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SW: The Old Republic Part 2


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I must say offing the big terrorist in the IA line was a bit of a yawner. Should have killed him rather than let him commit suicide though, DS points lost.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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And I don't think you can change that legacy name once you've picked it... Every character you create on that server will now be Spartacus.. (although you can choose not to have it displayed)


I must find this checkbox.


Oy vay, the dialog for the entire

turning the padawan to the darkside questline

was cringeworthy. BTW, how do you see the point distribution of your companions to see how they are specced?


I must have with Thana a half a dozen times now, wonder if theres any ultimate point to it...


Anyone far enough along to have gotten their wife/husband/life partner yet?

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IA Act 1 boss is frustratingly buggy with an LOS issue. Second time I had that, first one was in House Cortessa, two guys in an open doorway and no LOS. Possibly due to this door normally being closed and something didn't quite clue into it. Ah well, rather satisfying end to the Act, and got a sniper rifle that actually looks like one.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Hit 45th level with my SI, and just landed down on Voss. Suddenly realised I'd slipped into Chapter 3 at some point, and not sure when that actually happened....

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I just heard a spoiler for Bounty Hunter that sounds like I wanted the class to be.


Why does it have to wait until Chapter 3?

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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because that's when your epicly powerful enough to do CRAZY things.


I've heard an AMAZING spoiler for the Knight storyline that makes me a little it.... warm inside.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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have played a little bit. been kinda busy, but we have played.


the mmorpg bit is virtual complete new to us.




odd. is similar but different to sp crpgs. can play most portions solo, but the heroic and flashpoint material is almost impossible w/o a group.


we were invited to join a guild. go figure. *chuckle* is some nice people in the guild... but 1/4 is hardcore pvp players who like to announce each and every victory on the guild channel.


datacrons is... stoopid. stopped looking once we spent +30 minutes trying to get to one on nar shadda.


a ls sith inquisitor (am playing as a healing sorcerer) is having a story. is not genuine engrossing, but is enough to keep us playing. oh, and the dialogue wheel still sucks. those three word leads often have little in common with the eventual response. annoying.


companions provide experience payoffs if you buy advancement with gifts. *snort* the pirate is a dps machine... see, am picking up the lingo. didn't know dps til recent.


completing every available quest on a planet before advancing is not the normal practice for mmorpg players. the goal o' most players seems to be to reach 50 asap. as such, our behavior has resulted in an odd level bloat-- am more than 4 levels above planet level suggestions.


is... funish. will keep playing til end o' our 30 day subscription, but probable wont pay beyond. we got as a gift, and is amusing, but am doubting we could stay genuine interested for more than a month.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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If you're going to complete every quest on in an MMO area, good luck to you.


They're little more than randomly generated xp bags and can generally be classified more as work than adventuring. At least that's how every MMO I ever played worked.

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If you're going to complete every quest on in an MMO area, good luck to you.


They're little more than randomly generated xp bags and can generally be classified more as work than adventuring. At least that's how every MMO I ever played worked.


They are done slightly better than that, being used as a means to explore the lore and the current goings on (faction/class) in the TOR period. I did all of them in Korriban(I believe) apart from the group ones, and didn't feel like I was grinding(which was surprising). Hell I've even used conversation to avoid combat, something I did not expect to see. I don't get the point of getting lightside points as a sith however, unless there is some sort of switching of allegiances at some point.

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I got caught in the loop of doing pretty much every quest, world and heroic on a world besides the class ones, because I was interested in how much they could flesh out the universe around me. Although I stopped completing all the heroics once I hit level 30 or so. There just weren't as many people looking for groups to do them when I was playing..so I'd end up finishing class/world stories and have to either lurk around on the offchance , or follow the class story on to another world.


Realised I haven't actually done a single piece of pvp yet.. and once again I've been sidetracked by the class missions so I haven't done some of the flashpoints.


Looks like the Call to Arms is actually a big series of flashpoints you have to do in order before you get to the Foundry where you encounter Revan. I might have to look at getting those done.


Completing all the world quests didn't feel like work first time around, not sure how they'll feel when repeated on another class, so we'll see how it goes.


Some of the "Heroic(2+)" can be done solo as well, just have to be somewhat careful in how you approach them. Heh, out of curiousity, I've even tried solo'ing a couple of the "Heroic (4)" ones - which you can usually do up to a point, that point being where some elite opponent with about 5 times your hitpoints gets dropped into it. Or some final mob of 5 strong ones who can wipe the floor with you if they can all focus on your character.


I have to admit, I'm having to watch myself from "gaming" the use of the ESC button in conversations. WIth the standard bioware dialogue wheel, you choose an option and then find out that what is being said is not the style or content you thought it would be - "I meant to say something smart and witty like a smoothly machiavellian Inquisitor should.. and instead he came out with something a ****y 14 year old would say". - so hitting escape before the conversation ends resets it and you can start once more from the beginning. Which can be interesting to explore conversations just to see what can be said and what responses they get..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Realised I haven't actually done a single piece of pvp yet..


I think you should wait a bit before you try pvp as it is a mess currently. With low fps in warzones and ability lag it's not fun.

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Guest Slinky
Got the game in the post yesterday, been enjoying it so far. Almost chose BH, but went with sith warrior. Only to realize the companion is Mission 2.0.

