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Witcher 2 Again

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A combat system as in Ubisoft's Prince of Persia: Sands of Time series would've fitted the Witcher 2 (especially Warrior Within). That game featured proper counterattacks, and enemies even dared to attack the main hero en masse rather than taking turns.


Of course, it would require CD Projekt to stop pretending completely that the Witcher is an RPG.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Despite a lot of folks criticizing SoT combat, I really enjoyed it. Once I got good enough, it had almost a trance like rhythm to it. At first it's the flipping and leaping over enemies one after another and then using the walls and finally using the Dagger of Time to create space and timing to take out enemies. I couldn't understand why so many critics didn't like it. I thought it was as fun as the platforming.


I liked WW's free flow combat even more. There were just a lot of options you could take advantage of according to the situation in addition to new wall attacks and pillar attacks, plus weapon throwing. As I remember you could even jump from an enemy to the wall, bounce off the wall to kill another enemy. The whole thing was crazy fun.


In contrast I found combat in the cell-shaded PoP and the more recent SoT universe PoP dull by comparison.

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I think its mostly because you can transition from attack to counter-attack very smoothly in AA, but in TW2, there isn't really a way to counter attack someone coming from a different angle, just block or roll out of the way.

Ehm, there is a skill in the "Witcher Training" path that does exactly that. And at lvl 2 reduces all blocking damage 100%. So the only thing limiting you is Vigor. ;)


Or do I get you wrong here?




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Yep, I know where you're coming from.


I do enjoy TW2 combat. I think it's fun, but my only gripe is that one action doesn't lead into another so overall combat feels like hit and run. Maybe I'm just not articulating my thoughts effectively.

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Just finished my first game. Chapter III sure is short.


And I hold true to my word, not a single use of Quen through-out the entire game :lol:. Now to replay on hard with the same limitation (and different choices of course).

Small question; anyone defeat

the operator

? Always when I was close to defeating his gargoyles stun-locked me to death. Just wondering if he can actually be defeated, and if it has any benefits. Was gonna give it a try with updated equipment, when the game ended...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Nothing special, he just summons 3 pairs of gargoyles. Besides those it's a standard mage fight. My magic character did it mostly by running around waiting for Aard to stun the gargoyles so I could take them out instantly. Gives a decent weapon and a dragon scale which is one of the rarer crafting ingredients around.


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Get lots of incineration resistance going. Also there is a silver sword somewhere in Ch. 3 which does 20% damage to gargoyles. I think it's at the end of the path where you fight two big arachnids at the same time.


I used the pillars to my advantage since they blocked my flank while I took out enemies one by one.

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25%. Yeah, I had that one.


Though stunlocked with 150+ damage per hit quickly drained my 500 hitpoints. Pretty much if they landed on me (seemed no indication where they land) I was done for, making it more a gamble than anything.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Didn't end up needing it, but at one point I hid behind a pillar long enough regenerating that combat dropped and I was able to save. Extreme cheese of course, but it meant that with patience it becomes three fights instead of one big one


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I find it fun going to the GOG forums and hear people complain about combat, saying the Witcher 1 method was perfect, and people wonder why it went.

Odd, before Witcher II, I don't think I ever heard ANYONE say Witcher 1's combat system was good, let stand "perfect".


Those feckle gamers. Can't please 'em it seems.


Anyways, using the amulet more my second run, why are puddles of water in the prologue dungeon lighting up??? :ermm:




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Similarly, why do buckets light up in Chapter 1?


Presumably the answer to both is that originally Something Else was planned for them. Maybe stepping in the puddles would make more noise and there was going to be a fire (requiring buckets of water) in Chapter 1?

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Both buckets (basically alarms) and puddles are factors in the stealth mechanic, yes, and it does work to some extent. There are a few other things that have the same role as buckets, such as the swords leaning against each other, and small tables. Far from polished of course, but I had a pleasant surprise during one such segment where I managed to kill an npc with a throwing knife then proceed to continue undetected.

Edited by Humanoid


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So now that I've somewhat updated my pc and am making progress through the first one, I want to pick up the second one for when I'm done. I noticed that the collector's edition is down to $95 on Amazon. Anyone thinks it will go down even more? or should I pick it up now?

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Bloody hell.


Right or wrong aside (since its still unknown), it sucks that the DRM removal is part of the suit, it'll scare even more of the industry off.

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We need less DRM, not more.

Damn Namco :).




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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As for the lawsuit, Adam Kicinski, the CEO of CDP Red said this: (source is link from pmp10's post)


As with most cases, we first tried to end the dispute peacefully. Attempts failed and because of this, we hoped that our partner would send the case to the court. The agreement that we signed last year, concerned only the distribution of ?The Witcher 2″ for the PC. The records were carefully clarified to avoid any ambiguity. Namco Bandai have options when choosing the priority of our distributor?s version of the Xbox 360. It could use, but not taken advantage of certain preferences. In this situation, we chose the offer that THQ made us.
He also says that the financial situation is very good at the moment.


On happier news, Ive found this from the witcher's current website - http://www.thewitcher.com/community/




Patch 1.3 is not quite here yet, but we would like to show you an early changelog with the fixes and amendments that will be implemented in the nearest update. There is still no ETA on its release so please bear with us and stay tuned for more information.




The changelog van be viewed here:







It is quite a long changelog, so head on over. However, an excerpt:



1. New FREE DLC ? ?A Sackful of Fluff? is a new quest in Chapter 2 of the game. To start the quest, visit the eccentric Elthon, who inhabits a solitary hut near the quarry outside Vergen. The quest will prove most rewarding to those who demonstrate patience.

2. Game now supports 4:3, 5:4, 16:10 aspect ratios.

3. Item storage has been added. Players can now store items from their Inventory at inns. To leave items in storage or collect previously stored items, talk to innkeepers.

4. A ?Junk‟ panel has been added to Inventory to provide greater clarity in item classification.

5. New menu option added in ?Extras‟ - enables players to view in-game animated sequences (flashbacks, memory flashes, dreams stolen by harpies) outside of the game.

6. A ?Quickload‟ option has been added under the F9 key.


No ETA, though, yet.

Please support http://www.maternityworldwide.org/ - and save a mother giving birth to a child.


Please support, Andrew Bub, the gamerdad - at http://gamingwithchildren.com/

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"The records were carefully clarified to avoid any ambiguity. Namco Bandai have options when choosing the priority of our distributor?s version of the Xbox 360. It could use, but not taken advantage of certain preferences. In this situation, we chose the offer that THQ made us."


Um.. That sound ambigious to me. I hope the wording in the contract is clearer.L0LZ


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22. Quen Sign slightly de-buffed ? Sign dissipates 20% faster after foes land a blow. Assorted minor balance issues related to this Sign have also been resolved.


Shiver in fair, Quen-players... :lol:




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure why no-one posted it yet, but 1.3 has been released...






I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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In universe names I guess, I had thought they were described somewhere, might just be previous knowledge causing that though. Well, not like that matter at all at this point, heh.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I just uninstalled it.


I couldn't bear the silly inventory system anymore. Also that stupid magic system with "Aarg" and "Gaarg" and "Faaart" doesn't tell me anything. Can't they just name the spells in plain English?

It's hardcore RPG, man. Deal with it.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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