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NFL 2015 Season


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Dat run by Joseph Randle.  HNNNNNNGH!  7-0 Boys.  We're going to need a lot more of that from Randle and the offensive line during Romo's abscence.  Also, Witten getting **** done with 37 sprained joints.


Edit: Meanwhile in St Louis, the pyrotechnics crew is trying to burn the field down.  :lol:


Edit 2:  Randle scores again!  14-0 Boys.  Shockingly enough, I've so far been enjoying the Brandon Weeden experience.  Of course, it helps that he's played against 2 **** defenses, Philly last week and Atlanta this week.


Edit 3:  That was a heck of a return by "Hold Me Closer Tiny" Darren Sproles.  C'mon Jest, get your **** together.


Edit 4:  Touchdown Darren McFadden!  21-7 Boys.  Maybe it really was more the offensive line and less DeMarco Murray last year, because so far this year Murray has done nothing in Philly while the Dallas running game is just fine and dandy.


Edit 5:  And Weeden throws a terrible pick.  I suppose it was inevitable.  *sigh*


Edit 6:  Touchdown #3 Joseph Randle!  28-17 Boys at the half.  Horrible pick that led to 7 Atl points notwithstanding, Brandon Weeden has been pretty good so far today.  If he can avoid further costly turnovers, the Boys have a good chance to take this game.


Edit 7: And the Boys offense has stalled in the second half and their defense (particularly the running D) has fallen apart.  Falcons lead.  :(


Edit 8:  And the injury woes continue.  We'll be suiting up guys off the street soon.  ;(


And game over, Cowboys lose.  They just completely fell apart in the second half.  The offense did NOTHING and the defense couldn't slow down the Falcons, much less stop them.  We can't get McLaine and Hardy on the field soon enough.

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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It won't matter until you get Romo back.  To really compete in this league you need a starter worthy QB. People may like to make fun of Romo for 'choking' in playoffs but he is a legit starter.

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It won't matter until you get Romo back.  To really compete in this league you need a starter worthy QB. People may like to make fun of Romo for 'choking' in playoffs but he is a legit starter.

I'm 100% with you on Romo.  I think that not only is Romo a legit starter, he's an elite starter (fun fact: he led the league in passer rating, yards per pass, and completion percentage last year).  I just desperately want the Boys to go approximately .500 while he's out, that way they're still in it when he does return.  Today's game was winnable, but the team fell apart in the second half.  Hopefully in 2 games, when we get McClain and Hardy, the defense can help out in situations like today, when the offense grinds to a halt and the team needs to desperately hold on.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Fist I watched Team USA get crushed by Scotland. Then I flipped back and forth between the Rays losing to the Blue Jays and the Bucs losing to the Texans. Now the Dolphins are getting blown out. What a crappy day.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Hey 49ers. I hope you enjoy defending the choice  on keeping the 'better' QB. LMAO What a joke. This is the former coach's greatest revenge. Not only did he piss off his old bosses to the point they fired him even though he was having them win. He also sabotaged them by saddling them with a horrible and horribly overrated QB. LMAO

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Hey 49ers. I hope you enjoy defending the choice  on keeping the 'better' QB. LMAO What a joke. This is the former coach's greatest revenge. Not only did he piss off his old bosses to the point they fired him even though he was having them win. He also sabotaged them by saddling them with a horrible and horribly overrated QB. LMAO

The best revenge is living well. The second best is watching them live poorly.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Well, that Ravens-Steelers game was one the most insane football things I've ever seen in my life.


How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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I missed it. I forgot what day it was ... I'm subconsciously still on the S&M schedule, Sunday and Monday, not Thursday.  :p


Checked the results anyway and saw the click bait quarterback 1-32 rating article. Couldn't entirely disagree.  :unsure:



It's hard to evaluate Rivers behind this injured, awful offensive line. I counted five drives against Minnesota that were killed by immediate pressure. The Chargers can't run block at all either, setting up third and longs. Anecdotally, they would be my pick for the worst line in the league. And the ProFootball Focus ratings agree! It's amazing Rivers is averaging 8.7 yards per attempt, good for fifth in the league.


