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Deadfire delayed to May 8th

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Well, to be honest, I’ve been expecting this since Katrina’s announcement. Just trying to figure out whether or not it’s legit.

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Well, to be honest, I’ve been expecting this since Katrina’s announcement. Just trying to figure out whether or not it’s legit.

Nothing on the official twitter feeds yet, but the Eurogamer article has quotes it's attributing to Obsidian.  They're a reputable enough publication not to have just made it up.  Could be a case where they ran something before they were "supposed to," though. 


That said, I don't really see how the departure of 1 producer (whose portfolio, IIRC, included managing the art team and backer-related stuff) has much to do with the overall project schedule.  I doubt this kind of staffing change would even have been noticed by fans had she not also picked up a public-facing role in the various update videos.

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Kotaku just put up an article as well:


Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire has been delayed until May 8


"Incorporate feedback from the beta" makes me think they are giving us another beta update in order to gather said feedback (just because they would have already gathered all the feedback from the last version, I would have thought).

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I, for one, do not mind. I would rather Obsidian took their time rather than release something shoddy.

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Josh talked about been deep in bug fixing a few days ago and I had a hunch the game was going to be delayed after I read that.


Also, the lack of beta 4 when they were making major changes here and there always looked risky to me.


Also, yeah! Now I have enough time to finish the games I started since January I haven't finished yet before I switch to other game after a few weeks...>.> I have a problem.

Edited by morhilane

Azarhal, Chanter and Keeper of Truth of the Obsidian Order of Eternity.

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Totally fine with Obs taking the time they need.

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— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

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My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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You gotta do what you gotta do. One month isn't a huge amount of time, but likely time enough to square away some nagging issues with balance and bugs. If that means getting another Beta out to field player feedback great, but if not I'm fine with them just spending the time doing things internally and just providing us with some streams.

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Eh, this is probably because they want to switch back to Might and write more in depth romances. *runs*

I now expect story book sex scenes that feature woodcut art and skill checks.

So... No more constitution dumping? 

Nobody likes a two pump chump.

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