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SW: The Old Republic Part 2


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I'm glad to hear everyone is enjoying it, I thought it was something special when I was testing it. I'm curious what the folks who dislike MMO's in general around here think about it, but they probably aren't playing it yet.


I'm almost level 30, but now that I'm back to work I won't be moving nearly as fast. My goal right now is to finish up act 1 on my trooper to unlock the legacy system, and then I'll spend some time playing with other classes. I haven't given any time to my sith warrior, but that will change soon. My wife actually has an inquisitor up to level 11, but apparently she is lost on the space station and doesn't know where to go. I'll have to help her out later ;)

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My wife actually has an inquisitor up to level 11, but apparently she is lost on the space station and doesn't know where to go. I'll have to help her out later ;)


Feel free to pass on my Sith Inquisitor's name if either of you need help.


Although I have to say, the space station is a big circle, and has a good map. How do you get lost on it??

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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They really need to fix that AH UI.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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My wife actually has an inquisitor up to level 11, but apparently she is lost on the space station and doesn't know where to go. I'll have to help her out later :ermm:


Feel free to pass on my Sith Inquisitor's name if either of you need help.


Although I have to say, the space station is a big circle, and has a good map. How do you get lost on it??


My wife doesn't really play games. I think the elevator buttons are her problem, and figuring out which one to take. She also isn't the most patient person in the world.

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I'm glad to hear everyone is enjoying it, I thought it was something special when I was testing it. I'm curious what the folks who dislike MMO's in general around here think about it, but they probably aren't playing it yet.


I am, and I am certainly not a fan of the genre. This game is pretty good though. For the most part anyway. The story is a lot worse than a single player rpg, but well enough executed that it works. it's certainly a bioware game. Part of my enjoyment is playing alongside my wife, that adds a lot for me. We're currently at lvl 30 and almost done with Tattooine.

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I need to see and be everything!


You are to me.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I'm glad to hear everyone is enjoying it, I thought it was something special when I was testing it. I'm curious what the folks who dislike MMO's in general around here think about it, but they probably aren't playing it yet.

I guess I fall into the disliking MMOs in general category. I've played a few, enjoyed them, but I make a point not to commit to them and usually only last a couple of months.


Combat was nice. It was faster than wow. It was good for an MMORPG, but not enough to draw me itself.

The story I strain to discuss without spewing bile. It wasn't good and I'd encountered worse, but then it just hit a button that I couldn't stand. I understand my low opinion will be a minority.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The class stories seem to vary wildly in terms of quality, that's for sure.


And I feel like I need to have a wiki open in my secondary monitor just to figure everything out.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Combat was nice. It was faster than wow. It was good for an MMORPG, but not enough to draw me itself.

The story I strain to discuss without spewing bile. It wasn't good and I'd encountered worse, but then it just hit a button that I couldn't stand. I understand my low opinion will be a minority.


Which story did you try?


Supposedly the style of each class is different, the smuggler story is meant to come across much more.. light-hearted and swashbucklery compared to the agent story which is menat to be more "bourne ultimatum" atmosphere.


I haven't actually explored those yet, so I can't say. I'm curious as to which you did go with and how far you managed to go.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Which story did you try?

Bounty Hunter

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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There really are 8 different storylines here, even though there is a bit of overlap. I am not surprised that some will have vastly different opinions on the story because of that. I didn't get into the BH story when I played it in beta. Alternatively, I've enjoyed almost every step of my trooper storyline up to this point.

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The Agent and Inquisitor ones I've found have been the most interesting.


As an agent you're skulking around neutralizing targets and intelligence rings while trying to dig out who's behind a huge terrorist act.


As an Inquisitor you're helping your master gain more power by any means necessary... including murder.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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As an Inquisitor you're helping your master gain more power by any means necessary... including murder.


That's only in Chapter 1.. it aaaallll takes a twist in Chapter 2... :ermm:

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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BH story was one part gameshow and one part Unknown Rival. Could have made for a very funny joke, but I think they were serious. I think the guy whose pants were in a knot was supposed to be important. He was a recurring character and everything. Even killed my mentor of 5 minutes. Don't remember what his problem was.


And then there was Tattooine.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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So my SI is lvl 36 now and coming along nicely. Its a nice change working my way up the ranks. The conversations with every single NPC occasionally get on my nerves because it moves so slow but at least it forces me to (mostly) pay attention. Ive chosen every single time its been available and I think Ive gotten laid twice. I kinda screwed the pooch on my Legacy name and chose Spartacus (because I liked the parallel of a slave rising up to dominate) but now I regret it bacause it sounds stupid to be Lord Gfted Spartacus. Cant figure out how to change it. :(

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So my SI is lvl 36 now and coming along nicely. Its a nice change working my way up the ranks. The conversations with every single NPC occasionally get on my nerves because it moves so slow but at least it forces me to (mostly) pay attention. Ive chosen <flirt> every single time its been available and I think Ive gotten laid twice. I kinda screwed the pooch on my Legacy name and chose Spartacus (because I liked the parallel of a slave rising up to dominate) but now I regret it bacause it sounds stupid to be Lord Gfted Spartacus. Cant figure out how to change it. :(


I missed the cult member you can flirt with somehow..

You know, you'll be catching up with me soon if I don't manage to get back to playing....


And I don't think you can change that legacy name once you've picked it... Every character you create on that server will now be Spartacus.. (although you can choose not to have it displayed)

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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And WOW that's a stupid dichotomy.... I'm on Taris on my Jedi and I'm being forced to make the choice between "kick out aliens with pre pre claims on the land... in favor of the family who had the land before taris burned" or "tell the people who owned the place to shove it because this belongs to these guys".

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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And WOW that's a stupid dichotomy.... I'm on Taris on my Jedi and I'm being forced to make the choice between "kick out aliens with pre pre claims on the land... in favor of the family who had the land before taris burned" or "tell the people who owned the place to shove it because this belongs to these guys".


Huh, I ended up convincing them to share the land together.

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well, I haven't talked to the givers again, only the aliens who say "Dude! MIEN!", so it might change when I talk to them again

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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well, I haven't talked to the givers again, only the aliens who say "Dude! MIEN!", so it might change when I talk to them again


Yeah, I think I sided with the aliens, and then the sister ended up convincing the brother that it is best to rebuild with the aliens as partners. It was a bit unclear in the options I had available, but the resolution was good.

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Servers down for maintenance! nooo


Apparently it took them much less time then anticipated. They said it would be 8 hours.. but they're up and running and have been for a couple of hours already.


Hm, we should probably create a collection of who is on what server , with what characters rather then all this scattering through the thread..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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