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Dragon Age: Inquisition


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Yeah, combat is complete and total arse. And it's a bug ridden mess too.


Still probably the best Bioware game I've played in years though.


I like the game a lot but it's definitely a console game first and foremost.

I didn't even think devs even did that anymore. I thought we'd all realised consoles are trash and moved to focusing on the PC.


How naïve of me.

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I think I'm going to put it aside for a while till it gets patched. It's not a bad game for what it is, but it's frustrating as hell to get a talent that works well(in theory) with a build only to have it do nothing or actively screw it up(fortifying blast).


And for those who have played a lot, what is the highest tier for schematics and is crafting gear mid to end game worth it? Can any weapon or armor be made masterwork after you recruit the arcanist to help with rune crafting and stuff?

Edited by KaineParker

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Reading the stuff on DAI has made me a bit more interested in revisiting the series, in preparation for actually playing the new one in a number of months.  And the present Steam sale now has the Ultimate Edition of Origins on sale for $7.50.  I've still got a disc copy of it around here somewhere, but I never bought/played Awakenings or any of the DLC apart from Shale.  So I think I'll be doing that shortly. 


The nice thing about replaying a game like this is that I no longer feel much pressure to do things for metagamey "I want to see all the content" reasons.  So, for example, I can cut Zevran's throat the first time I meet him and laugh in Morrigan and Alistair's face when they ask me to do favors for them.  (Well, I don't think the game actually supports that last bit, but I can say "no" and imagine my character laughing.)  I can even give all the gifts "intended" for them to my dog, while they watch! 


Any feedback from DA2 or DA:I on DA:O decisions that make for the most interesting world-states?  I lean towards letting the PC take the fall at the end, but I could be talked into letting Loghain do the deed.  (Alistair, of course, ends up as the whiny drunken loser he was born to be.)  Are there any major benefits/drawbacks to carrying one's character over to Awakenings? 

Edited by Enoch
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Are there any major benefits/drawbacks to carrying one's character over to Awakenings? 

Having done it both ways I found the DA:A story makes more sense with a new character. I guess the PC was supposed to be the one to do the deed at the end of DA:O according to their canon. It seems to me there are more conversational element if the DA:A Warden is a new character.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Reading the stuff on DAI has made me a bit more interested in revisiting the series, in preparation for actually playing the new one in a number of months.  And the present Steam sale now has the Ultimate Edition of Origins on sale for $7.50.  I've still got a disc copy of it around here somewhere, but I never bought/played Awakenings or any of the DLC apart from Shale.  So I think I'll be doing that shortly. 


The nice thing about replaying a game like this is that I no longer feel much pressure to do things for metagamey "I want to see all the content" reasons.  So, for example, I can cut Zevran's throat the first time I meet him and laugh in Morrigan and Alistair's face when they ask me to do favors for them.  (Well, I don't think the game actually supports that last bit, but I can say "no" and imagine my character laughing.)  I can even give all the gifts "intended" for them to my dog, while they watch! 


Any feedback from DA2 or DA:I on DA:O decisions that make for the most interesting world-states?  I lean towards letting the PC take the fall at the end, but I could be talked into letting Loghain do the deed.  (Alistair, of course, ends up as the whiny drunken loser he was born to be.)  Are there any major benefits/drawbacks to carrying one's character over to Awakenings?


Nothing really for Awakening, a few quests in DA2.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Any feedback from DA2 or DA:I on DA:O decisions that make for the most interesting world-states?  I lean towards letting the PC take the fall at the end, but I could be talked into letting Loghain do the deed.  (Alistair, of course, ends up as the whiny drunken loser he was born to be.)  Are there any major benefits/drawbacks to carrying one's character over to Awakenings? 


You want specific spoilers?

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Any feedback from DA2 or DA:I on DA:O decisions that make for the most interesting world-states?  I lean towards letting the PC take the fall at the end, but I could be talked into letting Loghain do the deed.  (Alistair, of course, ends up as the whiny drunken loser he was born to be.)  Are there any major benefits/drawbacks to carrying one's character over to Awakenings? 


You want specific spoilers?


I'm not especially spoiler-averse, but I'd prefer general statements ("something really cool happens if X is still alive") to detailed spoilers. 



Actually, based on their 1-line descriptions, it seems that some of the other DA:O DLC requires a living Warden.  That may be the deciding factor. 

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"Rejuventaion, Regeneration and Mass Rejuvenation  are a waste for you to take, it's for support character like Wynne. it is better for you to blast your enemies than busy casting these spells isn't it?


heroic Offense, Heroic Aura and Heroic Defense are also a waste for you to take, all these are a support for melee and the bonus isn't great either. It is better to spend your mana in other spells than wasted them with these spells. That is why they remove this spells in DA2, and combine it all into "Heroic Aura""


Nonsense. These spells are awesome. And, what happens if someone doesn't want to have Wynne in the party? Why must everyone play and think exactly like you?


