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Ydwin to return in the expansion?

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Lol I just watched that darksiders 3 trailer for the first time, anyone accusing that thing of being an Anime trope is WELL within their rights. Cartoony looks, ridiculously proportioned, stupid smirk, highly arrogant condescending dialog/tone, the only box she didn't check was boob plate, but her armor was overly elaborate and goofy looking enough.


LOL! So by that definition Nightmare Before Christmas, Harley Quinn (from Batman), Insaniac (from Small Solidiers) and Gex are anime.... Aside those few, there are literally tons of different art styles/character designs out there that feature the very same things you mention but sadly, people only acknowledge anime to having them. As if anime was the first art style to popularize or introduce these things to a general public - it wasn't, anime is just using things currently like everything else so I'd argue that anything is anime-inspred... unless it's a waifu fighter, visual novel/dating sim or Jrpg of course. That's pretty much about it. If we keep going, next Soul Calibur will be anime-inspired because of Ivy and Starfox will be furry inspired :p

Nice jumping of the shark.

Seriously, she is an anime looking character.  Get over it.  Her eyes are laughably huge, she literally looks like a cartoon, her head is too big, her hair is actually animated for some reason, not to mention huge, her proportions are no where near realistic, and all her dialog confirms she is a walking cliche.  Yes, that is pretty animeish, and all of those features are common in cliche anime heroines.  Well maybe not the weird moving hair thing.


All you are are really noticing is the fact that bad character design is consistent across all cultures, so it is easy to see crappy anime characters in western media, and vice versa.  Also in case you forgot your animation history, the father of American animation Walt Disney was inspired by Osamu Tezuka who made Astro Boy, not the other way around.  I can't even begin to tell you how many "American" cartoon shows I grew up watching were actually anime.  Such as the king of all "American" Kids Cartoon shows, GI Joe. 


If you want a more comprehensive description of what her design is, without any cultural indicators, I can give it to you in one word.  "Crap". 

Also you do realize Soul Caliber is made by Bandai-Namco (or is it Namco-Bandai, I can never remember) right?  A Japanese company, whose original games artists are all definitely Japanese, making characters designed to look like anime characters?  Or did you think this concept art was a Western design?sieg-soul3art.jpg

Japanese doesn't mean anime though. Just because it's made by Japanese and by the culture where anime originated, it doesn't mean that it should be forced or classified as anime. I'm nt denying that they're are similarities but to try to pass something off as anime just because it has some things in common or is from same place of origin doesn't make sense to me. Sorry.


I don't have a problem with anyone having an opinion that differs from mine in the matter of Fury or Ydwin, I just happen to find it interesting.


I can agree with you that it's bad character design though, and a bit generic but at least the armor is better thought up than a battle bikini. Still, Fury reminds me more of the female Dragon Knight in Divinity II more than anything - you might find her anime-esque as well but I just find her to be cartoonish.

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Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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The big difference is that nobody here has a problem with weebs or anime so I'm not sure how people are getting that impression and I sure hope nobody is getting offended. There's no reason for anyone on this thread to get frustrated as it is all about one's perception and grasp to relativity.


I own waifu fighters, I own air-dash fighters, I own games that are based off both anime and visual novel characters so I'm definitely not against anime in any way. The fact that I don't percieve or relate a non-anime based character to anime culture or try to pinpoint every single similarity shouldn't make me look like I have a problem with anime. Clearly I don't. Sorry to disappoint anyone who thought I was on the anime-hater wagon.


Again, I don't think that anyone here "hates" anime or has a problem with "weebs", at least there hasn't been any proof of that, it's just people disagreeing that a character looks or seems anime. It's not as big of a deal as it's being made out to be but oh well, it's the internet... what can ya do? Lol

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Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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It's not as big of a deal as it's being made out to be but oh well, it's the internet... what can ya do? Lol

Exactly.  I think a big problem is also people have a misconception about what anime is.  In short, it is just Japanese animation.  If it is animated, and it came from Japan, it is fair to call it anime.  Not all forms of anime look the same, they just tend to have "similar characteristics".






Versus this




Funny story, those are the same six characters, from the same show.  It is just the first picture they used a different drawing style as a one off, for comedic purposes.


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It's more complicated even then that. In Japan, "anime" *just means animation*. Any animation, anywhere. All animation=anime, it's just the word for that. Only in the Western world is the word considered a distinct thing unique to Japan--and even then, not so much; the Korean home-grown anime culture is taking off big-time (I know this because I have a military friend stationed in S. Korea).

