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Dragon Age: Inquisition


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So I found this when searching Jesus toast: pareidolia, the imagined perception of a pattern or meaning where it does not actually exist. 


Everyone can do it, few take it to the extreme, droning on and on, and on and on, seeing Jesus in toast. Just cover it in creamy tuna and call it a day. 

pareidolia is unfamiliar to us. we learned concept as apophenia.


regardless, qistina posts is frequent reminding us o' how much we hated that horrible jim carey film




ok, am knowing that don't narrow things down much.




HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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it's clearly an atheist propaganda, unlike DA:O


The way i see it is a "change of policy" in BioWare...



Seriously?!!  This is the sort of crap that had me decide to delete my BW forum account.  I hope this is just a brief aberration here at Obsidian forums that will disperse once the game is actually released.  

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it's clearly an atheist propaganda, unlike DA:O


The way i see it is a "change of policy" in BioWare...



Seriously?!!  This is the sort of crap that had me decide to delete my BW forum account.  I hope this is just a brief aberration here at Obsidian forums that will disperse once the game is actually released.  



I did not delete mine, but I am simply not visiting it anymore :D besides they have no product for me, so nothing for me to get invovled into.


and as far as Quistina and the point that was made... If you don't like just do not support them with your money. $ is more powerful than words

Edited by Darkpriest
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Religion portrayed as extremist is a common theme in the US and Canada. They can't put a preacher  (and its usually a christian one) in a movie if he isn't a frothing at the mouth lunatic, paedophile or somehow deeply flawed. You should know better than to expect a positive portrayal of religion from a company that pushes LGBT agenda through their game. Visceral anti-religiousness, gay "rights", preaching tolerance while suppressing all views but their own - that's all core liberal policy.... beyond Bioware.


But Dragon Age:Origin is not like that, nothing against or pro-religion in that game, even in the Circle main quest and Mage origin are not about religion at all. You can play neutral all the time if you wish. There are some positive values you can see about religion in DA:O, such as Templars protecting innocents in Lothring, the Chantry become safe haven for the desperates in Lothering and Redcliffe. The knights defending Redcliffe are faithful and good. Chantry reward anyone doing their quests in helping people. And so about religion of other races, the Elves, the Dwarves, and Sten the Qunari. They are shown neutral through out the game. Even there is lore saying about war between Elves and Human, but that's history and have two different version, up to you believe which one or don't care. And also one of your choice may lead to Crusade toward dwarves but it is not shown in the game.


In DA2 the game push you to compare, but all comparisons are bad, there is nothing positive about religion or people with religion in DA2. what they want to show you is religion is bad, peoples with religion are bad people, religion bring destruction to the world. They shove it to you through out the game, you have nothing to compare except all negatives, the conclusion is religion is bad. Based on that they make DA:I world...where the world is in destruction because of what happen in DA2, that is religious people messed things up.


it's clearly an atheist propaganda, unlike DA:O


The way i see it is a "change of policy" in BioWare...



I don't think it is change of policy in BioWare but that DAII is story focus heavily on corruption and rottenness of Kirkwall, and how those things lead uprising of mages against Templars. Religion comes in picture only because Chantry has so much political control in Thedas similarly to Catholic church during Renaissance. So it is more about social structure than religious beliefs, as most people in the game seem to have deep belief that Andraste and her god is real.    

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I think you are reading too much into this. their writters have too poor imagination to try pulling off something like that. I's just cliche, one oppresive organization and another rebellous and oppressed, that sometimes taps into illegal stuff.


Just look in DA2, they never show any good side of religious folks, they are all extremists. Religion is bad since DA2.


Templar - hate Mages to the extreme with no good reason, especially if The Warden is a Mage and mages who help against the recent war, the Blight. The religious military order want to take over politic of Kirkwal under Meredith


Chantry - their hipocrisy is to the extreme, do you see any decent priests in the game? Chantry feel threatened with Qunari religion and conspire to eliminate the religion from Kirkwal. The grand priest just close her eyes and ears about everything that happen


Mages - the one who are religious are abomination, Wynne (in DA:O) and Anders are both abomination. Are there any good mages other than Bethany? And because of being opressed by religion making them going into dark art to against religious people. The religious mage who blow up the church


Qunari - going rampage on a foreign city in a foreign country who provide them shelter and home because someone stole their holy book. Then want to force everyone to convert into their religion. What is the good side of Qunari? None shown.


City Elves - killing peoples with poison gas and want to blame it to Qunari because of many Elves converted into the Qun. Again it is because of religion


Meredith - religion justify the War on Terror or Crusade against Mages because the act of one person who blow up the Church. She even going crazy with religious chantings


And because of religion the world is turning upside down. The God didn't care, He even left and created The Blight in the first place to wipe out His creation, so all those religious peoples are just deluded fanatics


So go on the BSN and bitch to, you know, the people that made the game in the first place. 


