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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/19 in all areas

  1. Next starship prototype taking shape.
    4 points
  2. Kill Ezzali go to wild mare hire level 1 guy give him the armor export it via character export (legit game mechanic) load save before killing Ezzali and hire your lvl 1 friend with the armour
    2 points
  3. Corey Lewandowski: The Mueller report was very clear. There was no collusion… no obstruction. Alisyn Camerota: That's not what the Mueller report said. Corey: It absolutely says that. Alisyn: Did you read the Mueller report? Corey: No, I never did.
    2 points
  4. again, missing the point. lack o' real investigations means we never know truth. keyser and ford could both be telling truth as they recall, but w/o investigation we are stuck with competing recollections o' decades old events. could both be lying? sure. you bring up such stuff is MORE reason for investigation and not less. duh. *zoom* not surprised point is missed. keyser threats, 'ccording to keyser family, were rather vague and amorphous. "behind-the-scene" "pressure." your assumptions 'bout the nature o' threats and political power leveraged is based on what? conspiracy talk show hosts? conjecture? not being dismissive o' threats, cause such stuff shoulda' been INVESTIGATED. no doubt the threats were, at the least, troubling. 'course you can't possible count monica mclean as a person with political power, or is that something you read at breitbart? a friend o' ford and keyser who vague pressured keyser, which mclean denies (so who is lying?) is maybe not gonna be convincing as the kinda pressure you suggest. more than a few o' the threats to kavanaugh witnesses were quite personal and not just phone calls or radio shows or Congressmen making thin-veiled threats 'bout witnesses who were not truthful. etc. violence and death threats. and again with the leftist bit. undermines your concerns. conflicting recollections in a decades old situation is common. if everybody had exact same story and all details lined up same, then Gromnir would be concerned 'bout lying. ford, btw, passed a polygraph. her psychology background somehow makes her an expert on beating polygraphs? *chuckle* not like tv or movies, polygraphs is a very good device for testing honesty, just not so good for testing truth. reason somebody fails can be myriad and may not be 'cause o' deceit 'bout specific questioned event. similar, a person may be telling truth but still be wrong. regardless, ford passing a polygraph is objective and is a more reliable test o' ford's honesty than is gonna be any source blunt folks attempt to imagine. but an ex-boyfriend o' ford's s'posed heard her coaching somebody regarding how to pass a polygraph... *groan* all the more reason to do real investigations. every conspiracy-fueled bit o' nonsense you raise, intermixed with a few real facts, does no more than fuel the argument that a real investigation were warranted, but you don't see it... can't see it. HA! Good Fun! ps @Malcador am suspecting much o' the executive branch feels like they is being held hostage, so perhaps is an ideal selection.
    2 points
  5. blunt instrument as usual. but yeah, book does treat fair. ford testimony weren't necessarily false 'cause keyser don't recall, but is true keyser don't recall as does ford and keyser did get threats. 'course ford and ramirez and folks even suspected o' possible testifying 'bout kavanaugh got threats. if is blackmail and threats which somehow prove truth o' a statement, then kavanaugh is surely damned by such. would be unfair to make such a silly assumption, no? there were folks on left and on right who weren't particular interested in truth. some such persons seem to be active today. again, fbi believed ramirez to be credible, but her claims were dismissed w/o any real investigation. had a list o' 25 people willing to corroborate ramirez story and fbi spoke to none of them? investigation o' claims should not have been left up to reporters after the fact. Justice is lifetime appointment and is not elected. as such, as uncomfortable as a real investigation woulda' been, am not seeing a valid excuse for being dismissive o' otherwise initial credible complaints. unfortunate, folks will, just as with the hearings, take away from book whatever they want to w/o recognizing the real fail. perhaps after real investigation, there still wouldn't be certainty as to whose recollections were true. then again, perhaps, unlike mueller report, investigation exonerates accused. won't know now 'cause no investigation happened. did kavanaugh deserve to have name dragged through mud if the accusations were false? don't care. again, this is Justice to the Supreme Court of the United States. not elected. lifetime. can sympathize with kavanaugh if he were false accused, but given the nature o' the office o' Justice, due diligence were required to make certain kavanaugh were competent, qualified and worthy o' the office. didn't happen 'cause some blunt folks didn't care 'bout truth. and yeah, such obtuse folks who had already made up mind and were only looking for evidence to support their conclusions rather than being interested in truth were gonna be found attacking kavanaugh as well as supporting. bad leftists doesn't make accusations less true and it sure doesn't mean investigation were unnecessary. missing point as usual. HA! Good Fun! ps has been noted many times by us how left and right don't have much value insofar as Justices is concerned. what is political left and right only has ill-fit overlap with what folks think o' as liberal and conservative for Court. am personal not concerned with left and right silliness insofar as Court is concerned. competence and character is what matters. we supported Gorsuch we woulda' supported merrick. Scalia actual recommended Ginsburg for the Court and he were ecstatic, as were Gromnir, by appointment o' Kagan. am offended by kavanaugh presence on the Court and has nothing to do with left or right for us. can blunt say same?
