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Kentucky County Clerk still Refuses to issue Gay Marriage License


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Its interesting how powerful the pro-gay lobby is, considering how it seems they circumvented the entire opposition and pulled it off from the top. Judges of the supreme court no less.


I wouldn't give the whole fad too much time though. The standard of living in the EU is on a steady decline, and the immigration-colonisation that's going on right now will stretch not only the public good will, but bring ruin to the welfare state Europeans enjoy. The disconnect between the European elites and the regular citizens has never been greater. You can even see it in the "refugee" coverage (refugees to Sweden's welfare indeed) where the media and elites are dogmatically pushing the sob angle (a significant number of them not even being from war affected countries, actually sporting iphones and not looking in the least bit distressed) while the public is frothing with rage over the en masse importation of uneducated, often violent (look at the rioting in Budapest, Germany) and fanatically Islamic hordes.  The EU is essentially at the point where the USSR was before it imploded - the dissonance between what we're being told and what is real is reaching fever pitch.


While the economy is good, people tolerate that sort of thing, but once the economy starts tanking it doesn't take much for the **** to hit the fan. 

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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"Volo you seem unusually belligerent..is something wrong? Do you want to discuss anything, its best in life to be honest about your feelings"


L0L Ignore the actual point. :p




"A system of laws can be so morally unconscionable that it has to be overthrown through extra-judicial means, which is what happened in the Civil War."


Yeah, so don't play 'it's the law' nonsensical card when you don't really care about the law. You disagree with her morally so you wouldn't care if she was tortured, raped, murdered, and put in prison forever since she isn't human to you because she has a different opinion than you. You know what that means? You don't believe in true freedom. You are a fake. A falsehold. Baloney pusher.


But,t hat's okay. Most people are like. They don't really believe in freedom be it speech or otherwise unless it is with someone they agree with.


\This is why while I 100% disagree with her I find this imprisoning her for a 1000 years as being the vile evil nazi action that it actually is.


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This case seem so straightforward, but still it seems to cause so much dramatic statements from every side of issue  


One, County Clerk refuses to fulfill her obligations for her office and prevents her subordinates to fulfill their obligations to their offices, because of her personal convictions.

Two, said County Clerk refuses to resign from her office

Three, Kentucky's legislature's next regular session will be in January, which would be next time when they can rise impeachment procedure against said Clerk as Kentucky's governor has no plans to call special session for such matter.

Four, Said Clerk refused to follow order from court to do their duty


So it seem to me to be quite normal that said Clerk was held for contempt of court regardless of why she refused to do her duty and follow order from the court to do so. Meaning that is quite normal case of failure to do their duty by official, that turned additional round of fight about equal marriage in media, as articles about that subject has been good click collectors in the past few years.

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This case seem so straightforward, but still it seems to cause so much dramatic statements from every side of issue  


One, County Clerk refuses to fulfill her obligations for her office and prevents her subordinates to fulfill their obligations to their offices, because of her personal convictions.

Two, said County Clerk refuses to resign from her office

Three, Kentucky's legislature's next regular session will be in January, which would be next time when they can rise impeachment procedure against said Clerk as Kentucky's governor has no plans to call special session for such matter.

Four, Said Clerk refused to follow order from court to do their duty


So it seem to me to be quite normal that said Clerk was held for contempt of court regardless of why she refused to do her duty and follow order from the court to do so. Meaning that is quite normal case of failure to do their duty by official, that turned additional round of fight about equal marriage in media, as articles about that subject has been good click collectors in the past few years.

This is basically the crux of it.  As much as you want it to be something bigger about the nature of the law or whatever, this is the core of the issue. 


She refused to accept the law of the land, and she's not in a position where she can change the laws on her own. Her big moral stance is ultimately worthless because she's still a low level functionary within the government. Historically the only time a government won't come down on a low level functionary like that regardless of their political affiliation, for disobeying the direct orders from above, is when the government is basically falling apart at a federal level, meaning that the functionary is left as the highest form of government until the Feds get themselves sorted out.


