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Dragon Age: Inquisition

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Morrigan is looking much better than that other pic. 


It'-it's not like I wanna help you stupid inquisitor. I-I just need something. Baka!


I actually liked the other look as well. She looks great in the new screenshot though. Nice hall by the way, it bodes well for interior aesthetic. 

Edited by Serrano
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She looks like my Hawke now though, awkward.

Maybe she's your mother (insert Freud commentary here) and you are the son of the Hero of Ferelden...


Artwork has been nice enough so far. Does look like something out of a ball at Versailles.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Hm, I remember seeing something about the Spanish Inquisition actually killed far fewer "witches" then other places in Europe. They were more geared around "heresy" in more Christian related sense then worrying about "demonic influences" and "hex-ing crones"...


Of course, if we're going to be Inquisitors.. do we get to surprise anyone? Because you know our main weapon will have to be suprise and fear....

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Hm, I remember seeing something about the Spanish Inquisition actually killed far fewer "witches" then other places in Europe. They were more geared around "heresy" in more Christian related sense then worrying about "demonic influences" and "hex-ing crones"...

That's actually true... Witch hunts and burnings were the works of peasants and zealots. The Inquisition was created as a response to heretics (the Cathar and others). It was mostly about preventing sedition from the "one and only true faith" and cracking down on people who tried changing things.


Pop culture has turned it into something different (e.g. WH40k)


Edit: There is a kind of irony in the Roman Catholic Church inventing the inquisition, considering that they were the first heretics, deviating from the Orthodox faith, but that's of course pretty irrelevant to the game ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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That and the whole Spanish Inquisition was slightly different from the standard Catholic Church Inquisition if I recall, it was actually established by the Spanish King..  of course, the Roman Catholic Church didn't actually disband the Office of the Inquisition until the last century, well, when I say "disband" I mean re-named and re-branded as the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (or some such)...


But we're wandering into history and away from fun game related trivia..


Hm, did we cover the http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/07/25/fear-not-your-dragon-age-choices-will-carry-over-into-inquisition/ from a few weeks back or did I miss it?

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Morrigan is looking much better than that other pic. 


It'-it's not like I wanna help you stupid inquisitor. I-I just need something. Baka!

Yeah about that,how is it that  a wildling from the free marches who had no contact with civilization knows how to behave in what is the epitome of noble courts in Thedas?


Unless a permanent gain to CHA is a side effect of bedding a Warden, in which case after my playthrough Ferelden has the most charismatic whores in all of Thedas....and one Nug

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Everything I read makes it sound like the old formula. With talk about how you'll check out these side stories, like whatever the Grey Wardens are up to, sounding like hooks into gathering allies.

Sounds terrible, can Bioware even come up with an actual plot any more? (I don't want to prejudge though, initial impressions are often wrong)

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Yeah about that,how is it that  a wildling from the free marches who had no contact with civilization knows how to behave in what is the epitome of noble courts in Thedas?

Even the old epilogue never said she behaved in the court.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Yeah about that,how is it that  a wildling from the free marches who had no contact with civilization knows how to behave in what is the epitome of noble courts in Thedas?

Even the old epilogue never said she behaved in the court.


Right, because fictional Frechmen are not snotty, sarcastic, and rude...on second thought she will fit in perfectly on Orlais

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Morrigan is looking much better than that other pic. 


It'-it's not like I wanna help you stupid inquisitor. I-I just need something. Baka!

Yeah about that,how is it that  a wildling from the free marches who had no contact with civilization knows how to behave in what is the epitome of noble courts in Thedas?


Unless a permanent gain to CHA is a side effect of bedding a Warden, in which case after my playthrough Ferelden has the most charismatic whores in all of Thedas....and one Nug


I don't know, Flemeth may have thought her those skills.



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Hm, I remember seeing something about the Spanish Inquisition actually killed far fewer "witches" then other places in Europe. They were more geared around "heresy" in more Christian related sense then worrying about "demonic influences" and "hex-ing crones"...

They didn't just killed far fewer but essentially after one trial banned the practice all-together while the rest of the Europe was just getting started on burnings and executions.

And that was Spanish Inquisition - as in loyal to Spanish Crown and not the Papacy.

The whole institution has been absurdly mis-represented in pop-culture as evidenced in this thread.

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Yeah, the reality is always more boring than the fiction.


Except if its Biowares writing.

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But it would be fun to have a protagonist who is an executioner. As the executor of orders other people created lends itself to a lot of strong moral conflicts, intrigue and drama...


That or I just like Gene Wolfe far too much.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor
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Have I mentioned lately how disappointed I was that Morrigan was one of the few jNPCs who had to survive DA:O? 


(Although, to Bio's credit, even when they write a character who they just know their audience will love, they still usually build in an opportunity to rebuke them at some point.  It was pretty satisfying to finally tell M just how insane I thought she was, to unload on Joker for his lack of professionalism and military decorum, and to watch the "drunken loser" Alistair epilogue.)

