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Petition: Remove time limit for forum post edits



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  1. 1. Would you like time limits removed on editing your own forum posts?

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Although I can understand the frustration if one were trying to make a guide thread or the like I personally like the fact that after a certain point (How long is the actual cutoff by the way?) a poster that you are "discussing" something with is locked in stone.

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Although I can understand the frustration if one were trying to make a guide thread or the like I personally like the fact that after a certain point (How long is the actual cutoff by the way?) a poster that you are "discussing" something with is locked in stone.


That's what quotes are for.

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^ The time limit is an hour.


We used to have no time limit, but there was a period of rather severe abuse from having no limit and thus one was implemented. We're aware it can be inconvenient for certain types of topic threads...but until such time when/if it's decided the limit no longer serves a purpose, if someone wants their post edited etc. just PM a moderator of the forum in question and we'll change it for you.


..also, moving to Obsidian General, as this isn't PoE related, as already pointed out.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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^ The time limit is an hour.


We used to have no time limit, but there was a period of rather severe abuse from having no limit and thus one was implemented. We're aware it can be inconvenient for certain types of topic threads...but until such time when/if it's decided the limit no longer serves a purpose, if someone wants their post edited etc. just PM a moderator of the forum in question and we'll change it for you.


..also, moving to Obsidian General, as this isn't PoE related, as already pointed out.


I remember that time, and I also remember the "abuse" (I was one of the abusers myself). It was all in good fun and no unicorns were harmed by it. Back then the forum software didn't add the "edited by <name>, <date>" notice automatically which is more than anything else what enabled the shenanigans; the edit notices would have made any foul play evident. Now we have both measures in place and it seems... excessive. Having mods involved in editing old posts by request of the author is clunky and inefficient. I'm with OP here.

Edited by 213374U

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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Anyone who harms unicorns gets an insta-ban. ;)


Even with the edit-date line, it still means a lack of record of what was before, unless it was already quoted. Which can make it difficult to assess a situation occasionally. As always, there's no perfect solution.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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^ The time limit is an hour.


We used to have no time limit, but there was a period of rather severe abuse from having no limit and thus one was implemented. We're aware it can be inconvenient for certain types of topic threads...but until such time when/if it's decided the limit no longer serves a purpose, if someone wants their post edited etc. just PM a moderator of the forum in question and we'll change it for you.


..also, moving to Obsidian General, as this isn't PoE related, as already pointed out.


See, this is one of the places moderation on this forum fails (and one of the places many people in society fail when they try and implement policies to combat X).


If you had a problem in the past, a rule should have been devised to deal with it, and the folks breaking said rule should have been dealt with. Crushing all forum posters' freedom because of a few nitwits is bad moderating and bad policy. Crush the nitwits.


There are many legitimate reasons for wanting to be able to edit a post more than an hour after it was posted, in particular in some OPs. So long as the information showing that the post was edited and when it was is in the post, there shouldn't be any big problems. The majority of the internet is able to handle the situation, there's no good reason that the Obsidian forums can't either.

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I'm in agreement. I post while between classes and while at work and sometimes make spelling mistakes or errors that I am unable to correct due to the time limit.

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"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

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I post in ironman mode, no savescumming.



(In all seriousness though, the type of constantly updated post that would benefit from this kind of change is the type that probably should be 'curated' with the help of a friendly mod anyway. Not something that one simply tosses to the hoi polloi.)

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Crushing all forum posters' freedom because of a few nitwits is bad moderating and bad policy. Crush the nitwits.

You have no freedom on a company owned message board.


That's not even to get into the "You can't ban him/her, they're a good poster, that's a stupid rule!" and "Crushing that poster's freedom is wrong!" and "I can't believe Obsidian allows a bunch of Fascists to run their message boards!" emotional appeals every single time some "nitwit" is "crushed".  Having the forum enforce a rule is about as impartial as you can get and saves a lot of time and trouble for the mods.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I'm not going to write an essay why I think this needs to be changed, because if you've ever made your own thread I think it's pretty self-explanatory.

Do it right the first time, scrub.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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It is unfortunate that the forum software doesn't archive each version of a post for inspection behind the scenes by moderators.


It is unfortunate that the forum software doesn't allow per-user rights limitations, so that strict measures need only be applied to violators, punitively.


It is amazing that people are content with that situation.

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It is unfortunate that the forum software doesn't archive each version of a post for inspection behind the scenes by moderators.


It is unfortunate that the forum software doesn't allow per-user rights limitations, so that strict measures need only be applied to violators, punitively.


It is amazing that people are content with that situation.


Many people obviously don't even understand the situation.


If one cannot imagine a legitimate reason why one would edit a post more than an hour later (heck, months later legitimately in some cases), one is either new to the world wide web, has been living under a rock of some sorts in regards to internet forums, or their imagination is broken. The OP pretty much says in short what's probably the primary reason anyone would want to edit a post at a later time.


One could peruse over to the Paradox forums (the company Obsidian recently partnered with), and find a great many good examples of posts that legitimately have been edited not just more than an hour later, but many months later, and I'm sure if one looks one could find one from more than a year later. And this is on a forum that I'd say has even more heavy handed misplaced moderating (mostly by Paradox employees upset they are being criticized) than Obsidian's does, though they do not tolerate trolling there near as much as it's tolerated here (they do have a few good moderators).


But hey, better to vote against something you don't understand, or to crush another person's freedom because you don't exercise yours for whatever reason yourself.


And that said, it seems the hour has been extended. Thanks for that at least. But really, just lift it already.

Edited by Valsuelm
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It is unfortunate that the forum software doesn't allow per-user rights limitations, so that strict measures need only be applied to violators, punitively.

Pretty sure it does. There are currently post count restrictions. You can also restrict by class. These are things administrators - not moderators - can do.  There is, I believe, one administrator on the Obs side.


If one cannot imagine a legitimate reason why one would edit a post more than an hour later (heck, months later legitimately in some cases), one is either new to the world wide web, has been living under a rock of some sorts in regards to internet forums, or their imagination is broken.


Or they started online in BBSes or UseNet which couldn't even recall messages properly, much less really allow them to be edited.  Or they were around in BIS when people would make a troll post, then edit the post to be innoculous for laughs because not everyone is going to quote a message and understand why the limits were created in the first place.


or to crush another person's freedom


On a privately owned message board you only have as much freedom as the owner of the board extends to you.  A message board isn't a public space.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I time limit is okay. But just make it at least a minute, rather than immediately tracking changes. One of my pet peeves with this forum, actually.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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