And as much as Volo may complain, NOBODY want's truely free speech... not even comedians who build their entire repertoire on being filthy jerks. Because ultimately the ultimate in free speech is "Yelling fire in a crowded room". And as much as a comedian might get outraged about being terminated (from ad campaigns and the like) for a filthy joke, ultimately it's the right of that advertiser to cut them loose for "Being themselves". 


"But he got away with it" is never an actual excuse for breaking the law or rules...

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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This case seem so straightforward, but still it seems to cause so much dramatic statements from every side of issue  


Sure. The case is pretty clear-cut from a legal standpoint. That's not all there is to it however, as you are disregarding the context of how the law came to be what it is, and also disregarding the fact that the judge who found her in contempt could have fined her as the plaintiffs, the ACLU and the KY Senate president asked, but chose to incarcerate her offhand, instead.


That's mostly what the debate has been centered on, rather than whether she actually has a right to interpret the law, under current law. If you can't distinguish between the law and one's personal convictions, I don't know what to say to you...

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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So.. what i gather is people are fine with her being in prison for the rest of her life while murderers and rapists  get out way earlier.   L0L Justice is supposed to be about fair, and reasonable punishment.




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So.. what i gather is people are fine with her being in prison for the rest of her life while murderers and rapists  get out way earlier.   L0L Justice is supposed to be about fair, and reasonable punishment.



Yes it does. She has the option to get out today... or tomorrow. No matter what any Rapist or murderer gets a mandatory minimum sentence with opportunities for parole after that point (if they're good). All she has to do to get out is her job... Meanwhile the "Murderers and rapists" in the same cells could repent and be saints and still be locked away.


It's ultimately her decision to be there, she knew the consequences when she refused a court order.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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"A system of laws can be so morally unconscionable that it has to be overthrown through extra-judicial means, which is what happened in the Civil War."


Yeah, so don't play 'it's the law' nonsensical card when you don't really care about the law. You disagree with her morally so you wouldn't care if she was tortured, raped, murdered, and put in prison forever since she isn't human to you because she has a different opinion than you. You know what that means? You don't believe in true freedom. You are a fake. A falsehold. Baloney pusher.


But,t hat's okay. Most people are like. They don't really believe in freedom be it speech or otherwise unless it is with someone they agree with.


\This is why while I 100% disagree with her I find this imprisoning her for a 1000 years as being the vile evil nazi action that it actually is.

First of, how do you know I disagree with her? Second, why are you inventing stuff that didn't happen? Third, she's not going to be in jail for life. Even Susan McDougal was released after a couple of years although she refused to testify in the Whitewater case.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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The judge ordered her to prison until she  she begs for mercy and  backs down from his intimidation, bullying, nazism, and terrorism. So, yeah, she can be in prison for  the rest of her life. That is INSANE.



Calax is an exmaple of a eprosn who is absolutely fine with someone being locked up for a longer time than murderers and rapists simply b/c they have a different opinion than them.


I bet Calax would be OUTRAGED if an illegal immigrant was locked up in prison for BREAKING THE LAW for all eternity or if someone who REFUSED to honour laws that were anti gay marriage.


\What happened to the alw being fair and reasonable which is one of the mandates supposedly of any modern legal system?


Then again, people like Calax don't care about the law. This is about them hating someone has a different opinion.


That's what nazis do - lock those up who disagree with them  and twist the laws to make it sound legit. TRUE freedom is about defending the rights of those you disagree with.


But, hey, nazi SJWs are nazi SJWs.


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The judge ordered her to prison until she  she begs for mercy and  backs down from his intimidation, bullying, nazism, and terrorism. So, yeah, she can be in prison for  the rest of her life. That is INSANE.



