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The End of America (and Western World)


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This thread about peoples of USA and other Wester countries.

It's painfully to see how free-minded cool peoples transform into brainwashed patriotic zombies now. Just look at Americans from 1970s and make comparison with modern generation. Generation of 70s is healthy, beautiful, independent and creative, they are capable to stop Vietnam massacre and more others. Modern generation is obedient government slaves, they can only consume and can't produce anything, even thinking by own head impossible for they. It's just physical and mental degradation. Your government make two Vietnam wars now and American Peoples even don't try stop this.

Yes, U.S. government been badas in all times, but peoples of 70s understand this. They don't support all this [ digestive tract waste ] at least.

Even the physical condition and appearance been changed.



This average womans proportions in 1950s



and now



These processes occur not only in the U.S. but in other western countries.



Edited by LadyCrimson
there's a curse filter for a reason ;)
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Corn Syrup and other unnatural food additives are bad for you. It's getting harder and harder in the U.S. to find good natural food, like used to be on every grocery store shelf just 20 years ago. Monsanto et al are evil.


And yea... women today (and men, but I don't look at them as much) have gone all flabby. It's noticeably worse in just the last ten years. Vegging out in front of the TV or computer has a lot to do with it too. And kids in general don't have the freedom they did a generation ago to go out and play.


You make too much of the Vietnam protesters compared to modern America's lack of protesting though. The protesting still happens, it just doesn't make the news very much. Believe me, as brainwashed as most westerners are most Americans are not in favor of the wars we're in, or a great deal of other things we're subjected to by our 'leaders'. Even folks I know who were gung ho let's get Saddam and the boogie men in Afganistan in revenge for 9/11 are vehemently for ending the wars at this point and have been for awhile. People just haven't gotten to the point where they're going to demand in no uncertain terms change though. That time will come. My concern is the nutjobs running things will push us all into WW3 before that happens though to avoid any real revolutions.


If and when the west falls, humanity all over will likely plummet into a hell. The New Dark Ages are nearly upon us.

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The new generation, at least here in Europe; is full of paleo, vegans, raw food, straight edge hipsters - who incidentally also ran the occupy movement and various other anti-fascist and anti-corruption campaigns.. I think we are gonna be all right, I mean sure we are full of ourselves, but there's a very serious focus on health and both physical and mental.

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Fortune favors the bald.

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Anyone who looks back on the 70's as some sort of glory days is really got a heavy tint on those rose colored glasses.


I wouldn't ever refer to them as glory days but I'd take them or any other decade in the latter half of the 20th century over the 00s or 10s in a heartbeat.

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This thread about peoples of USA and other Wester countries.

It's painfully to see how free-minded cool peoples transform into brainwashed patriotic zombies now. Just look at Americans from 1970s and make comparison with modern generation. Generation of 70s is healthy, beautiful, independent and creative, they are capable to stop Vietnam massacre and more others. Modern generation is obedient government slaves, they can only consume and can't produce anything, even thinking by own head impossible for they. It's just physical and mental degradation. Your government make two Vietnam wars now and American Peoples even don't try stop this.

Yes, U.S. government been badas in all times, but peoples of 70s understand this. They don't support all this sнit at least.

Even the physical condition and appearance been changed.


I have to something to compliment Russia as sometimes I feel I am a little critical


Russian women make the best strippers and escorts. You guys definitely win that social battle against the West


Whats the reason all the hot strippers are Russian? Is this something that Putin actively encourages as a job so that they can go to other countries and convert Westlings to Russian ideology?

Edited by BruceVC

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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This thread about peoples of USA and other Wester countries.

It's painfully to see how free-minded cool peoples transform into brainwashed patriotic zombies now. Just look at Americans from 1970s and make comparison with modern generation. Generation of 70s is healthy, beautiful, independent and creative, they are capable to stop Vietnam massacre and more others. Modern generation is obedient government slaves, they can only consume and can't produce anything, even thinking by own head impossible for they. It's just physical and mental degradation. Your government make two Vietnam wars now and American Peoples even don't try stop this.

Yes, U.S. government been badas in all times, but peoples of 70s understand this. They don't support all this sнit at least.

Even the physical condition and appearance been changed.



These processes occur not only in the U.S. but in other western countries.







Also: ahahahahaha

Edited by AGX-17
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Average size foot: 3? Hahaha.....yeah, I doubt it. Maybe in Hollywood, kinda like how most Hollywood males are all 6 feet. Hahaha.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I answer to all question later.


Now moar about USA. As Russian i can be expert in corruption. And i can say - Russian corruption just childish in comparison with U.S.


