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Everything posted by DexGames

  1. Well, I would love them to be requested tbh. Women's one are awesome !
  2. To be fair, there was ~40 voters.... Where 45% of them found it neither to be good, bad, fun, nor boring at all. So... Should we really take this as relevant feedback data ? ... I dont particularly enjoy it myself. [neither do I strongly hate it] But in the end, it's optional, & up to everyone either to like it or not.
  3. Collector's Edition : ? https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/973629104292446208 EDIT : Oops.
  4. As for a new Backer Beta build, I'd be happy with the same content, but with full unlocked Character Creation features. Just for Day one Character testings. :D
  5. Doubt they have the manpower to focus on both. Definitely. A Stream ? No need for Devs, just Aarik // Mikey & the QA Guy ! [About our Backer's Physical Goods though, I wonder now... Delayed aswell I guess]
  6. I was ready to wait for these ~20 days. But now, I would definitely like having a new build of the Backer Beta even more... Unlickely to happen though.
  7. Same for you Chief, follow the Link : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1968248
  8. If your name is Bob, does it suddenly become Phillip in another language ? [jk] PCGamer : https://www.pcgamer.com/pillars-of-eternity-2-deadfire-lets-you-become-a-fearsome-pirate-if-you-want/ PCWorld : https://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/article/634352/pillars-eternity-2-producer-katrina-garsten-introduces-us-deadfire-archipelago/ PowerUp : https://powerup-gaming.com/2018/03/12/pillars-of-eternity-2-tabletop/
  9. Godlike Species Nature : https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/973323231410012160
  10. For Tyris Flar, go here Yosharian : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1968248
  11. Ship Combat is just another nice feature added to the overall experience. Just have to embrace it or leave it. Enjoy what's left.
  12. You go way too far George... way too far. [Joke, no offense of course ^^] Ultimately, It's a fair question though.
  13. That's ok, she accomplished her Job in a great fashion. The Game being nearly done she's free to move on now, good luck to her. Jack "the teeth licker" will miss her for sure... As we will too.
  14. Weapons : https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171701962416/hi-josh-one-thing-in-the-first-eternity-that-i Which one did that ? EDIT : Yeah, none.
  15. Companion Accessibility : https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/972175999126286336
  16. The Door leads "outside", there's a stair going down at the bottom-right(ish). The weirdness on the wall either is a bug or somekind of Huana Artwork.
  17. Look what I just found here... More Footage of the Game :
  18. Not Josh, but few things are coming out. Katrina "Birbs" Garsten apparently traveled to Australia to show the Game : "Impulse Gamer" Interview : https://www.impulsegamer.com/katrina-garsten-interview-pillars-eternity-ii-deadfire/ "The Iris" upcoming Interview : https://twitter.com/DaHunter07/status/970907157272018949
  19. Scaling : https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171556665066/one-question-for-deadfire-i-just-love-pillars Renaming Character : https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171557105251/heres-a-weird-question-okay-so-given-how-the
  20. Returning Companions : https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171556620781/hey-josh-can-you-maybe-talk-a-little-about-the
  21. Companion Relationship System // Writing : https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/171547154026/how-influential-was-the-presence-of-the-companion
  22. The Revealers - World In Confusion.
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