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"That would basically ruin the whole point of the game. :>"


i prefer it when games don't waste my time


in b4 "git gud"

  • Like 1

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.


Taurus demon flopped to cheese, he never attacks while you're on a ladder climbing to battlements so its possible to just jump on his head and stab 'im dead.


Then I got burned by a dragon.

He actually does if you don't climb up fast enough, and if you waste more than a few seconds on the tower he'll jump up, deal a bunch of damage and likely knock you down for even more.

Posted (edited)

You must be thinking of games like Ninja Gaiden  series on xbox or ps 3. ps3 versions are especially time wasting with their forcefully added levels that break the flow.


Dark Souls only wastes your time if you're stupid. And it doesn't require grinding at all. Just by playing normally you can collect enough souls to level up high enough to defeat any boss in the game. I mean in DS1 you can level up at every bonfire, so there really isn't any excuse to carry around a bazillions souls when you don't need to. Leave that to players who know the game by heart already.



And yes Dark Souls difficult was inflated, especially by ignorant and incompetent gaming journalists/reviewers.


Also DMC 3 wasn't that difficult either on normal, it was still fun on hard. Very hard and other were meant for good players anyway.

Edited by Majek
  • Like 1

1.13 killed off Ja2.

Posted (edited)


Taurus demon flopped to cheese, he never attacks while you're on a ladder climbing to battlements so its possible to just jump on his head and stab 'im dead.


Then I got burned by a dragon.

He actually does if you don't climb up fast enough, and if you waste more than a few seconds on the tower he'll jump up, deal a bunch of damage and likely knock you down for even more.



Guess I got lucky, even when I mistimed the jump, every time just as he was to land on the tower I was already on my way down. 


Killed the Boar. It has a silly habit of getting bored and walking away, proudly exposing its only unarmored orifice.


Oh well, all in a day's work.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.



I've been playing so much WoW that I'm dreaming about it.

Hah. Yeah I have been playing a lot. PvP healing random bgs is torture as people just bitch at me but run out of range or LOS and provide no aid.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra


Five hours into Bioshock Remastered and very much enjoying myself, the game has still got it.  It's not a flawless remaster but considering it was a free update on Steam I won't complain too much  :yes:


Five hours into Bioshock Remastered and very much enjoying myself, the game has still got it.  It's not a flawless remaster but considering it was a free update on Steam I won't complain too much  :yes:

Oh, I didn't know it was a free update. I think I've got at least one more play in me.
  • Like 1

As a bear in winter, so must I too hibernate soon.



Oh, I didn't know it was a free update. I think I've got at least one more play in me.



I've not played since it was originally released, so it's a huge reminder of why it's brilliant.

Posted (edited)

Oh, I didn't know it was a free update. I think I've got at least one more play in me.

They added what they call "director commentary" too. I assume it'll be Ken Levine commenting on the game?


I've not played since it was originally released, so it's a huge reminder of why it's brilliant.

Great, now play for some time and it'll also remind you of why it's not quite so brilliant :-P


Anyway, I'm glad they finally made control scheme for plasmids semi-sane. Instead of pressing the left bumper to equip and right bumper to fire them, you just press right bumper to equip and fire them, while left bumper does that for weapons. I was hoping for them to go full Bioshock 2 or Infinite on this, but this is okay too, as long as I don't have to do any gymnastics with my fingers just to shoot gun, shoot plasmid and then shoot gun. Still one button press away from "good" tho.


Edit: Uu, and the old trick to increase FOV still works. Nice.

Edited by Fenixp

I tried replaying Bioshock recently but I just couldn't get into it again. For me it was a one off experience, the second time around all I could see were the flaws.

  • Like 1

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.




Oh, I didn't know it was a free update. I think I've got at least one more play in me.

They added what they call "director commentary" too. I assume it'll be Ken Levine commenting on the game?


I've not played since it was originally released, so it's a huge reminder of why it's brilliant.

Great, now play for some time and it'll also remind you of why it's not quite so brilliant :-P


Anyway, I'm glad they finally made control scheme for plasmids semi-sane. Instead of pressing the left bumper to equip and right bumper to fire them, you just press right bumper to equip and fire them, while left bumper does that for weapons. I was hoping for them to go full Bioshock 2 or Infinite on this, but this is okay too, as long as I don't have to do any gymnastics with my fingers just to shoot gun, shoot plasmid and then shoot gun. Still one button press away from "good" tho.


Edit: Uu, and the old trick to increase FOV still works. Nice.



