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the majority of fans who are happy with the direction that Bioware is going?

Actually, since Bioware started using their "metrics" to design games, you are sometimes left with a feeling that they try too hard. Not a single group, but trying to please all gamer groups (action game fans, social issues fans, roleplaying fans, multiplayer fans, single player fans etc.) that they have reached a point of being decent at most things but no longer master of anything? Never underestimate name recognition when measuring sales figures, it's not always the best laundry powder that sells the most.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Bioware like all companies is expected to make profit.

They were profitable back when their top priority was making quality games instead of releasing a cash grab "blockbuster" every year. And I'm not sure they're quite as profitable these days especially if we adjust for inflation.


Caring about money and only about money is always bad for business in the long run.

Edited by prodigydancer
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It's not propaganda, it's just BioWare clumzily catering to a very vocal minority.


Of course this way you'll never capture the Skyrim/Call of Dooty/Battlefield crowd.


Thank you for answering


A question, Bioware like all companies is expected to make profit. And obviously there gaming formulae of inclusivity is working because they continuing with it so that must mean sales of there games are good. So don't you think in fact its not a vocal minority that want inclusivity, like the  LGBT crowd, but the majority of fans who are happy with the direction that Bioware is going?


Because surly if the majority of fans were unhappy with Bioware games they wouldn't be supporting them financially?


Here are my suspicions, and this is purely going on my own gut feeling, I have no empirical evidence to back this up, so grain of salt and all that.  I imagine there are 5 general groups of people as it concerns LGBT romance options in Dragon Age:


a) Are happy with LGBT romance options being added, does sway their purchasing decision

b) Are happy with LGBT romance options being added, not enough to sway their purchasing decision

c) Don't give care either way about LGBT romance options being added, obviously doesn't sway their purchasing decision (I fall into this group)

d) Are unhappy with LGBT romance options being added, not enough to sway their purchasing decision

e) Are unhappy with LGBT romance options being added, does sway their purchasing decision


My guess is that overwhelmingly most people fall into groups b,c,d and that group e is no larger than group a, or that the difference in the size of group e and group a is so insignificant that it's worth it for BioWare to include LGBT romance options because of the press it will get them.

Edited by Keyrock
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Bioware like all companies is expected to make profit.

They were profitable back when their top priority was making quality games instead of releasing a cash grab "blockbuster" every year. And I'm not sure they're quite as profitable these days especially if we adjust for inflation.


Caring about money and only about money is always bad for business in the long run.



Sure I agree money isn't everything but to a large corporation it is and that's understandable as that is how large corporation, and most businesses, are measured. And that profit is used to reinvest, pay dividends, pay salaries and bonuses, hire new staff, encourage investment and many other logical and practicable reasons for a company needing to be profitable


And EA is no weak taskmaster, they would have no compunction in closing down or restructuring Bioware if it wasn't  making money. So Bioware must be profitable which is what I would expect

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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It's not propaganda, it's just BioWare clumzily catering to a very vocal minority.


Of course this way you'll never capture the Skyrim/Call of Dooty/Battlefield crowd.


Thank you for answering


A question, Bioware like all companies is expected to make profit. And obviously there gaming formulae of inclusivity is working because they continuing with it so that must mean sales of there games are good. So don't you think in fact its not a vocal minority that want inclusivity, like the  LGBT crowd, but the majority of fans who are happy with the direction that Bioware is going?


Because surly if the majority of fans were unhappy with Bioware games they wouldn't be supporting them financially?


Here are my suspicions, and this is purely going on my own gut feeling, I have no empirical evidence to back this up, so grain of salt and all that.  I imagine there are 5 general groups of people as it concerns LGBT romance options in Dragon Age:


a) Are happy with LGBT romance options being added, does sway their purchasing decision

b) Are happy with LGBT romance options being added, not enough to sway their purchasing decision

c) Don't give care either way about LGBT romance options being added, obviously doesn't sway their purchasing decision (I fall into this group)

d) Are unhappy with LGBT romance options being added, not enough to sway their purchasing decision

e) Are unhappy with LGBT romance options being added, does sway their purchasing decision


My guess is that overwhelmingly most people fall into groups b,c,d and that group e is no larger than group a, or that the difference in the size of group e and group a is so insignificant that it's worth it for BioWare to include LGBT romance options because of the press it will get them.


