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:thumbsup: Have fun with immortality and ****.
In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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2nd Ed D&D with Ed Greenwood as DM. :*








do want!

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Me too, in case that wasn't evident...

Edited by I want teh kotor 3
In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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I bet Ed Greenwood is always Elminster in a D&D session. I wonder if he based the old wizard off himself... which would probably explain the stuff he wrote about Elminster's trysts with the Simbul & Storm Silverhand.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I just finished Lost Horizon, it was a lot of fun. Nazi's and ancient Buddhist temples! <3 It was enjoyable and worth the 17$ as it is now on Steam.


Curiosity got the better of me and am going to try Secret Files: Tunguska... Which I heard was terrible, but I guess I'll find out shortly when it finishes d/l on Steam.

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Bane still snapped Batman's back. Batman peeing himself along with him having a son with Talia hasn't been retconed as much as every writer refuses to acknowledge its existence.


Batman never died; the Omega beams sent him back in time. Which is about as lame as Wolverine having all the flesh blown off his bones but surviving and healing himself fully.

What about Captain America's getting shot with a bullet in the brainpan sending him to another dimension? Or was that just back in time, too? I can never remember.


Omega beams I can understand. They're like magic beams. But Cap got a bullet to the noggin.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Bane still snapped Batman's back. Batman peeing himself along with him having a son with Talia hasn't been retconed as much as every writer refuses to acknowledge its existence.


Batman never died; the Omega beams sent him back in time. Which is about as lame as Wolverine having all the flesh blown off his bones but surviving and healing himself fully.

What about Captain America's getting shot with a bullet in the brainpan sending him to another dimension? Or was that just back in time, too? I can never remember.


Omega beams I can understand. They're like magic beams. But Cap got a bullet to the noggin.

IIRC sniper used a gun made by Dr Doom that transported him through space & time...


There's always a lame cop-out. Ms Marvel exploded when her energy overloaded, and she was returned by an entity called "the Storyteller".

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Bane still snapped Batman's back. Batman peeing himself along with him having a son with Talia hasn't been retconed as much as every writer refuses to acknowledge its existence.


Batman never died; the Omega beams sent him back in time. Which is about as lame as Wolverine having all the flesh blown off his bones but surviving and healing himself fully.

What about Captain America's getting shot with a bullet in the brainpan sending him to another dimension? Or was that just back in time, too? I can never remember.


Omega beams I can understand. They're like magic beams. But Cap got a bullet to the noggin.

Actually he was shout in the back, and then three times in the stomach.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Oh, well that makes sense then. The stomach is very sensitive to time travel, while the back has that whole dimension jumping organ.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Been in one of those moods where nothing really grabs me. Tomorrow the Borderlands DLC comes out, so I guess I'll be playing that. Hopefully it'll be good. :lol:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I bet Ed Greenwood is always Elminster in a D&D session. I wonder if he based the old wizard off himself... which would probably explain the stuff he wrote about Elminster's trysts with the Simbul & Storm Silverhand.


No reason to wonder, last time I looked nobody was claiming otherwise. :lol:

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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I got invited to play a session with Ed yesterday morning by some of the players already in the game. They had someone from last year that didn't show up to play this year so they had an opening. Sadly there were no goddesses to sleep with. There were two women, but they seemed to be missing some pieces that would have been required. If you want to know what happened, I've written up an account of the session, it's a little long, but here we go!



The Adventures of Someone Else's Character!

The party had been tasked with recovered the son of some important noble friend of our current employer. He had apparently been kidnapped by someone, apparently Zhentarim because that's who we ran into in the dungeon. At the start of the session that I joined, the party had just finished off a group of 6 Zhent soldiers and were continuing to explore. The next room was lined with heavy tapestries that we didn't bother looking at, because we were too busy staring at the two naked women in the room. Unfortunately, while they each had a nice rack, they were literally nothing but bones below that. They seemed quite nice and were more than willing to answer any questions we had, although they were more than a little interested in our organs. We gave them the bodies of two of the Zhent soldiers from the previous room. They ripped them open and started placing organs in their rib cages where they magically floated in place.


We continued on to the next room which contained 6 doors along one wall and a bricked up passage in the middle of the far wall. The bricks turned out to be an illusion. On the other side was a 70'x70'x8' room filled with swords, all hanging point down. We could see about 5 dozen swords from the doorway before we couldn't see any farther back. This left a 4' clear space underneath all the swords. The wizard's detect magic showed that each sword had it's own magical effect, rather than a blanket effect. While the group talked about what to do, I perhaps foolishly touched one of the swords. The entire room was then filled with whirling swords of death that constantly clanged off the walls, ceiling, floor and each other. The rest of the party gave me dirty looks.


We went back and checked the 6 doors in the previous room. Each had a 10'x10' room. The first had a floating skeleton with it arms hanging out in front of it, palms up. Above it's hands were several small whirling gems. They turned out to be an illusion, but anything placed above the palms of the skeleton would float in place. We dragged the skeleton along to carry our treasure. We also named him Stanley. For all your tool needs. The second door had a floating tabletop covered in fresh blood. Above it was a purple mist out of which 12 tentacles writhed. 8 of them were holding onto tiny medical instruments, while 4 had what looked like wands. When you approached them, they all swung towards you and seemed to beckon you closer. The next 3 had a stone pedestal with a small metal coffer. The first contained a bag of human knucklebones, the next had a blinking eye that when "attached" to yourself you could see from (this box was trapped with a glyph of blindness), I don't remember what was in the third. The last room had a skull in place of the coffer. The skull contained a ruby. When touch, a voice made some comment about touching the gem to one who is dead and they shall again know life.