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Yeah I see where you're comimg from. For some people like myself, we tend to catagorize anime as an art style or genre of its own, rather than a general word for cartoons as a whole. Of course, the audience it attracts has something to do with that too.


Suddenly now in the mood to play Nitroplus Blasterz or Corpse Party here! Maybe even Galak-Z cuz... Macross :D

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Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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I think there has been a tacit assumption present for a number of years: all geeks like anime (read: Japanese style animation).


What we are seeing now is a backlash. No, many geeks do not like Japanese style animation. In fact they hate it, and feel like it is being rammed down their throats. Thus, any hint of large eyes, outsize weapons, spectacles, or short frilly skirts triggers a "burn it with fire" response, even if the artist was not consciously influenced by anime.

Edited by Fardragon

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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Also in case you forgot your animation history, the father of American animation Walt Disney was inspired by Osamu Tezuka who made Astro Boy, not the other way around.

Off-Topic Aside from an Animator and Animation Buff: Whoever told you this is a liar. It's not only false, it's not even possible due to their respective ages and career lengths. Walt Disney released his first Mickey Mouse cartoon in 1928, the year Tezuka was BORN, and his first feature animation Snow White in 1937. By the time Tezuka released his first manga (NOT anime) in 1945 Walt Disney had made countless animated cartoons and 7 feature length films including Dumbo and Bambi. By the time Tezuka first entered the animation industry with Astro Boy under a different name in late 1959 (which flopped), Walt Disney released the last animated film he acted as a hands on producer for (Sleeping Beauty) and moved on to Live Action hybrids like Mary Poppins, and by the time the popular version of Astro Boy hit it big in 1963 and made Tezuka an animation legend in Japan, Walt Disney had stopped working on animation all together to produce live action films, parks and his EPCOT project, only serving as a executive to Disney animation, his credits as 'Producer' were only because it was his company. When Disney died in 1966, it's unlikely he would even know Tezuka's name and he certainly never animated anything inspired by him, though later Disney execs and animators would (as evidenced by the wholesale copying of Kimba the White Lion).


EDIT: Here's some additional reading that describes how Tezuka was inspired by, and copied liberally from, Walt Disney, including Tezuka's own claim he watched Bambi over 80 times. http://www.themovieblog.com/2013/08/how-walt-disney-influenced-anime/

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Some people perceived her as anime. Fact.

Those people became obnoxious boors. Opinion.

Some people got so sick of hearing from the first group that they already have an aversion to the character even though the game is a year away from release. Fact.


There is no point in "debating" about this. If this first group didn't exist, neither would this thread.


That's not entirely true. The moment I saw the sketch I thought: "Oh ****, the anime crowd has taken over". Without reading anything in the forums. I don't know why I thought that. As I said earlier, I don't think, that she really is anime. But that picture has something on it that makes me feel ... I dont know. A foreshadowing of something not good. I could imagine other people felt the same.

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We're all doomed

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I should have said "Some of those people became obnoxious boors". Then we could have debated whether that was a fact or an opinion.

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I had a thought. For the sake of drama, one of the existing full companions could get a glorious death at a key moment in the campaign. One of the sidekicks could then be elevated to a full companion in the expansion as a fill-in.

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"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."

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I had a thought. For the sake of drama, one of the existing full companions could get a glorious death at a key moment in the campaign. One of the sidekicks could then be elevated to a full companion in the expansion as a fill-in.

What if one of the companions gets kidnapped and players must go rescue them. Then while on their journey, another party member is unmasked to be a traitor and surprise attacks the party! Upon their death it is revealed that an evil cipher placed them under a permanent Whisper of Treason spell, but now you have an extra party slot for the soon-to-be-rescued member. :yes:

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That's not entirely true. The moment I saw the sketch I thought: "Oh ****, the anime crowd has taken over". Without reading anything in the forums. I don't know why I thought that. As I said earlier, I don't think, that she really is anime. But that picture has something on it that makes me feel ... I dont know. A foreshadowing of something not good. I could imagine other people felt the same.

It isn't that shocking.  She has sort of a weird smirk, she is doing an odd pose, etc etc.  The other Eternity characters that have had concept images (like Eder) are all standing in fairly natural ways.  Many of them don't even have weapons drawn.  She is definitely a little more adventurous than the other concepts.

