their Crew, prevated from their Captain, they decide to Surrender. What will you do with their life ? Well, Remember the Stronghold where we'd send our Companions on Random Adventures ? That's the same : I'm gonna make them work for me, & tell them to wander around the seas looking for Goods, they can keep all the money, but Every Single piece of Equipment they find remains to me. That's the Deal to let them stay alive. [Don't make us do this manually, or maybe you can but, I'd rather want some "Periodical Messages" : "The Crew from the 'Destiny' just reports they've gathered Rare Equipements for you to check on, Rendez-vous in Neketaka's Port District to collect them". Then, they're go back on Duty for me, automatically. That's "One Exemple", I insist that there can't be 26 Ships I can decide to hire. Sometimes the outcome should not be what I've expected. I guess it all comes back to "Uniqueness". The amount of work already done is absolutely incredible, though. You should all at least give Credits to that, I do now so Good F**king Job Obsidianites for making it this far, I believe you're on the right path to make it awesome. With some smart decisions & design, it could happen that you can make it even more better just by "Narrative Approach". Rather than saying "It Sucks" & remaking everything you've made so far, so keep developping it from what you do best, "The Narrative", which will not involve additionnal Months/Years of developpement & ressources to "Rework" it all from the ground up. Keep thinking !
  8. Alright, thanks for the clarification Mikey !
  9. Hey OBS ! Let's say I wanna give the Digital Version as a gift to someone : My Elite CE will contain the "Physical" key right ? [For Me]I believe that was the case for Pillars I but I can't remember... Also, can you confirm both keys, are equivalent in terms of content ? [Captain Footlocker & all the Extras] Thank you, I can't wait !
  10. Friends : Hey man, cool Statue ! What is it ?Me : Well, it's Eothas, the God of Light, Redemption, Hope, and Rebirth. Eothas is a God of an ancient civilization who is said to have been killed by men. Legends says that a simple farmer named Waidwen, would have been supposedly turned into a living incarnation of Eothas, and whose actions led to a massive conflict known as the Saint's War. Waidwen was killed during this conflict. His death caused Eothas to withdraw from mortal affairs, and he has not been seen since. Friends : ...Me : You're Welcome. I can't wait to put it on a shelf ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS : Keep it Secret plz ! [The Real Map] I wanna discover it in game !
  11. I don't think this has ever been mentionned but, for Quality of Life : I wanna point out that you can't change Game Speed on the World Map. Say : You were dealing with some Quests in Tikawara [Welcome !... ], at Normal Speed, and you wanna travel. So you get on your Ship. But if you want to Travel Faster at any time, you have to re-enter a "Location", change the Game Speed to Fast, & then get back on your Ship. So, yeah maybe add this if you can.
  12. Quick Update : https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/959200943425306624
  13. Is it the "Guidebook" you're talking about ? If so, Volume II is indeed part of the Collector's Edition.
  14. Note that whilst I want all those things, I don't conclude from that that the subclass is ****ty: it just doesn't really fit what I'd hoped from it. Well yeah, should have put it that way... My bad.
  15. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/95087-single-class-druid-shifter-subclass/
  16. Well, Shifted Druid was OP in Pillars I Beta... & quite Ok in 1.0. Now it's ****ty [the Subclass]... So, hopefully it will at least be revised.
  17. Yeah yeah Algroth, that's what I meant, [about the Layout]. I understand what you say about Size & Scope, but really, compared to how it plays in the beta (without spoiling you), & what in this picture, it's night and day. [Again, trying to not spoil you ] It's hard to describe so forgive my non-native English Speaking here, but in the Beta, when you travel, you can "feel it's huge", when you sail from the "Village Island" to the "Ruins Island", if you know what I mean. Whereas here, everything looks contained & closer, and the feeling of travel would really leave an impression that everything is really too close. [by that, I mean the space between each islands...]. When it's actually not the case in the Game. Only a tiny portion of the whole World Map is available to us at the moment. One Village > One Ruins > Some Islands, and yet, eveything feels so big when you move around. [Damn I really don't know how to express myself xD] In a way, I almost can assure you it's not representative of the final product, by the said mention above & how it feels in the Game. That was tedious, Hope that's clear enough Haha !
  18. You're mistaken, I think it's going to be wayyy bigger than what is shown here. Because : "Pictures are for illustrative purposes only". So, I bet that's not the actual Cloth Map. At least, not representative of the Deadfire Archipelago. I just compared this to the beta World Map, and there's nothing alike in this picture, that fits the small Islands Layout that's in the Game. Plus, scale wise, the game would be pretty small if that's an accurate Cloth Map of the game. [which I definitely think it's not] Anyway, just the mention above proves it's just a random drawing, I can't wait to see the real one !
  19. There's something weird though, Few months ago, we answered a DLC Survey, where, pretty much 100% of us answered that : What we want is a Big Meaty [effing] Full Expansion.And now they're telling us that they're coming with 3 simple DLC ? I mean... ? That's Ok if they're going be quite equivalent as having a White March Size - Part I, II & III. If not... That was hell worth making a Survey ! [sarcasm] Still, for now I'll guess that : Since Pillars I, they continued building on their technology, to make it Evolve. That should imply that they can probably achieve/build More Content >>> Quicker than before. So these DLCs will end up being "Big Expansions". As we certainely all want them to be like. If not, I'm gonna be sad... I guess that needs Clarification from Obsidian! I don't wanna feel like I've been "Tricked". But I've Faith in them, probably more than I need !
  20. Sure, would just be a nice plus.
  21. I believe the Process is called "Color Grading". They have this System since the first POE, so I guess that'd be super simple to implement that on the World Map drawing. More work though, if you want ambiance variations between day & night while at sea.
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