This is the Obsidian forums, if you didn't know.


well,there's no reason that we can't discuss about that here

plus,if you do a legitimate critic on the Bioware Forums,they will ban you because you didn't say that the game was good or the biodrones will maw you down

Qistina has the right to speak her mind here,as long it's civil


back on topic


Bioware has fallen hard,yes

i blame that to poor administration and that much of the senior staff left Bioware,there are only an handful of good writers in there,but they are controlled by EA handpicked Project leaders,so no matter how good these writers are,unless this project leader is experienced or good(i'm not excluding that) the story won't be so great.

i've got the feeling that DA:I will improve from DA:2,but will not be great as DA:O or the First Mass Effect,but we will see how it will be,

i didn't like much the previews,a 30 minutes long combat gallery with the same enemies culminating with a boss demon and a few dialogue choices that seemed pointless

i liked the return of the strategy control,but it needs some work

the ability skill tree reminds me of the witcher 


i don't think it is change of policy in BioWare but that DAII is story focus heavily on corruption and rottenness of Kirkwall, and how those things lead uprising of mages against Templars. Religion comes in picture only because Chantry has so much political control in Thedas similarly to Catholic church during Renaissance. So it is more about social structure than religious beliefs, as most people in the game seem to have deep belief that Andraste and her god is real.    



i didn't play DA:2.but i saw the game playthrough\analysis on youtube,i could clearly see a change in how the chantry and the mages were depicted

in DA:O the chantry didn't look so evil or oppressive as the catholic church was hundreds of years ago

in DA:O there were many that didn't believe into the maker and Andraste,having theories that the Maker is nothing more that a powerful spirit of the fade that got corrupted and when the tevinter mages went into the fade the "maker" turned them into the first darkspawn and sent them back to spread their god's illness.

or that Andraste was possessed by a Spirit that made her believe into the Maker.

In DA:2 it looked that the chantry was the oppressive evil organization and the mages innocent that fight back





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I don't think it is change of policy in BioWare but that DAII is story focus heavily on corruption and rottenness of Kirkwall, and how those things lead uprising of mages against Templars. Religion comes in picture only because Chantry has so much political control in Thedas similarly to Catholic church during Renaissance. So it is more about social structure than religious beliefs, as most people in the game seem to have deep belief that Andraste and her god is real.    


Yes it does, the game tone totally changed from DA:O, they want or have to spread propaganda, the world, i mean real world at that time was hyped with "War on Terror", they use that as their main theme. It's cheap you know, just throwing in what the worst of religious fanatics can do, and then making your character see it all


Yes the Chantry do have some political influences over Thedas, but in DA:O Ferelden is quite secular, Loghain can simply ignore the Grand cleric when the Warden point out that he disturb the Chantry business by kidnaping a Templar who hunt Jowan. So the Chantry going all evil fanatic church in Krikwall is baseless


I don't see any reason why religious characters are ALL fanatics, that is not normal, it's exaggerated.


Qunari have been living in Kirkwal for 3 years, they have rebels on their own called Tal Vashoth who are actually "heretics" for Qunari, they leave the qun and making their own role and belief,  this rebels killing people for fun in everyday basis. Meaning what? Why would these Tal Vashoth becoming so bad like that? It doesn't make any sense...even so the Qunari themselves doing the same thing in the end


Remember Sister Petrice, she have a plot to frame the Qunari by showing how they treat their mages, but actually it's no difference with how the Chantry treat their mages, the difference are only little, the Qunari sewn their mages mouth, while the Chantry locked them up and lobotomize them if needed, so what comparison you can make other than comparing both negatives? The conclusion is both religion is bad. Varric even say "i knew it, never trust the zealots", meaning he expect such thing from religious people


I ask you what good side of religious people or religion in DA2? There is NONE


The Qunari is said having high technology, but yet attacking a city who give them shelter for 3 years because Qunari people cannot print making copies of their holy book? If they are so high in technology and having guns, how come they don't have printing press?


That is why i say there's a changing policy, at the time they make DA:O have different policy when they make DA2...even David Gaider said in the forum the Qunari are "millitant ISLAMIC borg" before it was deleted

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i don't think it is change of policy in BioWare but that DAII is story focus heavily on corruption and rottenness of Kirkwall, and how those things lead uprising of mages against Templars. Religion comes in picture only because Chantry has so much political control in Thedas similarly to Catholic church during Renaissance. So it is more about social structure than religious beliefs, as most people in the game seem to have deep belief that Andraste and her god is real.    



i didn't play DA:2.but i saw the game playthrough\analysis on youtube,i could clearly see a change in how the chantry and the mages were depicted

in DA:O the chantry didn't look so evil or oppressive as the catholic church was hundreds of years ago

in DA:O there were many that didn't believe into the maker and Andraste,having theories that the Maker is nothing more that a powerful spirit of the fade that got corrupted and when the tevinter mages went into the fade the "maker" turned them into the first darkspawn and sent them back to spread their god's illness.

or that Andraste was possessed by a Spirit that made her believe into the Maker.