Except the actual list puts Philip Rivers at sixth place, so ... 

All Stop. On Screen.

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I honestly wish they had *another* day where they aired another game or two...like Wednesday. On the other hand, I also wish no team ever had to play on Thursday after having played on Monday...seriously, it's such baloney that that ever happens, much less happens often enough that it's clear the schedulers just don't care. Only way you could do a Wednesday game without running into that problem is by having the team who played last week's Thursday play the next week's Wednesday...but that doesn't matter, since that likely won't happen anyway.


There's no way Ravens should've won that game. They had so, so many chances to get ahead, but failed every time. Steelers' missed two field goals that should've made it impossible for the Ravens to come back, and then refused to even give the guy another chance in overtime *twice* when it would've instantly ended the game...and instead struck out twice on 4th and 1s...I could not believe that the Ravens won.


Yeah, Philip Rivers has had a terrible offensive line...mainly because at least week, literally his entire offensive line was injured. I think in weeks previous, some were injured, but literally all were last week.


How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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That was a pretty exciting game between the Iggles and Skins, even if it was kinda ugly at times.  They're both division rivals of my Boys, so a tie would have been ideal, still I was happy with the Washington win, since I perceive them to be a lesser threat than Philly for the division, though I might just be giving the Iggles too much respect given their performance this year.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Whew, close one. For a minute I thought we had a Laces out, Dan! moment after a final-second-missed-field-goal-to-win. Browns went offsides and rookie kicker Lambo got a second chance with no time on the clock. I will say Cleveland's QB McCown acquitted himself with a couple dynamo hurls for strikes. Six lead changes and three ties, good game.    

All Stop. On Screen.

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And the inevitable Sean Lee injury happened.  At least it's not season ending.

concussion protocols being what they are, is impossible to say for certain how long sean lee will be kept off the field.




as an aside, Gromnir has kinda come around and we now believe that college and pro football is too dangerous.  there needs to be a major improvement in helmet design so as to significant reduce the number o' concussions and brain injuries.  such improvements is possible, but implementing would likely reduce player performance to a noticeable degree.  


as much as we love football, particularly college, and recognizing that we personally benefitted from the popularity o' the sport when we received our scholarship offer(s), am nearing the point where we may need stop patronizing until appropriate safety measures are taken.  is far too many mike websters and dave duersons... and is not only guys who played 10+ years in the nfl who is suffering.  


change is needed.  change is unlikely.  

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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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And the inevitable Sean Lee injury happened.  At least it's not season ending.

concussion protocols being what they are, is impossible to say for certain how long sean lee will be kept off the field.


Absolutely true, it's unknown how long he'll be out.  It's highly unlikely it will be the whole season and the Boys do have a bye coming up soon.


Still, this team is decimated.  They were already without their 2 best offensive players (Tony Romo, Dez Bryant) and now they're without they're best defensive player too.  It's a rough time to be a Cowboys fan.

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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There goes Grom.  About to demand football be banned. 'Too dangerous'.  Freedom of chocie should ALWAYS COME FIRST.  As long as the players are edcuated on the risks and all reasonable precautions are taken let they should be. We don't need more of a Nanny State Babysitter.



Also, damn Eli. You had ONE job. L0L  Was hoping you'd go the season with no picks. :p


\The Giants have a real shot at winning the division. WSH and PHI are jokes (it'll be emabrassing id we lose to Philly) and Dallas  the only real threat is in dire straits injury wise. Ands, once we get in, In Eli We Trust tm.


I do really wish the playcalling wasn't so cowardly. We aren't gonna win a SB againsttop teams like GB, SEA, or NE by 5 yard passes with are awful run game. You have a deep threat. USE HIM.


