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I started Dead Space 2.

Me too. Seems to be way harder than the first one, given I completed that on the hardest difficulty (and not even via new game+ either) yet I'm dying fairly consistently in DS2 despite only being on survivalist. Maybe they're expecting me to use all those 0 cost DLC items the store is full with to give myself an advantage.

Edited by Zoraptor
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9 hours 9 persons 9 doors


A little visual novel/adventure game for the DS. It actually has a major case of trial and error, but makes it interesting. There's several endings. You play through, get one of those endings, then use that knowledge to go back and try for a different ending. It's not terrific, you're mostly just fast-forwarding through stuff you already went through and rushing through puzzles you already know. But you start putting pieces together, figuring out how to avoid the last bad ending, figuring out who people are and how they're connected. That makes it interesting.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I've got a huge backlog of games that I've purchased and only installed. Sort of spoiled for choice what to pick up next. Probably Skyrim or one of the Grand Theft Auto games.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Played through and beat DA1. debating picking up Awakenings etc, but will probably hold off. I do know that my second playthrough will be a human male noble of the Rogue background... Duelist is just wayyy to powerful.


And I want to keep Alister as a friend.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I'm surprised at the indifference/hate toward Amalur. It's an open world, and the faction sidequests are about on par with what you got in Skyrim. In some cases, the story behind them is better than the ones you got in Skyrim.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I'm surprised at the indifference/hate toward Amalur. It's an open world, and the faction sidequests are about on par with what you got in Skyrim. In some cases, the story behind them is better than the ones you got in Skyrim.

The world didn't look terribly open in the gameplay videos I've seen...is it really that open?

I've been observing that my notion of open world doesn't seem to be quite the same as what some games today are calling open world, if that makes sense. Two Worlds 2, for example.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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The world didn't look terribly open in the gameplay videos I've seen...is it really that open?

I've been observing that my notion of open world doesn't seem to be quite the same as what some games today are calling open world, if that makes sense. Two Worlds 2, for example.


It's "open" in the sense that you can travel across the map and open areas/quests anytime you want. Some buildings are closed/locked until you reach certain points in the story, but the actual map and areas are open to access. In comparison to, say, Mass Effect 3, where you cannot travel to Rannoch or the Asari world before those missions are given to you.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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It's "open" in the sense that you can travel across the map and open areas/quests anytime you want. Some buildings are closed/locked until you reach certain points in the story, but the actual map and areas are open to access. In comparison to, say, Mass Effect 3, where you cannot travel to Rannoch or the Asari world before those missions are given to you.

A little more open than 2W2 then, perhaps. The thing that bugged me in that game was how a lot of things were closed off...so you'd just have to go back again once you got a quest/progressed the plot, making random exploring feel pointless/unrewarding. I don't mind a few important spots being closed off, but more than that and I feel restricted. I prefer it when games let you enter/explore and just don't spawn quest npc's enemies inside until you have the quest. Or just be linear to begin with.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I beat the demo several times trying to sell myself on it, but I was really turned off by the fact that (1) it seemed to be more story-driven than Elder Scrolls, but had just as terrible writing - which was exactly like Two Worlds 2; (2) the combat was just horribly, horribly broken in that I could butcher the entire town by mashing Awesome buttons; (3) Skyrim at least had the joy of exploration going for it, but even though the demo was surprisingly large and let you run around a lot of places, I just didn't feel like I wanted to.


I'm hankering for an RPG right now but I don't think I'll go back to it until it's $5 or something.

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Finished 999.


It has a great story. An incredible story. It's just very badly told. It likes to repeat itself. It will have you start new games to see new sequences, so you're rushing through stuff you already did. And then every time a major reveal occurs, it will review all the relevant information. Which is awful. But it's got some math, twists, and metaphysics that all fit together in the plot very neatly.


I'm looking forward to the next one.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I'm playing Anachronox. It seems good for the moment. The combat is more or less like in Septerra Core, but there are a lot of less fights, which is a relief.

The world design is very well thought. I can't judge the story at the moment, being only about five hours into the game.

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Tried playing Warrior Within again. Could not stand it. Finally moved on to The Two Thrones. Much better, but it does have those quirks of PS2 action adventure games that make me want to toss a controller through a window. Including absolutely stupid boss fights.


Edit: And now I'm getting sad that 2008 is never getting that sequel.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Edit: And now I'm getting sad that 2008 is never getting that sequel.

There shouldn't be a sequel. Just pretend the final five minutes never happened. The game had a perfect bittersweet ending, until Princie decided to doom the entire world to save the girl he flirted with a couple of times.


The Prince also lost the girl at the end of Sands of Time (even twice!), but he manned up.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Started up Forgotten Sands. I'm officially going to hate Assassin's Creed from here on out. Because that game is why they're not making more Prince of Persia. :(

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Started up Forgotten Sands. I'm officially going to hate Assassin's Creed from here on out. Because that game is why they're not making more Prince of Persia. :(

I'm treating AC 2 as if it were SoT 2.
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The Forgotten Sands was the final nail in the Prince's coffin. At this point I just want more Beyond good & evil.


I might play Assassin's Creed though when I'm done with Dungeon Siege 3. 9,99

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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The Forgotten Sands was the final nail in the Prince's coffin.

I was unaware that they made coffin nails out of AWESOME now.


That game hit just the right spot. I was needing something good after Mass Effect 3's bitterness. The Two Thrones didn't quite manage. Now maybe to check out an adventure game or try Outcast.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Finally getting round to trying my first game of Jagged Alliance 2. Am playing it without the 1.13 fanpatch for the moment, and trying to work out the ropes.


(1) Why can't I scroll the screen with my mouse at the edges? Do I have to click on the minimap all the time?

(2) Why can't I select a merc by clicking on the portrait? It seems to instead 'flare' the merc.

(3) Any way to speed up walking animations?

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Finally getting round to trying my first game of Jagged Alliance 2. Am playing it without the 1.13 fanpatch for the moment, and trying to work out the ropes.


(1) Why can't I scroll the screen with my mouse at the edges? Do I have to click on the minimap all the time?

(2) Why can't I select a merc by clicking on the portrait? It seems to instead 'flare' the merc.

(3) Any way to speed up walking animations?

I don't remember the first one, too long ago, but you can select mercs with number keys 1-6 if I remember correctly. Space bar toggles squads and equal key '=' selects all 6 in current squad.


You squaddies can run instead of walk, but only for limited periods of time. Then they'll start gasping for air and fall down, making funny remarks about physical exercise. As for changing the actual animation speed, no idea. Probably never felt it as an issue.


Hint: Overload your mercs with heavy gear and send them running to improve their stamina.


Edit to add: Close. That was F1 to F6 instead. List of shortcut Hot keys

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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