Yeah the controls are absolutely not brilliant but I love the atmosphere, level design and voice acting.  The only thing I remember truly sucking was the final boss battle  :facepalm:


Trying to force myself to finally finish New Vegas. But it is getting hard to do so. Between the endlessly spawning, bugged to hell  Legion Assassins, and the terrible writing that makes you wonder if this really was developed by the same studio as Alpha Protocol, it seems less and less likely.


(not exact quotes)

"Don't move savage, or I'll kill you."

"You think I walked through howitzer fire to get threatened by you?"

"Blah blah threat blah"

other NPC walks up "Our leader wants to talk to you"

PC options "Lead the way" / "I am leaving" Waaaaait, one second ago thse people were still shooting artillery at me and I was threatening them for doing so, and now "Lead the way" and "Bye, all is good" are all my options?

I go to the Leader.

My options are  "I am leaving" and direct quote: "How can I be of service?"


Please tell me this was written by a kid that had visited on a "Bring your kid to work" day.


And then there is all the garbage that is Caesar's Legion. Probably the worst evil group in any game I have played. **** only Dragon Age 2 can even try to rival this drivel.

  • Like 2

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

Posted (edited)

Sod off, you bastard! Wait, melkathi? Could it be you trashing a masterpiece like New Vegas? Tell me it's not true! Oh well, then stay. Just hope you see the beauty of New Vegas before the end. Course, you had it right on Mordheim, so can't be too hard on you.


Makes me want to restart a new game and try something different. Maybe a fast talking science guy for once.


Seriously considering playing WoW again just to see how it's changed.


bwahahaha Just loaded a battle in progress in Mordheim and one of the henchmen I'd been peppering with bolt, bullet, and arrow tried to climb and took himself out by falling.

Edited by quidproquo
  • Like 2

As a bear in winter, so must I too hibernate soon.


I think people were just hungry for the dish of a genuine Fallout like RPG when it came out. I would hesitate to describe New Vegas as anything more than good. It leaned way too much on Fallout 2's wacky wasteland as opposed to F1's comparatively more serious tone for my tastes. And mechanically speaking, it was rather clunky as well.

  • Like 2

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.



It's hard to finish main game after you deal with the chip.


Best to just play the DLCs after killing Benny and/or House and nuke both NCR and Lgion.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

Posted (edited)

Moral dilemmas as presented through New Vegas:


NPCs: "The Legion and the NCR are just the same!"

Player: "Tell me about the Legion."

NPC: "They are an army of cannibals, slavers and murderers. They will overrun us, kill all the men, children and old women, and rape and enslave the young women. And once they have conquered us they will kill all the women and children and old men, and only keep a few young men alive to train as soldiers."

Player: "Friend you are contradicting yourself there. Are they killing everyone except for a few women to keep as slaves or are they killing all the women and just keeping some men alive to train as soldiers."

NPC: "Frak you, they can do both."

Player: "No, not really. But let me get some Radaway, you seem to have spend too much time in the green goo. Feeling better now?"

NPC: "Yes, thank you."

Player: "So why do they kill everyone except for youngish adults? How exactly do you demand unquestioning loyalty from a man who's parents, children and friends you butchered in front of his eyes. Who's wife and sister you raped, then butchered in front of his eyes? Wouldn't that person harbor some... negative feelings towards you?"

NPC: "Nope, Caesar is so awesomesauce charismatic, anyone who is given the chance follows him blindly."

Player: "Wouldn't it make more sense to train the orphaned kids, young enough to be malleable, and to forget that it was Caesar who had their true family butchered, crucified, burned alive, beheaded, gang-raped, fed to dogs..."

NPC: "No."

Player: "No?"

NPC: "No."

Player: "Ah, OK then. Just thought I'd ask."

NPC: "So, they take the men, absorb them into the Legion and train them to use the machete - a man's weapon. And because they learn to use the machete, they are so much more awesome than the drafted fools in the NCR army."

Player: " A machete..."

NPC: "And throwing spears. Because Caesar is a Luddite. That's why they also only use healing powder for their wounds. Tough, elite real men."

Player: "And the NCR?"

NPC: "Eh, they are dweebs. They use service rifles, assault rifles, sniper rifles. They use stimpacks and all kinds of medicine to heal their wounded. They are so useless, they have even been known to field squads of Power Armour wearing soldiers. Can you believe it? Power Armour vs Machete? No wonder they die like flies."

Player: "Riiiight... so, tell me about the NCR."

NPC: "They are just as bad as the Legion! They demand: taxes."

Player: "Oh, no!"

NPC: "Exactly. They demand we provide their army with food so they can fight the Legion."

Player: "Who would rape and murder you if they got a chance."