Translate: Modern war - when jet (cost 700 000 000 dollars) drop bomb (cost 50 000 dollars) on tent (cost 20 dollars).

Pentagon wasting 600-700 milliards dollars every year. Price U.S. defense is too high with comparison to average world military budgets. It's too similar to "rollbacks". "Rollback" - it's means to receive a percentage of the amount of the order as a "thanks" for the choice by person in charge of the customer, which affects the choice of contractor or supplier. Because this customer (Pentagon) always choice most expensive contractor ( greater price - greater amount money has been stolen ), on other side contractor include amount of "rollback" into cost. Tiny wars in Afghanistan and Iraq so endless and so expensive only because they make possibility to steal huge amounts of money. It's obvious.


Just imagine how many budget money can be stolen there. At least 50 % ~ 300 milliards dollars by every year, because this corruption can exists in every supply/contractor chain node.


Now Actor Jackie Chan calls U.S. ‘most corrupt’ country in the world. In 70s this simple truth would be easily accepted by many people, but now conformists number highly increased and many people criticize Jackie for it. Huge amount of conformists zombies - it's real problem of modern West.


Edited by obyknven
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Meh, the woman in the bottom picture is still quite attractive, she just looks like she eats food once in a while and doesn't throw it up into the toilet.


7/10 Would Bang

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Meh, the woman in the bottom picture is still quite attractive, she just looks like she eats food once in a while and doesn't throw it up into the toilet.


7/10 Would Bang


Not that she's bad looking, but if you look anything like your avatar I imagine you probably don't discriminate much. ;)

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Not that she's bad looking, but if you look anything like your avatar I imagine you probably don't discriminate much. ;)

You give me too much credit. I'm way doofier looking than that. :shifty:

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Meh, the woman in the bottom picture is still quite attractive, she just looks like she eats food once in a while and doesn't throw it up into the toilet.


7/10 Would Bang


I was going to say something similar. I like my womens with some more meat.

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The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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The new generation, at least here in Europe; is full of paleo, vegans, raw food, straight edge hipsters - who incidentally also ran the occupy movement and various other anti-fascist and anti-corruption campaigns.. I think we are gonna be all right, I mean sure we are full of ourselves, but there's a very serious focus on health and both physical and mental.

I'd suspect that the average poster here is better educated and is above average on the pay or prospects scale than most people though, and that is a big factor. Almost everyone I know lives a reasonably healthy lifestyle (maybe too much alcohol for some), is reasonably fit, eats well and is reasonably well off financially. Yet the average weight of NZers continues to increase and their fitness decrease, there's more (little p) poverty (frankly the level of preventable child disease here is an utter scandal and the lack of action, which would almost certainly save large amounts of money in the mid to long term as well as not sentence people to a life of underachievement and sickness, is utterly disgusting) etc. It may well be different in Denmark which is an extraordinarily fortunate country in just about every measurable way, but it's certainly a problem in other Euro countries like the UK, France, Spain etc, and the US. And as much as there have been anti-fascist/ corruption protests they haven't exactly achieved much while there's been a corresponding increase in the reverse as well- New Dawn, lots of populist nationalism even amongst mainstream parties especially from places most effected by the financial crises and looking for convenient distractions and convenient people to blame, which is alarmingly like what happened during/ after the Depression in the 30s though it will hopefully not have the same results.


I cannot help the feeling that in a century people will look back at this era as one which had almost limitless potential but ended up squandering pretty every single bit of it. Too many short term non fixes, pushing any reckoning into the future in the hope that some sort of miracle will turn up to fix everything, too much selfishness and too little self control.

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The new generation, at least here in Europe; is full of paleo, vegans, raw food, straight edge hipsters - who incidentally also ran the occupy movement and various other anti-fascist and anti-corruption campaigns.. I think we are gonna be all right, I mean sure we are full of ourselves, but there's a very serious focus on health and both physical and mental.

Don't like hipsters. While hippies/rockers/punks create own unique culture, fashion, lifestyle and change world around yourself, hipsters only consume vintage/elite brands and do nothing. Hipsters are pure product of consumption society.

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Anyone who looks back on the 70's as some sort of glory days is really got a heavy tint on those rose colored glasses.


The music was better :)


Main problems of the world of today? Too many people being born and too much complacency. Instant gratification and pandering to short attention spans have become the new drugs to lull the populations into a state of semi-comatose ignorance and lethargy.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I have to something to compliment Russia as sometimes I feel I am a little critical


Russian women make the best strippers and escorts. You guys definitely win that social battle against the West


Whats the reason all the hot strippers are Russian? Is this something that Putin actively encourages as a job so that they can go to other countries and convert Westlings to Russian ideology?

Ukranians, rather.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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