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  3. Hello, im trying to play with my friends, but our games just don't connect, is like they lost the connection or someone leave the game. I really don't know how to fix this, that's happening with R6 and State of Decay 2 too, is a problem in Xbox servers? I sorry for the bad english, i'm brazilian.
  4. While I appreciate the effect Harry Potter had on getting people back into reading, I have to say my enjoyment has always run into the slight wall that I'd just finished re-reading a batch of the Books of Magic comics from Neil Gaiman. And that always makes me go "Huh." when it comes to Harry Potter. Much as I know that idea is sharing from the same background. Gaimain himself has repeatedly said that any similarities are merely because Rowling and himself are drinking from the same well. Still, it always had a slight jarring effect for me. That, and how much the story beats are repeated through the series. Harry is excited. Harry has a fun time with friends. Mysteries ensure. Harry has a falling out with friends. Friendship triumphs and mystery is overcome with the help of those friends.
  5. Well, it reads The Acolyte - re:View, but it is a little like part one of the Star Wars Holiday Special re:View. They talk about everything else but The Acolyte. Well, almost. They talk about the show for 10 minutes or so. Speaking of The Acoltye, the show continues to be mostly uninteresting, flat and boring (and Qimir had better turn out to be the titular Acolyte, if he's really Mae's master then the entire creative team needs to be detained). Mike and Rich got it right, the show is pretty bland mostly because 90% of the characters are cardboard cutouts, and it would not change a bit even if all the actors were white heterosexual men. They also really have a point in critics being utterly unhelpful by giving all these shows and movies a pass or even praising them for nothing but being inclusive, even if they are complete garbage, something I've complained about for a while now. It is actively hurting their cause. The incels in the comments are pretty funny though, calling them paid Disney shills. Must have been a rough year for them, first they finally realize The Boys is satire and Homelander isn't a misunderstood hero but the villain, and then they have to watch Mike and Rich making fun of them.
  6. I really dig bagpipes for some reason (and Angus steak bars ). Seems like a fun event.
  7. Not quite as much as I used to half a year ago, but I still play in an organized group on some week days (wvw, i.e. world vs world which is the large scale pvp). The banter alone in Discord is worth the price of entry
  8. I've been thinking for a long time that Bleak Walkers... ahem... weren't the best subclass. They have a Tier 1 affliction, which is neat, but can be somehow negated (at least you can pick a helm that grants +10 Acc to all affliction inflicting attacks, or the Acid talent via multiclassing). But 12% lash ? Seriously, this is slightly too low. Not even 15%, I would qualify this value as a bit mean from the devs The effect is nice to optimize damages, but compared to what White Flames grants, it seems a bit underwhelming. I know Darcozzi could be seen as weaker, but putting some fire shield a bit everywhere is going to have a better effect on the long run. EDIT : considering a bit of additional scaling to Darcozzi fire shield.
  9. It's good to know my nagging affects more than just my children. I might actually be closer to your line of thinking on the books though. I mean I read them and thought they were fun. I'm very appreciative of how they inspired a lot of young readers to tackle some pretty thick books. My wife has dyslexia and reading has always been a chore for her, but Harry Potter and The Hunger Games were accessible enough for her. But it isn't high literature. That sounds snobby, but I think I read them right after I'd finished off my Russian lit phase in my 20's (Bulgakov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy) so I earned my snob badge with some pretty dense texts. Bulgakov isn't dense, btw. He is a delight to read and I still go back to his works. Anyways, I've never felt the need to revisit the books. The movies, on the other hand, are fun to have on in the background during certain times of the year. They are whimsical. As a family, we've watched them, we've visited the theme parks, we've got the swag. It's a fun IP to immerse yourself in.
  10. Anyway but, could a hypothetical "riposte rogue" have DEX maxed? Or Not? And which subclass / multiclass could fit well with him?
  11. Not at all! I will continue to change my opinions even after this list is released, I'm sure.
  12. Fair correction, I've been trying to give an even-keeled impression of Whispers of the Endless, and a 100 percent chance to hit would make it seem better than it actually is. But since it's outside of SenSx's build concept and RP, which I totally respect, I promise to stop bringing it up!
  13. 7 Days to Die - Alpha 22 .... er, I mean Release 1.0 ---fps is a fair bit worse (at 4k anyway), if I try to use all High/Ultra like before, but it's so smooth I didn't notice without a fps counter on. Mostly it's the shadows/object shadowing. I had those up High/Ultra before w/60+ fps still. I had to knock their quality to Low. But now there's hardly any difference visually between High/Low shadows. Only Off looks terrible. So, it's fine. ---Traders are now specific to specific biomes. "Trader Jen" is in burnt forest. "trader Rekt" is in forest biome, because of trader quest "progression". And by default the map generator will not create "big cities" in the Forest biome at all, also in the name of progression/forcing players to expand to other biomes. Which sucks donkey sweat if Forest biome is your favorite biome and don't give a hoot about "trader quests" anyway. Good thing I know how to open Notepad and alter .xml's. There, all fixed, big cities everywhere and multiple Traders in multiple biomes when I want. ---map generator is way way way faster. I can now make 10k+ sized maps in 90 or so seconds instead of take-a-nap amount of time. ---actual gameplay - well, it's 7 Days to Die. Some item/loot/quest mechanics have changed, and a whole lot of new POI's, but it's all largely the same. ---I'm still guffawing at the "1.0 release" for console naming, shenanigans. It's still an Alpha, stop pretending.