In DA:2 it looked that the chantry was the oppressive evil organization and the mages innocent that fight back


But DA:O's chantry and DAII's chantry are different organisations, even though they are parts of same larger organisation.


DA:O's chantry is Ferelden's chantry that got cleaned from political corruption in Ferelden's civil war, where DAII's chantry is Kirkwall's chantry that has been in power hundreds of years and is as corrupted as everything else in Kirkwall that is city that is rotten to its core. 


And I disagree your view about portrayal of mages in DAII, as they are full of bloodmages, hedonists etc. people that use their magic to give them power over others or raise havoc or something similar. To me Mages, Templars, Chantry and other factions in Kirkwall all were corrupt and quite despicable, except some few individuals, which you can found from most of the organisations. I would say that Qunaris probably had most clear picture about Kirkwall and its population. Whole DAII seems to consist of choices between two evils without middle ground or better/good choices.


And I would point out that Sebastian and Leliana and some other character's in DAII show that there is decency in Chantry as whole, even though it is hard to find in Kirkwall's chantry.

And there is people that don't believe in Andraste and Maker also in DAII, but apart from Qunari and Tal-Vashoths they don't play that big part in main plot. 


So overall DAII is as nuanced as DA:O, but perspective to things is colored by corruption of Kirkwall and difference of position and situation where Hawke is compared to Warden.. But of course player's preconceived notions about things can color how they see what is happening and what is told in the game. 

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"if you do a legitimate critic on the Bioware Forums,they will ban you because you didn't say that the game was good"


Don't lie. BIO doesn't ban people who claim their games are bad. If they did, there likely would have been the banning of a  high number in the  forum after ME3 ending uproar (even thoguh people  were being stupid)>

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I have to applaud the animators at Bioware, her facial expressions perfectly align to drugged up dialogue and mostly: Look at mr. Inquisitioners face, that is the only normal reaction to those kind of lines.

So...DA:I is some kind of farce or something? I mean, I can't imagine what else would explain that dialogue or the voice acting.



I usually avoid watching reveals as they contain some spoilers, but I wanted to check it for the quality measurment... This is some kind of a nightmare... is this what people deem funny and witty and a cool character concept now? She is like a bad and twisted attempt of porting Neeshka from NWN2 to DA universe.... I bet that you can bone her though, because that's what's important for Bioware these days.

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it's clearly an atheist propaganda, unlike DA:O

And we've arrived at the actual problem Qistina has with the game.


Qi, as others have said, it's as easy as not buying the game. 


One of many reasons, DA2 obviously showing that, and David Gaider statement clearly show their intention. Why would he say Qunari the retconed devilish look is "milintant Islamic borg"? Why not "militant Jew/Christian/Buddha/Hindu/any religion borg"?


So when qunari is specifies as militant Islamic borg, what make other faction? Judeo-Christian militant borg? What? So the militan Islam borg have devilish look and terrorize a town who give them shelter for 3 years, the Judeo-Christian borg are cool looking with fancy armor but ruthless killers and rapists


They are playing a dangerous game there, and it is shocking when we look at their intention.

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Gaider wants to be Salman Rushdie?



DA:O is a decent game, Sten is a unique character, i suspect he's the same like Mandalorian of KotOR, a war-like race with some weird sense of honor....but since DA2 i know what he really is...a "militant Islamic borg" who say women cannot fight and should stay at home, cooking

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Even i as a Muslim woman who is not a militant know that militant Islam women do fight....


See what i am saying?

no. don't care though. heck, dragon age has fighting qunari women in their games, so am not certain what the actually point is, but the only thing we find disturbing about gaider comments is that bioware/ea felt the need to censor such comments that were neither profane nor vulgar.  instead o' being able to discuss openly, censoring is the more reasonable expedient. 


all too often, censoring is a greater condemnation o' the class or group being "protected" by the censorship than it is a criticism o' the speaker o' the offending language.  


HA! Good Fun!

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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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As a writer, I know full well the concept of saying things in public that have a very different meaning if you say them in public.


I would not look that much into it.


I understand why you are concerned, but it sounds like it was ultimately a case of Stupid.

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So this is playable within hours. How many of you are shivering with antici-




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"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

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