They removed those spells from DA2 is ebcause they know people like you prfer their RPGs dumbed down ala KOTOR.



"Having done it both ways I found the DA:A story makes more sense with a new character. I guess the PC was supposed to be the one to do the deed at the end of DA:O according to their canon. It seems to me there are more conversational element if the DA:A Warden is a new character."


Naah. Canon aside, DA:A works perfectly fine with a DAO orginal warden. It's a heck of a lot more cooler.


Not every PC spellcaster has to be offense oriented.  Some prefer to be defensive oriented. Every spell you mentioned is extremely useful.


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Got my own castle now. How do you get it fixed up so its not in a run down state?

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And for those who have played a lot, what is the highest tier for schematics and is crafting gear mid to end game worth it? Can any weapon or armor be made masterwork after you recruit the arcanist to help with rune crafting and stuff?


Highest tier for schematics is, in my understanding, 3 (I haven't found higher tier stuff) highest tier for materials is 4 (which are things that you get from dragons). When you hire arcanist you have option to add masterwork material (which are fade touched materials that you find some times when you pick materials) to any weapon or armor you craft. In runes superb is highest level that you can do (if there is not something hidden stuff that I haven't found out).

Edited by Elerond
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Well, I don't know how they look "in game" but a dragon the size of the ones in the trailer and concept art wouldn't be able to support it's own weight in normal gravity. There is a good reason why blue whales live in the ocean. You have to be able to suspend disbelief on more than just the story in fantasy RPGs. Or books... or movies

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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So I've finished it. 54 hours, but didn't do anywhere near all the quest, didn't see the point as most were uninteresting.


A good enjoyable game, just not great.


+The game has fantastic graphics

+The game is huge

+Enjoyable exploration

+Enjoyed the NPCs overall (Iron Bull, Solas, Dorian)

+Wraped up some themes from the series

+Enjoyed the expanding of the inquisition (keeps,camps etc)

+Sitting on the throne passing judgement


+Interesting decisions when it comes to story quests (would be dependant on keep choices though, and how much you've taken in from previous games.)

+Art, scenery/armor/architecture.

+Enjoyed the end game, which for me has always been pretty much a chore in bioware games.

+Interesting enemy variation, there is always something different around the corner.


- Worst side quests in a bioware game ever. I can't really recall a quest where you actually had multiple choices, or multiple ways to complete it. Just really poor. This is probably my biggest knock on the game.

- Antagonist failure again. You just don't see enough or learn enough about him to make him interesting, he had glimpse of potential though which make it worse. Especially towards the end.

- Skyhold was really underused, 3 upgrade options that make minimal difference to the appearence or presence of the castle. And the castle remains a mess throughout the game.

- The mage specializations were completely underwhelming, and they've been completely nurfed thanks to unnecessary MP.

- Your choice of character is either religous hero, or athiest hero. Self serving options are completely gone, as is any choice that might be considered 'evil'. (betrayal, corrupt, mad etc)

- Sorry but the complete removal of attribute leveling is just poor, as is the restriction placed on class again. No heavy armor for mages, no dual weilding for warriors.



Personal quips

* No Architect despite his presence in the keep,

despite the fact given the antagonist he would play a major part in the world going forward


* Many of the keep choices don't seem to change anything to the game, apart from the major ones.(Warden alive or dead/ Loghain/alistair) Infact I don't recal one choice from the DA2 keep having any effect besides Hawke sex and class.

*Blood magic is evil throw it down your throat, oh it's this character, blood magic is now ambiguous.

*Too much Chantry.

*Complete lack of cities/towns, it just feels wired that there isn't one major city/town to visit, and I feel the game is less for it.

*The lack of stat/skills in dialogue is still poor imo. Even the basic intimidation/charm from DA2 is far better than the nothing you get in DA:I.

* No blood magic specialization, no Arcane warrior specialization.


I certainly found it more enjoyable than Skyrim/Risen or DA2/ME3, but it just lacks certain features that generally I like to have in RPGs.

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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Personal quips

* No Architect despite his presence in the keep,

despite the fact given the antagonist he would play a major part in the world going forward


* Many of the keep choices don't seem to change anything to the game, apart from the major ones.(Warden alive or dead/ Loghain/alistair) Infact I don't recal one choice from the DA2 keep having any effect besides Hawke sex and class.


They actually said previously that the intention is not to have DA:I make a note of everything in the Keep, but rather have the Keep also track everything they might use in a future product. It's not really mentioned anywhere so can't help people having expectations.


As for Hawke, I _think_ Hawke's romances and general behaviour (diplomatic/hostile/funny) also change the dialogue somewhat. Not 100% sure though.

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I like the game a lot but it's definitely a console game first and foremost.

I didn't even think devs even did that anymore. I thought we'd all realised consoles are trash and moved to focusing on the PC.


How naïve of me.


I realize you're being sarcastic, but...




