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Witcher 2 Again

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Importing the Rune Sihil and Moonblade nerfed didn't bother me much.


In TW1 I don't think they have actual damage stats for the weapons anyway, just +/- damage percentages based on the basic witcher steel and silver swords. I think the exception was dagger and axe type weapons.


Besides they both have 3 upgrade slots. In my first playthrough I was using Moonblade well into act 2 because it was upgraded with three moon runes and that gave it a significant boost to signs. I'm sure Sihil will also be viable for a while if I upgrade with 3 ysgith or fire runes.

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Decided to start over with 1.2 and all the free loots you get and try to get through normal difficulty that way. Seems to have worked, although it might partly be because of the mechanics changes as well. Unfortunately have had two crashes to desktop up to the start of Act 1 (both seem to be caused by scripts triggering) - whereas previous game was 100% stable to the end of Act 1. Not sure if it's related to the patch, but hopefully it doesn't continue.


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I've found this site on wikipedia using google so the rugs and carpets were similar to these shown on wiki? Or were they

arabesques? Or were they carpets with mosques on them?

Please support http://www.maternityworldwide.org/ - and save a mother giving birth to a child.


Please support, Andrew Bub, the gamerdad - at http://gamingwithchildren.com/

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Bahhh the prologue is too easy now :p

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I wish there was a "neutral" path in the game where Geralt would work with the Nilfgaard ambassador.


Nilfgaard occupying the North is ultimately, the best choice. Since the Space Invaders are going to invade and "Winter is coming!!!11!!", it would prevent a lot of chaos and spare a lot of lives in the long run. Not to mention, the key to beating the Space Invaders is in Nilfgaard.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Looks like there was too much whine.

We'll always have insanity mode.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Hard is the new normal.


easy is the new hard.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Playing through the prologue again and I think I figured out why it's easier... the stagger animation was sped up so you don't stagger as long, and the distance you go is a bit further so it's not as rough on you when one of the heavy knights starts to rip off a combo.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I'm liking it because it means that you don't get hideously stunlocked for a single accidental role in the wrong direction.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I'm liking it because it means that you don't get hideously stunlocked for a single accidental role in the wrong direction.

You forgot the one where you get stuck unable to attack or move the camera until you get hit, or the unresponsive block button, or the fact that the guys with the halberds are way too fast for that weapon, or the missing parry symbol, or the dethmold bug.

The game was awesome but it could have used some polishing on the combat.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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One roll in the wrong direction = stunlock for a few hits sounds good to me. ROlling is already overpowered. If you mean stunlocked and beaten to death in an angry sandwich of doom, only happened to me a couple of times, and I found that Geralt is generally able to roll away even when he's being hit - which already makes him improbably agile.


But then, I'd swear that sometimes we're all playing different games. I can see (and often make) the parry symbol even at my 8fps game, for example. Definitely agree about the stupidity of not being able to aim before you get close enough or they hit you, though.

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One roll in the wrong direction = stunlock for a few hits sounds good to me. ROlling is already overpowered. If you mean stunlocked and beaten to death in an angry sandwich of doom, only happened to me a couple of times, and I found that Geralt is generally able to roll away even when he's being hit - which already makes him improbably agile.


But then, I'd swear that sometimes we're all playing different games. I can see (and often make) the parry symbol even at my 8fps game, for example. Definitely agree about the stupidity of not being able to aim before you get close enough or they hit you, though.

