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Finally finished Runaways, I disliked it at first but then it really grew on me. And pf course it had a cliff-hanger ending. No clue if it got canceled but the way the 10th episode ended sure seemed like a pre-mature ending.

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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I never saw the final season of True Blood

Neither did I mate, it's not available here, so I had to use nefarious means to indulge. But it was a cheap way to re watch and get up to speed again.

If your a fan, the special features are a real treat, with insight into each scene.

Thanks for shopping Pawn-O-Matic!

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Lost in Space reboot, managed to get through about ten minutes of it before turning it off, anybody else fare any better?


I watched the first episode. It's pretty much what the reviews suggested, perfectly average and not very exciting.


Something that struck me halfway through was how much of an immersion-breaker The Forests of British Columbia have become. It's hard to believe they're on an alien planet when one's been seeing them trees on TV for two and a half decades. But yeah, that's not really the show's fault.

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No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Lost in Space reboot, managed to get through about ten minutes of it before turning it off, anybody else fare any better?


I watched the first episode. It's pretty much what the reviews suggested, perfectly average and not very exciting.


Something that struck me halfway through was how much of an immersion-breaker The Forests of British Columbia have become. It's hard to believe they're on an alien planet when one's been seeing them trees on TV for two and a half decades. But yeah, that's not really the show's fault.


The wife and I often laughed at that in Psych. It was maybe more obvious than usual that while all the aerial shots were actually of Santa Barbara, everything else was Greater Vancouver/Pacific Northwestish.


PS We're finishing up Parks and Rec season 5

Edited by ShadySands

Free games updated 3/4/21

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Watched all episodes of Lost in Space. It was okay but generally was put off with too much dumb decisions being made by the characters.




Supposedly smart characters just keep doing dumb things. I'm going to take a field trip in the buggy and not say why, even to my estranged husband and not tell anyone where in case i get into trouble. Then guess what happens .......?


One of my favourite scenes early on in "The Expanse" was when they were investigating a derelict ship in suspicious circumstances. They split up into teams, in constant contact with a coordinator on their ship, send drones in ahead to investigate, pull out the ships records and when they find suspicious looking glowy stuff with body parts embedded in it, they bug out and nuke it from a distance.


That's how you react in a dangerous situation. Not have arguments about relationship issues and leave the kids by themselves.



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The show's main villain, a hooded black hat hacker called the Sourcerer, steals a computer prototype. The Power Rangers New Guardians discuss how awesome it is:

It has a 100,000 terabyte bandwith!


The episode revolved around a cat video spamming virus set to quote "clog up the internet" with "super cute" cat videos.


I thought about not watching this steam pile of manure but I'm kind of glad I continued. It's quickly vectoring off into the so bad it's hilarious territory.

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Finished the 10 episodes of ReBoot on Netflix. The final episode of season one is specifically made to make fun of the fans of the original.



The user of the original is a neckbearded nerd living in mom's basement.



There's one positive thing I can think of - Megabyte's new voice actor does a fairly good job considering he had to replace Tony Jay.


The new show is also almost exclusively for kids. The showrunner and the writers aren't nearly clever or creative enough to pull off a show that's fun and entertaining for both kids and adults.


The sad part is even if this wasn't at all connected to ReBoot it would remain a somewhat soulless and average kid's show. Bleh.

Edited by majestic

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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I'm also glad The Expanse is back, buuuut the new storyline with the president's speech writer does not look good. 'Faith angle'. Yawn, and a lot of 'situation room drama', and obviously she is going to discover Errinwright is responsible for the plot and there will be a coup attempt against the president a la 24. 


I'm bored already.    


And now we have protomolecule super soldiers, great, except they are kids. So what now, Enders Game ?


What's the rule, never work with kids or animals. 

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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What are you talking about, Stephen Ogg took out The Garbage earlier this season in TWD, showing once and for all that he is not typecast as a bad guy. And it's perfectly reasonable for every single person to load up with new ammo from a single source who used to be friends with the people you're trying to kill and when said ammo has been tested precisely once via a gun you were handed by said turncoat, while standing in a long battle line like it was Waterloo or something.


TWD is a case study in how to ruin a show by not listening to constructive criticism and deciding that because everything is going well, now, it will be going well forever so you don't need to change anything. Except maybe get rid of actors who will cost more as they're turning 18. Funny thing is, if Game of Thrones went on for a few more seasons I could see the same thing happening there as it has all the same symptoms, but they have the huge advantages of a set ending and fewer episodes per season.

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Yup, TWD needs to end. I mean, it was always kinda hit and miss. Just remember the terrible second season, or the terrible actors such as a certain woman who made the dumbest crap, or when Rick suddenly decided to be a farmer.... But it's coming to a point now, where I'm really, really getting out of it.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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I'm also glad The Expanse is back, buuuut the new storyline with the president's speech writer does not look good. 'Faith angle'. Yawn, and a lot of 'situation room drama', and obviously she is going to discover Errinwright is responsible for the plot and there will be a coup attempt against the president a la 24. 


I'm bored already.    


And now we have protomolecule super soldiers, great, except they are kids. So what now, Enders Game ?


What's the rule, never work with kids or animals.

Sounds like they are following the books closely. I regret reading past the first book.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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What are you talking about, Stephen Ogg took out The Garbage earlier this season in TWD, showing once and for all that he is not typecast as a bad guy. And it's perfectly reasonable for every single person to load up with new ammo from a single source who used to be friends with the people you're trying to kill and when said ammo has been tested precisely once via a gun you were handed by said turncoat, while standing in a long battle line like it was Waterloo or something.


TWD is a case study in how to ruin a show by not listening to constructive criticism and deciding that because everything is going well, now, it will be going well forever so you don't need to change anything. Except maybe get rid of actors who will cost more as they're turning 18. Funny thing is, if Game of Thrones went on for a few more seasons I could see the same thing happening there as it has all the same symptoms, but they have the huge advantages of a set ending and fewer episodes per season.

The prodution quality is way off. Seems like they have been doing the past few seasons with cardboard cutouts and bad CGI. The thing is once you are no longer striving for excellence then everything starts to slip. 


Man that kid took forever to die. 

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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To be honest I don't think TWD has had great production quality post S1, and hasn't striven for excellence since then either. It's mostly due to AMC being exceptionally cheap, they infamously cut the budget yet doubled the episode count in S2 resulting in more than half the scenes using the same set across the entire season. I wouldn't put TWD up as looking like an expensive show, unlike GoT. Even no budget early Peter Jackson and almost no budget Ash vs Evil Dead F do decent zombies.


Their problem is not just production quality, it's just about everything short of Andrew Lincoln's acting- their storytelling is the worst combination of lazy, repetitive, predictable (on the larger scale) and incoherent (on the smaller scale), their characterisation goes around in circles (Rick, Carol and Morgan crises over whether to murder everyone version xyz...), they're just plain stale and AMC has run them into the ground as a cash cow and left it until ratings have collapsed to try and fix things.

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Started watching Godless today. Seen first two episodes. Not bad so far, even though a bit slow at times. Will continue.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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