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Which old Infinity Engine game should I play in preparation for Project Eternity?

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So I just got an account on gog.com, and I have decided to get one or two of the old Infinity Engine games in preparation for Project Eternity. Which one(s) should I get? I've heard really, really good things about Planescape: Torment, and it sounds exactly like the type of game I'd like, but I've heard the combat isn't so great, so I'm not sure if it's the best game to get a good picture of what PE's gameplay is going to be like.

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Planescape: Torment is the best of the bunch IMHO due to its incredible narrative.  Combat is its weakest aspect.  Icewind Dale 2 had the best combat in the series, although I thought it was overall the weakest least awesome of the 5 Infinity Engine game.

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Planescape: Torment is the best of the bunch IMHO due to its incredible narrative.  Combat is its weakest aspect.  Icewind Dale 2 had the best combat in the series, although I thought it was overall the weakest least awesome of the 5 Infinity Engine game.

So Planescape and ID2 for the 'best of both worlds' as it were? I'm mainly trying to get a decent picture of what the Infinity Engine games were like in both story and gameplay so I know what to expect from PE, and Icewind Dale 2 looks to be pretty fun. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Planescape: Torment is the best of the bunch IMHO due to its incredible narrative.  Combat is its weakest aspect.  Icewind Dale 2 had the best combat in the series, although I thought it was overall the weakest least awesome of the 5 Infinity Engine game.

So Planescape and ID2 for the 'best of both worlds' as it were? I'm mainly trying to get a decent picture of what the Infinity Engine games were like in both story and gameplay so I know what to expect from PE, and Icewind Dale 2 looks to be pretty fun. Thanks for the suggestion!

It really depends on where your preference lies. If you prefer story over everything else, Planescape Torment is your thing. Now, I can't say anything about IWD2 because I haven't played it myself, but I have played the first IWD and that felt to me like they had just almost removed all the story elements in favour of improved combat and game mechanics. If you want a mixture of both good story and good combat and game mechanics, try BG2. Personally my list would be 1) PST 2) BG2 3) IWD in that order.

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Hmm. BG2 does look pretty good...


Can anyone who's played both BG2 and ID2 tell me which has better combat? Also, will I need/want to play BG in order to get the full experience from BG2? I don't have the money for four games, and, while I might be able to squeeze in three games, I'd much prefer to only get two, at least right now.

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Hmm. BG2 does look pretty good...


Can anyone who's played both BG2 and ID2 tell me which has better combat? Also, will I need/want to play BG in order to get the full experience from BG2? I don't have the money for four games, and, while I might be able to squeeze in three games, I'd much prefer to only get two, at least right now.


They're pretty cheap on GOG. It's perfectly possible to play BG2 before BG1 (I did so), you'll miss some stuff (references to the first game) obviously, but most everything you really need to know you'll find out in BG2 (this will obviously spoil some of the BG1 story) and most returning companions will tell you enough about BG1 to get you up to speed about their background as well.

Personally I massively prefer BG2 over BG1, better storytelling, better combat (due to higher level and early combat being mostly "get hit by fire arrow" -> die -> reload -> "fire arrow misses" -> "yay" -> repeat in BG1) and much better party interaction.


I also never really got into IWD, due to various reasons I guess, lack of party interaction and focus on powergaming mostly. Combat is definitely harder though as it seems to be tuned towards people powergaming their party rather than taking a random bunch of rabble on a tour. I should however note that I never finished IWD (neither 1 or 2) though I started on them multiple times.

Edited by marelooke
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I know they're cheap on gog, but I'm low on cash at the moment, and am thus somewhat reluctant to spend it. Anyways, my current two games are Planescape: Torment and Baldur's Gate II. Will this give me a decent picture of what Infinity Engine games were like? Does anyone think I should choose any of the others instead of BG2?

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I love GOG and normally encourage people to throw their money at them, but if cash is tight then Gamersgate currently have *all* the IE games plus ToEE for $6.78.




Disclaimer: I've never used Gamersgate and am not sure to what extent the games in this collection are tweaked to run in modern OSes.

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I love GOG and normally encourage people to throw their money at them, but if cash is tight then Gamersgate currently have *all* the IE games plus ToEE for $6.78.




Disclaimer: I've never used Gamersgate and am not sure to what extent the games in this collection are tweaked to run in modern OSes.

Wow, that is a really good deal... Guess I'll be buying that, then. Thanks!

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Icewind Dale 2 is actually pretty awesome. The best combat, no doubt, although the story is a bit weak. It gets more fun if you download the mod that adds companions to the game. They play just like the normal characters, but they work like they do in Planescape or BG. They comment on stuff that happens, talk to you and to each other on their own, and you can even romance some of them. They're also voice-acted quite well, although the sound quality leaves something to be desired for some of them. You can google something like "Icewind Dale 2 companion mod" and find it I assume. 


But I do suggest you play torment first. The story just sucks you in like no other. Combat isn't a ton of fun, but there doesn't need to be a lot of it depending on your playstyle.. To my shame I still have yet to play BG2. I'll rectify that one of these days for sure.. Might wait for the EE just because I'm not in a hurry.