No, what you are talking about I refer to as pinball. Since they decided a to merge the group style with the fast style now you are left pounding at a button hoping he decides to do a group attack. No my case it's an actual bug and the reason I know this it's because I stood in the middle of a battle for 1 and a half mins waiting for my Quen spell to wear off and someone to hit me. Apparently Geralt forgot he was in a fight and had to be reminded of it, it happened like a few times more the example was just exacerbated because of Quen.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Finished second playthrough, went Roche and full on swords. A rather different experience, on the gameplay front I got 2 greater mutagens the whole way through whereas with the magical guy I had them coming out of my ears. I also ran into some bugs and some crashes I didn't get with the release patch, most annoyingly

when fighting Dethmold and Pangatt under Vergen D wouldn't teleport away after the fight/ I couldn't talk to Pangratt so the shield stayed active, only solved when I specifically avoided hitting Dethmold until last. I also found a lot of the fights that were hard as a primarily magical Geralt to be easier even despite playing on Hard, but in contrast a lot of fights against mook squads required greater care. Overall I think I preferred the second branch, though while it gave me a somewhat more positive view of Radovid Henselt pretty much cemented my feeling that the regal gene pool needed some chlorine badly: going on about Divine Right and Droit de Seigneur after just trying to kill someone and losing is... not sensible, especially since it suggests a Witcher ought to take a Strictly Neutral approach to the resolution of disputes between Temeria and Kaedwen.


Fought Letho this time. Ludicrously easy considering how difficult the first fight can be. Saved Anais (why Witcher 2 cannot into dieresis when it can into fleur-de-lys?) and gave her to Natalis, tried to tell Aryan she was saved but didn't get option to, let Roche whack Henselt for being a big stupid Brian Blessed/ Richard IV from Blackadder impersonator, let Sile and the Dragon go.



Still liked it a lot, and its many small annoyances remain small and largely ignorable.

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The Dethmold bug's been there since launch, kind of annoying as it's a fairly difficult battle but eventually works itself out.


I did Roche first and

Iorveth second, and it's kind of different on Radovid - he appears quite nice and sensible the first time, then I was rather surprised to see him go full on at Philippa Eilhart in the dungeon.


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It wasn't just that which gave me such a negative opinion of Radovid, if you

get captured rather than sneak in to the dungeon he leaves you to Shilard's tender mercies because it's expedient to, and despite pretty much saying that he owes you- a combination I'd have found odious irrespective of Phillipa.



One thing's for sure, after that and

Dethmold/ Roche

simple grabbing of collars won't qualify as capital E extreme any more.

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I don't think I ever saw

Roche deal with Dethmold

, if that's what you're implying - interesting, that's something to look forward to. Thought the whole intrigue stuff was nicely illustrated how in one playthrough, you see Shilard totally Extreme a sorceress (

when she uncompresses Triss then Shilard kills her

), then in another playthrough, you find notes, etc. and see that he's been totally boned by a rival, the

Nilfgaardian lieutenant who undermined his position with the emperor.


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I did Roche first and

Iorveth second, and it's kind of different on Radovid - he appears quite nice and sensible the first time, then I was rather surprised to see him go full on at Philippa Eilhart in the dungeon.

That's due to their past.

Eilhart had at one point completely owned Redania and may even have been behind the death of Radovid's father. Radovid hated Eilhart with a passion but could never simply do away with her due to her influence.


The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I did Roche first and

Iorveth second, and it's kind of different on Radovid - he appears quite nice and sensible the first time, then I was rather surprised to see him go full on at Philippa Eilhart in the dungeon.

That's due to their past.

Eilhart had at one point completely owned Redania and may even have been behind the death of Radovid's father. Radovid hated Eilhart with a passion but could never simply do away with her due to her influence.


Part of it was that, I think another part of it was that he wanted to prove that

he had the strength and conviction to do things. One of his big things seemed to be that Phillipa was controlling him constantly, while telling him "A good king is strong". So he learns about the Sorceress circle and has Phillipa appear before him, and he can deal with her pretty easy. Although the part about Geralt is still a bit idiotic "I owe you buddy, but you just saw to much..." "WELL YOU COULD HAVE PUT ME IN A DIFFERENT CELL YOU **** HOLE!"


Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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One thing I'm in love with in this game it's the C&C. From the big first one involving Aryan La Valette and how it comes back at the end, choices really seemed to really have an impact.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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