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Posted (edited)

They do require a license. The question is should they? If you make a thing more expensive you will have less of it. If you want more commerce then making commerce harder to do is not the way to go about it. But it isn't about that. It's just about extorting a little money.

Edited by Guard Dog

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell


My point being it should be OK to have more stringent requirements on larger professional business like retail grocery stores and restaurants at the same time as not making the poor guy selling cans sodas outside the ball park get the exact same kind of license. It's OK to not seize Tino's Pizza food truck and throw that poor guy in prison for a year because he can't pay the same fees as Pizza Hut has to. And I would hope people are smart enough to understand that if you buy a pizza from Pizza hut you are far less likely to get sick than if you et one from Tino BECAUSE of that. Caveat Emptor. I would HOPE people would understand that. Of course reading some of the posts on this thread gives me pause in that hope.


Like I said it does not have to be all of one thing or another. You can have safe restaurants AND kids lemonade stands. Grocery stores AND community fresh markets. Well, actually no you can't any more. Because Big Brother wants his tribute and he never, ever gives something back once he's taken it away from us. The fact that people cheer him for doing it sickens me.


I agree that small time and low risk (meaning that they sell only food items that will not go bad easilly if stored poorly) pop-up limonade stands/shops/restaurants should be allowed to operate without license. I find bit strange that in this issue Finland has less regulations than USA, as usually we are much stricter when it comes to regulating food and other nutritional things.


They do require a license. The question is should they? If you make a thing more expensive you will have less of it. If you want more commerce then making commerce harder to do is not the way to go about it. But it isn't about that. It's just about extorting a little money.


Imo, yes. If you are selling any consumable item to the public, they you need a license and permit, full stop. Blanket policies exist precisely because everyone feels that they should be exempt wrt whatever they're individually doing. "Let the people figure out on their own that the meat is rancid!" I don't believe that you believe that.


MMR vaccine gives kids autism, dontchaknow?


But... but... autism is caused by tiny parasites living in your intestines. That's why chemical bleach enemas help autistic kids. :yes: 

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.



They do require a license. The question is should they? If you make a thing more expensive you will have less of it. If you want more commerce then making commerce harder to do is not the way to go about it. But it isn't about that. It's just about extorting a little money.


Imo, yes. If you are selling any consumable item to the public, they you need a license and permit, full stop. Blanket policies exist precisely because everyone feels that they should be exempt wrt whatever they're individually doing. "Let the people figure out on their own that the meat is rancid!" I don't believe that you believe that.



I kind of get Guard Dog's point - although I also get the public health point too. For example, lets say you know a great home-baker, keeps a clean house and kitchen and bakes everything very well.


You buy all the ingredients for your favorite cake at a store, given them to the home-baker and they bake you a cake, which you pick up from their house.  The guberment won't step in. But if you go into the house of the home-baker and they offer to sell you your favorite cake that they've baked, the guberment now says the home-baker must have a license to sell that piece of cake to the public, they can't cook it in their own kitchen because their home kitchen as it is doesn't meet the specifications for restaurant kitchens in the legal code, etc.


But, to Guard Dog's point, the difference isn't in the baking, or in the cake, the difference is that money is changing hands between you and a private party and the government wants a part of that exchange or, arguably, restaurant and grocery stores don't want competition that doesn't have the same overhead that they do to operate so force the government to intervene by claiming unfair competition from an improperly licensed competitor.

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man


Indian army holding back the Japs on their own was quite pivotal to the war in the Pacific, but it's never mentioned either.

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The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.


Got my primary ballots. Since I'm unaffiliated I get both major party ballots and get to choose which one I vote on.


Vote for Pedro

Free games updated 3/4/21


I believe Colorado.


How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.


Heh, the Democrats are so desperate for messaging help that they are looking to Hollywood: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/11/democratic-campaign-messaging-hollywood-637364


This paragraph just about sums up the whole problem: “One of the first things we were at least talking about in the beginning meetings was how to improve upon the message as to what does the Democratic Party stand for, what does that represent,” said Andrew Marcus, who owns the television and film company Apiary Entertainment. “When the Republican Party or [President Donald] Trump is able to say ‘Make America great again’ and nobody that I know can tell you what the DNC or any of the leading candidates’ slogans [are], I think that’s a marketing problem.”


While I don't think Hollywood is neccesarily the best place to look for messaging that will attract Trump voters since Hollywood has this disconnect with conservatives, the TV/movie/music/entertainment industry is certainly useful as an idea factory.


How about democrats lean into "diversity of empirical measure" in order to promote a middle-class cash flow between urban and rural regions of the country.


Oh wait, because the democrats are a facade for an elite class and they want their own party spinning their wheels.


BOTH parties are a facade for an elite class, also, try turning your first sentence into a slogan, that is the challenge the Dems have.


Larry Kudlow, the chief economic advisor had a heart attack almost when the summit starts. I'm not religious or superstitious myself, but I could see someone who is superstitious or deeply religious interpreting that as a bad omen.

To me, it's nothing other than an interesting coincidence. Hope Larry Kudlow is okay though.


Can the US just break up already

As a Florida resident I can safely say that we would devour the rest the States...and I mean literally.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)



I think the ocean is going to devour you guys.


Yeah, in simulations of high sea rise, Florida is just about entirely wiped out, possibly nonexistent for all practical purposes. Though it also joins a few other states that get wiped out like New Jersey and Delaware.



I think the ocean is going to devour you guys.


Yeah, in simulations of high sea rise, Florida is just about entirely wiped out, possibly nonexistent for all practical purposes. Though it also joins a few other states that get wiped out like New Jersey and Delaware.


Unless the ocean rise is a flash flood I'm pretty certain that we will move to a different state. Look forward to South Carolina becoming new Florida.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)





I think the ocean is going to devour you guys.


Yeah, in simulations of high sea rise, Florida is just about entirely wiped out, possibly nonexistent for all practical purposes. Though it also joins a few other states that get wiped out like New Jersey and Delaware.


Unless the ocean rise is a flash flood I'm pretty certain that we will move to a different state. Look forward to South Carolina becoming new Florida.



Well yeah, it's not going to be so fast that people can't get to safety. Something that catastrophic probably won't happen in our lifetime unless like, the entire Greenland icecap slides into the ocean or something.

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