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Race Poll Better One  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. If there are gonna be added new content (in expansion or next game) for playable races what is you opinion about this ? (multi)

    • I would like to see new Elf race/ subrace
    • I would like to see new Godlike race/ subrace
    • I would like to see new Human race/ subrace
    • I would like to see new Dwarf race/ subrace
    • I would like to see new Orlan race/ subrace
    • I would like to see new Aumaua race/ subrace
    • I would like to see new Race inspired by D&D/BG/NWN/IWD
    • I would like to see compleatly new race, or exotic rece (beast man) or other (say what)
    • Don't have opinion/don't care/other
  2. 2. Shoud devs add new playable race/subrace to PoE ? (one choice)

    • Yes of course. I will be very disapointed if they don't add anything.
    • Yes i whoud like to see new races/subraces, but i will not be much disapointed if they don't add any.
    • Yes i whoud like to see new races/subraces, but only if devs decide that whoud be good.
    • Mayby, im not opposite if they add new race/subrace but im not looking for it to much
    • Im mostly opposite agins adding new races/subraces, but if devs decide otherwise i will not cry.
    • Im aginst ading any new races/subraces and i will be disapointed if they add new ones.
  3. 3. What do you think about existing races ? (multi)

    • They shoud add some more cultures/orgins/backgrounds to them.
    • They shoud change their looks a bit, at least some of them (say witch ones)
    • They shoud change their stats/abilitys a bitt.
    • They shoud add some race specific cultures/orgins etc.
    • They shoud add some new items that only specific races can use.
    • They shoud add some race specific talents or skills.
    • They shoud add some more backgroud to them, say something more about them show more they societys, towns, life style etc.
    • They shoud add some subraces to them or even new races.
    • No their fine for me/ No they don't need to change or add anything/ im not interested/ don't have opinion etc.

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Posted (edited)

I have a question, which race shoud be next in Pillars of Eternity ? Im personally a bit sad that there are no Drows (or elfs alike), if there are gonna by new expansion, or next game in this universe (Pillars 2 for example) what type of race you want to play ?


(Poll edited)

Edited by ChaosMaker90

Races of Eora cannot breed with one another, so half-anything isn't going to happen.


It is also my understanding that no demons, devils, or celestials exist; so I doubt aasimar or tiefling could possibly happen. We already have the PoE equivalent of planetouched races in the form of godlikes.


That said, I'm very much against race-spamming (it is something inherently related to people who feel playing "elves" and "dwarves" ain't exotic enough and must have a half-dragon balor to feel original and cool.) I believe the races in PoE are more than enough and provide enough variety.


It would be very weird to play PoE with 6 races, and all of a sudden have 1 or more extra races in PoE 2 that are supposedly "common"; like, "where were you until now?"

  • Like 8

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We don't know even if any other races will be added, this topic is only IF are gonna be added, what we want to see :D . Devs can if they realy wanted, explain why "Half-races" shown up, for example someone created a alchemist potion that allows cross breeding, or halfs are result of direct genetic manipulation for example chimerization etc :p So don't say what is gonna hapen or don't simply say if you want or not them... as i said this topic is just speculation...

  • Like 1

Rather not DnD ripoffs. So no Drows.


The poll lacks option "The race rooster is ok, focus on other things, or buff some subraces". Which is closes to my point of view.


No half folks. Only Halfings are good.


We have Godlike, and i think they could be done better. Maybe more godlikes types, for each of god? Maybe playing godlike could be more noticable among NPC? Or some special quests for godlikes "Find your purpose"? Or some godlike specific talents to make natural ability stronger or add something more in theme? LIke Fire Godlike being able to cast firefan at will, or nature godlike could root enemies at will.

Or make stat different. It is weird that Elven Moonfolk has same stat bonus as Anuma Nature. It could be done better. Like stat bonus is a mix of body type and godlike type. For example Firegodlike are quick to action so +1 to dex, but Death Godlike take their sweet time so +1 Resolve. 

Current Godlikes are like very cool idea without fallowup.


Subraces are cool, as long as there is place in the lore. And there will be enought exposicion for them.


More skins and hairstyles portrait is ok.


I do not think more races is the most needed feature at this point.

Maybe in PoE 2. Visit foreign lands, meet interesting folks, slay them and take their stuff. That is what adventurer life is.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

I am with the evilcat. We do not specIfically need more. I personally would like to see the godlike re-done. Their heads look a little silly for my taste.

For discussions sake... I suppose a beast race would be fun. But there has been nothing in the lore about that thus far so it seems unlikely that they would just suddenly pop up.

Edited by Heijoushin

I didn't vote, because the poll has problems.  First I don't think they need more.  In PE, unlike D&D genera, race does not equal culture.  Boreal dwarfs are effectively a new "race."  New cultures would be better.


