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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/23 in all areas

  1. Forever. Why do you think, if Russia does not care about the lives of their soldiers in Ukraine, they would suddenly start to care about some brown or black people freezing to death in Karelia?
    3 points
  2. Just another song by my favourite Faeroese songbird...
    1 point
  3. No. Once you've logged in it doesn't pop-up on every launch though.
    1 point
  4. to start the endgame. There were 2 star puzzles that gave me a lot of trouble, a Pandora puzzle and a Sphinx puzzle. The Sphinx puzzle was the trickiest because the clue can easily be misconstrued and even once you're on the right path, the image isn't exactly correct.
    1 point
  5. I love how bad the video quality of the stream on Twitter is. We have super sharp videos from all the stuff before, but now that it's Twitter only, you can only see this pixelated mess.
    1 point
  6. And here I thought there are no games made, that I would like to play https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/small-saga-review
    1 point
  7. That's why inventory limits in games are bad - they limit the use of the time honoured tactic of "just use everything you hoarded throughout the game". That's how I beat the original Baldur's Gate. Used all my summoning wands and scrolls to fill the room with so many magical creatures, Sarevok couldn't move anymore, then took him out with arrows.
    1 point
  8. has been mentioned more than once in this thread that a merged spellbook angel effective moves the difficulty slider one or even two places to the left. 'course you don't need play angel as merged spellbook and the game were released september o' 2021, so am thinking any sorta professed surprise regarding the powha o' merged spell book angel is gonna be met with at least some suspicion if not outright disbelief. additional wotr revelations which will come as a shock to nobody: merged spellbook lich is strongk animal companions is potent particular in the early portions of the game camellia has... issues HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  9. Small guns are powerful because they include shotguns, submachine guns, and rifles. You do want high Perception. Once you get your guns skill up, you can reliably hit burst and aimed shots. Blinding enemies makes them permanently helpless, so go for the eyes. The Better Criticals perk gives a chance for criticals to kill instantly. Later in the game you can use the Tag! perk to quickly level up energy weapons to use against heavy armor. It's helpful, but not strictly necessary because while your regular attacks will barely scratch them, your criticals will still disable or kill.
    1 point
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