That's a very logical and persuasive theory, it makes sense to me in many  areas


I fall into Group b

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Bioware writer: I wanted to include a trans character who is not ‘a monster or a joke’


Re: propaganda - I don't see what you people are even going on about. Have you even played the game? You don't get much of the back story with asking about it and following up on it and the gay romances don't initiate themselves. Also, you can be a religious fanatic or an atheist or some shade in between



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I am probably misunderstanding your point because its a language translation issue


But how exactly is Bioware creating propaganda? Just to be clear the definition of propaganda is where you use misinformation to  discredit or destroy something




So I'm confused about what Bioware is trying to destroy? How is implementing gay relationships in an RPG  a form of propaganda?


Propaganda is something propagated, either it is the truth, lies, facts, historical, or anything. Advertisement is a form of propaganda, propagating the product to the consumers. Things are propagated because of an agenda, it can be anything, it can be political, religious, racial sentiment, economic and whatever. A product being propagated through advertisement with an agenda want consumer to buy it.


Bioware did propagating the issues and the sentiments in their games, they now become a propagandist.

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Propaganda is something propagated, either it is the truth, lies, facts, historical, or anything. Advertisement is a form of propaganda, propagating the product to the consumers.

So basically information.


Those monsters.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Bioware writer: I wanted to include a trans character who is not ‘a monster or a joke’


Re: propaganda - I don't see what you people are even going on about. Have you even played the game? You don't get much of the back story with asking about it and following up on it and the gay romances don't initiate themselves. Also, you can be a religious fanatic or an atheist or some shade in between




That's another point I've raised several times, the whole gay Romance implementation or LBGT interaction in Bioware games  is so innocuous and nonintrusive  you won't notice it unless you follow those options. So whats the big deal ?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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If i am a game developer, i don't give a damn about all these things, i make a story and i make a game, i sell it, that what i do.

What you would do in an entirely hypothetical situation doesn't amount to much.


It's not unheared of, or even rare, for people engaged in artistic endeavors to want their creations to have a meaning. The ones that do are often valued more for the attempt.



For me, the way i see it, Bioware have a very bad business strategist n these past years, they should fired that guy. Bioware being meddling with the things they shouldn't in their current state for the sake of business, but they did and they insist on it, by means they do hear to "someone"...


I start to realize the "hidden agenda" since DA2, and i sense the "change" in Bioware policy. DA2 is a representation of the current western political affairs at that time, like i said before, imigration problem, religious fanatic problem, war on terror, economy falling....Kirkwal is the representation of USA in the game. Funny how i can see it but many deny for the sake of denyng


Edit : USA symbol is a Hawk...the main character name is Hawke....Kirkwal emblem is an Eagle or Hawk. Look at the keep, it's a Hawk


Fans deny because they want to escape reality, it's a game, it's a game world...that what they say during DA2 hyped up. Ok, that's fine. But now about these LGBT things, is that a game or what? We can say all other things in the game are not real, it's fantasy, there is no The Maker, The Chantry, Mythal, Elves, Qunari, Dwarves, whatever...so everything we can debate about those things are just for fun, it's fantasy, fatasy religion, fantasy culture, fantasy race, fantasy kingdoms, fantasy country....but what about LGBT? That's not fantasy


They made Dorian a gay, and his quest is LGBT issue. That is real issue, not fantasy. They make Krem a tomboy, they want to justify it with Qunari philosophy, they create it up to justify the thing in the game. Krem problem is real problem. That's not fantasy


When they shove it on us, that make it a propaganda, and that is not good for business, they clearly have an agenda

Edited by Qistina
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Propaganda is something propagated, either it is the truth, lies, facts, historical, or anything. Advertisement is a form of propaganda, propagating the product to the consumers.

So basically information.


Those monsters.



Information to be told with an agenda behind it

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If i am a game developer, i don't give a damn about all these things, i make a story and i make a game, i sell it, that what i do.

What you would do in an entirely hypothetical situation doesn't amount to much.


It's not unheared of, or even rare, for people engaged in artistic endeavors to want their creations to have a meaning. The ones that do are often valued more for the attempt.



