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So, I was playing the AoD demo/ open beta recently. Horrible music (and complete lack of ambience sounds!). I bet I could do that part better myself. Other than that, it looks very promising :)

"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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just finished ep 1, halfway through ep 2 and im getting bored/annoyed


the music, style, and atmosphere are great, but the gameplay is very frustrating, why cant i just click where i want to go? why do i have to click and hold? why double clicks for everything? why cant i use the wasd keys?


the game feels like it was made by a monkey with good taste in art and music

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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the music, style, and atmosphere are great, but the gameplay is very frustrating, why cant i just click where i want to go? why do i have to click and hold? why double clicks for everything? why cant i use the wasd keys?

Easy, the control setup was made for tablet computers and they didn't give enough of a **** to give PC version its proper controls
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Try turning off cloud storage on steam.

Has similar issues with some other game.

Can't you load the autosave, or is there no load option at all. I vaugely remember having to do something out of the ordinary to get the saves to show up.

I don't use steamcloud, ever.

DI let's you "continue" or "play" (where you'll find the list of chrs. you've made) and "continue" is greyed out while there's no chr. listed under Play. The odd thing is the save file is in the directory, but it never changes in size...it stays at 2KB. I have no idea if that's normal or if it's not actually saving (I tried to exit the game at a checkpoint each time). Anyway....no biggie. Not convinced I liked it enough to get much past Act2 anyway. :)

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Hubs and I went back to Borderlands 2. I was Commando, he was Gunzerker. We had some fun....largely because of the ammo regen mod of the Gunzerker. Ammo regen+turret is a nice combo. I miss ammo regen mods for all characters. Neither of us likes the Gunzerker (not into that skill of his) but it's nice in co-op not to have to constantly hunt down and open stupid ammo boxes.


I don't use steamcloud, ever.

You mean that it is disabled or that you don't put your saves there?

I had savegame issues purely from not disabling it in steam settings.

It's not enabled under the Settings ... all the little cloud icons by each game have a slash through it. I have no personal need/use for cloud-anything.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Hubs and I went back to Borderlands 2. I was Commando, he was Gunzerker. We had some fun....largely because of the ammo regen mod of the Gunzerker. Ammo regen+turret is a nice combo. I miss ammo regen mods for all characters. Neither of us likes the Gunzerker (not into that skill of his) but it's nice in co-op not to have to constantly hunt down and open stupid ammo boxes.


I've never had major issues in terms of ammo when playing solo except for a couple of boss fights, and my coop Gunzerker never takes that ammo regen skill and the team had no problems in terms of ammo. So...


Buy max ammo increases? Slot machines are a great source for Eridium.


Or try a different class? Zer0 has an entire skill tree oriented toward melee (no need for ammo when you can do +1000% melee damage,) Gaige... well, Deathtrap practically does all the work (it's near impossible to get gun-based second wind challenges completed with her because Deathtrap is always making the kill necessary for second wind.)


The few times I do run out of ammo I switch to a different gun. Even if you plan on just using one weapon type, or even a specific set of weapons, it always helps to have a backup just in case you miss a lot or your guns are underpowered or inappropriate for the task at hand.


I'm assuming you're not just equipping four different elemental SMGs or anything like that, btw.

Edited by AGX-17
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I didn't say we ever had "major" issues with ammo. We're both quite familiar with Borderlands, the strategy and what's possible isn't the issue. You never truly needed ammo regen in BL1 either. It's just nice to not have to bother thinking about it, especially when you have a spouse who's generally a lot less "skilled" at gameplaying than you yourself are.


I just see no reason to take that option out of the game in BL2. They could have done all kinds of things to make it much less overpowered than it was in BL1 (slow the regen rate waaay down), but still available to all chr. classes (via the class mods). If one doesn't want to use it, one doesn't have to.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Or try a different class? Zer0 has an entire skill tree oriented toward melee (no need for ammo when you can do +1000% melee damage,)

Woo, just found a gun with a +100% melee damage mod. I wonder if they get better.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Halo 4's single player campaign seems shorter than previous Halo games. It's probably not, but it seems like it to me. I'm on the final chapter already and I've only been playing it off and on over the past four days.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Halo 4's single player campaign seems shorter than previous Halo games. It's probably not, but it seems like it to me. I'm on the final chapter already and I've only been playing it off and on over the past four days.

Most accounts have it as shorter. And it's sadly bit more corridor-y than Halo 1 or Reach.


But I think it has the best writing of the franchise.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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My main problem is that you don't get to shoot at other players. I mean, it's a shooter. That's what you feel like doing, especially because coop is so easy most of the time.

You can duel with other players, if they allow it. Have to hit them first to initiate a duel request, or something. Never tried it myself tho...I'm not into PvP.


Will probably be playing more BL2 this afternoon. We stayed up too late last night however, so hubby's still snoozing. We have to finish Fink's arena or whatever that is. Did the first two rounds. Hubby doesn't like arena type stuff too much so he can't take it for long (I have to push to get him to do them at all), especially since he also hates grinding for items so we almost always have utter crap for gear (seriously). But that's what makes it fun (crap gear = crazy, frenetic fights) :lol:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Most accounts have it as shorter. And it's sadly bit more corridor-y than Halo 1 or Reach.


But I think it has the best writing of the franchise.


