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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/25 in all areas

  1. Looks like instead of Ctrl+F trans they did Ctrl+F equality. I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled it because at the very end it said he championed gender and racial equality. It's pathetic. These people and their supporters are pathetic.
    2 points
  2. Musk is Canadian citizen.. what if Trump only wants to have Canada, so Musk can become the next president.
    2 points
  3. Related https://taskandpurpose.com/news/arlington-cemetery-scrubs-website-dei/ I'm sure they'll just pass it off as trolling. The internet was a mistake, everything is trolling, nothing is serious.
    1 point
  4. I didn't get the impression that Avowed was overly buggy. I had one quest out of around a hundred that was a bit wonky. Other than that, it was the least buggy Obsidian title I've played. Outer Worlds was also pretty stable, so I suppose the engine deserves credit. FO:NV is still a buggy mess. As for @Wormerine comparing it to a Ubisoft title, that's crazy. Ubisoft games have forced narratives and completely shallow storytelling. I don't know how you can even compare the two. I could not disagree with you more on that. If you want to call it a Disney+ show, I guess I get that more. Not that all Disney+ shows are the same, but the fan service and stretched out concepts make sense. As a fan, I tend to enjoy fan service. I do agree the game feels stretched out in places. It's like they created a foundation, but they weren't able to build out the whole house. That being said, I absolutely loved the foundation and the parts of the house that they built. I expect to see them continue to expand on this type of game. It's like Outer Worlds was the prototype and this is V1. Anyways, despite the lukewarm feeling of the posters here, it seems to be doing very well. It looks like it is outperforming Outer Worlds, so we should see some plenty more content to come. I enjoyed PoE 1 and 2, but Eora really came to life for me in the Living Lands, and I look forward to exploring more of it this way.
    1 point
  5. I think I wouldn't put her into Patinated Plate but rather Reckless Brigandine - and give her Tuotilo's Palm. Alternative to SC Mortar Monk: Mirke as Shadowdancer with dual mortars (+modal) and dual blunderbusses is also very good. Instantly unlock Heating Up with Powder Burns and unlock Sneak Attacks and Deathblows easily with Blinding Smoke. Stunning Surge is also great here. Toxic Strike with +10 INT and in an AoE is also devastating, as is Arterial Strike on combat start on a group of lured enemies.
    1 point
  6. I am not surprised, but still disappointed. With Microsoft as the publisher, Obsidian should have had enough resources to release an actually complete and reasonably bug-free title for once. Avowed is a single-player action-RPG, not a GaaS, so what's the point? Obsidian games have excellent writing and strong system design, so why was it not possible to use the funding for testing and optimisation? I guess, I should take it as an enocuragement to wait for all the patches and discounts. I will not post it on the Avowed forum, as the situation might be well out of the developers' hands, so such feedback might be unactionable, but it is still unpleasant. --- Finished El Paso, Elsewhere. It is an excellent third-person shooter with somewhat odd performance. I loved that the protagonist was noticing and commenting on things I, as a player, would have missed otherwise. Started Tunic. I like the journal and the exploration, with the controls being fully rebindable. Tried Jusant. The game thrown an error at launch ("Not all features are supported.."), which was probably related to the OS, rather than the GPU or its drivers, so I refunded. I've also tried the demo of Harmony (another DONTNOD game) and having mixed thoughts about it. I suppose, I like that the developers are trying to implement the concepts I find interesting, though the end results are mixed.
    1 point
  7. So, Avowed. It is a game you can play. It had very ubisoft feel to it - all the friction being sanded off to the point that the whole experience becomes just a flat, uneventful romp. Quite a few things that I thought were done great - combat, while shallow and repetitive has very strong fundamentals and outside some small jank is very satisfying. I liked exploration and balance between objective markers and discoverable secrets. Story was uneven and I felt it was underdeveloped. In spite of being relatively light on narrative there were also a few revelations being revealed multiple times - I assume that's becomes side activities and crit path overlap storywise and the game couldn't be asked to track which activities player completed. While story has some potential, it didn't feel like it was up to Obsidian's standard. It felt more like a traditional game story - something done in the later stages of development, trying to add some context to existing gameplay. I don't know if there is any truth in it, but it just didn't feel as cohesive as other Obsidian games. Avowed felt to me like a Disney+ show. A bit stretched out, with some good ideas, awkward on-the-nose fan service. Not a bad time by any means, but also not a strong recommendation.
    1 point
  8. "Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would *critique* capital end up *reinforcing* it instead." - Disco Elysium
    1 point
  9. The 'Murican rah-rah-ing about having guns to oppose tyrannical government instead of shooting up schools is just silly talk. It'll be *crickets* from the gun nuts, or else they'll sign up to help with the invasion. Eh, honestly, order the Rafale from the French, that would be more fun. Also... Yeah, there are also no NSA backdoors in operating systems and American hardware, that's just online misinformation.
    1 point
  10. This changes things. And I was wrong regarding how high it was possible to increase the healing coefficient for Unbending. (cc @Kaylon) It is +30/40% not +100+%: That said, your implementation is 75% of damage taken (sans DoTs) healed over 12s. Have you played with it? How did it feel? ----- I have assembled a list of points on which have received controversial feedback, and put them into a poll. For anyone interested, it would be great to express your view here: link to google forms poll
    1 point
  11. I'm playing Wonder Boy The Dragon's Trap. Just defeated the Mummy Dragon and turned into a mouse. So I stopped dying as a fire-spitting lizard-man and started dying as a tiny acrobatic mouse-man.
    1 point
  12. But asphalt stays the same. It smells of Maureen and trouble.
    1 point
  13. Played Full Throttle Remastered, forgot how short it is, I cleared the game in under 2 hours. Amazing I remember the solutions to the puzzles even after 30 years, good to see I retain the important stuff. The Remastered audio sounds worse in some aspects, the art is bit eh, Maureen looks a little worse. At least they nerfed the wall puzzle
    1 point
  14. Finished Elden Ring. Never thought that would happen, tbh. Some of those endgame bosses were some real bs though and I'm not sure if I would be able to suffer through that again. Kinda sad that the tree keeps burning after the end. Hoped it would stop. Game world looked more pretty before that happened, imo. Went a little deeper into the DLC now. Haven't done much yet except getting my ass kicked by that giant fire thing.
    1 point
  15. I agree with every word of that. Except I found out about Obscuro's mod for Oblivion which fixed monster levels throughout the game, made it epic at the beginning. I especially agree with Gothic 2's approach. IIRC the further you got from a road and the further that road was was from a village, town or settlement, the nastier the mosters got. That worked really well for me.
    1 point
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