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Journalism and Bias in the Gaming Industry


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From an article on the Fallout launch party:



For the first time in the series, players will have the option of playing as a female character. Courtenay Taylor, who provides the voice of the female survivor, said the ability to customize adds even more to the agency players receive.



First Rami Ismail and now this. Why is this lie being perpetuated?

There isn't a Fallout game where you can't play as a female.

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When in doubt, blame the elves.


I have always hated the word "censorship", I prefer seeing it as just removing content that isn't suitable or is considered offensive


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To be fair, Bruce has a point and in fact Zoraptor and I continued our Star Wars back and forth in PMs two days ago, before he ever posted that to prevent further thread derailment. I do apologize, I would have steered it on topic even before that but I usually open up a bunch of topics at the same time to read in order and the amount of Star Wars talk confused me into thinking I was actually in the Star Wars topic and I responded accordingly. My bad. I don't consider it a big problem, since this thread always has ebbs and flows about other topics and it reached Star Wars rather organically through the "Disney is erasing the chainmail bikini from history" bit but I should have stepped in sooner.


However, just because he was right doesn't mean he was in the right. The thing about it is that moderation is not the members' job to do and if you have a problem with something and think a moderator should step in, then send a PM to a moderator or use the report function. This even applies to when a moderator is already in the discussion - we're totally capable of disagreeing with each other. What he was even less in the right about is the naming and shaming of the members involved, and obviously people are already starting to respond in kind - which is exactly why we have moderators to do this.


Now last time the discussion turned this way, I was more subtle about turning it away by just grabbing an already disproved scandal about holding back reviews to let a developer fix bugs, but honestly if this thread starts becoming a mass of ad hominem again I'm going to be less patient with it. As we moderators here like to say, tackle the ball and not the player.


From an article on the Fallout launch party:



For the first time in the series, players will have the option of playing as a female character. Courtenay Taylor, who provides the voice of the female survivor, said the ability to customize adds even more to the agency players receive.


First Rami Ismail and now this. Why is this lie being perpetuated?

There isn't a Fallout game where you can't play as a female.


Hah, people patting developers on the back for changing nothing. Diversity success!

Edited by TrueNeutral
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Fair enough, I did assume you were involved in this flagrant disregard of the forum rules because you are generally quite recalcitrant and seem to have an issues with rules and societal expectations

Actually, there isn't anything in the forum rules that says anything about having to stay on topic. There is this one, though:


"Harassment: We ask that the users of this board treat one another with respect, even when opinions differ. Personal attacks that are intended to cause unwanted attention, embarrassment, or harm will not be tolerated."


...but who am I kidding? The "stay on topic" rule, which doesn't even exist in the actual rules, is enforced more often here than the one I just quoted.


flagrant disregard of the forum rules

because you are generally quite recalcitrant

seem to have an issues with rules and societal expectations



Barti you funny, you quite cheeky. I am surprised that that there is no rule that I have mentioned, I have never read the rules but I  been told several times by people like Keyrock " I'm hijacking the thread " ...so I guess I just assumed there was  :biggrin:


But Barti you do realize how lucky you are, that rule "We ask that the users of this board treat one another with respect, even when opinions differ. Personal attacks that are intended to cause unwanted attention, embarrassment, or harm will not be tolerated" is something you  are in regular infringement of ...think of all the times you have called me condescending or just been rude yet I have never reported you to the Mods...and you know why, 3 main reasons


  • I have never reported anyone to any moderator in my life because I refuse to accept that anyone on a forum can annoy or offend  me that much
  • I feel I have let you down, I wanted to be a good influence for you and for you to basically agree with my views on things like SJ. I don't mean in an arrogant way  suggesting your views aren't valid but I always wanted the younger members on this forum to naturally see me as someone they really agreed with....for example there are several people on these forums who are older than me and I respect ..and thats a nice thing. But if I take you and KP I clearly have failed in impressing you, I'm much more convincing and likable in RL  :biggrin:
  • Also I have in the past been condescending to you and even though I was unaware of it I clearly need to work on my forum etiquette. So can I blame you for not chatting to me anymore ? 
Edited by BruceVC

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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To be fair, Bruce has a point and in fact Zoraptor and I continued our Star Wars back and forth in PMs two days ago, before he ever posted that to prevent further thread derailment. I do apologize, I would have steered it on topic even before that but I usually open up a bunch of topics at the same time to read in order and the amount of Star Wars talk confused me into thinking I was actually in the Star Wars topic and I responded accordingly. My bad. I don't consider it a big problem, since this thread always has ebbs and flows about other topics and it reached Star Wars rather organically through the "Disney is erasing the chainmail bikini from history" bit but I should have stepped in sooner.