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I love GOG and normally encourage people to throw their money at them, but if cash is tight then Gamersgate currently have *all* the IE games plus ToEE for $6.78.




Disclaimer: I've never used Gamersgate and am not sure to what extent the games in this collection are tweaked to run in modern OSes.

Thanks for that, I picked it up as well. Already had all of them on disc, except for IWD2, but to have them all digitally and for pretty much peanuts... It's a steal. Going to give IWD2 a try now. Only took me eleven years to pick it up...


SpiritofPower, if you want install some mods for PST, here is a nice guide:http://gamedrone.net/2010/09/29/installing-planescape-torment-with-fixes-and-mods/

Edited by JadedWolf

Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by incompetence.


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Just out of curiosity, are all the collections and bundles still without the "Trials of the Luremaster" add-on for IWD/HOW?


(still hanging on to my old installer with a prehistoric timestamp)

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In terms of a game that will probably feel the most like P:E, BG2's likely to be as close as you get. It will be slightly more exploration-friendly but it's the only IE game aside from PS:T to have some party dynamics / NPC personalities (it really sort of set the standard for party CRPGs going forward). More than having weak combat, PS:T is singular in a very intentional way, it's not really an "Infinity Engine" game except in the strictest definition. Save PS:T for the runup to its spiritual sequel.


But yeah, that will give you a ballpark feel. All the systems will be significantly different of course, but in terms of the pace and the ambiance, BG2 probably will come closest to what P:E will feel like.

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So I just got an account on gog.com, and I have decided to get one or two of the old Infinity Engine games in preparation for Project Eternity. Which one(s) should I get? I've heard really, really good things about Planescape: Torment, and it sounds exactly like the type of game I'd like, but I've heard the combat isn't so great, so I'm not sure if it's the best game to get a good picture of what PE's gameplay is going to be like.

P:E is likely going to be more in the BG/ID vein than P:T, from what little we know. After all, Torment: Tides of Numenera is the acknowledged spiritual successor to P:T. And since ID2's combat is the best, it'll probably be the closest in terms of gameplay mechanics, though it's certainly going to be significantly different after 11-odd years and abandonment of licensed RPG systems. If New Vegas taught me anything, it's that Sawyer can balance the hell out of a game system.

Edited by AGX-17
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I'm a sucker for good narration and atmosphere. So besides the obvious recommendation of PS:T, I'd go for IWD. It's beautiful to behold and to listen to, and it just plays well. Also, it has combat that's as good as it gets in a AD&D 2e game.


IWD2 is a bit tedious to play, does not look as good as it should - lots of garish colours, a mixture of aliased and blurred renderings, and nasty contrasts. Also, while in principle the story is interesting as far as the villains' motivations go, it never really gripped me.


I've stopped caring for the Baldur's Gate games by now, just not my cup of tea anymore. I've played BG 1 as one of the first games and it really got me into role playing (pen and paper as well), but after a few replays it just feels stale and flawed.

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I believe that Planescape: Torment is the only must-play Infinity Engine game. Neither Icewind Dale nor Baldur's Gate can compete with it as far as the story and narration are concerned. I wouldn't play any RPG just for combat and or dungeon crawling. Icewind Dale isn't really my cup of tea and Baldur's Gate just doesn't have that feel that what you do is important. It's pretty much a hack and slash with a decent story attached to it. Torment can be a hack and slash game if you want, but you may also hardly be required to fight should you rely heavily on dialogues.

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I'm a sucker for good narration and atmosphere. So besides the obvious recommendation of PS:T, I'd go for IWD. It's beautiful to behold and to listen to, and it just plays well. Also, it has combat that's as good as it gets in a AD&D 2e game.


IWD2 is a bit tedious to play, does not look as good as it should - lots of garish colours, a mixture of aliased and blurred renderings, and nasty contrasts. Also, while in principle the story is interesting as far as the villains' motivations go, it never really gripped me.


I've stopped caring for the Baldur's Gate games by now, just not my cup of tea anymore. I've played BG 1 as one of the first games and it really got me into role playing (pen and paper as well), but after a few replays it just feels stale and flawed.

Got to admit I only ever finished BG1 once. Now BG2 on the other hand. I lost a big part of my life to that game...and I'd still play parts of it with pleasure, though the Irenicus dungeon, Sahuagin City and the Underdark are pretty much just tedious by now (especially since you're *stuck* there until you're done with them I guess).

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Baldur's Gate II is the 'complete package' and is the paradigmatic IE game. So it's not a bad place to start from. Afterwards, or in the middle of it, you can then make an easy decision to jump to IWD1/2 (for less 'epic', more combat), Torment (worse combat, best writing, unorthodox in various ways), BG1 (similar but with its own charm).

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Baldur's Gate II is the 'complete package' and is the paradigmatic IE game. So it's not a bad place to start from. Afterwards, or in the middle of it, you can then make an easy decision to jump to IWD1/2 (for less 'epic', more combat), Torment (worse combat, best writing, unorthodox in various ways), BG1 (similar but with its own charm).


I've long been of the opinion that the only real reason to play BG1 is that it makes you appreciate BG2 more.


That said, I recommend BGEE. :)

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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