NPC: "Huh? Oh, yeah."

Player: "So why doesn't the Legion have a chance?"

NPC: "They are too busy fighting the NCR."

Player: "So, if it wasn't for the presence of the NCR,it is safe to say the Legion would have overrun the region and have murdered everyone here?"

NPC: "Pretty much."

Player: "So if you could tell the NCR president one thing, what would it be?"

NPC: "Easy: NCR go home! We don't need you!"

Player: "In which case the Legion would slaughter you on the very next day."

NPC: "..."

Player: "Yeah, I see your point. I will have a real hard time trying to figure out the moral gray areas here. Man, I hadn't realized the philosophical, ethical and moral depth you people are faced with on top of the usual wasteland difficulties."


Player: "So, I think we are good. I killed Caesar."

NPC: "A blow to the Legion, but they don't need him."

Player: "But they are a cult of personality worshiping and following one single leader and that leader had his head blown off with a custom magnum with custom bullets."

NPC: "True, but the command structure is intact. Let me tell you about Legate Lanius..."

Player: "He was in the tent with Caesar when I killed Caesar. I killed him too. Magnum, custom bullets, head blown off..."

NPC: "Well, the day to day running was being done by Vulpes."

Player: "Funny you should mention him. I ran into him in Nipton and he was being a it of an arse, and I had this dynamite left over after fighting the Powder Gang..."

NPC: "There is an intact command structure in Cottonwood Cove, they will simply..."

Player: "About Cottonwood Cove..."

NPC: "The Legion doesn't need Caesar or their command structure. They have machetes!"

Player: "Oh, I had forgotten about those. Sorry."





I'll give it a rest now :)

Edited by melkathi
  • Like 7

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).


Suspension of disbelief, mate. As a gamer, if you can't fill in some of the blanks and flesh out the story at least a little, it's on you. Tell me a game that gets it perfectly


Anyway, chacun à son gout. I think that means you're the son of a goat or something. :devil:

As a bear in winter, so must I too hibernate soon.


Yeah the controls are absolutely not brilliant but I love the atmosphere, level design and voice acting.  The only thing I remember truly sucking was the final boss battle  :facepalm:

The entirety of combat was not brilliant. It just ... Didn't offer many options, and while it had nice options implemented like ammo types and various plasmids, fighting everything was pretty much the same (except for Big Daddies. But after a while, fighting them was the same too.) It also had a rather peculiar scaling mechanic where, to cope with your getting more powerful versions of plasmids, all enemies got a ton more health and did more damage across the board, so at the end of the game, they were incredibly bullet spongy (I mean, even more so.)


Bioshock 2 improved upon just about every aspect of the game and I still consider it the best game of the series - of course, atmosphere, level design and voice acting weren't as good as they were in the original.

Posted (edited)

It kind of occurs to me that I don't find Adam Jensen's non-lethal takedowns in Mankind Divided (which often boil down to palm-striking a dude in the Adam's Apple) as entertaining as the ones from Human Revolution.


What else? Playing through the Original Sin 2 Early Access. Turns out the the elf character I'm playing _really_ doesn't react well to authority, and as such when I commit to roleplaying I'm stepping on far more toes than I normally would in an RPG. My inner min-maxer is howling in agony.

Edited by Agiel
  • Like 1
“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling



It kind of occurs to me that I don't find Adam Jensen's non-lethal takedowns in Mankind Divided (which often boil down to palm-striking a dude in the Adam's Apple) as entertaining as the ones from Human Revolution.


Hmm? I did mostly takedowns from cover and can't remember seeing that one? But it's funny, now that the animations are contextual, depensing on your playstyle, you are going to see fewer of them even though there are apparently more of them than in HR.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?



Suspension of disbelief, mate. As a gamer, if you can't fill in some of the blanks and flesh out the story at least a little, it's on you. Tell me a game that gets it perfectly


Anyway, chacun à son gout. I think that means you're the son of a goat or something. :devil:


Suspension of disbelief goes only that far. It is not a blank check for writers to stop trying :p


I'll play some Mordhheim. A game not without it's faults, but less aggravating ones :)

  • Like 2

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).


So, slight spoilers I suppose, in Mankind Divided (Golem), I have discovered a computer which points to the person that ordered attack on train station in Prague. Adam did not in any way react to this discovery and didn't even mention this information anywhere. How do you make Deus Ex games less reactive over time?

  • Like 1

Suspension of disbelief goes only that far. It is not a blank check for writers to stop trying :p

to be fair, FNV is just too big of a game to have been made in 18 months with perfect writing. corners had to be cut somewhere, we all know that the Legion was the part that got damaged the most.