However, just because he was right doesn't mean he was in the right. The thing about it is that moderation is not the members' job to do and if you have a problem with something and think a moderator should step in, then send a PM to a moderator or use the report function. This even applies to when a moderator is already in the discussion - we're totally capable of disagreeing with each other. What he was even less in the right about is the naming and shaming of the members involved, and obviously people are already starting to respond in kind - which is exactly why we have moderators to do this.


Now last time the discussion turned this way, I was more subtle about turning it away by just grabbing an already disproved scandal about holding back reviews to let a developer fix bugs, but honestly if this thread starts becoming a mass of ad hominem again I'm going to be less patient with it. As we moderators here like to say, tackle the ball and not the player.


Okay just in the interest of clarity I was obviously joking about you guys derailing the thread, I am constantly doing that, in fact we all do it to a certain degree. I assumed you guys knew I was joking...I thought you guys would have realized " BruceVC isn't even active on this thread and why should we care what he says " ( and I dont mean that in a nasty way )


But I think you think I was being serious, I apologize for the misunderstanding. But this does raise something interesting, you do not get my logic or sense of humor and that leads to misinterpretations between us. This is obviously also a disappointment for me as I feel I have failed in some way to get you to chat to me, I have always liked you so of course I care if you don't really chat to me


So for example this is how I see this Off Topic section and please disagree with me afterwards. There are about 40 or so regulars that logon on almost every day and we engage in certain debates, but in the 3 years I have  been active on these forums its basically been more or less the same people on Off Topic and I really have never noticed any real tension or members that need you Mods to get involved with


But I see this section as a place where we all know each other, its very familiar to me. So why would I ever feel the need to call a Mod to reprimand someone. In this section we all speak our minds to each other and its seems to work?


The reason I am asking you this is because I'm not sure if you are being serious when you mentioned " I should call a Mod to report someone ". For me after all these years and  all these debates don't you think that would be really ...weird?


And please don't misunderstand the nature of this post, I am not in any way criticizing you as a Mod. I have no issue with what you said but this possibly highlights a real misunderstanding between you and I on a personal level..and that disappoints me  :geek:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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To be fair, Bruce has a point and in fact Zoraptor and I continued our Star Wars back and forth in PMs two days ago, before he ever posted that to prevent further thread derailment. I do apologize, I would have steered it on topic even before that but I usually open up a bunch of topics at the same time to read in order and the amount of Star Wars talk confused me into thinking I was actually in the Star Wars topic and I responded accordingly. My bad. I don't consider it a big problem, since this thread always has ebbs and flows about other topics and it reached Star Wars rather organically through the "Disney is erasing the chainmail bikini from history" bit but I should have stepped in sooner.


However, just because he was right doesn't mean he was in the right. The thing about it is that moderation is not the members' job to do and if you have a problem with something and think a moderator should step in, then send a PM to a moderator or use the report function. This even applies to when a moderator is already in the discussion - we're totally capable of disagreeing with each other. What he was even less in the right about is the naming and shaming of the members involved, and obviously people are already starting to respond in kind - which is exactly why we have moderators to do this.


Now last time the discussion turned this way, I was more subtle about turning it away by just grabbing an already disproved scandal about holding back reviews to let a developer fix bugs, but honestly if this thread starts becoming a mass of ad hominem again I'm going to be less patient with it. As we moderators here like to say, tackle the ball and not the player.