    2 points
  6. Blood Frenzy's DoT is not stackable (except duration) and "only" does 4 base raw damage per 3 secs. So it's not breathtakingly good - also because you need crits - and once you can produce crits a lot you're usually winning already (without further low-dmg and & short-lived DoT). So generally I consider Spirit Frenzy to be better because the Stagger helps a lot to land several good other spells that target fortitude. Especially when used with sickening/weakening spells. It becomes interesting with Blood Storm though because at some point (with the right spells) you start to kill frequently and quickly (Blood Thirst) and that frees up some points of Rage that would otherwise need to be spend for Spirit Tornado. But then on the other hand Spirit Tornado is very good, too (if you are in melee range often).
    2 points
  7. Thanks for making it happen Obsidian. I beat Deadfire numerous times already on POTD but turn-based mode actually breathed new life to thegame for me and enjoying it immensely. It actually gave me incentive to get back to the game and I will do both expansions with it (havent done SSS and FS due to some performance issues my saves have been plagued my :() Anyways, looking forward to more games. Absolutely loving all the new additions, items, builds and how stuff that wasn't wanted in RTWP is very good in TB - looking at you ranger companion (they are fantastic in this mode) Anyways, much appreciated!
    1 point
  8. You can always change the portrait of the character. Character sheet --> icon/button under your portrait. If you copy fitting portrait pictures into the portraits folder they will be vailable there as well.
    1 point
  9. we wouldn't be bothered by a film which draws heavily 'pon Princess Bride, but is not a remake. release a film in 2020 or beyond which clear is homage to princess bride is fine, 'cause am understanding how as much as we love the film, is not fitting with many current notions o' gender and class roles. we got nothing 'gainst making a movie where a buttercup (not named buttercup 'course... buttercup is the name a pre-teen girl gives their horse in a book circa 1950) needs save her westley and she is perhaps deaf or dyslexic or something. large % o' movie has folks insisting not-buttercup will fail 'cause she is a girl (even after they see her do stuff which would require superhuman ability) but not-buttercup ignores 'em all and ends up saving the day and kissing the girl. have knockoff version include characters which is obvious homage to the goldman book/movie? didn't mind sir alec guinness playing merlin in star wars. homage is fine. need more characters o' color and a few more female characters would be welcome. am not certain how to do a homage to carol kane w/o having carol kane, but we leave that aside. if somebody wants to do a film for 2020s that millennial moms will be proud to show their daughters and will recall the whimsy o' princess bride, then sign us up as a supporter. we can be as grimdark as the next guy, but we adored the princess bride book and movie. somebody manages to do movie with similar fun and equal dialogue, then am 100% in favor. if is simply a remake with a few minor changes to make acceptable to 2020 audience, then am adamant opposed. do something new or don't do at all, 'cause original don't need the inevitable "improvements" it would receive. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  10. Good thing about being a Warlock or Paladin, you get one for free
    1 point
  11. Blood Frenzy/Storm: yes, it works with spells. The DoT will get applied on crit. For example if you cast a beam like Ray of Fire on a target you will have a high chance of triggering it (since beams do hit rolls every 1 sec). All pulsing spells are great for this (Chillfog, Slicken, beams, Malignant Cloud, Freezing Pillar, etc.). Even ones that don't normally deal damage like Slicken dan be tuened into a DoT spell that way. Death by DoT triggers Blood Thirst. However, Blood Frenzy does not work with Carnage because Carnage can't crit. Spirit Frenzy/Tornado also works with spells: they will stagger on hit (Carnage as well). This can help to land spells against Fortitude. For