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Derek M

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Everything posted by Derek M

  1. Hi there, First off, the resolution issue is a fix on our end due to a Unity bug with Retina resolutions. That will stay your max resolution until the issue is resolved on Unitys end and we are able to implement a proper fix. On to your main problem, with laptops, this is going to happen especially when running an integrated graphics solution. Just make sure your intake and exhaust vents are clean of dust and not obstructed by anything, preferably on a flat surface like a table. Also you can buy laptop coolers, which in my experience have worked out well. One thing your can possibly try to see if it makes any difference, is going into the Graphics portion of the game menu and turning down the graphics quality slider to minimum. Thanks for your support!
  2. Hi there, Looks like your gpu is under our minimum specifications and is why you are experiencing occasional crashes. I would suggest turning down the graphics quality to the lowest possible setting and lowering your resolution. That should help a bit, but will not resolve it. Just FYI, when you do post your bugs please make use of our search function before submitting anything as others could have reported them before. Thanks for your support!
  3. Hi there, Thanks for pointing this out. Fortunately this is an issue we are already aware of and is logged in our database. Thanks for your support!
  4. Hi there, We are not handling the Korean localization. The only way to get this is through the company that is releasing it. Unfortunately, that means that Kickstarter items will not come with that version of the game.
  5. Hi there, So just seems to be a little misunderstanding here. Kith = all races in the world, Humans are a single race. So as stated by Freyol is correct. Thanks for your feedback.
  6. Hey there, Typically to solve this issue you can just verify the game files. If you are using Steam, you can do this by right clicking Pillars of Eternity > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache. If you are on GoG Galaxy you can go to More > Manage > Verify/Repair. Thanks for your feedback.
  7. Hi NoxNoctum, Can you please upload a save game right after this happens to dropbox and post the link here. I will need more information on what you are seeing as well, please provide exact steps on how you got this issue to occur if you can. Thanks for your feedback.
  8. Hi there, Please upload a save game and output log to dropbox and post the link here if you are experiencing this issue. Thanks for your feedback.
  9. Hi there, Anyone that is experiencing this issue, please upload a save game, along with an output log to Dropbox and post the link here. Thanks for your feedback.
  10. Hi there, A patcher will be up for download on this site sometime shortly which will bring your installed version up to 1.06. In the future please use the search function before submitting a post so we don't have a flood of the same question. Thanks for your feedback.
  11. Kalthenberg, How long do you typically wait for your saves to load? Once you start a new game, especially on a lower end system, give it a few minutes to look for your saves games. Also, are you using Steam? Do you have Steam Cloud enabled? Thanks
  12. Moving your thread to General Discussion as it is not applicable in Technical Support.
  13. Hey there, Thanks for pointing this out. I've gone ahead and added this issue to our database to be passed off to the appropriate department. Thanks for your feedback.
  14. Hi there, Can you guys that are seeing this issue please post your dxdiags here. Slower computers can cause issues with loading the game. Also, need to know which platform you are running the game on. (If you are using Steam, do you have cloud saves turned on or off) Check to see if your save games are present in their proper folder. I checked your dxdiag posted in the other thread, it looks like you are well under our minimum specifications to run the game. Are you able to enter the game and actually make a save? If so check to see if that save game is in it's folder and report back. Thanks for your feedback.
  15. Hi there, Unfortunately, the only legitimate way to unlock the Kickstarter achievement is to be a backer. Thanks for your feedback.
  16. Hey guys, When people start receiving their discs, an updater will be up for download on our site shortly after. Simply run that updater and your install will be patched to 1.06. Thanks for your feedback.
  17. Hi there, We are aware of this issue as it has been reported before. It is in the hands of the relevant department. Thanks for your feedback.
  18. Hi there, This is correct and functioning by design. Thanks for your feedback!
  19. Hi Sabotin, Yes this is functioning as designed. Since the additional effect of abilities like that are technically not using the weapon, level based accuracy is added to the roll. It is entirely possible to hit your main attack and crit the additional effect. Thanks for your feedback.
  20. Hi there, Click and drag the map and you are able to scroll to areas you have explored. On the right hand side of the map there will be a button you can click to take you straight to a specific floor. Thanks for your feedback.
  21. Hi there, This issue you are seeing stems from a corrupt download. In your Steam library right click on Pillars of Eternity -> Properties -> Local Files -> Verify Integrity of Game Cache. Once that process is finished this issue should be resolved. Thanks for your feedback.
  22. Hi there, We are aware of the issue where over time the size of Paladin auras will grow exponentially as it has been reported before. Thanks for your feedback.
  23. Hi there, Email support at support@obsidian.net, and we can handle that for you there. This forum is for bug reporting. Thanks
  24. Hi there, In the future, please do not continually bump posts. For this issue I have gone ahead and added it to our database. It will be passed along to the relevant department for evaluation. Thanks for your feedback.
  25. Hi there, Thanks for the detailed report and relevant information. I've gone ahead and added this to our database to be passed along to the appropriate department. Thanks for your feedback!
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