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  1. Fair policy, but if you'll indulge me a bit, the lore for Shadowing Beyond does say that the "invisibility" is a result of the Rogue travelling through the Beyond. If we assume that all "invisibility" effects are similar that could mean that the invisible character is interacting with the world through a kind of one-way window into another dimension. That could explain why they can't be hit at all, except by themselves when they want to be.
    2 points
  2. I just tested it to be sure of it myself. The invisible rogue does NOT get hit by Salvation of Time when the spell is being cast by a different character. You can tell by the rogue's targeting circle not changing to the four-pie-slices symbol indicating that he will be hit by the spell even when clearly in the spell area, and also by seeing the duration not increase when the spell goes off. Where the confusion arises, which I have also just tested, is that an invisible target CAN hit THEMSELVES with Salvation of Time (or other buffs), and again you can verify this by noting that their targeting circle does change to the four-pie-slices and also that durations increase, when they are casting the spell themselves and including themselves in the target area. Although, since invisibility powers other than Vanishing Strike or Arkemyr's Sudden Departure fall off on any action, you can't increase the duration of Shadowing Beyond, Smoke Veil, etc. So in the hypothetical case of a priest/rogue able to cast T8/T9 abilities, yes, this would be basically a one-stop-shop for facerolling pretty much anything solo. Get yourself Brilliant from Wit of Death's Herald, Vanishing Strike, and spam SoT and whatever massively boosted attacks struck your fancy, while everything melts around you. Might be a little tricky solo if you aren't running the Berath challenge because you might awkwardly fall out of combat and suddenly lose the invisibility buff.
    2 points
  3. It wasn't. And no idea how and why I typed that. "Ö" isn't nowhere near the "A" on a QWERTZ layout.
    1 point
  4. can't tell if that 'lösh' was intentional, but i found it humorous nonetheless. only problem with enduring dance (my original idea as well) is that it won't stack with hunter's claw, whereas the +5 PER/25% hit to crit from tactical barragedisciplined strikes would. enduring dance would add more consistency, but in practice i didn't find it too hard to rest and ramp up hunter's claw with maia whenever I expected to run into a consistent batch of enemies (edit - though actually would be a little bit more annoying in a multiclass just because of fewer ranger resources per fight). if consistency is desired, adding in a priest for devotions might be better. hard to say no to lightning strikes (or whatabout swift flurry? does that work with ranged? you'd be critting left and right) though.
    1 point
  5. one word: windmills of course trump won't let it go. his base, inexplicable and beyond reason, don't care 'bout trump lies, but they love seeing him fight, 'cause y'know, trump is a fighter and... am not sure where to go with this 'cause am complete perplexed by his base and the entertainment value they enjoy seeing trump vigorous defend the indefensible. we never watched his tv show, so am s'posing we is self-inoculated 'gainst his antics. dunno. also, the fight allows trump to bang the "enemy of the people" drum. the real villains is the press. see how they mischaracterize the President's tweets? see how the press fakes news? is complete and utter malarkey, but his base doesn't care 'bout facts and as we has seen, any kinda maths is gonna utter discombobulate a large % o' 'em. and then there is the more moderate conservatives who is mild emberassed by trump and who private have concerns 'bout the mendacity and the corruption and the illegal, but at the end o' the day, is either trump or a democrat alternative, and the republicans is willing to overlook trump if it means mitch is able to continue packing courts for a few more years. the quiet enablers who will come out o' the woodwork after trump is no longer in office and admit they didn't approve o' trump, but they had a duty to defend the US from socialism and big government and... whatever. after +2 years o' o' insanity such as cancer causing windmills, only educated women voters has been leaving the trump base in noteworthy numbers, but such folks were never a huge % o' the base. trump cannot let go. is part o' the character he has concocted that he is a fighter who will always respond to attacks both real and perceived. doesn't matter if the fight is hornswoggle. Americans voted this guy into office. in spite o' daily displays o' incompetence and a record o' near total failure after +2 years in office, is possible he may get a second term. reality in 2019. windmills. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  6. ranger/fighter probably. you miss out on stunning shots from ranger, but you still get driving flight and all the acc bonuses. Mixing in a fighter lets you get tactical barrage (boeroer rightly corrects this as disciplined strikes), which gives you 25% hit-to-crit and +5 additional perception (accuracy). at that point with all ranger bonuses active even on upscaling PotD you would be doing mostly crits against enemies (up to +50 accuracy from ranger, +5 perception, and then the remaining hit chance you have 25% of it converts to crits). if you want to mix in subclasses, a sharpshooter/devoted might do even better. Sharpshooter gives you hit-to-crit at range; fighter's Armored Grace can mitigate the sharpshooter's recovery penalty when wearing light or better armor (doesn't do anything for you if you're wearing cloth). In addition, Devoted mitigates PEN concerns and you get a +25% crit damage bonus, which would be rather sizable with such a huge crit rate. while you don't get a rogue out of any of that, you can pick up the Stalking Cloak mid-game and stun enemies every time you come out of invisibility. problem with backstab is that you have to be pretty close to trigger backstab, so unless you're real good about staying in range you would squander that aspect of being rogue or part rogue. side note: it's a little annoying that everything wael-related is so inconsistent. Eye of Wael is a scepter, but priest of wael's spiritual weapon is a rod. Priest of Wael's spiritual weapon's lash is shock, but the Symbol of Wael spell does frost damage. Or maybe that's not inconsistent, it's intentional and part of the MysTeRy oF WaEl.