example if you use a spell like Repulsive Visage or Enervating Terror (vs. Will defense) while under Spirit Frenzy you will cause Terrify (-10 Will), Weaken or Sicken (-10 Fortitude) and Stagger (-10 Fortitude) - which is great in order to crack some tough nuts like Trolls who die from Combusting Wounds very quickly - if you can only hit them (they have enormous Fortutide usually but very low Will). Lion's Sprint did actually work like this: activate it, cast a spell and the first hit roll after activating Lion's Sprint got +15 ACC. It was superhandy in order to land the important CC spells. But they somwhow broke it with a patch. It's not better or worse per se now, maybe more exploitable. Now it does NOT work for all direct, immediate spells like Fireball, Dazzling Lights, Combusting Wounds and so on BUT it works with all pulsing spells like Chillfog, Slicken, all beams, Freezing Pillar and so on. And not only for the next attack but as long as Lion's Sprint is active! That means all Chillfog or Slicken Pulses will gain +15 ACC (as long as Lion's Sprint is active). Also beams will hit better when they are active - it will also help to land the initial beam cast. You can see how this beautifully synergizes with Blood Frenzy/Storm. It's a lot easier to crit if you get +15 ACC for all your pulsing spells that also deal raw DoT on crit. PS: if somebody wonders when I tested this: 5 minutes ago while writing the post. I was wondering if anything has changed since I played my last Warlock. Apparently a lot changed... Barbarian with +15 ACC and raw DoT pulsing spells also works well with Druid (several pulses), Priest (some pulses) and Cipher (beams mostly).
    1 point
  12. I tried this. Worked perfectly! Thank you!
    1 point
  13. I want Brees to be healthy and return to action... in week 5.
    1 point
  14. You always fight the Guardian if you take the Independent/Anarchist route. So you can free the dragon and sail to Ukaizo without a faction and still fight the Guardian.
    1 point
  15. I would mostly be curious about performance of the game. I've seen videos of 1080ti's at Ultra/1440 going 75fps and also 2080ti's at Ultra/4k going 50ish average. Probably varies some depending on other rig stats and impact of recording software, ofc. Not that I need Ultra settings with any game (Ultra is just for screenshots, as they say), especially with BL's graphic style. But considering BL2 was fairly undemanding even on my ancient old rig, I wonder what they've done/added to make it so demanding now. Also, I heard DX12 can cause crashing issues for some. I think I'll be glad to wait the 6 months or year or whatever it is so I'll get a patched game with all or most dlc already out. Edit: andddd....75GB install? Come on people/devs, do we really need so much that AAA games have to become this ginormous? In a couple years people will say FFXV's install size is tiny.
    1 point
  16. Found some cool ones if anyone has time to watercolor or just likes them.
    1 point
  17. Thaos believes that the point of the gods is to give people something to believe in. He's worried that if people find out the gods are fake the follow-up realisation that there are no gods will make them despair- as it did him. The Engwithans were largely wiped out by the creation of the gods- look how many souls it took Thaos just to give Woedica a boost, what would it take to create eleven of them from scratch? The game is ambiguous but what I believe Ondra tried to destroy was the ruins of an Engwithan city- she was trying to erase the memory of them. I also, and this is a lot more ambiguous after PoE2 but I still like it, think the Engwithans as a whole despaired when they found out there were no gods, in a "if there are no gods what is the point of life" kind of way. The creation of the gods was by design both projection of Engwithan values across the entire world, and a form of mass suicide
    1 point
  18. It apparently also retroactively turns GTA V into a always-online game, even for the single player. This is supposedly a bug. Also appears to make the game unplayable on Linux through Proton at this time.
    0 points
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