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I like to think that the whole series is commentary on video games stories/plots and how adding emotional value can make the most inane and nonsensical crap seem like the greatest story ever told.

Just like Inception. :)

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Well, the thing about AMRA2 or OFP is, that I never finished them. Those games were all a drag, too much open space, no drama, no good pacing.

you're crazy. the only game better than OFP was R6 Rogue Spear. even Ghost Recon wasn't as good. I mean, Bad Company plays exactly like OFP, only the AI is stupid, and the maps are linear.


I never played ArmA, but ArmA2 has a weak single player campaign, so I could understand how somebody would have dropped it. still, the stuff you can do with the engine, some of the user-made cooperative missions are very intense, and BF or CoD could never even get close to that. the AI is smart. they flank you, they use everything they have at their disposal, they use suppressing fire. on top of that one bullet can easily kill you, so you have to be cautious. you can't just take cover and regenerate health.


for example, there is this mission where you need to take over a town. there are enemy troops in there, some vehicles, there's also a radio tower, unless you destroy it with satchel charges, the enemy will be receiving constant reinforcements. if you get shot your pals will have 5 minutes to patch you up, or else you'll bleed to death. so you have to stick close to your group, scout out enemy vehicles and stationary defenses, call in an air strike or get a bunch of AT guys and provide fire support, get close to the tower, destroy it, eliminate the opposition and finally sack the town. you cannot do this alone, under no circumstances.


compare that to the "kill a wave of enemies, proceed to the next checkpoint, watch a cutscene, rinse and repeat" routine.


ArmA2 is easily the best military shooter out there, most people just don't have the patience to get used to the controls and UI.

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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I like to think that the whole series is commentary on video games stories/plots and how adding emotional value can make the most inane and nonsensical crap seem like the greatest story ever told.

Just like Inception. :)

Yup, pretty much. Now I can't stop thinking about how much crazier Inception would have been if an insane Japanese guy had written it.

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On a semi-random note.. I've just been watching some of the BioWarePulse videos from ComicCon.. and I'm kinda shocked that the dedicated fans who line up to get in on those panels then ask vague questions about stuff that BioWare have already answered in clear cut news about the games months earlier. Although mostly more noticable on the SW:TOR panels more then the others...


I mean, if you're dedicated geek enough to not only get to SDCC, then find out when the panels are, line up and get in to see them.. how can you have ignored multitude of preview reports, the bioware forums, the specific game news, and assorted media releases they've made out??


Right, minor rant done with.. :)

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I like to think that the whole series is commentary on video games stories/plots and how adding emotional value can make the most inane and nonsensical crap seem like the greatest story ever told.

Just like Inception. :(

Yup, pretty much. Now I can't stop thinking about how much crazier Inception would have been if an insane Japanese guy had written it.

If convoluted storylines were a hallmark of great writing then no doubt there would be many other games praised by their writing. No, the fact that with a story that complicated the game was still effective, and the characters relatable is testament to their talent.


Plus if we are calling out a game for inane nonsensical crap we may as well take down the whole genre.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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@Raithe: You're just mad, because they didn't ask the questions you wanted.


I like to think that the whole series is commentary on video games stories/plots and how adding emotional value can make the most inane and nonsensical crap seem like the greatest story ever told.

Just like Inception. :(

Yup, pretty much. Now I can't stop thinking about how much crazier Inception would have been if an insane Japanese guy had written it.

If convoluted storylines were a hallmark of great writing then no doubt there would be many other games praised by their writing. No, the fact that with a story that complicated the game was still effective, and the characters relatable is testament to their talent.


Plus if we are calling out a game for inane nonsensical crap we may as well take down the whole genre.

Oh, I'm not doubting Kojima's talent, if you can make the whole thing hold together until after you've finished it, you're a head above most of the genre.


That said, don't even try to throw MGS on the same pile as the whole genre. There's crazy and then there's a specific kind of mind-bending insanity that will make your nose bleed when you attempt to go back and put it all together after you've finished it. Kojima's talent isn't at story writing, he's a genius at story presentation.

Edited by Purkake
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On a semi-random note.. I've just been watching some of the BioWarePulse videos from ComicCon.. and I'm kinda shocked that the dedicated fans who line up to get in on those panels then ask vague questions about stuff that BioWare have already answered in clear cut news about the games months earlier. Although mostly more noticable on the SW:TOR panels more then the others...


I mean, if you're dedicated geek enough to not only get to SDCC, then find out when the panels are, line up and get in to see them.. how can you have ignored multitude of preview reports, the bioware forums, the specific game news, and assorted media releases they've made out??


Right, minor rant done with.. :(

Yeah, I noticed that too. Most of the really stupid/repeated questions were on twitter, though...

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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On a semi-random note.. I've just been watching some of the BioWarePulse videos from ComicCon.. and I'm kinda shocked that the dedicated fans who line up to get in on those panels then ask vague questions about stuff that BioWare have already answered in clear cut news about the games months earlier. Although mostly more noticable on the SW:TOR panels more then the others...