    1 point
  7. If you want to increase crit chance you should pick Ranger. Driving Flight gives you two attack rolls per shot (both can crit) passively - and no class has as high ACC bonuses as Ranger.
    1 point
  8. I agree. I decided to back towards a digital copy. I saw the developers said they will try to update the demo in the next week or two with bug fixes and basic improvements. I know they want to improve the camera, which has been frequently criticized.
    1 point
  9. Shared Nightmare is pretty cool with an Ascendant (or Beguiler). You'll increase your AoE by a lot (1% per 1 point of focus you hold) and your focus doesn't drop once you are ascended (or Beguiler gets focus back while casting). So you can cast a lot of cipher powers with immense AoE. I'm playing a SC Soulblade with WotEP atm (although I thought I wouldn't play Deadfire anymore and the size of the cone is pretty ridiculous with Greater Focus and Shared Nightmare. Would be even bigger as Ascendants (higher max focus than Soulblade). I guess even with a base of only 1.3 Minor Blights' AoE would also be nice. And of course all your wizard-AoEs...
    1 point
  10. Demo is short and rough but extremely promising. I will be keeping an eye on this.
    1 point
  11. First time in a few months I turned the game on. I was bored and noticed someone made matching beachwear for them. You need tans, to the beach with you! Ignis: "I'm quite sure this is not swimwear." Me: "No no, it's the latest beach fashion from, uh, somewhere. Just put it on."
    1 point
  12. I've been thinking about getting myself some metal dice, but from stepping on my friends METAL d4, I think I'll refrain - I'm not a sadist.
    1 point
  13. pretend as if the trump administration is normal or no worse than ________ is requiring a level o' willful indifference am incapable o' mustering. making you and others believe that trump is no worse than ________ is how he got elected in the first place and is what makes the possibility o' reelecting an amoral and narcissistic huckster a very real threat. when trump were elected, we were at least sympathetic to your view. we posted the kodos and kang stuff and opined how the universe were clear mocking previous decades worth o' complaints 'bout lack o' Presidential candidates worthy o' a vote. but we have been here already, yes? am a fiscal conservative/libertarian who complained endless 'bout obama's misguided foreign policy. we vote republican more often than not, in part 'cause the libertarian candidates have been a trainwreck. name a world leader question or "who is harriet tubman?" no thanks mr. johnson. am not some kinda far-left hippie. heck, yang annoys us 'cause he is a one-trick pony who seeming hasn't considered practical problems for his $1000/month plan while simultaneous ignoring existing data 'bout how such monthly offerings change employment. *shrug* we got criticisms for all the candidates, but trump is different and something we ain't seen in the oval office for a long time. have seen misguided. have seen relative inept. trump is different. don't kid self. we could see trump metaphorical fiddle as the world burns 'round him, but nero succeeded in implementing a major infrastructure overhaul, so such would be an unfair comparison to the roman emperor. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  14. Nothing that comes from this administration surprises me any more. Ditto for the last one and the next one. Believe nothing, expect nothing, get mad at nothing. That's the only sane thing to do.
    1 point
  15. I was wondering if it could be the wacky situation that it only works if you cast it yourself. This game never ceases to amaze.