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A shame you couldn't beat up Joker though, when he nags at you in ME3 at least. Or maybe I just hate Seth Green.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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So are Seekers former Chantry secret service, and Inquisition wholly new organization having nothing to do with Chantry at all?



I look forward to seeing the only politically correct Inquisitor ever made.



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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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A shame you couldn't beat up Joker though, when he nags at you in ME3 at least. Or maybe I just hate Seth Green.

Joker is one of the few characters I actually liked from ME.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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A shame you couldn't beat up Joker though, when he nags at you in ME3 at least. Or maybe I just hate Seth Green.

Joker is one of the few characters I actually liked from ME.



My take was that commanding officers in a Marines-type culture don't often get along too well with inferior officers who are disrespectful of the chain of command, who are clearly physically unfit for service, and who go by ridiculous self-applied nicknames, but who get special treatment because they can do fancy techy things well.  (See, e.g., USMC's attitude toward the Navy; everybody in the military's attitude towards military pilots.)  Not to mention the fact that his insubordination was clearly responsible for Shep getting spaced in the ME2 intro.


He was so clearly written to get the player to like him, that I felt it was my duty to roleplay Shep more faithfully as a Marine, rather than as an avatar for a nerd playing an RPG.  "Shep hates Joker" actually works reasonably well as a counter-narrative to the series. 

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A shame you couldn't beat up Joker though, when he nags at you in ME3 at least. Or maybe I just hate Seth Green.

Joker is one of the few characters I actually liked from ME.



My take was that commanding officers in a Marines-type culture don't often get along too well with inferior officers who are disrespectful of the chain of command, who are clearly physically unfit for service, and who go by ridiculous self-applied nicknames, but who get special treatment because they can do fancy techy things well.  (See, e.g., USMC's attitude toward the Navy; everybody in the military's attitude towards military pilots.)  Not to mention the fact that his insubordination was clearly responsible for Shep getting spaced in the ME2 intro.


He was so clearly written to get the player to like him, that I felt it was my duty to roleplay Shep more faithfully as a Marine, rather than as an avatar for a nerd playing an RPG.  "Shep hates Joker" actually works reasonably well as a counter-narrative to the series. 


Yes, but if decades of action movie convention have taught me anything, it's that the renegade who doesn't follow the chain of command and marches to the beat of his own drummer is, without exception, the only man for the job.  Movies don't lie, man, movies don't lie.


Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I still don't understand what Joker actually does on that ship.


It couldn't be important, his chair is in the most vulnerable section. They even give him a window that serves no purpose except to make him feel special.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Have I mentioned lately how disappointed I was that Morrigan was one of the few jNPCs who had to survive DA:O? 


(Although, to Bio's credit, even when they write a character who they just know their audience will love, they still usually build in an opportunity to rebuke them at some point.  It was pretty satisfying to finally tell M just how insane I thought she was, to unload on Joker for his lack of professionalism and military decorum, and to watch the "drunken loser" Alistair epilogue.)


You can actually tell Morrigan to pike off and she does.

Though I don't know if she returns to offer the dark ritual or not.

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I still don't understand what Joker actually does on that ship.


It couldn't be important, his chair is in the most vulnerable section. They even give him a window that serves no purpose except to make him feel special.

He makes teh jokez, isn't that important enough?  Levity is the backbone of any successful military or paramilitary operation.  Just look as the A-Team, which was practically a documentary.


Also, Why y'all hatin' on space cripples?  What did space cripples ever do to you?


Edited by Keyrock
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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Have I mentioned lately how disappointed I was that Morrigan was one of the few jNPCs who had to survive DA:O? 


(Although, to Bio's credit, even when they write a character who they just know their audience will love, they still usually build in an opportunity to rebuke them at some point.  It was pretty satisfying to finally tell M just how insane I thought she was, to unload on Joker for his lack of professionalism and military decorum, and to watch the "drunken loser" Alistair epilogue.)


You can actually tell Morrigan to pike off and she does.

Though I don't know if she returns to offer the dark ritual or not.



I think I knew that at some point, but it's been a long time.  The first time I played the game, I kept everybody around for purely meta-gamey reasons.  I didn't want to miss any potentially interesting content.  If I ever do feel the urge to replay DAO, yeah, Morrigan is getting ditched, and Zevran is getting offed.  I can do without that one dragon fight.


PC Mage, Shale, Wynne, and whoever is most plot-relevant for the current quest.  (If none, Sten.) 

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I still don't understand what Joker actually does on that ship.


It couldn't be important, his chair is in the most vulnerable section. They even give him a window that serves no purpose except to make him feel special.


Bioware can't resist even fictional affirmative action.

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И миломе Богу приступачно.


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