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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/24 in all areas

  1. It sure looks like it. I don't trust the development yet, but this is him, outside, today. On Monday he tried to get up and fell down a couple of times, and looked so miserable we wanted to have him put down to spare him needless suffering. He's still old, has poor vision and pretty poor hearing (or else pretends not to hear any orders ), but he looks fine and happy. Talked to a couple of other pet owners and they sometimes experiences similar things with old pets, cats and dogs. Refusing to eat for a couple of days, shutting down, being weak and then suddenly get better as if nothing happened. Not as extreme as your story about your cat though, of course, but that was from a serious infection. Almost all of them ended with the pets being active normally and then one day just painlessly dying after going to sleep normally. Seems somewhat unlikely that we will get to experience that, what with his cancer, but fingers crossed. You might, so that's good. The experience certainly sounds a lot worse than what we went through, and it was pretty bad on Sunday and Monday. Must have been terrible. I even took some time off work because I couldn't get anything done properly.
    2 points
  2. I'm surprised they didn't get the Shadowrun licence renewed, I thought the last three games were well recieved? I guess the publisher wants to go bigger or something and make the next Cyberpunk. Their loss.
    2 points
  3. Harebrained Schemes are working on Survival Horror RPG. On their FB Page few days ago, they have also mentioned, that they were not able to secure Shadowrun, nor Battletech licences for the foreseeable future.
    2 points
  4. A is correct
    1 point
  5. I don't know if this matches your intended purpose for these 2 upgrades: if one is unconditionally cheap and one is unconditionally without recovery, I'd pick the first for more conservative uses and the other one to quickly burst down weaker targets. I think you can push the burst damage idea further: if I want to use a more expensive version to get rid of recovery, it means I really want to be able to quickly kill some weak to mediocre enemies. So you can just give refund to Crushing Blow: it's always worse against tanky enemies, but it shines when you can use it 2 or 3 times to quickly kill someone without costing too much. Thematically, attacking faster and having more accuracy at the same time seems wrong to me.
    1 point
  6. George Martin wrote a blogpost (warning, spoilers) about House of the Dragon S2 and (some of) its problems*. Got pulled almost immediately, hence the archive link. I thought it was actually quite tame on the detail side of things, the spice was in the more off the cuff/ general remarks, especially since Condel is meant to be running the Dunk and Egg spinoff as well. Despite that it was probably pulled for the S3 spoiler, albeit it's something that was in the book so shouldn't be a surprise. Also that was not the most egregious example of an unnecessary change having a poor story effect to my mind. *non spoiler mini review: biggest problem is still the same as it was in S1, they don't want to make either of the main women characters 'bad' which results in them being inconsistent, indecisive and vacillating all over the place. So instead of being 'bad' they (still) look weak. Second biggest problem is the awful pacing and obviously truncated ending, though at least there the blame may be with Zaslav's arbitrary budget cuts and/or the writers' strike.
    1 point
  7. I think it was the bug, limitating the duration to 15s on the animal companion (when ranger is downed). Granted that it is probably not the most frequent case, but still. Corrected. OK, I tried a little thing that worked with Toxic Strike : I have put the Poison KW on the corrode DoT only. (This tweak is very technical and will not work to put a Poison/Disease KW on an affliction only ; this works only when the subsequent effect has not a distinct roll. Afflictions tend to have distinct roll - Plague of Insects, Vole Thorn, etc...). Now Toxic Strike does work on Poison Immune target, but only for the attack and Weakened parts. The DoT still does not work. I think this is a good compromise because it will be identical to Withering Strike vs Poison Immune targets. You're not "loosing an ability" by picking the upgrade (you just have 1 useless upgrade for a specific battle). This won't make Toxic Strike too universally powerful. Also, about Crushing Blow : Barbaric Blow & upgrades : Removed the PR and Damages bonus to make the ability more focused. Now Barbaric Blow & Upgrades do : - 75% Hit to Crit chances - +75% Crit damages bonus (note : Crushing Blow do get this bonus, even if it does not get Crit Damages Bonus in the base game due to a bug) - +200% Carnage AoE (soroughly 2.5m radius instead of 1.5m) - Barbaric Smash : no refund, but cost reduced to 1 Rage - Crushing Blow : no recovery (not conditional anymore) I think this change was good, but Crushing blow with no recovery costs twice as much as Barbaric Smah, making it overall much more situational. I might add some simple buff to it (maybe +15 Accuracy since you really want your 2 rage ability to connect...)
    1 point
  8. I have been using them since 2005 or so, so I also agree. Maybe tonight I'll dream I make the exciting journey to Circle K to get a Sprite.
    1 point
  9. to add, none of the exhortations can target self. they are all only allies, which is unfortunate from a solo perspective.
