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Politics 2016

Wrath of Dagon

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okay, people's rights. Russia is against homosexuality and don't give the LGBT community rights like other citizens.....

So how can we use that as an excuse for not being on friendly terms with Russia when Obama and USA is GREAT friends with Saudia Arabia?

And why should they be friendly with Russia ? You're one of those people that are friendly with everyone until you have a reason not to ?
Pretty much. Neutral to friendly
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Obama gets credit for it because he is still 'president'. At this rate with Trump and co LITERALLY stealing jobs from mexico.. Mexico is gonna gladly build a wall. LMAO

Edited by Volourn


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Or make it easier to immigrate to the US. Seriously, we should build "Ellis Island II" on the Mexican border and open the gates to legal entry into the country. It would improve the immigrants living conditions, remove the ability to undercut wages and fill our coffers with tax income that otherwise goes "under the table". :yes:

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Right, low skilled legal immigrants will demand high wages just like their American counterparts. We have plenty of legal immigration now, most people want it reduced, not increased. Corporations want both legal and illegal immigration, because they know labor oversupply results in lower wages.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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I dunno. We somehow managed to figure it out once before. Heres an idea! East of Nevada and West of Illinois is a vast open expanse just waiting for settlers. New cities for everyone!


If you are the child (over 21 years of age) of a US citizen, you are in the first preference. The wait for a US visa in this category can be six years. If you are the child or spouse of a green card holder, you are in the second preference. The wait for a US visa in this category can be five to ten years.




That's reasonable to you?

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Yes, it's very reasonable because if we had no quotas we might get 10's of millions of people a year, far more than we can absorb. Immigration should be for US benefit, not the benefit of foreigners. We already get 1 million immigrants a year, and another million on temporary work permits that tend to become permanent. That's more than enough.

Edited by Wrath of Dagon

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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But, but, Obola said it couldn't be done! What did Trump do, wave a magic wand?

Well, what did he do?

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Retreating after Trump tweet, GOP won't gut ethics office


The new GOP era in Washington got off to a messy start Tuesday as House Republicans, under pressure from President-elect Donald Trump, abruptly dropped plans to gut an independent congressional ethics board.

The dizzying about-face came as lawmakers convened for the first day of the 115th Congress, an occasion normally reserved for pomp and ceremony under the Capitol Dome. Instead, House Republicans found themselves under attack not only from Democrats but from their new president, over their secretive move Monday to neuter the independent Office of Congressional Ethics and place it under lawmakers' control.
GOP leaders scrambled to contain the damage, and within hours of Trump registering his criticism on Twitter, they called an emergency meeting where House Republicans voted without opposition to undo the change.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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But, but, Obola said it couldn't be done! What did Trump do, wave a magic wand?

Well, what did he do?


Made it clear the era of free lunch as far as moving jobs abroad is over. US government used to actually encourage companies to move jobs to China! Also promised to improve business climate in the US, instead of Obola's passive-aggressive Marxism.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Made it clear the era of free lunch as far as moving jobs abroad is over. US government used to actually encourage companies to move jobs to China! Also promised to improve business climate in the US, instead of Obola's passive-aggressive Marxism.

This post is art
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Just no comment - i knew that a lot of US "pseudo-journalists" are retarded, but this is gold.



More stuff like this and no one will bat an eye when Trump tightens anti Libel laws against the press.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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British retirees watch 'frozen' pensions disappear, campaigners hope Brexit brings change



Some quotes:



What particularly upsets Mr Tilley is the different treatment British pensioners receive based on which country they retire in.


"If they go to America, or if they go to Israel, or if they go to the Philippines ... all of Europe, they get their pensions indexed. But if they come out to Australia, Canada ... and New Zealand and South Africa, then their pensions are frozen," he said.


The situation often leads to absurd examples — like that of 96-year-old Delysia Willmott.


Ms Delysia moved to Australia in 1978 to be near her daughter. At the time her pension was 17 pounds per week.


Thirty-nine years later, her UK pension is still 17 pounds per week. Had she retired in Europe, or the US, her pension today would be 119 pounds per week.


"I think privately, United Kingdom ministers recognise the injustice," said British MP Sir Roger Gale, chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Frozen British Pensions.


When post-EU Britain negotiates new trade deals with countries like Australia and Canada, he said they must send Britain a clear message: "As part of any trade deal that we do with you following the leaving of the European Union, we want this issue settled. Because settled it must be."


...many British retirees receive partial pensions from both the UK and Australia. As the relative value of UK pensions decreases, pension payments from Australia rise to fill the gap.

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So, following in the footsteps of Stalin, Pinochet, and Kim Jong Il Barack Obama had himself awarded a medal yesterday. The Department of Defense Public Service. So Congrats to him for doing.... well nothing I guess, to earn such a prestigious honor. But hey, GWB & Bill Clinton did the same thing for no good reasons so why not. After all a politician needs no help patting themselves on the back. Especially one as narcissistic as Obama.



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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Eagerly waiting for the title of Generalisimo. Seriously though, GWB got one too, apparently it's something that's given to outgoing presidents, no big deal.



No, it is a big deal. GWB did less than nothing to deserve an award either. But Clinton? No THAT is really galling. I was in the military during Clinton's first term. I saw first hand the disrespect and endless "social engineering"  he brought to the armed forces. It is particularly galling since Clinton "sold" burial plots in Arlington to large donors who never served a day in uniform.  But this whole notion of Presidents giving themselves and award for doing nothing is very banana republic. But Steven Spielberg got one for making a f-----g movie so I guess the term award should be used very loosely.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Obviously more of a kiss ass award than a merit award. Just a way for DoD to say good bye, and in this case also good riddance. Of course it's hypocritical, but most things in politics are. And it's a civilian award, it's not like he's getting the Medal of Honor.


Obamacare could easily blow up in Republicans' face, and being the stupid party it probably will: http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertlaszewski2/2016/11/28/obamacare-repeal-transition-and-replace-the-republicans-have-a-tiger-by-the-tail/#688a33ca65c5

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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All they have to do with Obamacare is make it optional instead of manatory. Then give it a year or 2 for the changes to take place and then go from there.

Seriously, making it optional and doing nothing else will I'd dare say make a majority of people happy.

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