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Doesn't effect my gaming since I haven't played their games in a while, but if it's true it's a pity to see a RPG powerhouse go down.


Why a pity? There's a new hole now that has to be filled. This is Obsidians chance.


If only they had an RPG-that-is-not-South-Park in development for this chance.

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I'll believe it when the game is out.

I doubt they will even dare to realistically handle gender roles in medieval society let alone touch religious believes.


Agreed. If Czechs excel in anything, it's in the political correctness that goes beyond necessary in a fanatical, disturbing way, as well as in mediocrity in everything they do.

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Nintendo and Microsoft barely seem to have an overlapping customer base at this point, so I don't see it being a big problem for them. Even with the Kinect, a new Xbox is going to be targeting a very different demographic.

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and it'd be the end for Riccitiello given the amount he paid for them in the first place.

Now that TOR has tanked, Riccitiello's EA days are numbered anyway. I believe the decline of Bio began when they sold themselves to Elevation Partners, not EA. It all became about money grabbing then. And btw, the head of Elevation at that time was Riccitiello.



Sounds very cool, I was hoping for that for a long time. We have to support the developers if we ever hope to get better games.

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"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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I don't think Bio is going anywhere....yet.


I give them at least one or two more games before decisions would be made.


Now people may leave Bio...but going and coming is part of that business in computer games overall.


On another note...RPGs are whizzing out on some consoles currently...well...maybe not whizzing out, but there are those being made...and if you add the d/l ones in the indie scene...PC's aren't doing too badly either on that note. Though some of those are rehashes of older games simply being released for d/l.

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Why would Bioware go anywhere? Mass Effect 3 was very successful. Even Dragon Age 2, which I didn't like, still put up good numbers. Just making games you don't like won't put them out of business, they have to stop selling as well.


I'm also really not sure if TOR has failed. I know it hasn't met the lofty expectations, but it isn't exactly posting abysmal numbers. The real test will be if the f2p model actually turns a profit.

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I'm probably not the only one feeling the Star Wars metal fatigue. Not enough quality to ensure the future of the franchise. If you were 18 what exactly would be drawing you in ?


The directoral genious of George Lucas, the Clone Wars animated series.... I think no.

Edited by Gorgon

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Now people may leave Bio...but going and coming is part of that business in computer games overall.

While I agree with Gorgon in that Bioware's still doing quite well for the moment, we can't ignore the fire they've come under recently, and the fact that due to good old groupthink, their next game's probably going to have to address the backlash in some way (and from what they've dripped from the next Dragon Age project, it would seem that it's exactly what they're doing). Also, while I understand that people've left Bioware before, they did have 2 key Mass Effect team members leave during the ME3 development cycle (Lead Gameplay Designer Christina Norman and producer Jesse Houston) - both interestingly to Riot Games...

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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If EA had plans tod rop BIO, i doubt they'd be claling every new division of theirs BIO x, y, z.


You think EA cares much about the bashing? EA is used to it. EA is friggin' labeled satan, evil, and all sorts of other nasty things yet they keep trucking along. As long as BIO is amongst EA's best sellers (probably only their FIFA, Madden, Sims, and a few other EA franchise outsell BIO games consistently), BIo ain't goin' anywhere.


The cloest BIO has come to a 'bomb' is JE and it sold 1.5mil in less than a year. DA2, ME3, and KOTOR OL have all sold a minimum of 2mil.


Money talks. Bashing/criticsm walks.


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I'm probably not the only one feeling the Star Wars metal fatigue. Not enough quality to ensure the future of the franchise. If you were 18 what exactly would be drawing you in ?


The directoral genious of George Lucas, the Clone Wars animated series.... I think no.

I think that's one of the strange things about Star Wars. And Trek for that matter. They've stayed alive despite an aging age group. Although, from what I've been told the animated clone wars series(s) (from Gennady Tadakofski and the CGI one) have actually been pretty dang good at being mature enough parents can watch, but fun enough for the kids to stay interested in. Trek was all but dead before the 09 movie, but they still tried to fart out a game or two.


I feel like they need to do something for Star Wars, particularly if they want the Old Republic to be re-invigorated. Maybe let an up an coming director have the reigns of the series to make a side story movie?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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They've stayed alive despite an aging age group.

More like due to. Nerds, being unable to procreate and tending to have arcane, well-compensated skills tend to have disposable income only surpassed by gays and other DINK couples. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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They've stayed alive despite an aging age group.

More like due to. Nerds, being unable to procreate and tending to have arcane, well-compensated skills tend to have disposable income only surpassed by gays and other DINK couples. :p


Sorry, no. If that were true then Star Wars wouldn't have its marketing targeted at the youngest age groups, and instead be trying to keep an eye on the age group that it's been stuck with (which, right now) would be 30-60).

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Sorry, no. If that were true then Star Wars wouldn't have its marketing targeted at the youngest age groups, and instead be trying to keep an eye on the age group that it's been stuck with (which, right now) would be 30-60).

Of course it's targeted at the younglings. The old fans are so obsessed, they don't need to be cartered to. You could sell them crap, marketed as "Vader colored plasticine" and it'd sell in millions.
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Out of nowhere, a new Black Mesa: Source gameplay video emerged. Though it's unverified how old and what build this footage is based on.




Rumors are, it is very recent and the dev team spread it.


Hope they will release it this year. Their "media campaign" so far runs very slow, with last news being over one month old again...


Btw. it is only called "Black Mesa" now, without the "Source"-part.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Now people may leave Bio...but going and coming is part of that business in computer games overall.

While I agree with Gorgon in that Bioware's still doing quite well for the moment, we can't ignore the fire they've come under recently, and the fact that due to good old groupthink, their next game's probably going to have to address the backlash in some way (and from what they've dripped from the next Dragon Age project, it would seem that it's exactly what they're doing). Also, while I understand that people've left Bioware before, they did have 2 key Mass Effect team members leave during the ME3 development cycle (Lead Gameplay Designer Christina Norman and producer Jesse Houston) - both interestingly to Riot Games...

Dragon age 3 is going to adress the backlash of the bad ending to Mass Effect 3. That makes no sense. Although I predict the absence of prominent primary colours in the closing cinematic.


Seems to me the first step would be to admit that the ME3 ending was bad, they haven't even done that.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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It's Freeman running around the Mesa compound again ?. The gameplay footage looked like a section of the vanilla game, couldn't see anything different. Is it the grenades...


That's because Black Mesa basically is a remake re-imagining of Half Life 1. The devs will however take liberties wherever they feel it's necessary, so it's not a faithful 1:1 remake.

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