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The "rape culture" moral panic on US college campuses


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Solid. Gold.   :lol:


Yep "gold". First gets raped then branded a rapist. It must be that male privilege we keep hearing about. Double funny.



I wouldn't say that he get branded as rapist as there is no official record with his name that says that he was expelled because of rape and people don't actually know his name. 


But he his ordeal is much lesser than for example Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow's who was 13 year old girl that was stoned to death because she was raped by three men and therefore was guilty of adultery, which has in her country death penalty for women.  Said incident caused that women in Somalia don't report rapes to current regime, because they fear that they are punished much more severely than those who rape them. 


I would not personally start drawing generalizations from singular cases. 

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Boston Globe has article about this case, in my opinion it gives bit better picture about big picture around the case, than article in OP.


That was some amazing advice by her dorm counselor there, hah.



Interesting how sending innocent people up the creek is acceptable now. Hardly surprising I suppose

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I wouldn't say that he get branded as rapist as there is no official record with his name that says that he was expelled because of rape and people don't actually know his name. 


But he his ordeal is much lesser than for example Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow's who was 13 year old girl that was stoned to death because she was raped by three men and therefore was guilty of adultery, which has in her country death penalty for women.  Said incident caused that women in Somalia don't report rapes to current regime, because they fear that they are punished much more severely than those who rape them. 


I would not personally start drawing generalizations from singular cases. 



I am not sure what point you're trying to make. That it's ok to have lesser evidence standards because people in Somalia have it really bad?

Edited by Fighter
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The real solution is just to hire hookers. Professionals probably are better :lol:

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I am not sure what point you're trying to make. That it's ok to have lesser evidence standards because people in Somalia have it really bad?


It was point out that getting accused of rape/sexual misconduct after been raped is not even nearly worst thing that can happen and regularly happen women around world and it is actually privilege of citizens richer countries and males to only need to lament such injustice. Privilege is such evil thing that is actually impossible to fully understood what all it gives us. 

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Doesn't really mean it is ok. Else a whole slew of lesser evils are no big deal as long as they're not ISIS like for example.


Weird to hammer on people upset about a wrong done to them on that basis.

Edited by Malcador
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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Doesn't really mean it is ok. Else a whole slew of lesser evils are no big deal as long as they're not ISIS like for example.


Weird to hammer on people upset about a wrong done to them on that basis.


My purpose wasn't to belittle that man spoken in this topic may have faced, but to point out that such singular instance of injustice against single man isn't any way prove that men don't have privilege in many cases over women in our societies. For example I haven't seen even single post that is doubtful towards that man's version of story even though we haven't seen any proof about his story even those text messages that he speaks about and that university's investigation found him to be guilty. Where nearly every case where women accuses man of raping her you can find lots of comments that put question her story and how we should not accuse man of any wrong doing before he is judged by court.


So again I would say we should probably not draw generalizations from single case of injustice, even if that injustice hits closer to home that lots of other cases of injustice.

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If you say so. But that is true, people back their team in things, heh, you're going to find women opposing him mainly.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Solid. Gold.   :lol:


Yep "gold". First gets raped then branded a rapist. It must be that male privilege we keep hearing about. Double funny.




It would be helpful if you didn't grab quotes out of context in an attempt to knock down a strawman you yourself have set up.



I'm just going to copy the relevant bits of the post you have... let's just say, "adjusted".






What preventive measures could he have taken to stop from having his girlfriend's roommate performing oral sex while he was passed out and accusing him of rape two years later?



We could give him same helpful tips that we give women, don't drink too much, don't go in parties alone, don't dress up too sexy, don't be friends with members of opposite sex, don't be out in late, etc.. 



Solid. Gold.   :lol:





The perpetually offended, of course, will turn everything into a cause for outrage, no matter how far they have to twist the original meaning.


(...Am I doing this right?)

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"Lulz is not the highest aspiration of art and mankind, no matter what the Encyclopedia Dramatica says."


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But in this case, the guy never dated his accuser. In fact, it seems that she initiated oral sex on him while he was blackout drunk. What preventive measures could he have taken to stop from having his girlfriend's roommate performing oral sex while he was passed out and accusing him of rape two years later?


We could give him same helpful tips that we give women, don't drink too much, don't go in parties alone, don't dress up too sexy, don't be friends with members of opposite sex, don't be out in late, etc..


Solid. Gold.   :lol:


But we should know by now those tips are bull****. I'm being serious, what preventive measures can one take to prevent a situation like this?




But you can keep in mind that while the plural of anecdote isn't "data", the singular sure as hell isn't either. So until reliable statistics turn up about the false conviction rates being higher than the number of actual rape cases (ie. "proof that the program causes more harm than good"), I remain sceptical of the idea that incidents such as this are a widespread menace.

I'm not arguing that it is widespread, I'm wondering how I can prevent such a situation. Given that I am the same age as the accused, in college, and associate with women, a possibility exists that I may be in a similar situation and I would like to know what I can do to avoid it.