Calax is an exmaple of a eprosn who is absolutely fine with someone being locked up for a longer time than murderers and rapists simply b/c they have a different opinion than them.


I bet Calax would be OUTRAGED if an illegal immigrant was locked up in prison for BREAKING THE LAW for all eternity or if someone who REFUSED to honour laws that were anti gay marriage.


\What happened to the alw being fair and reasonable which is one of the mandates supposedly of any modern legal system?


Then again, people like Calax don't care about the law. This is about them hating someone has a different opinion.


That's what nazis do - lock those up who disagree with them  and twist the laws to make it sound legit. TRUE freedom is about defending the rights of those you disagree with.


But, hey, nazi SJWs are nazi SJWs.

I'm sorry, when did you become a frothing mad idiot who projects his wants and needs onto other people so hard he can't spell? Honestly, it's more you don't care about the law because THIS LADY BROKE THE ACTUAL LAW.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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What are you talking about? You are typing gibberish. Again, I have no doubt if the US rounded  up all the illegal immigrants 9BREAKING THE LAW0 and threw them in the slammer with no trial and forever you would be crying about it.


\Again, the law is supposed to be fair and reasonable and inprisoning someone for this sort of crime for THEIR ENTIRE LIFE is NOT fair and reasonable. CAPICHE!?!



P.S. Nowhere have I stated that she shouldn't face any sort of punishment/discipline so stop making up nonsense.

Edited by Volourn


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She's not in there for life. Contempt is for as long as she refuses the court order, which is exactly what the law states.


As to illegals (which I'm not entirely sure why you're bringing it up as this is more akin to a guy saying "It's my personal belief to show my **** in public" and then being confused when he's tossed in jail) they'd get processed and sent home, not detained in prison for years.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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The judge ordered her to prison until she  she begs for mercy and  backs down from his intimidation, bullying, nazism, and terrorism. So, yeah, she can be in prison for  the rest of her life. That is INSANE.



Calax is an exmaple of a eprosn who is absolutely fine with someone being locked up for a longer time than murderers and rapists simply b/c they have a different opinion than them.


I bet Calax would be OUTRAGED if an illegal immigrant was locked up in prison for BREAKING THE LAW for all eternity or if someone who REFUSED to honour laws that were anti gay marriage.


\What happened to the alw being fair and reasonable which is one of the mandates supposedly of any modern legal system?


Then again, people like Calax don't care about the law. This is about them hating someone has a different opinion.


That's what nazis do - lock those up who disagree with them  and twist the laws to make it sound legit. TRUE freedom is about defending the rights of those you disagree with.


But, hey, nazi SJWs are nazi SJWs.

I'm sorry, when did you become a frothing mad idiot who projects his wants and needs onto other people so hard he can't spell?

When? The day he was born. During delivery he called the doctor a nazi sjw and named himself Volourn. That is when it began.

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"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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Volourn is right. Just let it slide, lick your wounds and move on. No need for nerveous, half-hearted jokes on your way out.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I see she has been released as same sex marriage  licenses are being issued but Davis still objects to this ...so what will happen when Davis returns to work? Will she block issuing of licenses...its a conundrum  :blink:

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I see she has been released as same sex marriage  licenses are being issued but Davis still objects to this ...so what will happen when Davis returns to work? Will she block issuing of licenses...its a conundrum  :blink:

She's been released? Good. She's not fit for her position, but she's not like a menace to society or anything.

"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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You can't go to register 9 b/c there is a nazji SJW there who won't sell you the watermelon because youa re 'culturally stealing'  because we all know SJWs are the biggest racist scumbag nazi lovers ever.  And, also, don't brother bringing that copy of GTA to register 10 b/c that SJW believes the game is the devil's work and is full of misogny.And, if you play it you will become a mass murderer.

Edited by Volourn


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When the "politically-correct diversity" of the far left and the "religious freedom" of the hard right converge....




The odd thing is when you go far enough to the left or right the two sides actually get closer together!

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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