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  3. One of the issues with the cinematics in Larian's D&D game is that it feels worse when the camera switches from the isometric perspective to over-the-shoulder. Another two are the animations (most were exaggerated just enough to clash with too detailed visual style; the only good one is the Sailor Moon transformation at the end of Act 2 and that one was not supposed to be realistic) and that the immersive-sim elements worked poorly with having your actions and movement restricted by a cut-scene (fortunately, switching to another character and attacking usually could resolve it). Overall, the density of cut-scenes that are not the general dialogues (i.e. have some camera work) is not too high, but I also was skipping as soon as I had read the subtitles (the lack of pause and the buffs wearing in real-time for not-dialogue-locked companions did not help with watching the cut-scenes).
  4. It is worth mentioning that three that left weren't responsible for 100% of DE content, and Argo who was the lead of the spinoff worked on DE1 and was part of the original pre-game collective. Whenever the three that left were necessary for a proper follow up, though even if the spin-off wouldn't work it seems its development was far from ideal. Eitherway, the situations seems like a dumpster fire, and I feel we will be hearing about the behind the scenes drama for a long time to come.
  5. Eh, yes and no. It's true of many things, and in the early game it's mostly a few rare events where an early game oversight might mean you need to wait an entire in-game year for the next chance. Often not a big deal since you're waiting on other stuff anyway, e.g. completing the Spring bundles in year 2 means just a minor delay since you're waiting for winter items anyway. However the time pressure becomes more unavoidable the deeper you get into lategame, initially mostly with the Skull Cavern content from launch (where losing all your staircases and bombs but failing to reach level 100 is a massive setback), but increasingly so with post-launch content like Ginger Island.
  6. Really ? When the US was bombing Afghanistan they mentioned it a whole lot. Sort of a curious argument that only places people have heard of matter though, heh.
  7. Trying to play both sides. Probably got something in exchange. On the topic of football, I do not follow it and would outright ban it for a while in Serbia. It's a sport that is completely controlled by the mob, so I would not be surprised if what was said above is true. There is a reason why we are so bad at it.
  8. All true enough, but from a policy stand-point you can't do much about the past, especially the distant past. So my point is about the future, and re-establishing the original principle underlying the concept of sovereignty, which was reciprocity: your sovereignty is recognized and accepted by others only if you recognize and accept others' sovereignty.
  9. We'll see about DA4 (the trailer being a trailer and not necessarily representative of how the game will be), but I disagree about BG3 and DA4 being the same in cinematics. There is no RPG out there, including upcoming games, that even comes close to BG3's extent of cinematics. Larian themselve have boasted about the extent of cinematics in their game, claiming a whopping 175+ hours of cinematics that they recorded for their game (and that was before all the post-release updates and patches). And therein lies the real issue, because I'm not opposed to some cinematics in a AAA RPG. It's that BG3 has gone so far into cinematics that for me effectively the game is far too much like watching a movie than playing a game.
  10. Technically It is part of the name of the person that was patron of the person that found the island.
  11. What can I say, just thought You Oughta Know my views on Bloodlines 2. You Live You Learn, after all.
  12. As if life wasn't bad enough, now we get Alanis Morissette Lyrics in the video game news
  13. Don't think there's any reason not to take Paradox at their word on this; they're a bit more polite in their phrasing but the gist is that it was not saleable, and not likely to get saleable in a reasonable timeframe. Which does happen, especially if the game is ambitious. They're probably keen to avoid another PR disaster too. Kind of ironic that the previous post is a trailer for a game by The Chinese Room, given Paradox has them trying to rescue something from Bloodlines 2. Though whether it's rain on your wedding day ironic or actually ironic will be known in a couple of months. I'm not sure anyone expects Bloodlines 2 to be good at this point but you never know.
  14. paradox have a very low bar for any game release wonder what could make them give up
  15. OK, I will make an update with that and the Binding Block fixing. Thx Well, this change was to make these abilities more manageable for super long fights. Basically Holy Radiance being used once per normal fight and occasionally twice is fine. It just helps making Holy Radiance and Spiritshift relevant for these few super boss fights/solo play. It is the target of BPM design. But feel free to tweak. Adjusting duration should be super easy. For Spiri****, consider I also added PL scaling to the duration, so with a few INT and various bonuses, it should be manageable to spend up to 33% (normal druid) to 66% (shifter) of your time shifted, even with these cooldown. These numbers are quite sensitive since even a cooldown of 60s would enable staying shifted most of the time (which isn't my target). SC Druid shall also remain relevant due to Wildtrike Frenzy (BPM exends duration on Crit).
  16. It is def. safer with Confusion off. But it's quicker to start the avalance of Chillfogs with Confusion on. Best approach imo is to start with Confusion - and when enough Chillfogs got created quickly switch to a weapon setup with a fully leveled Modwyr in order to get rid of the Confusion. That way all the active Chillfogs immediately become foe-only. Of course any other way to remove confusion also works (for example let a Priest cast Prayer for the Spirit or something like that). But switching is the easiest way because it always works (also during recovery or hard disables, even when the game is paused).
  17. Sorry Zora but no ones ever heard of Diego Garcia, I always thought it was someone's name but I looked it up and it is real. Its an island @Gorth do you agree if we have never heard of a development then it cant be counted in the list
  18. All the pressure is in your own head, mate. You don't have to do everything at once right away and perfectly. There's always another day, just chill.
  19. I think the prefer to be called The Netherlands But I agree. I remember Denmarks match against them in the EC quarterfinals in 1992. Some ugly broken bones and ended careers there, courtesy of the Dutch thugs on the field. Enjoyed sending them packing even more than Germany in the final, that was just a bonus
  20. Absolutely, Cyb2077 is another example that games can survive terrible launches It just takes commitment from the development studio and mods can also address certain problems
  21. @Zoraptor, Suarez was/is villainous indeed, but he is not a collective. Some of Holland's best/worst collective efforts are the world cup final against Spain and the European cup match against Portugal; that's collective disgrace for you.
  22. What if....you could spend raw science in exchange for a milk molar location. Eg: 10k / 15K raw science and burg.l will give you the location of 1 undiscovered molar!
  23. Im aware they are random but I have 2 left. Can anyone share any difficult molars you have come across so I can check in my yard..
  24. A lean-to at field stations making it easier to sleep without having to carry materials and build one everywhere you go
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