Remember that you have to make sure that the girl will now avidly and visibly nod in public and/or say yes "you can kiss me and put a hand on my butt" in a bar for college students or campus dorm/house party. Best if you can record it too!


also, make sure to continue getting an active consent and record it witch each piece of clothing being removed... make sure you will get a clear verbal consent and have it recorded!

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Guys, just hire a good hooker.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Of course it can still happen, but the transaction helps keep things clear. Hm, they don't give receipts though.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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It's weird to me how quick some people in this thread are to just believe everything the guy is saying and discount the woman completely.  Thankfully we have a legal system that weighs actual evidence.  

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I guess it's just because there was a series of highly publicized false rape allegations recently (such as the UVA scandal). I swear I read more news articles about that than I did about all rape scandals in India combined. It feels like this problem is a lot more widespread than it is because of that. And to be fair, it is a rather frightening thing. If someone falsely accuses you of rape, you have pretty much no recourse and whether or not you get cleared, you're pretty much screwed in the court of public opinion.


EDIT: Well, that and I'm guessing "Listen & Believe" stuck in peoples craw and is having very much the opposite intended effect. Radicals breed radical opposition.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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It's weird to me how quick some people in this thread are to just believe everything the guy is saying and discount the woman completely.  Thankfully we have a legal system that weighs actual evidence.  


the thing is, it is not the word situation, where you could raise doubts.. there are text msgs involved, right?

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Just to remind:


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 11, states: "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.".


and in case of US:


the 5th, 6th, and 14th amendments


.. I despise people who "rape", I am all in for severe punishments going as far as chemical castration, BUT it has to be done properly, without breaking the basic principles of human rights.


Bringing examples of backwater muslim countries is not helping the case. We already know there are a lot of human rights violations there. If you are so concerned about situation there, go and help them out THERE, instead of highlighting the issues from those countries as means to validate completely unrelated issues on the "homeground" of societies which highly value basic freedoms and human rights.

Edited by Darkpriest
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It's weird to me how quick some people in this thread are to just believe everything the guy is saying and discount the woman completely.  Thankfully we have a legal system that weighs actual evidence.  


Your legal system did not put the guy in prison and no apparent attempts were even made. Which is suggestive of the level of evidence.


There was no such trial that's the point and despite that damage to a man not convicted of a crime was done.

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I'm just getting a massive kick out of Sharp_one calling me a leftist.

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"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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It's weird to me how quick some people in this thread are to just believe everything the guy is saying and discount the woman completely.  Thankfully we have a legal system that weighs actual evidence.  


Your legal system did not put the guy in prison and no apparent attempts were even made. Which is suggestive of the level of evidence.


There was no such trial that's the point and despite that damage to a man not convicted of a crime was done.



Hence his suit against the University, which if the evidence holds up, will basically result in him winning the lottery.

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It's weird to me how quick some people in this thread are to just believe everything the guy is saying and discount the woman completely.  Thankfully we have a legal system that weighs actual evidence.


Your legal system did not put the guy in prison and no apparent attempts were even made. Which is suggestive of the level of evidence.


There was no such trial that's the point and despite that damage to a man not convicted of a crime was done.



Hence his suit against the University, which if the evidence holds up, will basically result in him winning the lottery.


Which does not negate the last year or so of him being unable to complete his degree due to being expelled for disciplinary reasons.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

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It's weird to me how quick some people in this thread are to just believe everything the guy is saying and discount the woman completely.  Thankfully we have a legal system that weighs actual evidence.


Your legal system did not put the guy in prison and no apparent attempts were even made. Which is suggestive of the level of evidence.


There was no such trial that's the point and despite that damage to a man not convicted of a crime was done.



Hence his suit against the University, which if the evidence holds up, will basically result in him winning the lottery.


Which does not negate the last year or so of him being unable to complete his degree due to being expelled for disciplinary reasons.



Well again, life is not fair.  It would certainly be worse if he was facing criminal prosecution.  Even if the lawsuit does not pan out, he can likely still pursue his degree through a different school.  

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Life is indeed not fair, which is why any judicial system should be, it's a shame such a travesty occurs on the anniversary of the Magna Cartas signing however.


However if proven innocent one hopes that the young gentleman will be adequately recompensed, and have the opportunity to bring civil suits against those whom falsely accused him and conspired to try and redirect (if not ruin) his life. This would hopefully make an example of the liars, dissuade anyone else thinking of doing the same, and encourage only real rapes to be reported thus boosting their legitimacy, and not sullying the waters for real victims.

Edited by Nonek
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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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"It's weird to me how quick some people in this thread are to just believe everything the guy is saying and discount the woman completely.  Thankfully we have a legal system that weighs actual evidence. "





"Well again, life is not fair.  It would certainly be worse if he was facing criminal prosecution.  Even if the lawsuit does not pan out, he can likely still pursue his degree through a different school. "


You are insane. The way you just poo poo what he went through is HILARIOUS. Espicially since he was not onlya ccused of rape he was actually raped. But, oh yeah, you don't believe can be raped. EVIL TO THE CORE. That's SJW feminism  to the MAX.


No wonder the vast majority of women are against modern feminism. L0LZ


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