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That's not entirely true. The moment I saw the sketch I thought: "Oh ****, the anime crowd has taken over". Without reading anything in the forums. I don't know why I thought that. As I said earlier, I don't think, that she really is anime. But that picture has something on it that makes me feel ... I dont know. A foreshadowing of something not good. I could imagine other people felt the same.

It isn't that shocking.  She has sort of a weird smirk, she is doing an odd pose, etc etc.  The other Eternity characters that have had concept images (like Eder) are all standing in fairly natural ways.  Many of them don't even have weapons drawn.  She is definitely a little more adventurous than the other concepts.


2/3rds have a weapon drawn. Aloth has his back to the "camera". Pallegina is smirking.


It's a unique *combination* of traits. It's pure coincidence; they combined some things together from other character art, altered a couple of common outfits in minor ways, and put the combination together to give Ydwin a unique "look". No particular trait is unique, really, except the glasses. The overall combination happens to hit the "schoolgirl fighter" appearance a little and some people took that to immediately mean "anime appearance". Other people got annoyed at them, but took the whole "anime appearance" thing because it's like being told not to think of a white-eyed polar bear; once you're told it, you see it.


To suppose that just because you *see* something in a work of art means the work of art is defined as such or was influenced by anything in particular is to say you know something about that object which only the person who created it knows. We'll know if Ydwins appearance was influenced by anime if the designer says it when discussing designing Ydwin. Until then, it's only *you*. It's your perceptions, nothing more. Just because you *see* anime doesn't mean Ydwin's design was influenced in any way by anime; it just means you see anime.

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I had a thought. For the sake of drama, one of the existing full companions could get a glorious death at a key moment in the campaign. One of the sidekicks could then be elevated to a full companion in the expansion as a fill-in.

What if one of the companions gets kidnapped and players must go rescue them. Then while on their journey, another party member is unmasked to be a traitor and surprise attacks the party! Upon their death it is revealed that an evil cipher placed them under a permanent Whisper of Treason spell, but now you have an extra party slot for the soon-to-be-rescued member. :yes:



Naaaah, such a flimsy idea will never sell :p;)

It would be of small avail to talk of magic in the air...

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I had a thought. For the sake of drama, one of the existing full companions could get a glorious death at a key moment in the campaign. One of the sidekicks could then be elevated to a full companion in the expansion as a fill-in.

What if one of the companions gets kidnapped and players must go rescue them. Then while on their journey, another party member is unmasked to be a traitor and surprise attacks the party! Upon their death it is revealed that an evil cipher placed them under a permanent Whisper of Treason spell, but now you have an extra party slot for the soon-to-be-rescued member. :yes:



Naaaah, such a flimsy idea will never sell :p;)


Funnily enough I think the original idea was that the companion who are referencing who was to be rescued was to die, making the whole rescue her plot redundant and quite frankly crap in my opinion (forcing the player to go on a rescue in the first place, only to swipe the goal at the last second and leave you with nothing...)  They changed it quite late when they finally twigged it would have been a rubbish idea, but that is why she barely has any lines once you rescue her.

"That rabbit's dynamite!" - King Arthur, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

"Space is big, really big." - Douglas Adams

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Funnily enough I think the original idea was that the companion who are referencing who was to be rescued was to die, making the whole rescue her plot redundant and quite frankly crap in my opinion (forcing the player to go on a rescue in the first place, only to swipe the goal at the last second and leave you with nothing...)  They changed it quite late when they finally twigged it would have been a rubbish idea, but that is why she barely has any lines once you rescue her.


I think this is plausible. Said companion is much more vorbose in the subsequent expansion.

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It would be of small avail to talk of magic in the air...

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Funnily enough I think the original idea was that the companion who are referencing who was to be rescued was to die, making the whole rescue her plot redundant and quite frankly crap in my opinion (forcing the player to go on a rescue in the first place, only to swipe the goal at the last second and leave you with nothing...)  They changed it quite late when they finally twigged it would have been a rubbish idea, but that is why she barely has any lines once you rescue her.


I think this is plausible. Said companion is much more vorbose in the subsequent expansion.



Are you guys talking about the girl in the Blood Lines quest? No idea what companion you are talking about.

Edited by smjjames
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Just joking. They are a personal fav of mine, but they are based on D&D 2nd Edition (another personal fav), so you may not like some of the dastardly mechanics such as THAC0. :p The series has been repolished and rereleased by Beamdog and I think they are only $20 each if you want to try them out. Imo, BG II is better than BG.

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