Second, no half races.  PEs lore makes it clear that either the species never interbreed.  They could do a few sterile offspring maybe, but I really would prefer it was just left alone.


Third, it's missing the fact that many PE races are substitutes for D&D.  They're just more coherent to the lore.

Aumua are orcs.  You just don't notice because they're not horribly designed caricatures that enflame xenophobic passions.

Godtouched are the equivalent of Aasimar, Tieflings, etc.


Fourth, they would have announced if they were adding a new race in the expansion.  I doubt they are.  Honestly, I don't even think they need new species.  The existing ones feel kind of full already.


Fifth.  No drow.  Not ever.


Sixth.  I kinda want to play as a Xaurip.  If they had time, it would be really fun if they had a Xaurip mode in a new game, where everyone treats you differently.  Hell, it'd make a good mod for PE if it's ever moved over to Unity 5.


In an expansion or POE2 they should make it so you can travel to the underworld. While you are there you find Calisca and she's undead but she joins you. But make it so that she's the only undead character there is.

  • Like 1

I think the races we have as playable pretty much cover the inhabitants of the known world already, so there's no reason to try to shoehorn something else in. The non-playable races such as ogres, delemgan, and vithrack, are all non-playable for a reason; they're either viewed with hostility and wouldn't be welcome in cities, or are just to rare and strange to be able to fit into the role the story requires.

  On 8/16/2015 at 1:49 PM, MathieuG89 said:

The only race I would like to see added to the game are Dark Elves.


Pale Elves say hi.


Honestly, just give us the Avian God-like and I'm good.


I'm fine with subraces as long as they become a well integrated part of the world/ new places we visist in the future.

Generally I'd rather see the existing ones getting expanded/ balanced  a) customisation wise b) story/ dialog wise and c) racial wise.

:skull: SHARKNADO :skull:


i voted other as i was thinking of a race that consists of parts of other races, something like a frankenstein race.

Posted (edited)

How about none. Instead, I'd like to see more recognition of our race, culture and background. Some combinations have very few interactions and godlike were almost completely ignored.

Edited by Rosveen
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

Once again, i repeat my question from previous poll this time with better poll. I personaly whoud like to see some new Elf race, that risemble Drows, i mean not copy and paste, but some evil elfish race with utopic/dystopic society that learn dark arts etc.

Edited by ChaosMaker90

Topics merged with ChaosMaker90's new poll as the current poll, so some people may need to revote. I'd rather not have multiple poll threads asking the exact same question. For my part, I agree with... Rosveen? who says he would rather flesh out what we already have than put resources into a new race/subrace. More consequences beats more options that end up being meaningless in my book.

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  On 8/16/2015 at 7:07 PM, Cantousent said:

Topics merged with ChaosMaker90's new poll as the current poll, so some people may need to revote. I'd rather not have multiple poll threads asking the exact same question. For my part, I agree with... Rosveen? who says he would rather flesh out what we already have than put resources into a new race/subrace. More consequences beats more options that end up being meaningless in my book.

Hows it merged since i see only te old poll ? :D


I merged the two polls. I thought the new poll was the one including the drow, but frankly the two polls weren't distinctive enough to require two threads, so I merged them. If folks need something not represented in the current poll, they have the opportunity to explain it by posting in this thread.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

  On 8/16/2015 at 6:41 PM, ChaosMaker90 said:

... some evil elfish race ...

Races are not evil. Races cannot be evil or good.

Individuals can be. Either of them.

Cultures and upbringing can tend in a certain direction which may be perceived as either one.

But races are not.


P.S. Oh, pleeeeaaase no Drow.

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  On 8/16/2015 at 7:58 PM, Cantousent said:

I merged the two polls. I thought the new poll was the one including the drow, but frankly the two polls weren't distinctive enough to require two threads, so I merged them. If folks need something not represented in the current poll, they have the opportunity to explain it by posting in this thread.

Of cource but i dind se an option to edit a poll and i created new one so was a bit better to chose questions. New poll was deletad by you, but thats fine i discoverd that i can edit a pol (silly me) regardless of that thanks for merging threads...

  On 8/16/2015 at 8:02 PM, Varana said:


  On 8/16/2015 at 6:41 PM, ChaosMaker90 said:

... some evil elfish race ...

Races are not evil. Races cannot be evil or good.

Individuals can be. Either of them.

Cultures and upbringing can tend in a certain direction which may be perceived as either one.

But races are not.


P.S. Oh, pleeeeaaase no Drow.



Races cannot be Evil ? So Demons not Evil ? Undead are not Evil ? Evil worms from undergraoud distroing everything are not evil ? :D Besides, Drows were not evil in general, but their society were....  There were good Drows like Drizzt, but most peaple in D&D have opinion about them from looking at their society... or at least the more visible aspects of it...

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