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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/19 in all areas

  1. Not to toot my own horn, but I rock a pretty sweet porn stache, yet even I am jealous of how LUSCIOUS Gardner Minshew II's stache is. Edit: My stache for comparison purposes: (Panama hat for bonus points)
    3 points
  2. Unbroken/Trickster with Whisper of the Endless Paths. Also works als Devoted/Trickster if you don't want to focus too much on your disengagement bonuses but want better PEN in general. Depends on how you want to play this. The main idea: Be a tanky guy but dish out a lot of damage via retaliation Whispers of the Endless Paths: Offensive Parry. Triggers on every miss. Riposte (stacks with Offensive Parry) Defender Stance + Hold the Line + Persistent Distraction: unlock Deathblows on lots of enemies passively or Mob Stance if you don't need to hold a lot of engagement. You can also switch for more flexibility. Either Patinated Plate (max armor option) or Nomad's Brigandine (+deflection and good AR - good mix) or Casita Samelia's Legacy Breastplate (medium armor but great deflection via Intimidate, can retaliate as well, also comes rel. early) or Gipon Prudensco (variant with lightest AR and focus on leaving engagement on purpose in order to trigger disengagment attacks with ultra high deflection bonus which then get reflected - leading to crazy dps - but risky due to low AR) One Dozen Stood Plate (focus on terrify + forcing enemies to disengage) later Champion's Helm (more riposte) or Mask of the Weyc (nice deflection boost of +50 at the start of battle) crank your deflection as high as you can (max RES, Entonia Signet, Cloak of Greater Deflection, Bracers oGD, Superior Deflection, Refrshing Defense, Mirrored Images also Escape which lasts quite some time with highest INT and +1 PL and so on...) max INT and Tactical Barrage for longer durations, bigger cone and +1 PL standard MIG, CON, DEX, bit higher PER. You can also lower DEX and put more in MIG Use Repulsive Visage with Defender Stance and Overbearing Guard: enemies will get terrified and will break engagement: you attack with mighty PEN and dmg bonus and knock them prone. Your team members should help you with abilites which lower the accuracy of the enemies (Chillfog, Miasma, Devotions otF, Disponent Blows). Thisall produces more misses on the enemies' side. You can play this stationary (heavy armor) or with a lot of running around (triggering disengagement attacks). I presume you like the first one better. This can be you main tank if you also bring a large shield + modal. Switch to that if you get shot a lot/cast at a lot and things don't go like you planned. This build is great against all sorts of melee attackers but not perticularly good against ranged and casters. So I play him in a front line of three (all three not full tanks). Here's a small test session with the Casita-variant: small video
    2 points
  3. tell us 'bout it. 'course have been doing so since we hit mid 20s... and we got myriad health problems. chicken and egg situation for us. got pain issues and is either heavily med or lose sleep. we don't med much 'cause doesn't actual work for pain and the amounts to make us sleep is causing other problems. in a weird way am lucky we is one o' those people who don't seem to be helped by opiods otherwise we would likely be an addict. for years we took gabapentin daily and then realized only reason were habit. most o' the nerve pain stuff doesn't have a euphoric effect, but they do alter mood, at least initial. exercise definite helps us. as miserable as we feel when sleep deprived, and as hard as it is to get motivated to do so, something as simple as 45 minutes on the stationary bike will help. am told diet is important. am told this frequwnt by doctors/specialists. after a month o' trying the newest variation o' the no sugar, no caffeine, no fat, no large meals, no______ diet and no results, we invariably go back to eating whatever we want, whenever we want. tired is bad. tired and miserable 'cause am eating nothing but lentil soup, salads and chicken breasts in 7 small meals daily 'ccording to strict schedule is worse. follow a sleep schedule. follow rules 'bout how and where and when to try and sleep. follow diets and take meds and exercise. still get little sleep. had a girlfriend who tried to convince us that use marijuana while watching wizard of oz would work. her favorite movie were wizard of oz, but she had never seen to conclusion (or at least could not recall conclusion) 'cause she always watched while getting extreme high. perhaps we shoulda' given it a try, 'cause nothing else has worked so far. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  4. Speechless. https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-defends-conversation-with-ukraine-leader-11568993176
    2 points
  5. Mary Mallory / Hollywood Heights - Schafer Simplifies portraits The background of the photographer who gave the world "Thou shalt not"
    1 point
  6. 200 eh? They grew quite a bit since pre PoE1 crisis.
    1 point
  7. Three words for you: Concealed Carry Permit. Get one. A firearm is like a fire extinguisher. You will never need one until you need one. But when you need one you NEED one!
    1 point
  8. Be safe! Imo, running is always the best option. If you get caught, give up your goods without a fight. If you get cornered, go for the eyes.
