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Derek M

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Everything posted by Derek M

  1. HI there, Cosmetic pets should have no effect on your accuracy at all. Are you sure you are not seeing changing numbers from buffs wearing off or changing gear? If you are actually seeing an accuracy increase from equipping a cosmetic pet the please upload a save to dropbox so I can check this out. Thanks
  2. Hi there, In 1.05 the tooltips were changed and now there is a gold gradient for Backer NPCs. Captian Pepperjack in your screenshot is a Backer NPC and is distinct from the others. Thanks for your feedback.
  3. Hi there, To narrow down your problem could you provide me with a few things: Your dxdiag and output log. Are you running ANY external programs like EVGA precision, etc.? As per your saving issue, could you please elaborate on what you are seeing that's making you unable to save your game? Thanks for your feedback.
  4. Hi there, would you mind uploading a save near the issue you are talking about? I'm unable to reproduce this issue on my end. Please upload your save to an external site like dropbox and I'll take a look. Thanks for your feedback.
  5. Hi there, That generally happens when GoG updates their installer. The best option here is to just download the updated installer. If that doesn't work let me know and we'll go from there.
  6. Hey guys, Sorry for missing this post before. I've gone ahead and written up the issue to be passed off to be fixed. Thanks for the feedback.
  7. Hi Qweqwe, Thanks for pointing this out. Actually I'm confused on which one is wrong as well. Have reported the issue and sent it off to someone who will figure out what's actually going on here. Thanks for the feedback.
  8. Which platform did you purchase it on?
  9. This is correct, resting bonuses do wear off after time. They shouldn't be wearing off at different times however. Thanks for pointing this out.
  10. Hi there Elmaoroflson, By chance, did you happen to talk to a city guard who pointed you in the direction of the Sanitarium at any point?
  11. Hi Giolon, This is correct. If you still want the hotkey shown, you can hover over the buttons on the clock for Fast and Slow mode. Thanks for your feedback.
  12. HI there, yes this is correct. 1 set of ingredients will net you 2 potions, same with scrolls. With only a limited amount of ingredients in the world its a good way to get more out of crafting without really breaking the system. Thanks for your feedback.
  13. Hi Cyclonus, Could you please upload a save game of where this is happening to an external site such as Dropbox. I am unable to reproduce this issue on my end and would like to see what you are seeing so I can pass this issue off to the right people. Thanks.
  14. The console command is "iroll20s", check your spelling.
  15. Hey guys, thanks for finding this. I've gone ahead and reported this to whom it would concern. Thanks for your feedback!
  16. Hi there, thanks for pointing this out. I've gone ahead and added this to our database to be looked at. Thanks for your feedback.
  17. Hey there, thanks for pointing this out. I was able to confirm that indeed the Merciless Companion talent is not showing on the character sheet. I went ahead and added this to our database. Thanks for your feedback.
  18. Hi there, Thanks for pointing out this issue. Entering combat already in slow mode with the option to Auto Slow combat is turning off slow mode entirely. I've went ahead and added this issue to our database. Thanks for your feedback.
  19. Hey there Durbal, Can you remember exactly what steps you took before transitioning? Like Save/Loading, swapping people out of the party, moving things to and from the stash, etc. Would you mind posting your output.log and a save game before and after the issue occured to an external site like Dropbox for me?
  20. Hey there, thanks for pointing out this issue. I've added it to our database so we can work on a fix. Thanks for your feedback.
  21. well marked prey is supposed to add 40% multiplicative damage to animal companion .. It will amplify the bug effect .. This is correct, the next build of 1.05(Beta) will have a fixed checked in for the animal companion stacking stats issue.
  22. Hey thanks for the response, in your video you are running 2 paladins both with Zealous Focus and it looks like Pallegina is the one without Critical Focus. When you are running your created paladin out of range you are still receiving the effect from Palleginas aura hence giving your party members 2 different buffs. Thanks again.
  23. Hey guys, I've went ahead and passed word along about this, but can't say if it will be changed. It seems fine to me, but I can see how it could be changed. Thanks for your feedback.
  24. Hi there, Thanks for pointing out this issue, I've went ahead and added this to our database. Thanks for your feedback.
  25. Hey guys, thanks for pointing this out, DR not showing in item descriptions is definitely a bug. I've gone ahead and entered the issue into our database. Thanks for your feedback!
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