I'd agree with that. A lot of the levels do seem to take place in smaller spaces than what I recall of past Halo games. And the writing's pretty good.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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It's been so long since I last played the previous three Halo games. I've forgotten who the heck the Forerunners are. So I was kind of lost for much of Halo 4 whenever they were mentioned.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Finished Risen 2 from start to finish.


The first two hours of the game was especially frusturating, regarding the combat system. There is NO dodging ability like in the previous Risen title and I was left with nothing to do but mash the attact button or get destroyed by enemies.


I especially love how the game tells me it has a combat system. The first combo sequence - left click, left click, left click. Noice. That's basically your primary means of attack against non-human enemies. Now you're told how to parry -- hold right moust botton down -- okay, that's nice to know. Hold on a minitue... you know how to parry now and that's all fine a dandy but the great thing about it is it does not work against enemies without something to parry! Hold down RMB against those little sand devils. What happened? Their attack went through? Is that what you said? Yeah, I know. :)


Now to move on th human enemies: I stress, if you do not hold down the RMB, you're done. There's no easy way to put it. You can't stop another enemies attack. Once they start attacking you, there is no other option -- YOU HAVE TO PARRY. The bright side? Your parry ability is infallible. Only a few attacks will get through... I'm fairly sure it's random on what attacks actually gets through though.


Now let's turn our attention to enemies with swords as attacking anyone with a sword is so much fun! You're basically left with holding your parry button UNTIL YOU ARE ABSOLUTLY CERTAIN the enemy isn't going to attack in the next... oh... five seconds. As I said, there is no way to stop attacks. You can't stutter enemies, so as soon as you find that window of opprotunity... take it, and make sure you finish quickly so you go back to holding the RMB because your life depends on that button. They can and will attack you even during your own attacks. I stress once again -- YOU CAN'T STUTTER ENEMIES WITH YOUR ATTACKS.




I don't like the combat system in this game. Nothing good comes from it. There are guns as well, but there's nothing more to it than aiming and firing your gun. Rinse and repeat. Of course, ocne you level your skills, everything becomes painfully easy. I am disappointed with the game and it most certainly did not live up to my expectations for a sequal. I accepted the jank that came with the first Risen, but wow... Risen 2, c'mon man.


For what its' worth there were parts of the game I very much enjoyed.

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I'm really trying to get into Assassin's Creed III, but I just can't seem to do it. I really don't know what it is ... the controls seem clunkier than I remember. Or maybe I've just forgotten what most of the buttons do. Whatever. I tried it for about half an hour tonight, but decided to give up and play some NHL13 instead.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Dark Souls. Thank god there is a graphic mod. Otherwise it would be the worst port ever. The respawn mechanic is kinda lame and using a bow feels like cheating so far, but I really like exploring the castle and the minimalistic tone of the story.

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Finished Risen 2 from start to finish.


The first two hours of the game was especially frusturating, regarding the combat system. There is NO dodging ability like in the previous Risen title and I was left with nothing to do but mash the attact button or get destroyed by enemies.


I especially love how the game tells me it has a combat system. The first combo sequence - left click, left click, left click. Noice. That's basically your primary means of attack against non-human enemies. Now you're told how to parry -- hold right moust botton down -- okay, that's nice to know. Hold on a minitue... you know how to parry now and that's all fine a dandy but the great thing about it is it does not work against enemies without something to parry! Hold down RMB against those little sand devils. What happened? Their attack went through? Is that what you said? Yeah, I know. :)


Now to move on th human enemies: I stress, if you do not hold down the RMB, you're done. There's no easy way to put it. You can't stop another enemies attack. Once they start attacking you, there is no other option -- YOU HAVE TO PARRY. The bright side? Your parry ability is infallible. Only a few attacks will get through... I'm fairly sure it's random on what attacks actually gets through though.


Now let's turn our attention to enemies with swords as attacking anyone with a sword is so much fun! You're basically left with holding your parry button UNTIL YOU ARE ABSOLUTLY CERTAIN the enemy isn't going to attack in the next... oh... five seconds. As I said, there is no way to stop attacks. You can't stutter enemies, so as soon as you find that window of opprotunity... take it, and make sure you finish quickly so you go back to holding the RMB because your life depends on that button. They can and will attack you even during your own attacks. I stress once again -- YOU CAN'T STUTTER ENEMIES WITH YOUR ATTACKS.




I don't like the combat system in this game. Nothing good comes from it. There are guns as well, but there's nothing more to it than aiming and firing your gun. Rinse and repeat. Of course, ocne you level your skills, everything becomes painfully easy. I am disappointed with the game and it most certainly did not live up to my expectations for a sequal. I accepted the jank that came with the first Risen, but wow... Risen 2, c'mon man.


For what its' worth there were parts of the game I very much enjoyed.


I enjoyed Risen 2, I am a sucker for exploring lands in any RPG. So the issues with combat weren't such a big deal for me. But I can see how you think it was repetitive .

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Finished the campaign in Anno 2070. Loads of fun, though I had some real trouble trying to salvage my economy. Was good though that the combat bits were just that: bits. Building a fleet to attack the enemy may be the objective, but it really only is a minor thingie. Cleaning up the oil spill that has thrown the eco-balance to beyond catastrophic, while keeping people fed throughout the cleaning process... May not be marked as an objective but its what made the level memorable.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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