Okay just in the interest of clarity I was obviously joking about you guys derailing the thread, I am constantly doing that, in fact we all do it to a certain degree. I assumed you guys knew I was joking...I thought you guys would have realized " BruceVC isn't even active on this thread and why should we care what he says " ( and I dont mean that in a nasty way )


But I think you think I was being serious, I apologize for the misunderstanding. But this does raise something interesting, you do not get my logic or sense of humor and that leads to misinterpretations between us. This is obviously also a disappointment for me as I feel I have failed in some way to get you to chat to me, I have always liked you so of course I care if you don't really chat to me


So for example this is how I see this Off Topic section and please disagree with me afterwards. There are about 40 or so regulars that logon on almost every day and we engage in certain debates, but in the 3 years I have  been active on these forums its basically been more or less the same people on Off Topic and I really have never noticed any real tension or members that need you Mods to get involved with


But I see this section as a place where we all know each other, its very familiar to me. So why would I ever feel the need to call a Mod to reprimand someone. In this section we all speak our minds to each other and its seems to work?


The reason I am asking you this is because I'm not sure if you are being serious when you mentioned " I should call a Mod to report someone ". For me after all these years and  all these debates don't you think that would be really ...weird?


And please don't misunderstand the nature of this post, I am not in any way criticizing you as a Mod. I have no issue with what you said but this possibly highlights a real misunderstanding between you and I on a personal level..and that disappoints me  :geek:


You need to use blue text.

  • Like 1

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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To be fair, Bruce has a point and in fact Zoraptor and I continued our Star Wars back and forth in PMs two days ago, before he ever posted that to prevent further thread derailment. I do apologize, I would have steered it on topic even before that but I usually open up a bunch of topics at the same time to read in order and the amount of Star Wars talk confused me into thinking I was actually in the Star Wars topic and I responded accordingly. My bad. I don't consider it a big problem, since this thread always has ebbs and flows about other topics and it reached Star Wars rather organically through the "Disney is erasing the chainmail bikini from history" bit but I should have stepped in sooner.


However, just because he was right doesn't mean he was in the right. The thing about it is that moderation is not the members' job to do and if you have a problem with something and think a moderator should step in, then send a PM to a moderator or use the report function. This even applies to when a moderator is already in the discussion - we're totally capable of disagreeing with each other. What he was even less in the right about is the naming and shaming of the members involved, and obviously people are already starting to respond in kind - which is exactly why we have moderators to do this.


Now last time the discussion turned this way, I was more subtle about turning it away by just grabbing an already disproved scandal about holding back reviews to let a developer fix bugs, but honestly if this thread starts becoming a mass of ad hominem again I'm going to be less patient with it. As we moderators here like to say, tackle the ball and not the player.


Okay just in the interest of clarity I was obviously joking about you guys derailing the thread, I am constantly doing that, in fact we all do it to a certain degree. I assumed you guys knew I was joking...I thought you guys would have realized " BruceVC isn't even active on this thread and why should we care what he says " ( and I dont mean that in a nasty way )


But I think you think I was being serious, I apologize for the misunderstanding. But this does raise something interesting, you do not get my logic or sense of humor and that leads to misinterpretations between us. This is obviously also a disappointment for me as I feel I have failed in some way to get you to chat to me, I have always liked you so of course I care if you don't really chat to me


So for example this is how I see this Off Topic section and please disagree with me afterwards. There are about 40 or so regulars that logon on almost every day and we engage in certain debates, but in the 3 years I have  been active on these forums its basically been more or less the same people on Off Topic and I really have never noticed any real tension or members that need you Mods to get involved with


But I see this section as a place where we all know each other, its very familiar to me. So why would I ever feel the need to call a Mod to reprimand someone. In this section we all speak our minds to each other and its seems to work?


The reason I am asking you this is because I'm not sure if you are being serious when you mentioned " I should call a Mod to report someone ". For me after all these years and  all these debates don't you think that would be really ...weird?


And please don't misunderstand the nature of this post, I am not in any way criticizing you as a Mod. I have no issue with what you said but this possibly highlights a real misunderstanding between you and I on a personal level..and that disappoints me  :geek:


You need to use blue text.