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players aren't educated on the dangers.  and simple education is not enough.  folks can be educated 'bout driving too fast or drinking too much and smoking and we still gots rules to prevent.  when damage to society is too great, we come up with rules to prevent. the average football player is in the league for ~4 years.  is hardly enough time for most to get rich.  the number o' pro players is infinitesimally small compared to the pool o' high school and college players.  nevertheless, go to almost any high school football team and ask players on varsity to raise hand if they is gonna play pro ball in future.  is gonna be at least a few hands raised everywhere.  is mind boggling actually to see the misapprehension.  there were a study done in regards to ped and steroids a few years ago.  college football players were asked if they would take an untestable drug that would guarantee that they would make the pros.  the college players were told that the drug would kill'em at age 50.  were between 70 and 80% that said they would take the drug.  think results would be any different if study said that player would die at 50 o' brain injury? even if the college or high school player were educated o' the dangers, he don't have perspective to understand the damage he would do to himself and those around him.  the average player don't make near enough money to cover the personal and social costs o' the kinda brain injury that duerson and webster suffered.  


play nfl is a dream.  with nfl comes wealth and fame.  the thing is, high school and college football players ain't reasonable about the dream.  actual make nfl roster is so unlikely and even if one makes nfl, that don't necessarily translate into fame and wealth.  such ignorance ain't necessarily a bad thing.  follow dreams shouldn't need be reasonable.  unfortunately, the dreamer don't have any concept o' the real damages and the real rewards. ask the 20-something to genuine reflect on life as a 50-year old with brain injury is no more likely than getting 'em to reflect 'bout realities o' an nfl career. 


nevertheless, vol is revealing his traditional poor reading skills. Gromnir says that we should make football safer.  didn't say that nfl should be banned.  there are ways to make the game safer.  if, in spite o' mounting evidence that game is unsafe for pro and college players, the league AND players AND fans do not demand greater safety, Gromnir, as an individual, should walk away from football. is intellectual dishonest o' us to continue being a fan o' a sport that we believes is too dangerous, and am quickly approaching that point.  


"as much as we love football, particularly college, and recognizing that we personally benefitted from the popularity o' the sport when we received our scholarship offer(s), am nearing the point where we may need stop patronizing until appropriate safety measures are taken."


again, we noted that game could be made safe® and that in the absence o' improved safety, Gromnir woulds need give up patronizing the league.  find where we said ban.  go ahead.  we will wait.





"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Football don't need cowards liek you as a fan. I'm all for player safety but I'm not into  banning people from doing what they enjoy just ebcause it is dangerous. You may not be demanding it NOW but the implication is clearly there but you don't have the guts to just say it.


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now vol can see the future?  can't even read, but can tell us what we will demand at some remote point in time?




cowards play hockey and football with a helmet, yes?  when folks were dying from cracked skulls while playing hockey and football, there were folks who resisted the implementation o' such safety measures as helmets.  today, the folks who argued 'gainst helmets in football and hockey seem ridiculous.  their complaints, viewed with benefit o' hindsight, were reckless-- equal parts soopidity and machismo.  started with leather helmets in pro football.  then we get plastic.  then get face masks.  weren't til 70s that we get serious cushioning in helmets.  etc. wanna run down the list o' rule changes made since 1920s that were implemented for no other reason than to make the game safer?  with rules changes and improved equipment, football can be made much safer.  


is cowards who use seat-belts while driving?  driving a car is dangerous.  is all kinda laws and equipment that makes driving safer.  




first comment attached to story:


"44 yr old son must live with us, can't make it on his own, confirmed brain injury from concussions but NCAA and NFL (1 yr) doesn't qualify for any help from NFL not vested. No help from NCAA, won't acknowledge how he suffered 1st string 4 years, played next to Jr. at SC. We don't want a huge lawsuit reward just ongoing medical/psychological help. He has definite CTE. Very sad so stop calling these guys cry babies!"


keep in mind that the "Jr." being referenced is Junior Seau, who committed suicide recently and whose brain was found to have clear signs of cte. 




quick search revealed the following:






the comment left by mr. ross following the npr article were dated february 1, 2013. scott ross died september 21, 2014.

Edited by Gromnir

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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keep in mind that the "Jr." being referenced is Junior Seau, who committed suicide recently and whose brain was found to have clear signs of cte. 


I live in his hometown and every Sunday when someone gets their bell rung, I cringe and wince to the point of feeling guilty for being a fan of football. But, I don't know how to walk away. How do you abandon something on principle when you love it so much.  

All Stop. On Screen.

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