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European Refugee Crisis : Part 2


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Refugee crisis is just excuse to drive in policies that many of our (meaning all richer EU countries) politicians have wanted from beginning. They don't want give free movement for work force from poorer countries, but there has not been yet excuse that don't make them look like self serving exploiters, but now refugee crisis has finally give them good and understandable excuse to close boarders from people they don't actually want. Now they have excuse that gives them option to keep duty-free trade and also control flow of people from poorer countries. And best part is that those poorer countries currently think that this is positive improvement that is cause of celebration. It is somewhat ironic to see that media is saying that this something that richer EU countries had to do against their will, even though they have done their best for last 30 years to find excuses why they have right to limit free movement promised in Schengen agreement.


You can be sure that when refugee crisis is over that it will be fight to get Schengen agreement back to effect if it ever comeback in its current/past form.


Richer countries will probably also use refugee crisis to cut support from poorer EU countries as they didn't do their part in "European humanitarian crisis". They only need to find how to spin it like something that nationalist parties themselves will demand as it is evilness of EU.

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Heh, difference in the approach of various immigrants in west EU countries:




Some will try to kill you because you changed the faith (ME/NAfrica) while others will risk their health to defend you (CEE), when attacked by bandits.

Edited by Darkpriest
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Refugee crisis is just excuse to drive in policies that many of our (meaning all richer EU countries) politicians have wanted from beginning. They don't want give free movement for work force from poorer countries, but there has not been yet excuse that don't make them look like self serving exploiters, but now refugee crisis has finally give them good and understandable excuse to close boarders from people they don't actually want. Now they have excuse that gives them option to keep duty-free trade and also control flow of people from poorer countries. And best part is that those poorer countries currently think that this is positive improvement that is cause of celebration. It is somewhat ironic to see that media is saying that this something that richer EU countries had to do against their will, even though they have done their best for last 30 years to find excuses why they have right to limit free movement promised in Schengen agreement.


You can be sure that when refugee crisis is over that it will be fight to get Schengen agreement back to effect if it ever comeback in its current/past form.


Richer countries will probably also use refugee crisis to cut support from poorer EU countries as they didn't do their part in "European humanitarian crisis". They only need to find how to spin it like something that nationalist parties themselves will demand as it is evilness of EU.


I think you're mixing Schengen with the "four freedoms" of the internal EU market. Quotas and limits placed on labour immigration of EU citizens are not regulated by the Schengen agreement, that was - and is - solely about abolishing physical barriers and border controls between common borders of nations within the Schengen area.


Not that you don't have a point there, but the really rich EU nations and the US appendix north of France don't really need to use any (temporary) suspension of the Schengen agreement as fig leave for limits and quotas - they already got those anyway.


If you really think the EU will cut support for the poorer members here's a little reality check: That would be a bad idea. That money is, for the most part, destined to be invested into infrastructure projects. Many of which are then awarded to corporations from the richer members of the EU. For that reason alone this isn't anything but sabre rattling.

No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.

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Quotas and limitations in labor market are exceptions to Schengen agreement that richer EU countries demanded before they accepted taking more countries in the union. So if you don't think that suppressing Schengen agreement will bring more limitations to EU's workforce movement then I would say that you are quite trusting or you don't realize where current political winds in EU are blowing.


I may have expressed my thoughts in too obscure way, but I did say that limiting support or removing it entirely is something that politicians in richer EU countries want to do if they can find way that doesn't bite them back, meaning that if there is option where poorer EU themselves want cutting that support down then richer countries will be more than willing to let poorer countries have their will in the matter. And to get poorer countries to want such thing is the trick where refugee crisis and poorer countries unwillingness to take refugees can come handy, by for example giving countries option to buy their way out to take refugees by paying more in EU's fund, which effectively will cut or even fully undermine economical support that richer countries give for the poorer countries. So if by adding bit bureaucracy to EU will make poorer countries themselves cut their effective support from richer countries then you can be quite sure that richer countries will take that offer and even better if they can take that option and quilt trip poorer countries how they don't do their part in this humanitarian crisis.