    1 point
  16. there is folks who complain 'bout how the fake news is out to get trump and that various media organizations is fixated 'pon the President beyond reason. perhaps there is a few individual reporters who don't care 'bout the facts as it relates to trump, but such is hardly the norm. the disconnect arises 'cause is some in the media trying to report on this President same as they did for past Presidents. however, the black sharpie alteration o' a weather map shows how trump has complete changed the way news is reported. all through his campaign, and from day 1 o' his presidency with the ridiculous crowd size claims, trump has lied so consistent and so indiscriminate that the media no longer bothers to report as they would have for any other President in memory. past Presidents need not even lie and they would be raked over the coals by media for months (years) for arguable mistruths. trump lies. he lies small and he lies big and he lies so unreasonable it is impossible to even use self-interest to divine if a Presidential untruth were intentional or the result o' mistake. the irony is that this President, more than any other in recent memory, has been allowed by the media to functional get away with lies. the country, the news media included, has become utter numb to constant, willful and bizarre mendacity from the wh. yeah, fox changed the game by being so successful. the folks in the business o' news recognized it is more lucrative to sell news their audience wants to read as 'posed to trying to let folks make up their own minds 'bout an event or issue. such isn't particular new, but how effective the media has been at accelerating polarization surprises us. even so... how does this happen? a black sharpie to try and make trump's alabama comments legit? nevertheless, in a day or two, this moment from the madhouse on pennsylvania avenue will be largely forgotten... just another entry on the improbable ledger o' Presidential lies. is the kinda brain freeze stoopid moment which would dog any other President for months or years, but not trump. compared to shutting down the government for a wall and muslim bans and pu$$y grab, this is small timey, no? the media has never been unbiased and impartial. am not certain why folks pretend as if such were ever the standard. am not certain why we need repeat this obvious point each time the evil press is message board fodder, but so it goes. you got a President who cannot tell the truth and then claims the press is the "enemy o' the people." gosh, one wonders why the press would be concerned 'bout such, eh? and yeah, 'cause somebody will mention or reflect 'pon it, during the first two years o' his administration, obama got the benefit of the doubt more often than not from much o' the popular news organizations. 'course after two years the honeymoon were over and obama went after journalists such that the fed attempted to criminalize journalists more frequent than any President since Lincoln. "The Obama administration used the 1917 Espionage Act with unprecedented vigor, prosecuting more people under that law for leaking sensitive information to the public than all previous administrations combined. Obama’s Justice Department dug into confidential communications between news organizations and their sources as part of that effort. "In 2013 the Obama administration obtained the records of 20 Associated Press office phone lines and reporters’ home and cell phones, seizing them without notice, as part of an investigation into the disclosure of information about a foiled al-Qaida terrorist plot. "AP was not the target of the investigation. But it called the seizure a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into its news-gathering activities, betraying information about its operations “that the government has no conceivable right to know.” "Obama’s Justice Department also secretly dogged Fox News journalist James Rosen, getting his phone records, tracking his arrivals and departures at the State Department through his security-badge use, obtaining a search warrant to see his personal emails and naming him as a possible criminal conspirator in the investigation of a news leak." https://www.apnews.com/ffc60235c26c470c9047e0da6ff19f95 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/30/barack-obama-press-freedom-strong-media-stop-donald-trump obama complained 'bout press almost constant from end of second year to end of second term, and that is 'cause the press were bending over backwards for him? no. all it took were one Presidential election and the "enemy of the people" bit to make folks forget obama's adversarial relationship with the press. regardless, the truth is that all too often trump gets a free pass from the press. is too much lies and crazy and even arguable illegal (need remind folks mueller report clear found considerable evidence o' both obstruction and collusive behaviour) for the press to pretend this administration may be covered as others. the public is too polarized for the press to pretend as if they are able to do their jobs same as in previous years. every time the press reveals facts o' a new trump lie or misdeed, trump supporters see as evidence the press is out to get trump and one new lie or misdeed ain't gonna make a difference to those who already distrust trump. a black sharpie alteration to a map showing hurricane progress, to cover for a twitter misstatement? this is wh reality in 2019. black sharpie moment will be largely abandoned by press as o' next week. this is also reality in 2019. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  17. Trump accidentally claimed that Hurricane Dorian was going to strike somewhere it's not. Instead of going "whoops" and everyone forgetting it, he took an official projected path map and sharpied over it and tried to pass it off as official. vs. It is difficult for me to understand the man that thinks that this sort of thing will somehow come across as better than just saying "oops, I was wrong" and literally everyone forgetting within 48 hours tops. Or more likely from him, saying nothing at all and pretending it never happened. But to double down on such a flagrantly stupid thing... lmao
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Just launched yesterday: Toby's Island- the second Kickstarter for the "Creature Collecting, Farming Sim, Town Restoration RPG". I backed the original KS. Game has been delayed but the developer has made much progress and is planning on putting it in Steam Early Access next month. Might be of interest to Stardew Valley fans who wish it had turn-based combat. Solasta: Crown of the Magister. A CRPG using (D&D) 5e ruleset (OGL) and turn-based tactical combat. They have a playable demo you can DL off their steam page.
    1 point
  20. Definitely, Phantom Foes is a must if you have a party with tacticians. Otherwise enemy could have immunity vs perception afflictions and what ya gonna do? And there is one more thing about tacticians. It's common sense, but not necessary obvious: - Brilliant provides resources on: 0s, 6s, 12s, 18s, and so on. - i.e. the interval is kinda big - so, once you qualify for Brilliant, you can try to self inflict the Flanked status and get rid of it immediately. And if you can repeat it faster than once in 6s - then you will get resources faster as well. > My first idea was to use Sparkcrackers on yourself, since it's a DoT that ticks once per second. Unfortunately it has a fixed duration of 1s. > Another idea is to use Blunderbuss modal. For example you have 5 tacticians/x, and 1 of them is using blunderbuss and Disciplined Strikes after every shot. So if he performs a shot every 3s, theoretically your party will have Brilliant effectively ticking every 3s. In practice though there is a bug currently (more about it: here), and blunderbusser won't get Brilliant. But the others, yes, indeed are getting resources every 3s in this scenario. > Another idea would be to use a monk (with a lot of duration decreasing effects) that stands in Chillfog. It could even be a Forbidden Fist (but that's not the point). The idea is to self-inflict flanked every 3s or even more often if possible, and immediately get rid of it, in order to make Brilliant tick from the start again.
    1 point
  21. Did you guys hear the one about the mathematician who was afraid of negative numbers? He would stop at nothing to avoid them!
    0 points
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