I mean, if you're dedicated geek enough to not only get to SDCC, then find out when the panels are, line up and get in to see them.. how can you have ignored multitude of preview reports, the bioware forums, the specific game news, and assorted media releases they've made out??


Right, minor rant done with.. :(

Yeah, I noticed that too. Most of the really stupid/repeated questions were on twitter, though...

Probably because; like with most panels, the moderators tend to keep thing tame. Did they had moderators at those panels? :ermm:

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Yeah, MGS4 happens to be one of my alltime favorite games.


Can't wait what Kojima is making next.

IT better have something to do with kinetic fighting between giant robots and metatron >.>


As to Anti-war sentiments, just look at 90% of the japanese war games. Seriously. 90% of the time the war is not perpetrated by the population of a nation having such nationalistic sentiment that they launch an attack on their political enemy, instead it's some minor cabal within that government (or behind it) that ends up triggering the war, and initiating atrocities against both powers to keep the war going and escalating.


Ace Combat 5 was a perfect example, shooting war erupts and then the main character's squadron (who become the heroes of the war) is accused of launching a bombing run on a school, when the attack was carried out by an "off the books" aggressor squadron. Both presidents want peace, but are kidnapped, and the entire conflict has it's roots in a previous conflict (the "Belkan War" where not-germany launched the not-ww2 and was being beaten back so they set off seven nukes in their own territory).


Or pick ANY Gundam series in general. Non-Universal Century shows are the most obvious, but in general they all have the same "War is hell, never fight! War creates monsters!" theme to it.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Probably because; like with most panels, the moderators tend to keep thing tame. Did they had moderators at those panels? :ermm:


If you count the guy with the microphone wandering around the audience to find those with questions a moderator.. ;)


But I mean.. you have them being asked questions like:

"do you get a choice between the Empire or the Republic?"

"will players who have Empire characters play on the same servers as those who are Republic?"

"I'm a big fan of character development... so will i be able to give my character purple hair in the game?" :(

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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If you count the guy with the microphone wandering around the audience to find those with questions a moderator.. ;)


But I mean.. you have them being asked questions like:

"do you get a choice between the Empire or the Republic?"

"will players who have Empire characters play on the same servers as those who are Republic?"

"I'm a big fan of character development... so will i be able to give my character purple hair in the game?" :ermm:

If he is one of those guys with enough experience reading body language so that he always gives the microphone to non-threatening members of the audience, then yes that's a moderator :(


Besides no one ask serious questions at those things.


@Calax: I think you can infer from your own post why they don't want to directly address the issue, probably the same reason 39 to 44 are gone from history books in Germany.


@Bendu: Sorry but old news already :) Journalists should really stop hanging around /v/ and /b/

Edited by Orogun01
I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Hah, wonderful.


He had an extreme interest in violent video games such as "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" as well as the fantasy epic "World of Warcraft" (played as a Mage character named convers). But was he directly influenced by the video game "Dragon Age 2"?


That'd be kinda strange to be a guildmate of that guy now, well if this is true at all.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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The violence in current video games is pretty ridiculous.


Fallout 3's slow mo cartwheeling limbs, NV's slow motion kill-cam (or whatever they called that stupid thing), bioware's penchant for throwing blood splatter on every thing in sight.


It's pretty weird. ANd completely unneccessary to making a great game.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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All that 'Awesome' and 'Accessible for lowest common denominator' had to pay dividende eventually...


Although, if you blow up buildings because somebody did it in a video game (did somebody actually blow up a building in DA2?), you probably have more serious issues than a video game addiction anyway (like a complete detachment from reality).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Fallout 3's slow mo cartwheeling limbs, NV's slow motion kill-cam (or whatever they called that stupid thing), bioware's penchant for throwing blood splatter on every thing in sight.


It's pretty weird. ANd completely unneccessary to making a great game.


And yet it does not give me the desire to go to my local mall and gun down the shopers.


Nor does it desensitize me from real life gore, I'm about 99% sure if I seen someone in real life explode into a pool of blood and guts, I would exit my entire stomach content.

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The violence in current video games is pretty ridiculous.


Fallout 3's slow mo cartwheeling limbs, NV's slow motion kill-cam (or whatever they called that stupid thing), bioware's penchant for throwing blood splatter on every thing in sight.


Does the original Fallout count as a current video game? I thought the over the top violence of 3 and NV was just following on from the original.


How long ago did the original Soldier of Fortune come out? I don't think 3 games is enough to label the violence in current games as being any more ridiculous than older stuff.

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Wouldn't say the violence is over the top. Wound modelling is just done in a really, really crap way in some games (OFP:DR had a decent-ish one, although body shots were like a shark bit their torso).

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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People who blame real life violence of games (or movies and tv shows and books) are ignorant freaks who must have missed the thousands of years that humans were perpetrating violence ebefore any of those existed.


Violent entertainment does NOTY make one violent. That's bull. And, if you disagree, I'LL KICK YOUR BUTT THE SAME WAY SHEPARD DOES THAT REPORTER IN ME1!! SO TAKE THAT!!!


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