  • Like 2
Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.


Moral dilemmas as presented through New Vegas:


NPCs: "The Legion and the NCR are just the same!"

Player: "Tell me about the Legion."

NPC: "They are an army of cannibals, slavers and murderers. They will overrun us, kill all the men, children and old women, and rape and enslave the young women. And once they have conquered us they will kill all the women and children and old men, and only keep a few young men alive to train as soldiers."

Player: "Friend you are contradicting yourself there. Are they killing everyone except for a few women to keep as slaves or are they killing all the women and just keeping some men alive to train as soldiers."

NPC: "Frak you, they can do both."

Player: "No, not really. But let me get some Radaway, you seem to have spend too much time in the green goo. Feeling better now?"

NPC: "Yes, thank you."

Player: "So why do they kill everyone except for youngish adults? How exactly do you demand unquestioning loyalty from a man who's parents, children and friends you butchered in front of his eyes. Who's wife and sister you raped, then butchered in front of his eyes? Wouldn't that person harbor some... negative feelings towards you?"

NPC: "Nope, Caesar is so awesomesauce charismatic, anyone who is given the chance follows him blindly."

Player: "Wouldn't it make more sense to train the orphaned kids, young enough to be malleable, and to forget that it was Caesar who had their true family butchered, crucified, burned alive, beheaded, gang-raped, fed to dogs..."

NPC: "No."

Player: "No?"

NPC: "No."

Player: "Ah, OK then. Just thought I'd ask."

NPC: "So, they take the men, absorb them into the Legion and train them to use the machete - a man's weapon. And because they learn to use the machete, they are so much more awesome than the drafted fools in the NCR army."

Player: " A machete..."

NPC: "And throwing spears. Because Caesar is a Luddite. That's why they also only use healing powder for their wounds. Tough, elite real men."

Player: "And the NCR?"

NPC: "Eh, they are dweebs. They use service rifles, assault rifles, sniper rifles. They use stimpacks and all kinds of medicine to heal their wounded. They are so useless, they have even been known to field squads of Power Armour wearing soldiers. Can you believe it? Power Armour vs Machete? No wonder they die like flies."

Player: "Riiiight... so, tell me about the NCR."

NPC: "They are just as bad as the Legion! They demand: taxes."

Player: "Oh, no!"

NPC: "Exactly. They demand we provide their army with food so they can fight the Legion."

Player: "Who would rape and murder you if they got a chance."

NPC: "Huh? Oh, yeah."

Player: "So why doesn't the Legion have a chance?"

NPC: "They are too busy fighting the NCR."

Player: "So, if it wasn't for the presence of the NCR,it is safe to say the Legion would have overrun the region and have murdered everyone here?"

NPC: "Pretty much."

Player: "So if you could tell the NCR president one thing, what would it be?"

NPC: "Easy: NCR go home! We don't need you!"

Player: "In which case the Legion would slaughter you on the very next day."

NPC: "..."

Player: "Yeah, I see your point. I will have a real hard time trying to figure out the moral gray areas here. Man, I hadn't realized the philosophical, ethical and moral depth you people are faced with on top of the usual wasteland difficulties."


Player: "So, I think we are good. I killed Caesar."

NPC: "A blow to the Legion, but they don't need him."

Player: "But they are a cult of personality worshiping and following one single leader and that leader had his head blown off with a custom magnum with custom bullets."

NPC: "True, but the command structure is intact. Let me tell you about Legate Lanius..."

Player: "He was in the tent with Caesar when I killed Caesar. I killed him too. Magnum, custom bullets, head blown off..."

NPC: "Well, the day to day running was being done by Vulpes."

Player: "Funny you should mention him. I ran into him in Nipton and he was being a it of an arse, and I had this dynamite left over after fighting the Powder Gang..."

NPC: "There is an intact command structure in Cottonwood Cove, they will simply..."

Player: "About Cottonwood Cove..."

NPC: "The Legion doesn't need Caesar or their command structure. They have machetes!"

Player: "Oh, I had forgotten about those. Sorry."





I'll give it a rest now :)

Lol, the logic in the first part about NCR seems very close to a chat which I have from time to time with people zealosly hating EU :-D

Sent from my Stone Tablet, using Chisel-a-Talk 2000BC.

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13) Soulcalibur V - PS3 - 73+ hours

14) Gran Turismo 5 - PS3 - 600+ hours

15) Tales of Xillia 2 - PS3 - 302+ hours

16) Mortal Kombat XL - PS4 - 95+ hours

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