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What you did today


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I banked last years tax return cheque today. Or should I say, I did my tax return a few weeks ago that I put off for nearly 12 months and should have done last year - Financial Year July 2008 - June 2009. I'll have to go into the accountant again in the next couple of weeks to do my tax return again for Financial Year Jul 2009 - Jun 2010. Two tax return cheques in the space of a few weeks is all good though. :(

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Loads of freinds turned up more or less unexpectedly last night. Since we had a roleplaying session planned I roepd everyone in and we had a huge laugh. Especially the guys who hadn't played in years. This was fortunate as it turns out one of them just found out his ex is pregnant, and is going aahead but planing on keeping him out of the equation. So the roleplaying totally distracted him.


Up this morning, and I continued the theme buy having the survivors of last night have a crack at some of my work for today. I always find having completely fresh people on a job is refreshing and effective. Definite advances made. Now just waiting for my new PC to arrive.


Gorgeous weather.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Might have to with acoustics. I'm having the exact same setup I used to have in my new apartment, and there's absolutely no impact in bass. Sometimes it just works out that way.


5.0 setup here. Need a sub, as a decent sub would be at least in the same 1,5k euro ballpark my tv and amp were, I'm currently restrained by my grad student budget from obliging my desires. :p

Room acoustics are definitely a big factor. Settings too, of course.


But I'm also talking about the sound systems in theaters. Which again, isn't to say it always sounds bad...it's just completely different. The bass is loud, but it does not 'thump' deeply in the same way. Also, my ears are very sensitive to treble/high pitch and since somewhere in the early-mid-90's many theaters now seem to have it set to a point where it feels like I have broken glass bouncing on my eardrums. :p


I remember seeing Phantom of the Opera in a major Helsinki movie theatre. It sounded terrible, movie theatres are equipped with ski-slope bass-heavy EQ curves to 'SPLOSIONS BIGGER, which result in music-heavy presentations sounding distorted.


Of course, the Phantom soundtrack isn't exactly easy, along with the nuclear blast in Terminator 2, it's one of the two soundtracks I managed to overload my old system with. :)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Honestly, when I'm watching a film (or whatever), I find sound coming from anywhere but the speakers on or right next to the screen I'm watching more distracting than satisfying. Once the quality gets above 'noticeably terrible,' additional improvements really don't do anything for me.

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I'm not an big audiophile or 'surround' sound fanatic but I can be really picky about my sound in certain instances.



...It's not hot today or anything, but I'm terribly tempted to shave my head, or at least the next closest thing. Sometimes hair is just too much hassle. The only thing that stops me is that unlike, say, some female singers, I doubt the look would be sexy on me. :) Still...I'm tempted.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Laughed at some smug Lakers fans who have yet to realize that their threepeat just got obliterated.

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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Laughed at some smug Lakers fans who have yet to realize that their threepeat just got obliterated.


I wouldn't speak so soon. There's still two spots to fill on the Heat (and with not a lot of money, so I've heard). I'd never count Kobe out of anything completely.

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Laughed at some smug Lakers fans who have yet to realize that their threepeat just got obliterated.


I wouldn't speak so soon. There's still two spots to fill on the Heat (and with not a lot of money, so I've heard). I'd never count Kobe out of anything completely.


No, but they've got Beasley and Chalmers, and while neither of those two are exceptional, they don't need to be; they can just defend people, and leave scoring to the pros.


EDIT: Apparently no more Beasley.

Edited by I want teh kotor 3
In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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Yesterday: Spent the day flying from SMF to Islip airport on Long Island and got to my grandparents house. