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Wasteland 2


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Old thread here.



I completed the game last night. I enjoyed it immensely.


Now I'm gearing up for a run through on Supreme Jerk (up from Ranger difficulty).


Finally made it California. Awesome friggin' game.  About 50 or so hours so far.


Not without flaws, though, but still it showed the foolish 'DOS is old skool' what a true 'old skool' game is. All the better when people get butthurt over 'too many skills', 'it's hard to make characters', 'waaaa i'm so dumb i had to remake my character ten times because i thought a characetr who couldn't fight reasonably well would totes be able to survive in a wasteland where mutant animals, raiders, and killer robots exist'. HAHAHA!



This is espicially funny when you can have 7 characters in your party. You don't need all of them to be super fighters to do well. I have four and I'm doing fine. And, that's despite not making THE PERFECT CHOICE tm for stats or skills.  :p


Buckle up, dudes and dudettes, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!!!






Fortune favors the bald.

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Old thread here.



I completed the game last night. I enjoyed it immensely.


Now I'm gearing up for a run through on Supreme Jerk (up from Ranger difficulty).




I said that? I've never even heard of this game. I'm pretty sure I've been playing the Sims 4.





 I posted this elsewhere, but thought I'd drop it here. My impressions after completing WL2 the Sims 4.


I just finished the game a couple night's ago night. Overall, I loved it. I would rate an 8.5+. With a bit more polish and bug fixing, particularly in the CA areas, I could see this rating a 9.5 or maybe even a 10. This game truly hit all the right points with me. It might well become my new favorite cRPG, period, and is currently ranking higher than PoE with me.


Ironically, I've never played a post-apocalyptic game prior to Wasteland 2, and now I am not only a fan of the game, but of the genre. The stuff that a lot of people complain about such as a large number of skills, a lot of time spent opening locks, cracking safes, etc.... I happen to be very happy with the implementation of. Vs. Pillar's of Eternity's approach of bunching all roguish skill checks into a single skill, which just isn't very interesting to me. I love the planning that is required to build a party that has all of the necessary skills to get through the game, without having to forego any looting options or miss any areas because I couldn't find a way to get in. Build a well balanced party and do well. Build a crap party, and get your ass handed to you. For me it makes success that much sweeter. And again, compared to PoE's "all builds are good" approach, to me is clearly superior.


The story isn't out of this world amazing, but for a whacky sci-fi game, you don't really expect that. It's totally serviceable, and kept interested enough to want to find out what would come next. There are so many Easter eggs and moments of humor, that the game is worth playing just for that alone.


As much as I loved the AZ portion of the game, CA was even better. The biggest disappointment was the bugginess of the Hollywood/Loz Feliz section of the game. Hollywood conceptually is the coolest part of the entire game, but it definitely still isn't ready for public release. That said, most of the quests that can get broken aren't critical to the plot, and you can move on without completing them. I actually only had a couple of broken quests, but that's because I went back to an early save and consulted a guide someone had put together. A patch is expected soon (today?), so hopefully Hollywood will get some serious love.


I played on Ranger (Hard) difficulty. I'm already considering my next party, which I will play on Supreme Jerk (Extra Hard) difficulty.

Edited by Marceror

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
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Out of curiosity, what level did folks finish the game at?  Just as a non-spoiler general point of reference to how much I have left of the game (I'm on the cusp of hitting lev 30).

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I think my 10 CHA guy was level 47. The rest were between 42 - 46 IIRC.


I played with a rather completionist approach, though I know I missed a few exp. opportunities. Those probably wouldn't have made much of a difference though.

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"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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I'm level 25-26 and just started California. And, I missed  more than my fair share. i also think it be very easy to get to level cap just with random encounters if you choose to.

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Out of curiousity, does anybody know what, in particular, MCA contributed to this game?  Rose's Garden Journal is the only bit of writing I've seen thus far that has really given off an Avellone-ish vibe. 

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Gentlemen I'm getting really restless, everything I did bore no fruits, forum searches have failed, Google has let me down, I even resorted to Bing :wacko:. So, before I start sacrificing to the Internet Gods, WHAT DOES THE BIG RED BUTTON IN THE HOLLYWOOD SEWERS DO?  :banghead:









Dramatics aside, I'll greatly appreciate if someone has the answer, I really want to know  :lol:

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In defense of the level 50 cap, beyond more HP, what does anything above level 40 get you, anyway?  Shouldn't you have all the skills you really care about maxed out by then?

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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"In defense of the level 50 cap, beyond more HP, what does anything above level 40 get you, anyway?  Shouldn't you have all the skills you really care about maxed out by then?"


The point is level limits are stupid and show weakness on the part of the developer ESPICIALLY in a sandbox game like WL2. if someone wants to goa round the wasteland killing random enemies to reach level 1000, let them. L0L


Nobody who just plays the game won't  get much further than the so called anyways so why is level 50 a-ok but 54 isn't?  DOES. NOT. MAKE. SENSE.


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Meh. The level cap doesn't bother me. As pointed out, there's little to gain beyond 40. Now, if there was an expansion with some new options and skills to invest in, I'm sure I'd be more in favor of removing the level cap. But otherwise I'm indifferent.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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So I'm about to purchase this. Should I play it now or wait until patches are released?

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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You're fine. There's a patch expected in a day or two which is relevant for people later on in the game. I'm hearing if you haven't reached Hollywood you might want to wait, as it will fix a lot of the quest scripting issues there.

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The first part of the game in AZ is very polished and there's no reason to wait to start playing that.


This section of the game is huge, and there's pretty much no way you'd finish it before the patch is released. Patch up before you head to the second part of the game for what is expected to be an improved experience there. That said, I played through the entire game on the current patch and just had 2 or 3 non critical quests in Hollywood go a bit glitchy. There are no showstoppers that I found.

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke

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Been taking it nice and easy doing every quest I can find in AZ. Higgin's two dogs Zeus and Apollo are still alive and sticking to his side. Although there's been some very close calls with the dogs. One encounter had one dog on 1 hp by the end of it.


Massacre at the Prison Valley. Coming out of the underground cavern.







Massacre at the Farm near the Prison.







Darwin Village. Those Zombies were a great fight at the start. Higgins put the finishing blow to the last one and the dogs ran back to him. :lol:








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Something I found out and that might be of interest (and it's probably more relevant here than in the "curently playing"-thread), I had to turn off shadows *completely* to get acceptable performance on the Intel chipset graphics card in my laptop.


Symptoms: sluggishness everywhere (not just in the game, but also in the in-game menus, like the inventory, etc.)


I had the exact same issue with D:OS so I suspect it's a Unity related issue.


Anyway, now that I've figured that out I can finally get back to actually playing and enjoying the game :D

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Something I found out and that might be of interest (and it's probably more relevant here than in the "curently playing"-thread), I had to turn off shadows *completely* to get acceptable performance on the Intel chipset graphics card in my laptop.


You're not alone, I've had to crank down most of the visual settings to get a smooth framerate and my PC should wipe the floor with it, shadows were the biggest hit.

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