Wow, okay maybe you right


Did you also think I was being serious...please tell me you realized I was joking?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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To be fair, Bruce has a point and in fact Zoraptor and I continued our Star Wars back and forth in PMs two days ago, before he ever posted that to prevent further thread derailment. I do apologize, I would have steered it on topic even before that but I usually open up a bunch of topics at the same time to read in order and the amount of Star Wars talk confused me into thinking I was actually in the Star Wars topic and I responded accordingly. My bad. I don't consider it a big problem, since this thread always has ebbs and flows about other topics and it reached Star Wars rather organically through the "Disney is erasing the chainmail bikini from history" bit but I should have stepped in sooner.


However, just because he was right doesn't mean he was in the right. The thing about it is that moderation is not the members' job to do and if you have a problem with something and think a moderator should step in, then send a PM to a moderator or use the report function. This even applies to when a moderator is already in the discussion - we're totally capable of disagreeing with each other. What he was even less in the right about is the naming and shaming of the members involved, and obviously people are already starting to respond in kind - which is exactly why we have moderators to do this.


Now last time the discussion turned this way, I was more subtle about turning it away by just grabbing an already disproved scandal about holding back reviews to let a developer fix bugs, but honestly if this thread starts becoming a mass of ad hominem again I'm going to be less patient with it. As we moderators here like to say, tackle the ball and not the player.


Okay just in the interest of clarity I was obviously joking about you guys derailing the thread, I am constantly doing that, in fact we all do it to a certain degree. I assumed you guys knew I was joking...I thought you guys would have realized " BruceVC isn't even active on this thread and why should we care what he says " ( and I dont mean that in a nasty way )


But I think you think I was being serious, I apologize for the misunderstanding. But this does raise something interesting, you do not get my logic or sense of humor and that leads to misinterpretations between us. This is obviously also a disappointment for me as I feel I have failed in some way to get you to chat to me, I have always liked you so of course I care if you don't really chat to me


So for example this is how I see this Off Topic section and please disagree with me afterwards. There are about 40 or so regulars that logon on almost every day and we engage in certain debates, but in the 3 years I have  been active on these forums its basically been more or less the same people on Off Topic and I really have never noticed any real tension or members that need you Mods to get involved with


But I see this section as a place where we all know each other, its very familiar to me. So why would I ever feel the need to call a Mod to reprimand someone. In this section we all speak our minds to each other and its seems to work?


The reason I am asking you this is because I'm not sure if you are being serious when you mentioned " I should call a Mod to report someone ". For me after all these years and  all these debates don't you think that would be really ...weird?


And please don't misunderstand the nature of this post, I am not in any way criticizing you as a Mod. I have no issue with what you said but this possibly highlights a real misunderstanding between you and I on a personal level..and that disappoints me  :geek:


You need to use blue text.


Wow, okay maybe you right


Did you also think I was being serious...please tell me you realized I was joking?


I didn't even read whatever it is you initially wrote.

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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Barti you funny, you quite cheeky. I am surprised that that there is no rule that I have mentioned, I have never read the rules but I  been told several times by people like Keyrock " I'm hijacking the thread " ...so I guess I just assumed there was  happy0203.gif

Maybe he thinks it falls under this one:


"Spam: Posting frequent, annoying, and/or nonsensical posts are is (editor's note: use proper English, guys!) not tolerated in these forums."


Alternatively, he could consider it just rude and unconstructive for the conversation if people are talking about one subject and then somebody butts in and deliberately tries to draw the discussion to something else unrelated to what is currently being discussed. As TrueNeutral said, how organic the discussion actually is plays into whether or not it's O.K...and when somebody pointedly ignores what people are already nicely and respectfully discussing and instead opts to bring up something completely unrelated for seemingly little rhyme or reason, well I can understand the annoyance. original.gif



But Barti you do realize how lucky you are, that rule "We ask that the users of this board treat one another with respect, even when opinions differ. Personal attacks that are intended to cause unwanted attention, embarrassment, or harm will not be tolerated" is something you  are in regular infringement of ...think of all the times you have called me condescending or just been rude yet I have never reported you to the Mods...and you know why, 3 main reasons

  • I have never reported anyone to any moderator in my life because I refuse to accept that anyone on a forum can annoy or offend  me that much
  • I feel I have let you down, I wanted to be a good influence for you and for you to basically agree with my views on things like SJ. I don't mean in an arrogant way  suggesting your views aren't valid but I always wanted the younger members on this forum to naturally see me as someone they really agreed with....for example there are several people on these forums who are older than me and I respect ..and thats a nice thing. But if I take you and KP I clearly have failed in impressing you, I'm much more convincing and likable in RL  happy0203.gif
  • Also I have in the past been condescending to you and even though I was unaware of it I clearly need to work on my forum etiquette. So can I blame you for not chatting to me anymore ?