    1 point
  10. Update on the situation with the little bugger that is our dog. Indeed, is. Because, get this, while he was in a torpor on Sunday when I posted, refusing to eat and being lethargic and all, on Monday he was unable to even get up and move, so we put a water bowl right next to him. He'd wake up every now and then, drink a little, and would fall back asleep. We already called the vet, because it was clear that he was suffering, and we all expected him to die, so why not put him out of his misery? Yesterday morning he just got up from the mattress we put him on and walked to his water bowl, drank, then walked around, growled at us as usual because he wanted to be put back on the mattress. He ate a bunch of treats like nothing happened, although he still doesn't wolf down his regular food like he used to. When my wife's sister came to visit he went and greeted her. Not as energetically as he used to, but still, he basically moved more than in the past few days combined. He's also sleeping soundly, with his usual relaxed expression, instead of sleeping fitfully. We put a wet towel on him to help him cool down as it's been ghastly hot these past few weeks, almost never cooling down for more than a couple of hours, with annoyingly hot nights. So, yeah, no idea what is going on, but it doesn't look like the acute organ failure through metastasis that we expected it to be, because if so he would not have improved and probably died by now. We honestly thought the tumors had progressed to the point of organ failure. We're still going to lose him soon - I mean the tumor is not going anywhere, obviously, but perhaps not right now. Or even if he ends up dying really soon, at least he seems to be content instead of suffering. Which is more than we thought he would get.
    1 point
  11. James Darren actor, singer (Gidget, Star Trek, The Time Tunnel, T. J. Hooker)
    1 point
  12. Why not make it isometric? That way it would be clearly something different from Bethesda and it's not-really-Fallout games Games like Pillars of Eternity, Phoenix Point, Weird West and Baldur's Gate 3 shows that you can make great isometric games and they're quite popular. Would be amazing if we could get real Fallout 1 and 2 feeling again
    1 point
  13. Honestly, I'd rather have a AA PoE3. Or maybe a AA PoE3 with a AAA budget?
    1 point
  14. I really liked TOW, I have played it a lot of times by now. Its funny, it has good characters, interesting places, and decent gunplay. Compared to standard Fallout 4 I actually prefer it overall. But when I replay Fallout 4, or New Vegas, or Skyrim, I always start by modding them. They all come with great official modding tools that allows me to change them in almost any way I want. For New Vegas, which is a bit old, I usually add mods that make gun play more responsive and intense. Also add some user made expansions and locations (love New Vegas Bounties). For 4 I add mods to improve the crafting, add tons of new components, and mods that allow settlements to expand automatically instead of me building the whole world. All these mods make the games way better, and in the end its why I have more hours in even Morrowind than I have in TOW. All of them come with official modding tools that are based on Bethesda's own game development tools, allowing you to modify almost anything. This adds so much longevity to their games. Meanwhile TOW has just a few mods that changes some minor things. Its either graphics changes or small changes to variables. Not having mod tools remove so much potential for improvement. So yeah, for The Outer Worlds 2 (and Obsidian's upcoming RPG Avowed) they really should add mod support. They use Unreal Engine 4, which has actually come a long way when it comes to modding. Look at other UE4 games like ARK or SQUAD for simple proof, or look at Unreal's own documentation, tutorials or forums. They have gone out of their way to allow developers to add mod support. I hope the devs see this. I am in no way saying that this is something easy to do or anything like that. I just want to point out that mod support is not just some extra gimmick, its one of the biggest features a game like this can have.
    1 point
  15. Community Patch makes it a lot more friendly for non-deflection maxers. If you pick Tuotilo's Palm with Outward Spikes you will have another retaliation effect on miss that stacks with Riposte. If you then pick a Monk instead of a Paladin you can trigger Swift-Flurry chains from Riposte and Outward Spikes alone (this is with Sun & Moon): With a mortar in the main hand this also kind of works - because a crit from Outward Spikes or a crit from (Riposte-) bash might trigger an attack with the mortar via Swift Flurry - but then it stops because mortars don't trigger Swift Flurry further. Sun and Moon has the advantage that it has two rolls to continue the crit-chain. Offensive Parry also triggers Swift Flurry... Of course with a Paladin it's much easier to reach the effective deflection (also via Inspiring Triumph and Beacon etc.). You will not have crit chains but you will be missed more often (and have strong AR and healing on top). Offensive Parry + Riposte on a Steel Garrote/Trickster is a fun build because Offensive Parry also dazes on hit which unlocks the life leach of Steel Garrote and unlocks Sneak Attack. At some point that's even better with Inspiring Beacon of course, but the dazing is always useful. Inspiring Beacon + Sneak Attack + Deathblows is pretty hefty dmg even with the real. low base dmg of Offensive Parry/WotEP - because they are instant attacks which come on top of your normal ones. And they all drain life for you. It's not foolproof and this approach obviously doesn't work against some kinds of enemies (e.g. ranged or casters) but it's cool most of times because in nearly every encounter there are some melee guys. And it's not like you couldn't switch to another weapon and whack casters more "traditionally".
    1 point
  16. Would someone named Eldar really pretend to be a Mon'Keigh?
    0 points
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