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What you did today


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Last night I went on a four hour bus trip. The guy in the seat next to me was juggling an Iphone 4, a HTC Desire HD and a Macbook of some kind, all connected to the free WiFi on the bus. All this time I was doing nothing, as I even forgot to bring a magazine or a book.


Today I bought a netbook.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Not having a good day today. Having a precious day off from work, figured I'd some cleaning around the apartment and just generally take it a bit easy. Yesterday the landlord called and said there'd be a guy coming in to fix a problematic radiator (or whatever it's called in English, you have it in the bathroom to heat it up and you typically hang things on it that you want to dry) that I have in my apartment. He'd be coming at 07.30am. Fine I think, they've switched these things out before and they always did it in a very timely manner so I figured I could go back to sleep afterwards.


So yeah, I'm up at 07.30, but of course the guy doesn't show up until 09.00. Dude walks in and looks at the thing he's gonna change like he's never seen anything like it before. He proceeds to try and take it down without reducing the water pressure or whatever and proceeds to spray water over the entire bathroom. He runs down into the basement to fix that, fine.

Comes back and find out he's missing a tool to be able to take it down (wtf), says he has to drive away and buy one (leaving his crap littering the apartment). This is around 10.30. He calls 11.30 and says he has finally tracked down the tool but will take his lunch before he comes around. Fine...


It's now 02.50pm, and he's finally shown up with the magical tool. Let's see if he can fix this thing now.


EDIT: And yeah, this is all the more annoying since the last time they switched out these things (my current one broke and is leaking a bit which is why it's being changed), it took them less than a hour FFUUUUU!

Edited by Starwars

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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It's some company that the landlord (landlady I should say) hired. Don't think she'll be hiring them again.


The landlady was actually here this morning as well and sorta stared in disbelief as the guy tried to get to work, which at least injected a bit of comedy into the whole thing.


Anyways... The guy is making progress now! Though the entire thing will probably explode in my face in the evening or something.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Woke up at 0555 or so (I have nice clock skew on the 4 clocks in my room), couldn't sleep so decided to get a start on laundry. Productive day so far!

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Last night I went on a four hour bus trip. The guy in the seat next to me was juggling an Iphone 4, a HTC Desire HD and a Macbook of some kind, all connected to the free WiFi on the bus. All this time I was doing nothing, as I even forgot to bring a magazine or a book.


Today I bought a netbook.


Why do I get the feeling the two are related?





That doesn't sound good...

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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So last week I forgot a small soup/ramen sized metal pot on the stove and burned it into uselessness. This made me sad because I've had the pot a long time and considered it to be a pretty good one (not expensive or anything, but I liked it). I didn't feel like dealing with Xmas shoppers in order to look for a new quality pot, so in the meantime I bought one of those ultra-cheapies at the grocery store.


And it turns out, it's the best little pot ever, at least for soups/ramen. Boils faster, simmers better, etc. Go figure!

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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So I was also stuck in the NJ blizzard that Syr and Krook mentioned. My parents' house got about a foot and a half of snow yesterday. This afternoon, my wife and I drove from their house back home to Maryland. But along the way, I made a bad decision. I was driving on the Garden State Parkway-- at this particular part of the road, it's only 2 lanes each way, divided by a concrete barrier. We were in the left lane for some reason, and I spotted a patch of slush/packed ice in the lane in front of us. I slowed down, but figured that I could cruise through it OK without changing into the (clear) right lane. Oops. I controlled the ensuing skid reasonably well, but managed to slide sideways into the concrete divider with a pronounced "bump" (not a "crash").


There didn't appear to be any damage to the car, as the dividers flare outwards at the bottom, and the car was perfectly parallel to the divider at the time of impact. The tires/wheels were the only part of the car making contact. After a very quick "everything looks normal" check, I drove on a bit so as to not be parked in the middle of the road. The car didn't seem to be handling any different, and I got out and inspected everything I knew how to as quickly as I could. So, we continued onward. A little while later, though, we were driving a good deal faster on a more thoroughly cleared highway (the snowfall was concentrated at the coastline, so as we worked our way inland, the roads got better), and I noticed that the periodic side-to-side lurches in the car were not necessarily corresponding with the (frequent) wind gusts. Clearly, that collision caused something (bent wheel rim? wheel alignment issues? something in the suspension system?) to get out-of-whack, such that, when driving at highway speeds, it felt as if a strong gust of wind was pushing the car to one way or another every with some regularity (maybe 2 or 3 times per minute). It wasn't anything so strong as to push the car out of its lane, but the feeling was unsettling.


Luckily, the effect was hardly noticeably at all at sub-60MPH speeds. So, we made it home safely, watching all of the other cars whiz by us as we tooled along, doing 55 in the far-right lane of I-95. There is, of course, a trip to the mechanic in my very near future.