If you treated people with (intellectual) respect yourself, I wouldn't feel the need to call you out on your behavior all the time and therefore we wouldn't be having these problems to begin with! tongue.png Not that that's actually an excuse for my own rule-breaking...I will agree with on one thing you mentioned from the last "mass of ad hominem", as TrueNeutral so eloquently put it...it's utterly ridiculous the things we can get away with calling each other. Well...whatever: it is what it is.


It's a shame that we can't discuss this further, BruceNazi, but it seems like our resident Nazi moderators have Nazi-ed their way into our perfectly Nazi discussion, making it likely that we will not see (or...Nazi, if you will!) a proper Nazi resolution...or dare I say, solution? ...to this Nazi discussion we're having. And...well, it's like they say: if it ain't Nazi, you will...Nazi* me there! Ha ha ha! happy0203.gif But on a more Nazi...er...serious note, EVIL NAZI SJWs! ...Uh, excuse me...what I meant to say was BIGOTED EVIL FASCISTS! Er, that is...EVIL SEXIST SJF NAZIS! Um...really, what I'm trying to get across here is...


*Yes, I know I already did this joke a sentence earlier. Also, I am pretty sure "they" don't actually say that. But seriously, why can we go around calling each other Nazis and nobody bats an eye? It doesn't even make any sense!

Edited by Bartimaeus
  • Like 1

How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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From an article on the Fallout launch party:



For the first time in the series, players will have the option of playing as a female character. Courtenay Taylor, who provides the voice of the female survivor, said the ability to customize adds even more to the agency players receive.



First Rami Ismail and now this. Why is this lie being perpetuated?

There isn't a Fallout game where you can't play as a female.


I can't understand why Mr Cain and the other creators of Fallout are content with being retroactively falsely labelled as sexist here, we all know that one can play as the female or male gender in all the games, and to villify past incarnations of the game (and ergo its creators) is really going a step too far. Sure we gamers are used to the relentless demonisation by the corrupt and lying media, and can shrug it off as we do not need them or their fading industry, but game designers really shouldn't have to stand for this false besmirchment, especially when they are innocent of said charges.


I would personally demand an apology and a retraction, after all ones professional career is on the line and rumour mongering is a dirty and all too real phenomenon as Mr Wardell can attest.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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I can't believe that sort of junk is still being claimed. Yeah, in decades past, protagonists in games were predominantly male, particularly if it wasn't your own character to make...but bloody hell, New Vegas came out just a few years ago, nevermind the games from literally over a decade ago! Bah.


(edit): What the heck is this website, anyways? Variety.com? I've never even heard of it. Should we really be getting upset at quite possibly worse-than-tabloid terrible websites? tongue.png

Edited by Bartimaeus
  • Like 1

How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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(edit): What the heck is this website, anyways? Variety.com? I've never even heard of it. Should we really be getting upset at quite possibly worse-than-tabloid terrible websites? tongue.png

It's pretty clear by now that most articles are written by bloggers who don't know what they're talking about and don't bother fact checking because they have to pump out another article for more clicks. I'd say this situation is the logical result of a system where income is determined by clicks, where articles that see more traffic is the desired result rather than good articles. At any rate, we should be expecting blatantly false claims about anything popular from most sites so you might as well get used to it.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Barti you funny, you quite cheeky. I am surprised that that there is no rule that I have mentioned, I have never read the rules but I  been told several times by people like Keyrock " I'm hijacking the thread " ...so I guess I just assumed there was  happy0203.gif

Maybe he thinks it falls under this one:


"Spam: Posting frequent, annoying, and/or nonsensical posts are is (editor's note: use proper English, guys!) not tolerated in these forums."


