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i like realtimewithpause too, but I think that there should still be a few turn based games coming out.


there are a billion on the handheld systems, but they lack rpg depth usually.


I honestly think we'll be seeing more "old school" RPGs on handhelds in the future as WRPG devs discover that success can be found there.


No complaints. :x

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i like realtimewithpause too, but I think that there should still be a few turn based games coming out.


there are a billion on the handheld systems, but they lack rpg depth usually.

The thing is that adding super nice graphics to a turn based games just makes the ridiculousness of "you hit me - I hit you" so much more obvious. Which is probably part of the reason why they have gone on to handhelds and the scary void of indie PC rpgs.


Since no one has really managed to make a turn based game "exciting" without losing the turn-basedness, we won't probably be seeing any AAA releases in that category, unless it's some weird card or puzzle game.


Actually turn-based RPGs ARE being made for a console, the PS3. However the current trend with turn based RPG's is to have each character have a turn, and then have them either have action points or take actions over a specific time with the turn. Resonance of Fate was one I played recently that was pretty good in this aspect. I didn't quite like Trinity Universe, but that was another one of these types of games. Resonance of Fate had pretty good graphics as far as I'm concerned.

Well yeah, it's still a thing in JRPGs, but it would probably stick out like a sore thumb in a Biowarean game.


The simultaneous turn thing is an interesting concept and seems to work pretty well in Frozen Synapse, but might be a pain to implement in a more complex game or at least make it really hard to keep track of what's happening.

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i would love a turn based mass effect


Are you insane? The ME fanbase would have a collective heart attack.


You speak of this as it would be something bad, why is that?


Honestly, I do not understand all the hate against Bioware fans/games in that board. I do not like the word fan, but I mostly play Obsidian and Bioware titles, so I think that I could be considered their fan... having said that it does not seem to me that game design is so different between Bioware and Obsidian games. If not for budget and polish (and luck maybe) the two company makes very similar games and influence each other a lot. Really, I do not see where the hate came from.

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Honestly, I do not understand all the hate against Bioware fans/games in that board. I do not like the word fan, but I mostly play Obsidian and Bioware titles, so I think that I could be considered their fan... having said that it does not seem to me that game design is so different between Bioware and Obsidian games. If not for budget and polish (and luck maybe) the two company makes very similar games and influence each other a lot. Really, I do not see where the hate came from.


It's not aimed at Bioware fans per se.. but at the people who tend to hang out on the Bioware forums. While it might be a touch of stereotyping, there's a lot of certain types of..personality that post there. :(

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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We're much more cynical, in fact we have almost managed to drain the hope from all the new bright eyed Alpha Protocol fans. Soon that board will be nothing but an empty wasteland with a few bitter husks shambling around aimlessly, asking for a patch with their dry rasping voices.


I'm sure you'll love it here.

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If not for budget and polish (and luck maybe) the two company makes very similar games and influence each other a lot. Really, I do not see where the hate came from.

Actually they don't. Not for the last 5 years anyway.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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We're much more cynical, in fact we have almost managed to drain the hope from all the new bright eyed Alpha Protocol fans. Soon that board will be nothing but an empty wasteland with a few bitter husks shambling around aimlessly, asking for a patch with their dry rasping voices.


I'm sure you'll love it here.

That was pretty creepy. :( I'd say you should become a fanfic writer but that would be an insult.
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hey i signed up with bright eyes and shiny hope. I still have a little hope left still. I also can't imagine finding a better forum to post about video games on.


whatever happened to rpgmaster boo? I don't recall seeing him much after dragon age was released.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Eaten by nurgligons.


The occasional posts you see from him are just the remains of his soul trying to communicate, express his pain and sorrow.


But yeah, this is where fanboys come to die.
So this is a forumite graveyard? Does the Obsidian version of Scar and the hyenas live here and plot overthrowing the Obsidian King? Edited by Oner
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"We're much more cynical,"


That's not the word I'd use. I'd say arrogance would be more fitting. Or overrating one's self worth.


Mostly, i refer to it as the Kanadian Komplex. If you don't get the reference, then it makes it even more humourous.


P.S. the similarities of the two companies is major for sure. There is a eason, btw, that Obsidian is known as BIO Jr.


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It's not aimed at Bioware fans per se.. but at the people who tend to hang out on the Bioware forums. While it might be a touch of stereotyping, there's a lot of certain types of..personality that post there. :(



I don't know. I mostly lurk Bioware boards and those one and I think that at the end it all come to numbers. Bioware have more fans who writes in their boards, so maybe some kind of typical fan is more visible. Still, it does not explain the hate toward that company. I believe that if Bioware would have gone bakrupt after say Jade Empire, the overall attitude would be different. And that's fun and sad at the same time.

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Re: Boo


He was last seen today. I guess he's busy, but checks in every now and then.

Eaten by nurgligons.


The occasional posts you see from him are just the remains of his soul trying to communicate, express his pain and sorrow.


But yeah, this is where fanboys come to die.
So this is a forumite graveyard? Does the Obsidian version of Scar and the hyenas live here and plot overthrowing the Obsidian King?

That was kind of badly worded. This is where hope comes to die.

A Lionking reference? What?



"We're much more cynical,"


That's not the word I'd use. I'd say arrogance would be more fitting. Or overrating one's self worth.


Mostly, i refer to it as the Kanadian Komplex. If you don't get the reference, then it makes it even more humourous.


P.S. the similarities of the two companies is major for sure. There is a eason, btw, that Obsidian is known as BIO Jr.

Well, yeah, we're also diverse. There are many factions, lines were drawn, sides chosen.



On a related note, I still don't get the Codex. Is it like a Grimdark version of us?


Edited by Purkake
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He was last seen today. I guess he's busy, but checks in every now and then.
But yeah, this is where fanboys come to die.
So this is a forumite graveyard? Does the Obsidian version of Scar and the hyenas live here and plot overthrowing the Obsidian King?

That was kind of badly worded. This is where hope comes to die.

A Lionking reference? What?


Elephant graveyard - where elephants gather to die.

AP forum - where AP fanboys gather to die.

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The analogy doesn't really work

and I saw Lion King like 15 years ago



The elephants go there because they feel that they are going to die, AP fanboys gather here blissfully ignorant and then hope is slowly drained from them.

Edited by Purkake
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We're much more cynical, in fact we have almost managed to drain the hope from all the new bright eyed Alpha Protocol fans. Soon that board will be nothing but an empty wasteland with a few bitter husks shambling around aimlessly, asking for a patch with their dry rasping voices.


I'm sure you'll love it here.


Cynical? Bioware fanbase is ten thousand times more cynical than all you guys on average.

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If not for budget and polish (and luck maybe) the two company makes very similar games and influence each other a lot. Really, I do not see where the hate came from.

Actually they don't. Not for the last 5 years anyway.


I don't know. Obsidian have published two games so far that are sequels of Bioware titles. And a shooter with RPG elements (that reminds me of something but I could be wrong). The only game with a design that was clearly different from Bioware titles so far has been Storms of Zehir wich was an expansion of NWN. I'm not saying that Obsidian is not creative and talented. Only that I do not see all those differences in terms of design and that the two company influence a lot each other.

Edited by meomao
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Don't confuse whiny with cynical.


And what's up with the 100+ page romance threads?


I maybe wrong but I think that I'm not confusing the terms. I'm saying that while the average Bioware fan accepts the business side of things on game development (maybe whining on bull**** like romances, the looks of armours and little gameplay details that do not make any difference) you guys at the end still view game development in a romantic way (I mean reading the average post as a lurker). Mind, I'm not jusdging anyone. I like that attitude but it's far from being cynical.

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