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The Deadfire Scavenger Codes - WE FOUND THEM ALL - Cutthroat Cosmo! - Bonus Pets!

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Obsidian have said they're working on the gog issue - that's all we know





Obsidian has mentioned they are working on a solution for GOG users, but haven’t yet revealed what that will be. Several of us are in the same boat. I have faith they will sort something out.





Thanks to you both :)


I definitely trust Obsidian if they say they're working on a solution

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Ten more codes to find, including those not yet released and those that have been overlooked. It only takes one missing code..., praise Berath that we got the sails second last and not last of all.

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I said "Don't look Ethel!"  But it was too late, she'd already looked.

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Way off topic but I'll take the hit to get it off my chest.


What am I supposed to do with my ship when it meets another ship? I don't seem to be able to ram mine into the other ship, I don't seem to be able to pull alongside to board it and I sure as Berath don't seem to be able to cross its T and sink it.


I was hoping that it was a temporary kludge but it now seems that is certainly a feature.


So just how do I get rid of or else take another ship. I am a sailor and son of a historian and none of the features make sense to me.

I said "Don't look Ethel!"  But it was too late, she'd already looked.

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In the final game you will have the option to skip that "Full Sail"/"Half Sail"/"Half Bake" stuff and simply go for boarding. Def. my go-to option...

Just remember, you will take ship damage, and possibly crew damage, if you choose this option.

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Better than taking mental damage, right? ;)

Heaven forbid that anyone actually *likes* the ship combat system, amirite
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"Art and song are creations but so are weapons and lies"

"Our worst enemies are inventions of the mind. Pleasure. Fear. When we see them for what they are, we become unstoppable."

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Better than taking mental damage, right? ;)

Heaven forbid that anyone actually *likes* the ship combat system, amirite


It's cool with me if people like it. I didn't say that it should be removed from the game. I'm also not saying drivel like "They should have put the money elsewhere". I'm just happy that there's an option to bypass it - because I can't stand it.


I also don't like fennel. Doesn't mean I want to forbid other people to like it.


Actually I like fennel... I just couldn't come up with food that I don't like...  :blush:

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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So just how do I get rid of or else take another ship. I am a sailor and son of a historian and none of the features make sense to me.

You can engage in ship to ship combat and sink enemy ship, you can get close and ram/board it, or you can use “auto board” to skip ship2ship system, take some damage and board the ship. Don’t expect it to be realistic or anything like that - system is heavily abstracted.

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Actually I like fennel... I just couldn't come up with food that I don't like... :blush:

Pineapple pizza?
What? Nooo - that's totally fine. :)



This is the way the world ends - not with a bang but a whimper.

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First of all, thanks so much for this post, unfortunately I would not have time to group all these codes on my own before the game release date, so this really comes in handy...


Second, will definitely create a chanter named Phoebe so she can interract with Stinky Pete, singing "smelly cat" whilst they sail the archipelago!  ^^

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so theres 3 days left and 10 codes to find....

Obsidian wrote:

​"those scummy backers, we're going to screw them over by giving them their game on the release date. That'll show those bastards!" 



 Now we know what's going on...

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So just how do I get rid of or else take another ship. I am a sailor and son of a historian and none of the features make sense to me.

You can engage in ship to ship combat and sink enemy ship, you can get close and ram/board it, or you can use “auto board” to skip ship2ship system, take some damage and board the ship. Don’t expect it to be realistic or anything like that - system is heavily abstracted.


Is it actually possible to get sunk by the opposing ship during ship combat as well?

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It's game over :skull:


Talking from experience... ;(

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"Loyal Servant of His Most Fluffyness, Lord Kerfluffleupogus, Devourer of the Faithful!"


ringoffireresistance.gif *wearing the Ring of Fire Resistance* (gift from JFSOCC)

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