We argued for a bit about how to get past the swords of death while one guy went back to collect the nice shiny black armour that the Zhents were wearing. On his way back to us he asked the two skeletal women if there was a way past the swords. They said all he had to do was touch the altar. So he did. When he hadn't come back for awhile so the rest of us went to investigate. We found him slumped over the altar, fast asleep with the two women mostly ignoring him. They explained that he was only going to hurt himself if he kept it up and this was the only way past the swords. The rest of us politely declined and asked the women to wake him up. The cast a dispel magic on him and he was good as new.


We tested the Zhent armour by tossing one of the corpses into the sword room and while the swords clanged off him, his corpse was unharmed. We decided to suit up with the new armour and we even had an extra set for Stanley! The door on the other side led to a short hallway with a black, heavy tapestry strung across the doorway, with a slit down the middle to pass through. On the other side was a large cavern. All the stalactites and stalagmites had been chopped down to a couple inches while little sparks of electricity zapped about every few seconds. The room was also filled with floating eyeballs and skeletal hands. The thief went to scout around, but the eyeballs spotted her and swiveled on the spot to follow her while the hands all begin to point in her direction. She began to feel something pushing her back towards the wall. Two balls of bones were tossed, one down the hall and one towards the thief. When they hit the ground they each formed two skeletons. The thief dropped a bag of marbles so where her skeletons stood up they all fell down again, so she fell on them and just started rolling, still wearing the Zhent armour and tried to crush the skeletons. It does blunt damage! The wizard took the blinking eye from early and entered the cavern where a disembodied voice talked to him. It was the guardian of a tomb and was trying to keep Zhents out. Since we were wearing their armour I think you can guess why it attacked us. We told it what we were after and promised to leave the tomb alone and it dissolved the skeletons and let us go.


Next room we came was a circular room with a stone archway and a door standing in the middle of the room. The doorway led to a room with a table at which there were 14 individuals seated. 12 men in black robes, the noble we were supposed to rescue, tied to a chair, and another nobleman who looked quite similar to the first, except dressed all in black and armed. Turns out he was the brother of the first noble. He wanted us to bring his father there and if we would be so kind as to leave someone behind to make sure that we came back. We agreed and left the thief. Before heading out of the dungeon we tried the portal, two of the men in robes from the other door were standing there and told us to leave. One of our clerics took out the first man with a cause serious wounds while the other just scream and *pop* went invisible. We decided to leave. Meanwhile the thief is being ganged up on by the rest of the robed figures, she ducks under the table and into a trap door, just racing as fast as she can with the figures right behind her. Turns out the trap door led to the portal and she caught up to us in the big cavern with the eyeballs. We asked the voice to help us and he fried all the remaining robed figures that were chasing us.


Deciding that these guys were probably up to no good, we went back to the door and marched in, towing Stanley (dressed "head to toe" in Zhent armour) and present him to the black nobleman as his father. His reaction was a "DAD?!" and he too winked out of view. We untied the noble we were sent to find and finished our adventure successfully.



It was a lot of fun. Ed Greenwood has a great sense of humour. He runs a very rules light game that keeps things from getting to bogged down in minor details. That session took us about 5 hours to run through and it was definitely the highlight of my weekend at the convention. He didn't show up at the pub on Saturday night this time, but there is always next year. :thumbsup:


Somehow going back to Civ 5 just doesn't seem as awesome anymore...

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Dear god, the original Halo is more dated than I remembered.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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currently playing dawn of war 2. its pretty good. I actually like that its not a traditional rts, but i feel like they could have gone a lot further with it and we're left with a product suffering a bit of an identity crisis.


i've heard that chaos rising is better so thats next on my plate... hopefully keeping me busy until new vegas :shifty:

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Played a little bit of minecraft last night before bed. I was in the process of creating my underground tree farm when I was attacked by a skeleton. Scared the crap outta me. I had a 14x20 room with only two torches in it which apparently wasn't enough. I know it didn't spawn outside that room, because everything else was perfectly lit up. I had to retreat from the room which was a little difficult as I had cleared a coal vein right by the entrance which left a small pit in front of my doorway. It was a little difficult to maneuver around without looking so that I could keep my eye on the skeleton and it's goddamn arrows.


I did make it out of the room, walled it off with dirt and ran upstairs to get some food. Came back and beat the crap out of the skeleton and tossed a few more torches around. Now I know that enemies don't need pitch blackness in order to spawn. >_<

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Borderlands. After that I'm gonna get BG and PS:T through GoG and try to wine them.

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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currently playing dawn of war 2. its pretty good. I actually like that its not a traditional rts, but i feel like they could have gone a lot further with it and we're left with a product suffering a bit of an identity crisis.


i've heard that chaos rising is better so thats next on my plate... hopefully keeping me busy until new vegas :ermm:

It is, but it's wayyyy shorter and far more linear.


I've been on a streak of Napoleon Total War. Managed to beat up a french army as the english (during the coalition campaign) that was twice my size due to canister shot.

Edited by Calax

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Finished Mass Effect 2 with a renegade "female" Shepard (using a me1 save from that website that collects them). Ended up inviting Kelly to my quaerters after finishing the game :ermm:


Still crossing fingers and hoping for a goty type release thing with all the addons.


Starting a new game of Space Rangers 2 and trying to pick which adventure type game to play. Probably Post Mortem or Still Life.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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NHL 10 - Won the second of back to back championships in my NHL 10 hockey league


NHL 11 - In the process of setting up my league's S14. Sweet game.

Been thinking of picking up an NHL game. Which is better?


Edit: Oops, missed the post above mine.

Edited by mkreku

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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