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Bummer Enoch. Insurance should cover it pretty easily though, depending on what your coverage is.

I'm hoping that won't be necessary, but if the mechanic's estimate exceeds the deductible on our collision coverage, I may have to make a call.

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didn't particularly want to see family for xmas, so instead went out to a friend's parent's place again

lots of feasting and lazing around in the sunshine ^_^

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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I was bored, jumped on a plane and ended up in Istanbul, Turkey. Nice town.


I will soon jump on another random plane (writing this from Istanbul airport on my new netbook). We will see where that takes me.


I love spontaneous adventures.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I was bored, jumped on a plane and ended up in Istanbul, Turkey. Nice town.


I will soon jump on another random plane (writing this from Istanbul airport on my new netbook). We will see where that takes me.


I love spontaneous adventures.


Ah, the life of a young aristocrat!

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I was bored, jumped on a plane and ended up in Istanbul, Turkey. Nice town.


I will soon jump on another random plane (writing this from Istanbul airport on my new netbook). We will see where that takes me.


I love spontaneous adventures.

If this is true I hate you so much right now. :p

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I went golfing yesterday. Man, I am terrible. There is really nothing good about that game.


I'm playing because my Dad really enjoys it, it gives us a chance to catch up, and he is footing the bill for the most part. Even with that, I'm not sold on it being worth it. I did buy a golf shirt and some golf shoes, so at least I looked the part.


I got a 126 when we went last month, and yesterday I hit a 124. Ugh. Yesterday was considerably harder though, due to the very wet conditions. It was pretty marshy.

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I went golfing yesterday. Man, I am terrible. There is really nothing good about that game.

Back when I lived in New Zealand, my colleagues tried to persuade me to become a "golfer". No luck since I agree with the last part of that line :p


Even having lived for years less than 100m from a beautiful 18 hole course, overlooking the park lands with a view down to the river, I was never tempted. The only thing I can get myself to join every now and then is a game of mini golf :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I went golfing yesterday. Man, I am terrible. There is really nothing good about that game.

Back when I lived in New Zealand, my colleagues tried to persuade me to become a "golfer". No luck since I agree with the last part of that line :p


Even having lived for years less than 100m from a beautiful 18 hole course, overlooking the park lands with a view down to the river, I was never tempted. The only thing I can get myself to join every now and then is a game of mini golf :)


Oddly enough, thanks to years on mini-golf, my short game is rather fantastic. I can two-putt it pretty much every time, and I get a couple good long range putts on occasion. Driving the ball is my weakness. I have no idea how to make it go straight.

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Oddly enough, thanks to years on mini-golf, my short game is rather fantastic. I can two-putt it pretty much every time, and I get a couple good long range putts on occasion. Driving the ball is my weakness. I have no idea how to make it go straight.


I've had the same issues. Short game is pretty good, but I've had huge trouble off my drives. Last time I went out I hadn't practiced in a couple years. On the second hole I managed one hell of a drive that would easily have made it to the green if it hadn't sliced so badly that it ended up on the fairway two holes to the right. :)


The thing that helps me most is getting some time on the driving range so I can practice my stance and get into the swing of things before I actually get out on the course. If all else fails, go have a couple beers. I know/knew a couple people who had a much improved golf game after a couple beers. :p

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Wait-- there are people who finish a golf game without drinking at least 3 beers in the process??!!! That's gotta be against some rule or another.



I play roughly annually. I am roughly awful. But I can see the appeal, in that I don't remember the hundred-plus lousy-to-mundane shots. I remember how it feels that 1-time-in-10 when I actually hit a shot that looks like it belongs on a golf course. I don't come home and say "I shot a 116." I say "I parred the 13th Hole!!" That's a rare high, and I can understand the temptation to chase it. It's too time-consuming, expensive, and demanding of patience for me to make a serious pursuit of golf competence, but in different circumstances, I could have fun doing so.

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I tried golf once... It didn't end well... :p

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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Golf has become one of my favorite sports in the past year or so. I can't lie and say that I'm any good. But I can say that I've gotten better. And that has come from paying attention to better golfers, reading a few books, and practicing.


My first round in May of last year was a disaster. I shot nearly 150 over 18 holes. By the end of the summer, I ended up with my lowest score of 107. Still horrible numbers, I know, but I don't expect myself to become a PGA tour pro or anything like that. A positive attitude helps a lot with this game, that's for sure. Some rounds you have to look for silver linings, and sometimes you may stink the joint up, but at least you can say 'I made two great shots in a row on hole 13, even though I three putted to bogey'.


WIth my wife's blessing I actually bought a membership at one of the local courses in my town. It was affordable, and there were a few decent perks thrown in as well.


Golf is decent exercise if you don't drink like a fish and park your ass on a power cart.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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