Alternatively, he could consider it just rude and unconstructive for the conversation if people are talking about one subject and then somebody butts in and deliberately tries to draw the discussion to something else unrelated to what is currently being discussed. As TrueNeutral said, how organic the discussion actually is plays into whether or not it's O.K...and when somebody pointedly ignores what people are already nicely and respectfully discussing and instead opts to bring up something completely unrelated for seemingly little rhyme or reason, well I can understand the annoyance. original.gif



But Barti you do realize how lucky you are, that rule "We ask that the users of this board treat one another with respect, even when opinions differ. Personal attacks that are intended to cause unwanted attention, embarrassment, or harm will not be tolerated" is something you  are in regular infringement of ...think of all the times you have called me condescending or just been rude yet I have never reported you to the Mods...and you know why, 3 main reasons

  • I have never reported anyone to any moderator in my life because I refuse to accept that anyone on a forum can annoy or offend  me that much
  • I feel I have let you down, I wanted to be a good influence for you and for you to basically agree with my views on things like SJ. I don't mean in an arrogant way  suggesting your views aren't valid but I always wanted the younger members on this forum to naturally see me as someone they really agreed with....for example there are several people on these forums who are older than me and I respect ..and thats a nice thing. But if I take you and KP I clearly have failed in impressing you, I'm much more convincing and likable in RL  happy0203.gif
  • Also I have in the past been condescending to you and even though I was unaware of it I clearly need to work on my forum etiquette. So can I blame you for not chatting to me anymore ?

If you treated people with (intellectual) respect yourself, I wouldn't feel the need to call you out on your behavior all the time and therefore we wouldn't be having these problems to begin with! tongue.png Not that that's actually an excuse for my own rule-breaking...I will agree with on one thing you mentioned from the last "mass of ad hominem", as TrueNeutral so eloquently put it...it's utterly ridiculous the things we can get away with calling each other. Well...whatever: it is what it is.


It's a shame that we can't discuss this further, BruceNazi, but it seems like our resident Nazi moderators have Nazi-ed their way into our perfectly Nazi discussion, making it likely that we will not see (or...Nazi, if you will!) a proper Nazi resolution...or dare I say, solution? ...to this Nazi discussion we're having. And...well, it's like they say: if it ain't Nazi, you will...Nazi* me there! Ha ha ha! happy0203.gif But on a more Nazi...er...serious note, EVIL NAZI SJWs! ...Uh, excuse me...what I meant to say was BIGOTED EVIL FASCISTS! Er, that is...EVIL SEXIST SJF NAZIS! Um...really, what I'm trying to get across here is...


*Yes, I know I already did this joke a sentence earlier. Also, I am pretty sure "they" don't actually say that. But seriously, why can we go around calling each other Nazis and nobody bats an eye? It doesn't even make any sense!


Okay thanks for explaining, I get what you saying


Whats your definition of  someone not treating you intellectually because this can vary from person to person?


I much rather prefer people saying " this annoys me about you or I find it rude what you said " than I have to guess...thats never my strong point because of how this becomes subjective :)

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"For the first time in the series, players will have the option of playing as a female character. Courtenay Taylor, who provides the voice of the female survivor, said the ability to customize adds even more to the agency players receive."


Only Nazi SJWs would claim that bullcrap.



I've also been making female characters in CRPGs for decades. It's not new.  Only sexists think othewise.



Posted this. I know it won't be  posted though: "This article is written by a sexist ignorant piece of crap. As a long time game player and FO fan, I have been able and willing to play a female  in FO sicne the very first game. You do a disservice everyone - women included - when you perpetuate this sort of lie either of evilness or ignorance. You also owe apologizes to the original creators by  besmirching their reps and labeling sexists. EVIL. I doubt you will post this because one thing aboput reporters they can slam others but when they get called out they love censorship. LONG LIVE MAKLE AND FEMALE GAMERS. DOWN WITH LYINGS ****  TRYING TO RUIN OUR BELOVED GAME WITH  FLAT OUT LIES!"



Edited by Volourn


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"For the first time in the series, players will have the option of playing as a female character. Courtenay Taylor, who provides the voice of the female survivor, said the ability to customize adds even more to the agency players receive."