(yes, I know it's more than 2 years old)

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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* Many of the keep choices don't seem to change anything to the game, apart from the major ones.(Warden alive or dead/ Loghain/alistair) Infact I don't recal one choice from the DA2 keep having any effect besides Hawke sex and class.



Most choices seem to get mentioned quite surreptitiously, like how Hawke mentions their romance option or lack of it in conversation. How many people that you haven't killed can be found to be part of Wartable missions. How Dagna will be you arcanist if you helped her in DA:O get study in Circle. 

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Well, I don't know how they look "in game" but a dragon the size of the ones in the trailer and concept art wouldn't be able to support it's own weight in normal gravity. There is a good reason why blue whales live in the ocean. You have to be able to suspend disbelief on more than just the story in fantasy RPGs. Or books... or movies


Yes, but the Inquisitor chain don;'t look like Dragon Age, it never have such thing before, now it look like Spiderman games, or Batman


I even argue about that when the PAX demo show it, but they don't listen.


The only purspose of that thing is to make it look "awesome"


How come the Inquisitor can throw that chain over 100 yards? Then jump like there is no gravity toward the enemy or objects, suddenly the chain just vanish.

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It looks like Dragon Age games.  The Inquisiotr can throw that chain over 100 yards the same way the rogue can disseappear, the same way the mage can  create fireballs, and the same way the warrior can taunt enemies.


And, of course, they didn't listen. They realize you hated the game   years ago so you weren't never a part of their target audience so why  tailor the game to your likes and dislikes? It would be useless.


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So I've finished it. 54 hours, but didn't do anywhere near all the quest, didn't see the point as most were uninteresting.


A good enjoyable game, just not great.


+The game has fantastic graphics

+The game is huge

+Enjoyable exploration

+Enjoyed the NPCs overall (Iron Bull, Solas, Dorian)

+Wraped up some themes from the series

+Enjoyed the expanding of the inquisition (keeps,camps etc)

+Sitting on the throne passing judgement


+Interesting decisions when it comes to story quests (would be dependant on keep choices though, and how much you've taken in from previous games.)

+Art, scenery/armor/architecture.

+Enjoyed the end game, which for me has always been pretty much a chore in bioware games.

+Interesting enemy variation, there is always something different around the corner.


- Worst side quests in a bioware game ever. I can't really recall a quest where you actually had multiple choices, or multiple ways to complete it. Just really poor. This is probably my biggest knock on the game.

- Antagonist failure again. You just don't see enough or learn enough about him to make him interesting, he had glimpse of potential though which make it worse. Especially towards the end.

- Skyhold was really underused, 3 upgrade options that make minimal difference to the appearence or presence of the castle. And the castle remains a mess throughout the game.

- The mage specializations were completely underwhelming, and they've been completely nurfed thanks to unnecessary MP.

- Your choice of character is either religous hero, or athiest hero. Self serving options are completely gone, as is any choice that might be considered 'evil'. (betrayal, corrupt, mad etc)

- Sorry but the complete removal of attribute leveling is just poor, as is the restriction placed on class again. No heavy armor for mages, no dual weilding for warriors.



Personal quips

* No Architect despite his presence in the keep,

despite the fact given the antagonist he would play a major part in the world going forward


* Many of the keep choices don't seem to change anything to the game, apart from the major ones.(Warden alive or dead/ Loghain/alistair) Infact I don't recal one choice from the DA2 keep having any effect besides Hawke sex and class.

*Blood magic is evil throw it down your throat, oh it's this character, blood magic is now ambiguous.

*Too much Chantry.

*Complete lack of cities/towns, it just feels wired that there isn't one major city/town to visit, and I feel the game is less for it.

*The lack of stat/skills in dialogue is still poor imo. Even the basic intimidation/charm from DA2 is far better than the nothing you get in DA:I.

* No blood magic specialization, no Arcane warrior specialization.


I certainly found it more enjoyable than Skyrim/Risen or DA2/ME3, but it just lacks certain features that generally I like to have in RPGs.

The game had tons of town hubs. Redcliffe, Skyhold, the various Keeps and merchants around the world. I get what you're saying, but it's not like there was only wildnerness and no shops.

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The shock has worn off and I'm already getting used to the controls, now I'm actually able to enjoy the game. Sure, they could have made the controls much better and should have allowed the player to remap keys, but the game is playable as it is. 


The most annoying thing still is not being able to WALK. My char is always running around like a goddamn lunatic. 


Those hurdles aside the game is GORGEOUS. 

Whoa... you can't remap the keys in DA:I? How much keyboard interaction does it need. DA:O was largely mouse controlled.



According to bio forums you can remap keyboard and there's even a post from Alan Schumacher where he states that he remapped the Q and E keys to A and D (and remapped the A and D keys that turned the camera to something else).  And there is a thread about it on reddit as well.


You can't rebind mouse keys. 


Here's the manual for the game if anyone is interested:




Tip : Use a macro programmable mouse and you don't have to. 

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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