For me, the way i see it, Bioware have a very bad business strategist n these past years, they should fired that guy. Bioware being meddling with the things they shouldn't in their current state for the sake of business, but they did and they insist on it, by means they do hear to "someone"...


I start to realize the "hidden agenda" since DA2, and i sense the "change" in Bioware policy. DA2 is a representation of the current western political affairs at that time, like i said before, imigration problem, religious fanatic problem, war on terror, economy falling....Kirkwal is the representation of USA in the game. Funny how i can see it but many deny for the sake of denyng


fans deny because they want to escape reality, it's a game, it's a game world...that what they say during DA2 hyped up. Ok, that's fine. But now about these LGBT things, is that a game or what? We can say all other things in the game are not real, it's fantasy, there is no The Maker, The Chantry, Mythal, Elves, Qunari, Dwarves, whatever...so everything we can debate about those things are just for fun, it's fantasy, fatasy religion, fantasy culture, fantasy race, fantasy kingdoms, fantasy country....but what about LGBT? That's not fantasy


They made Dorian a gay, and his quest is LGBT issue. That is real issue, not fantasy. They make Krem a tomboy, they want to justify it with Qunari philosophy, they create it up to justify the thing in the game. Krem problem is real problem. That's not fantasy


When they shove it on us, that make it a propaganda, and that is not good for business, they clearly have an agenda



How do you feel about non-gay Romance options in Bioware games? Do you take part in them?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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How do you feel about non-gay Romance options in Bioware games? Do you take part in them?



I lie if i say i don't...but i choose the option because it's there, if it's not there, it doesn't matter


KotOR don't have it and it's fine, KotOR 2 don't have it and it's fine too.

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When they shove it on us, that make it a propaganda, and that is not good for business, they clearly have an agenda

And clearly you have an agenda too. I'm not seeing how this is supposed to be a problem.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Ok fine...but just look at this, only 10 minutes...watch the last part


This is the evidence on how suck the game is



You really love to hate this game, don't you?

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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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The final battle isn't that difficult especially if you have done a lot of the side content and are well geared and a high level


I didn't watch the whole video so I dunno what the gear/level/difficulty level were or if it is even shown


No matter how easy the game is, no final battle end in less than 30 seconds no matter what the dificulty it is, and no matter what gear


i watched the whole series, fom episode one to 94, and that's it, that's the end...i just can't believe it lol this guy said he played for 40 hours


I do watch others, so i already know how  the end game is, but this guy kill Cory in less than 30 seconds, wth is that? Zap!Zap!Zap! and it's done


Not epic at all...not engaging or whatsoever...just zap!zap!zap! The end of 40 hours gameplay

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Qistana, It's kind of unhealthy how much time you spend wrapped up in Dragon Age Inquisition stuff.  I really recommend you spend more time working on your game creation dreams.  RPGMaker is a great place to start, as others have suggested.

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Qistana, It's kind of unhealthy how much time you spend wrapped up in Dragon Age Inquisition stuff.  I really recommend you spend more time working on your game creation dreams.  RPGMaker is a great place to start, as others have suggested.


Seeing how things go, i don't think my dream will come true, i just scrap it and try to forget it, i have no motivation to pursue it. The concept is there, the story is there, the paperwork is there, but it's going nowhere, so just leave it like that.


Thanks for care about it though...

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"Bioware doesn't have a whole load of those aspects down yet. I think Bioware's open world was generally a failure, they don't know how to populate a huge world and make it as interesting as Bethesda does."


 Even DA3 at its worst is still better than any Bethesda crap at its best.


Also, no doubt BIO  uses propaganda. Gaider himself has basically stated quite clearly he hates white males and doesn't give a crap about them. BIO has an agenda. There is no disputing that. The facts are there both in game, the way they post, and the way they advertise.


Of course, so far its irrelevant. I can ignore that crap as the white noise it is.


DA3's biggest issue is game play not the propaganda since that can be totally ignored. I've playd the game for 30 hours and I haven't seen any of it while playing (just videos).


As for Q,  that poster needs to stop being twof aced.  Q's  been spamming propaganda and agenda this entire time and spouting opinion on the game despite not playing it. I don't get why Q doesn't just focus on a fun game and play that instead of  pushing themselves towards a heartattack. It be much healthier.


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