Only Nazi SJWs would claim that bullcrap.



I've also been making female characters in CRPGs for decades. It's not new.  Only sexists think othewise.



Posted this. I know it won't be  posted though: "This article is written by a sexist ignorant piece of crap. As a long time game player and FO fan, I have been able and willing to play a female  in FO sicne the very first game. You do a disservice everyone - women included - when you perpetuate this sort of lie either of evilness or ignorance. You also owe apologizes to the original creators by  besmirching their reps and labeling sexists. EVIL. I doubt you will post this because one thing aboput reporters they can slam others but when they get called out they love censorship. LONG LIVE MAKLE AND FEMALE GAMERS. DOWN WITH LYINGS ****  TRYING TO RUIN OUR BELOVED GAME WITH  FLAT OUT LIES!"



Volo....don't you think its weird you play a female character...thats not normal   ;)

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"Spam: Posting frequent, annoying, and/or nonsensical posts are is (editor's note: use proper English, guys!) not tolerated in these forums."

Either are acceptable. Posting [..] is not tolerated in these forums // [..] nonsensical posts are not tolerated in these forums. It's a grammatical oddity where there is both a collective singular term for doing multiple acts (posting) and the multiple act itself (posts) used in the same sentence. As such either the plural or singular 3rd person form of to be is fine grammatically.


More on topic, you've never heard of Variety? It's pretty big in the general entertainment area, though I'm not aware of them covering games much before. Still, ignorance of no less than four previous Fallout titles- indeed, every single non Bethesda entry- that allowed character sex determination is a fairly big omission that could have been solved by, well, thirty seconds on obscure and arcane research tools like 'google' or 'wikipedia'.


(Having said that it's less triggering than the use of 'Paint It Black' for CoD: Iteration++'s ads. That's Tour of Duty's music, you philistines.)

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"Volo....don't you think its weird you play a female character...thats not normal"


ROLE-PLAYING. ie. Playing a role that is not you. ie. Acting. You post ona  company baord about rpgs yet are anti role-playing. LMAO



"Expecting an entertainment rag to be well researched and intelligent is foolish.  Misinterpreting it as some sort of SJW agenda is tin foil hat territory."


L0L   Pretending it is simple ignorance is  moronic.  This person obviously had an agenda. Why else would you print such a thing except to push the agenda that gaming is anti female when it is clearly not.  The fact you support Nazi SJWs and try to pretend they don't exist is HILARIOUS. Then again, you ar eone so not surprising you make excuses when one of your buddies get caught in a flat out lie. :)


Funny a Nazi SJW  does soemthing evil yet somehow blame  gamers for it. LMAO

Edited by Volourn


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I don't know Volo, I didn't even see anyone from Variety at our latest Social Justice Clubhouse meeting.  Ooops, I mean, what social justice clubhouse?  I definitely didn't snack on any gluten free quinoa granola or drink kombucha served in mason jars.   :thumbsup:

Edited by Hurlshot
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A non sequitur but kind of funny. Apparently at Yale there was a fuss about Halloween costumes and the administrator here didn't come down hard enough on offensive ones. But mostly funny for the

raging and some guy yelling Retweet! :p



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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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A non sequitur but kind of funny. Apparently at Yale there was a fuss about Halloween costumes and the administrator here didn't come down hard enough on offensive ones. But mostly funny for the

raging and some guy yelling Retweet! :p



Quite frankly, I am completely appalled by that video.  What kind of monster does someone need to be to film in portrait?  Stop and think about the harm you are causing before you film in portrait!


Also, retweet!  :lol:

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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She's a piece of crap.  Evil Nazis SJW if I ever saw one. Talks about feels but obviously doesn't care about others'f eel  consideirng how she talks to others. R00fles!


But, hey, that's what nazi SJWs do. dehumanize anyone who disagrees with them and yell loud so nobody else can speak.


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Expecting an entertainment rag to be well researched and intelligent is foolish.  Misinterpreting it as some sort of SJW agenda is tin foil hat territory.

Volo I have to agree with  Hurlshot on this one and you know the rule....when two completely unaffiliated SJW agree on something it has to be correct  :yes:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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