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Derek M

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Everything posted by Derek M

  1. You're right, effects from the same source stacking is not intended. We are aware of this issue and working on it. Thanks for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated.
  2. Hey thanks for pointing this out, fortunately we are aware of this issue and are working towards a fix. Thanks for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated.
  3. Hi there Ultimis, we have not been able to see this issue. Are you trying to loot an empty container? Thanks for the feedback, it's really appreciated.
  4. Hi Nordenator, to clear up some confusion, characters can permanently die on any difficulty, when your health drops to zero you become maimed if you do not have the Death option on. If you do not heal, by resting, and your character takes any more health damage, they will permanently die. The Death option works by when your health drops to zero for the first time you will not get maimed and die instantly. Thanks for the feedback, it's really appreciated!
  5. Hi all, this is a known issue and a fix is in the works, please look forward to it. Thanks for the feedback, we really appreciate it!
  6. Hi Caerdon, the tab key revealing transitions is a design decision and working as intended. There are however hidden things you can find that do not show up by holding tab. To find these you need to have the corresponding amount of mechanics skill and enter Scouting mode. Have fun looking for those. As always, thanks for the feedback, we really appreciate it!
  7. Hey all, not to fear this setting will be implemented in the near future. Please look forward to it. As always, thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it!
  8. This will be implemented, please look forward to it. Thanks!
  9. Hey there, thanks for the heads up about this. I went ahead and wrote this bug up and sent it off today. Thanks again for the feedback and support!
  10. Hi all, just to reiterate what has already been said here. The sack of flour, is our place holder icon and not a bug. As always, thanks for the feedback and support!
  11. Hi Scorch, we are aware of this issue and looking into it. Thanks for the feedback, it's really appreciated!
  12. The default spells you choose in character creation will be automatically assigned into your wizards grimoire. Any you choose to learn from leveling up, will not be. You need to right click on the grimoire in your wizards inventory and manually assign the spells from there. You can assign up to 4 spells per spell level, and no, assigning higher level spells do not disable lower level ones.
  13. Hey Chrisrobin, all the other issues you've stated have been recorded and we are aware of. But I wanted to touch on the leaving character creation without assigning attribute points. This is a design decision, and as intended. It's up to you if you want to assign all your points or not, you won't have access to these once you start the game but if you wanted to do a full run with a PC with no stats, you totally can. As always, thanks for your feedback, it's really appreciated!
  14. Hey Samm, Thanks for pointing this out! We had recently changed when Rogues got access to certain skills and this had not been changed to reflect those updates. I went ahead and put this in the system. Thanks again for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated!
  15. While debug commands may make their way into the full release, for the purpose of this Backer Beta we have removed them entirely. Sorry about that, I know they would be fun to play around with. As always, thanks for your feedback and support!
  16. Hi Daminelli, Thanks for the feedback! It's awesome and we love to hear it. Unfortunately this is the section for reporting bugs in the Backer Beta. Feel free to post thoughts and discussions over at: http://forums.obsidian.net/forum/100-backer-beta-discussion/ Thanks again for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated!
  17. Hi Shades, looks like all the issues you've stated we are already aware of, or already reported. Thanks for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated!
  18. Hi all, as Vril stated, this is a known issue and the save/load system needs a lot of polish. Don't worry though, we are working on it. Thanks for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated!
  19. You just need to press the key again to deactivate that speed mode.
  20. Hi there, this is an issue we are aware of and are working towards a fix, please look forward to it. As always, thanks for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated!
  21. Don't worry, we laughed too! Disappearing facial hair when equipping a helmet is an issue we are currently aware about. As always, thanks for the feedback!
  22. Hi guys, don't worry more functionality, such as naming and deleting notes, are coming. We are aware of the issues with the Notes section of the journal as they are now and are working towards fixes for them. As always, thanks for your feedback it's really appreciated!
  23. Hey there, to clear up this confusion, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization are separate things. Every class gets access to the Weapon Focus talents, boosting the effectiveness of that set of weapons. Fighters still get access to Weapon Foci, but as a class specific talent they get to choose a set of weapons to Specialize in. You can choose to stack these bonuses or branch out and gain bonuses in different sets of weapons. Hope that helps. As always, thanks for your feedback, it's really appreciated!
  24. Hi Yaskaleh, right now the game is not fully optimized, but fear not we are working on it every day! Thanks for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated!
  25. Hi Mannock, thanks for the post! Fortunately we are aware of this issue and working towards a fix. Thanks again!
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