So I don't think that EU will cut it support to poorer countries, but instead it will introduce new systems that effectively will cut down those supports. Which will effectively countries themselves pay those projects that EU wants them to do from their own pockets.

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Bruce still thinks that we have Warsaw pact Iron Curtain etc. ;p

Guys please don't assume I am as ignorant as some about East European countries :)


I am just amazed that you think admitting you Polish is something that you need to keep secret, I never told you I have had several Polish friends in SA. One of  my ex-Girlfriends was from Poland. Her name was Alicja Grakalska (spelling on surname )..anyway she was a really nice person and she was a professional pole dancer. I always use to tease her when I saw her and pretend to speak Russian...but she had no accent, she always use to laugh. When she got married to a good friend of mine we had a South African and Polish wedding


You see this is one of the problems with the EU and why some of you guys feel threatened by the  Syrians , there is this bizarre historical resentment of Germany and then you guys think that the fact you come from East Europe somehow is a bad thing because of historical biased from some European countries ..." look its the Slavs "  ....alum actually thought I was suggesting the country of Hungary is genetically more inclined to commit rape


Sorry I'm not going to suggest there is something wrong with you or suggest you are all ignorant. There is nothing wrong with any of your countries but the fact you seem to think there is actually a self-repeating stereotype. You are all white to us in Africa ...you are all European to us. It makes no difference ....be proud of where you come from


I am not trying to make you feel guilty but I live in a country where large numbers of people have a real lack of confidence and feel they have no heritage.... 





I known her also  :dancing:

Edited by obyknven
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  • 2 weeks later...

How are Bruce's ex-girlfriend photos and name relevant the topic? I don't want to have to get out the pruning shears, please get on topic instead of dismantling another member's history like an old maid.

But she is European refugee who has been forced  by capitalism to flee from homeland into land of non-civilized savages (where she must play a role of girl for pleasure).  


P.S. Russian music about  hard life of Caucasian migrants


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  • 2 weeks later...

It is nice to see how immigrant politics are mostly game for some countries.
Finland forbid people crossing over border with bicycle to lessen illegal border crossing, so now Russians sell them cars that Soviet Union sold for Finnish car merchants in 80s and 90s and which were then sold back to Russia used and now they fill parking spaces in Norther Finland's border station as they are confiscated as they are used in illegal entry to country, which is crime and vehicles and other things that used in crimes are automatically confiscated to the state. So welcome home Ladas and Volgas we didn't miss you. 


Pictures are from http://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/a1452841699638?jako=93d7b4b336aec82fe8ce972acc753cc3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder what happens if you just show up at the Denmark border in your underwear. :lol:


You'd be really, really cold?

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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This was apparently broadcasted on the Norwegian state television (NRK)



"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I wonder what happens if you just show up at the Denmark border in your underwear. :lol:


You'd be really, really cold?



Aye, but at least border patrol wont be jacking your watch / laptop / phone / gold teeth. I wonder if cavity searches are part and parcel? If Ive learned anything from Kill Bill, its that a motivated person could hide their watch for YEARS if necessary. They should probably x-ray everyone on the way in to make sure nobody is sneaking in with any valuables.


I am 100% sure all of the forced collection loot will make it to the proper authorities and will only be used to offset the cost of the refugees. :yes:

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So our Secretary of defense made the decision to not let in more than 37500 immigrants per year, the quote is expected to be reached in early summer. People cheered, most are quite happy about the decision. 


However, there has been absolutely no word about how the borders are going to be closed for immigrants and how the decision is going to be enforced, right now we do not even have the manpower to monitor the invaders refugees crossing the borders, we're basically getting overrun. 


There is no way we can secure our borders, and police sure as hell is not allowed to use force so early summer is going to be absolutely hilarious.  :grin:

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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