Yeah, same voice actor and all. And she is AGAIN looking for her sibling..


If you're going to complete every quest on in an MMO area, good luck to you.


They're little more than randomly generated xp bags and can generally be classified more as work than adventuring. At least that's how every MMO I ever played worked.

I've been doing every single quest I have found without any problems. That should say something as I absolutely positively HATE grinding.

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Haven't done any heroics or FPs, not going to PUG it, so have to wait for friends to catch up. Have had some PVP, ganked two, got ganked once. Played some huttball which is..rather crap as a sniper due to LOS issues with the map.


Companion got a quest to find her long lost friend that helped her escape from her backwards world...and it's bugged for me as I can't enter the instanced area, heh.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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completing every available quest on a planet before advancing is not the normal practice for mmorpg players. the goal o' most players seems to be to reach 50 asap. as such, our behavior has resulted in an odd level bloat-- am more than 4 levels above planet level suggestions.


Yeah, we're getting this too. Since we're doing all quests (including heroics), we got overleveled fast. Overleveled but undergeared. It does balance out a bit, since you get less xp (and need more to level up). But yeah, do everything and everything will be fairly easy.


Apart from the heroic "Insufficient Staff" on Alderaan. That one was tough as hell for our two man team (plus companions). Since our characters are dps and healer, we had to rely on companion tanking, and in that quest that just wasn't enough. Full group or more experienced players might have done the trick, but for us there was no way. So we did what any true imperial would, returned with superior forces (in this case, a level 50 sith assassin). Didn't pose much of a challenge then, but sometimes it can be fun to take a short cut or two.

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completing every available quest on a planet before advancing is not the normal practice for mmorpg players. the goal o' most players seems to be to reach 50 asap. as such, our behavior has resulted in an odd level bloat-- am more than 4 levels above planet level suggestions.


Yeah, we're getting this too. Since we're doing all quests (including heroics), we got overleveled fast. Overleveled but undergeared. It does balance out a bit, since you get less xp (and need more to level up). But yeah, do everything and everything will be fairly easy.


Apart from the heroic "Insufficient Staff" on Alderaan. That one was tough as hell for our two man team (plus companions). Since our characters are dps and healer, we had to rely on companion tanking, and in that quest that just wasn't enough. Full group or more experienced players might have done the trick, but for us there was no way. So we did what any true imperial would, returned with superior forces (in this case, a level 50 sith assassin). Didn't pose much of a challenge then, but sometimes it can be fun to take a short cut or two.


Actually I've found that post Alderaan you start to be the exact level. For most of chapter 1 and 2 I was about 3 levels higher , and then suddenly I was just on the level and maybe getting a level higher halfway through..


If I was regularly doing flashpoints that might change...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Currently on Taris but Ive done every single quest on all the previous planets with the exception of four heroics. No PvP at all. Only one or two of the flashpoints. I find it incredibly frustrating to have to schlep all the way back to the space station and hang out doing nothing just to try to find a group for those.

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Currently on Taris but Ive done every single quest on all the previous planets with the exception of four heroics. No PvP at all. Only one or two of the flashpoints. I find it incredibly frustrating to have to schlep all the way back to the space station and hang out doing nothing just to try to find a group for those.


Yeah, seeing that makes me wonder why they've shut the door on a LFG tool.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Yeah, Flashpoints have fallen by the wayside for me, I did the first one but I'm just too busy enjoying al the quests at this point. Plus it can be tough to get a large chunk of time without distractions in my household.

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Not missing much, after Black Talon (on Imp side), the FPs might as well be WoW ones - none of that neat dialogue and their rather dull, at least Hammer and Athiss.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I've been doing every single quest I have found without any problems. That should say something as I absolutely positively HATE grinding.


I imagine they'd use a few cinematics, scripted events and the like to spice up the usual MMOnotony.


Anyway, that's all very nice and good but its still Star Wars and that got old about twenty years ago. Right now its at about the same stage of putrescence as DnD. :lol:

Wonder how many generations it'll take for those two to finally kick the bucket, so that the piles of other great films and RPGs get some deserved recognition.

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Actually I've found that post Alderaan you start to be the exact level. For most of chapter 1 and 2 I was about 3 levels higher , and then suddenly I was just on the level and maybe getting a level higher halfway through..


If I was regularly doing flashpoints that might change...


I'm about to go to taris and I am level 35. To a planet that is 32-36 I think. So still a bit ahead. Only done two flashpoints, but all heroics. We even skipped Nar Shaddaa bonus series so we wouldn't run further ahead.

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Actually I've found that post Alderaan you start to be the exact level. For most of chapter 1 and 2 I was about 3 levels higher , and then suddenly I was just on the level and maybe getting a level higher halfway through..


If I was regularly doing flashpoints that might change...


I'm about to go to taris and I am level 35. To a planet that is 32-36 I think. So still a bit ahead. Only done two flashpoints, but all heroics. We even skipped Nar Shaddaa bonus series so we wouldn't run further ahead.


Nar Shaddaa bonus series doesn't open up till your about level 35. From around 30+ most of the bonus series don't open up until you're returning to the worlds at a later point in the class story.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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