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The entire point of Berserkers seems to be distracting you from other enemies. They're bullet sponges that you really don't want to actually get attacked by (getting meleed in general in XCOM 2 sucks), so you focus fire them down, giving other enemies a chance to actually live amd do something.


On an odd note, apparently getting marked triggers Return Fire.

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I have been trying to test the conditions under which they'll do it, but I haven't encountered enough. The berserker ignored the civilian cowering in the retaliation mission to kill the officer. I assume it had to do with no xcom operative being within charge range.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Turns out they've changed the way hit rolls worked, it's now a single roll for all shots, and critical chance is actually a percentage for the shot, not the percentage if it hits. i.e. at 50% chance to hit and 50% chance to crit displayed, it actually means you will crit half the time and outright miss half the time, never doing regular damage.




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Turns out they've changed the way hit rolls worked, it's now a single roll for all shots, and critical chance is actually a percentage for the shot, not the percentage if it hits. i.e. at 50% chance to hit and 50% chance to crit displayed, it actually means you will crit half the time and outright miss half the time, never doing regular damage.




So it's more like Fallout where you'd only ever shot things in the eyes or groin then? 

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Turns out they've changed the way hit rolls worked, it's now a single roll for all shots, and critical chance is actually a percentage for the shot, not the percentage if it hits. i.e. at 50% chance to hit and 50% chance to crit displayed, it actually means you will crit half the time and outright miss half the time, never doing regular damage.



Interesting. Crit has a high value then.

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I just beat the game.  That last battle (not the last mission, just the last engagement) is just silly.  I ended up just doing the objective and ignoring the enemies, as there was simply no way I could have beaten them.  At least I didn't get anyone killed.  Definitely an excellent game.  Looking forward to patches/expansions/DLC/mods.  Going to take a break from it for a bit (60.2 hours played already...) but I'll definitely be back.

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The lest battle is crazy... I really did not like its heavy randomness (ok it was challenging, but i raged a bit).... not only what and where will appear but also how difficult it was to set up and kill the main objectives... because of their certain action when attacked.

Edited by Darkpriest
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Last level was kinda dissapointing design wise as well. Enemy teleporting all over the place and it's not really possible to make intelligent decisions other than run after avatars and try to kill them before the clock runs out and you get overwhelmed. Was not into the manga hairdo commander avatar at all. Still it was better than the final mission in the reboot which was much too short and not challenging enough. 


They could have taken a page from the old games and done a two part mission, like the alien base on the moon.


I got one base defense mission which is basically just 'defend these tiles or fail.' Fairly disappointing. Was looking forward to fighting the invaders inside the ship. 


Also no flying units other than one enemy type and no mechs. 


Doing an ironman now , looks like I'm going to lose, after which I will probably forget about it until the DLC are all out. 

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Agreed, previews and interviews made it sound as if base defense would be a thing. I even upgraded my defenses, but other than that one first defense I never got attacked again. Enemy Within had done this better.


already in the forgetting until all DLC process.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Finished it after 40 hours, but I still have lots left to do for a second playthrough.  I enjoyed the last mission, and I lost a key member of my team plus had one get knocked out, so it was a good challenge.  Props to my grenadier for executing two of the avatars that dropped in on her.  I had my team spread out a bit and it made them pinball around in an entertaining fashion.  


Dragonball Commander was pretty dang powerful. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's a bit telling that I'm basically necroposting in this thread on completion of my one and only run. Well, one and only successful run, after much mucking about and restarting within the  first month (the successful save is labelled Campaign 69, though none of the previous 18 campaigns got past month two). Finished pretty much on the world average in terms of stats.


Steam claims I've played 45 hours, including all those early restarts. A decent amount, but I've played the previous game for something approaching 500 hours, so in my mind it's very much a raw product at this point. I don't intend to go back to it prior to a major overhaul, be it an expansion or a big Long War-esque mod. Minor DLC won't be incentive enough to replay, I feel, especially as late-game XCOM 2 was even more of a drag than it was in EU: there's only so many futuristic modern citiscapes that I can stomach. I was only ever playing 2-3 missions a day during the campaign, so it's safe to say the game never truly hooked me


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I put this game on hiatus so Firaxis can continue to patch and optimize the game. Also gives me a chance to wait out a few months for the next gen GPU's since I'll be needing a new one anyway.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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I put this game on hiatus so Firaxis can continue to patch and optimize the game. Also gives me a chance to wait out a few months for the next gen GPU's since I'll be needing a new one anyway.

am also gonna wait.  the thing is, the game appears to be selling well-- am expecting an expansion.  we wait more than six months and then an expansion is released... which means we likely wait another couple months for  the expansion to become stable. 




am predicting that for Gromnir this is gonna end up being one o' those pre-christmas crazy eddie kinda deals from steam. 


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Yeah, the "season pass" thing is three DLC, but it doesn't sound all that from the descriptions:



  • ANARCHY’S CHILDREN is a rebellion themed DLC featuring more dramatic soldier customizations. (To be released in Spring 2016)
  • ALIEN HUNTERS introduces new soldier customizations and gameplay themed around XCOM as an elite alien hunting unit. Face off against “Ruler” aliens with new, more powerful weapons and armor. Experience a new dramatic mission & confrontation. (To be released in Summer 2016)
  • SHEN’S LAST GIFT introduces a new soldier class with unique upgradeable weapons, armor and customization features, and a new narrative-driven mission and map. (To be released in Summer 2016)

So a grand total of two new missions across the 3 DLCs. One new tier of weapons maybe, and a SHIV or whatever. Unlikely I'll experience any of them until the expansion proper, despite me technically owning them already via the Deluxe edition.


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I am sure that one thing will have Vahlen showing up in one way or another. There is already a ton of references to her in the game. Although it might also be a bait fest by Firaxis. They can be like that.


Still i wonder what will tjeu come up with in their big expac. So far they are gathering feedback data based on the release, same like they did with EU. EW fixed a lot of things and expanded gameplay wise.

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Well, I finished the game. I would have to say that XCOM had better Macro (global) gameplay, as for the mission gameplay I can't say that XCOM 2 was better, just a little different.

"because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP

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  • 4 weeks later...

So it turns out that XCOM 2 has a Romance system. It's only minimally implemented now, but the game tracks when a soldier heals another, carries one when injured/unconscious, or just saves them from a flanking enemy. The effect is minimal as implemented now - anecdotally they'll chat together more often in base, will be seen visiting the medbay, etc, but a lot of it was cut as per the reference in that bit of code about there being cutscenes and all that.

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