    1 point
  9. Q: Do you get to drive that tank and fire the cannon? A: Kinda sorta yeah.
    1 point
  10. The huge upside of WotEP in comparison to Spirit Lance is that Offensive Parry triggers on every miss - 100%. While normal Riposte only triggers every once in a while. Also Trickster/Conjurer quickly gets destroyed once you get hit by Arcane Dampener and such (which happens a lot in the lateish game). The buffs like Mirrored Image and Llengrath's Safeguard stack nicely - but once they are gone your low base deflection raises its ulgy face.
    1 point
  11. Tehehe - thanks. One thing: this stands and falls with the type of enemy. Melee enemies will run into their doom quickly. But against ranged attacks, especially casters with stuff like Arcane Dampener and Missiles (can't miss) this needs support (or switch to large shield which makes AoE casting at you futile - especially if you also took Adept Evasion). This whole concept is only fun if you start to stack deflection pretty soon or/and if you don't go into encounters which are above your level a lot. I like to do that for the challenge and squeeze every synergy between party members and me (like I said combine deflection bonuses with accuracy debuffs) but of course in this case it means that enemies will have a lot higher accuracy while my deflection isn't very high in comparison. Still works but you have to take more care. You can use this basic idea with a whole lot of other class combos by the way. Paladin/Soulblade or even Trickster/Soulblade is another nice concept for this. You will gain focus passively from Offensive Parry and can basically spam Soul Annihilation non-stop. Its raw dmg gets applied on all AoE targets (height varies though). Borrowed Instincts raises deflecetion a lot etc. Even Paladin/Fighter works well. It has less damage but is supersturdy. It works with all combos that can stack some serious deflection - Paladin (passives), Fighter, Trickster (Illusions), Priest of Wael (Illusions + Circle of Defense + Minor Avatar), Wizard, Cipher. Even Skald/Devoted with Disciplined Barrage works (gets phrases from retaliation crits and can stack +10 Deflection phrase with Refreshing Defense and add +5 RES with the long lasting Brideman Invocation). And so on. It all boils down to Offensive Parry + high Deflection basically. I chose Unbroken/Trickster because I liked the synergy between disengagement and Repulsive Visage. By the way this mechanic (terrify-->disengage) works again after it was deactivated for a lond time. When Turn Based mode was introduced it suddenly worked again. It's not 100% reliable because the disengagement mechanics are wonky. But it's still great to combine very effective hard CC with damage output.
    1 point
  12. Watched The Ballad of Buster Scruggs which was really great and Buffalo Boys which was not.
    1 point
  13. am thinking most o' the time hoonding believes he is tweeting instead o' posting. goal appears to be to get as much reaction with as economical use o' characters possible. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  14. I'm not sure you're following the exchange here. HoonDing's possibly paraphrasing some FOX talking head or something -- however your remark seems to imply that murder is acceptable when it comes to keeping Democrats from power. Surely you don't mean that.
    1 point
  15. Since I've been home for the last few days I've been playing Ion Fury. I don't play it when I'm in the truck on the road since the gaming setup in the sleeper berth in my truck is much more conducive to gaming with a controller. Technically, I could play Ion Fury with a controller; I could also smash my toes with a hammer, but I have no intention of doing that either. Anyway, I don't know how far into the game I am, but given that I now have a weapon for every number key except 0 I'm going to guess that I'm relatively far. I just beat a level that was... I won't call it a boss fight, but it was different than all the other levels so far in that it was 1 lengthy fight in an arena-like space where the game drops a metric ****ton of enemies into it and I have to frantically Serious Sam my way around the arena until they're all dead. It was a fun fight that took me 4 tries to get through. I've gotten better less **** at the game as I have played more of it, which has me excited for the upcoming Serious Sam 4, whenever that comes out. After seeing what has happened to Wolfenstein, I'm a little worried about Doom Eternal, but I have faith Croteam won't do us wrong and will deliver a proper Sam game.
    1 point
  16. Freakin'. Incredible. Thanks so much for the detailed response! And so quick with a video and the whole nine yards. I think this is perfect. And I really appreciate all the variations too, makes it spicy to be able to change it up with new gear as the game goes on. I would've never put it together to use terrified to force disengagement attacks, that's genius. I really like it, man. You're clearly some sort of wizard.
    1 point
  17. Laphroaig is pretty good but I prefer Lagavulin 16 year. My second favorite is a blended Scotch, The Peat Monster. My wife says it smells like an old dirty sock but I say it's delicious.
    1 point
  18. Minshewmania is runnin wild, brother.
    1 point
  19. Mic drop from the Boss, General Mike "Mobile" Holmes":
    0 points
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