  14. *stares at the big banner selling Avowed sweatshirts and such* "Is Avowed out yet? .... ah, apparently nope." *returns to her sleepy/quiet life and lurking*
  15. Looks like Arenanet is caving in to popular demand... at last as far back as I remember, people have been clamouring for "player housing" in the game. Looks like they listened... 10 years late, but they listened Do be fair, it looks like a number of neat ideas are getting added to it. I know I'll love that "collect all resources" button once it gets implemented!
  16. Resident Evil Bundle just landed on GOG. RE1 already playable, the other two are for preorder, released in 2024 https://www.gog.com/en/game/resident_evil_bundle Original versions, not the remasters.
  17. I've already explained to the team how to do a proper Flight effect for Bee's They have Stamina, Going Up spends considerable Stamina, Going Down spends no Stamina, and Going Horizontal spends a very small amount of Stamina. This way you can ensure people can't just get a bee and fly everywhere, and if they want the bee to be super useful they can upgrade it with Higher structures for the Bee to start on. Along with armour and food buffs. Edit: and leaving them somewhere for longer than 1 minute will cause the Bee to return home with a message saying *Your Bee Returned Home from Boredom* - so you'll need to build Nectar stations to keep the bee happy while you're off collecting stuff Maybe they could also help you avoid Fights? Where Only Mosquito's and Wasps hate you, and from a smaller distance.
  18. I think monk it a bit above the rest (and high above the melee) when it comes to supporting another class through multiiclass. That being said, I don't find tons of synergy with chanter. Intellect is neat, action speed is low priority for chanter (but will help monk's own part) and the great monk summons... still won't beat chanter's. Ancestor's Memory will happily benefit to other party member, I guess. Zeal is not an excellent ressources, but primarly due to excessive cost of the abilities. There are some powerful stuff to do if you have near infinite zeal. SC Paladin can put Nimble on the whole party (no action time, and I don't think another class can do that) or heal everyone by 150hp. Or just spam White Flames for respectable attack damages while healing everyone around. I was under the impression that your position was set. Maybe I'm reading too fast. This is not my mother tongue, and I don't have tons of available time these days... General consensus (at least on this forum) is generaly trsutworthy, which does not mean it has to be followed blindly
  19. OP has 100% chance to trigger on enemy misses, against 30% of Riposte, not 100% chance to hit. For the rest part I agree with you.
  20. The Goblet of Fire film was tonally different in many ways too, like the angry Dumbledore while book Dumbledore was always friendly and supportive. Not that I would have known, having experienced it the other way around, but he was noticably acting out of character with no explanation. Could have been the best, the basis was there. Whacky, fun characters, a school ball, visiting students from different schools. I don't know if some parts of the novels were written with a movie adaptation in mind, but what I recall having read is that Rowling specifically adapted some parts of the movies for her later books, like Alan Rickman's performance of Snape influencing how she wrote and imagined the character. The first movie came out after the Goblet of Fire book, and while negotiations for the rights to the books might have happened significantly earlier, dunno - well maybe Rowling thought she could get a movie adaptation after the runaway success of the Philosopher's Sorcerer's Stone, but that just complicates things unnecessarily. She's just not that good of a writer, and I suspect that, given the success of the books and films, her audience was not overly interested in class hijinks. What is somewhat noticable is that plot elements keep popping up without much prior notice. I have honestly no ideas how much of the overarching story she had in mind while writing the early entries, but given how the series just keeps coming up with elements that should have always been a part of the universe but just never came up before, it cannot have been a whole lot. If I would want to be especially snarky it was fairly obvious that she didn't even have an idea how to finish the first book, and Quill just defeated himself by touching Harry. Because love. Okay, that is probably something specific to watching the film/reading the book as an adult, but that's a major asspull that never sat right with me. Then there are the titular Deathly Hallows, retconning Harry's cloak and Dumbledore's wand into a group of three items that are only necessary so that Voldemort can inadvertently destroy the one Horcrux he did not intend to make without actually having Harry die in his final confrontation. Not that Chamber of Secrets is free of asspulls, there is enough setup to explain how Harry survives his poisoning, and that the Sword of Gryffindor is enchanted to help brave Gryffindors in times of dire need, but there's zero indication that the Sorting Hat can just act as dimensional portal. Whee, enough of that before Hurlshot says I'm overthinking a silly fun fantasy series with magic (which is probably not wrong), but Chamber of Secrets is a good example that if everything else is good enough, a little plot hole or deus ex machina does not hurt one's enjoyment. I was looking forward to reading The Order of the Phoenix because I expected it to explain the film and fill in gaps - what I got was a novel that I actively had to force myself through reading at times. It was easily the worst of the books, and inexplicably the one with the most pages, with a lot of them spent on going nowhere at all while Harry mopes around enough to get Gary Oldman killed. I guess I should really watch the film again after reading the book, it might really change my view of it.
  21. Hi guys, I just started an old multiplayer savegame with my friend to get the new achievements. My friend started as the host We fed the three big spiders and only he got the achievement, I didn't. As far as I remember, we both used to get an achievement at the same time. Is this a bug, or have they changed the settings and I have to start the game as the host? Can you also tell me whether this is the case with the other achievements? Regards, Thomas
  22. Trump could win, no one knows for sure And this article is nothing official and its more a suggestion but it puts pressure on both Ukraine and Russia to end the war if Trump decides to do it Putins demands have been very unreasonable so this might put pressure on him to really get to the negotiation table, Im not sure how Putin will respond to this type of threat " We tell the Ukrainians, 'You've got to come to the table, and if you don't come to the table, support from the United States will dry up,'" he said. "And you tell Putin, 'He's got to come to the table and if you don't come to the table, then we'll give Ukrainians everything they need to kill you in the field."
  23. We just can never get rid of the Eldar alts. Welcome back!
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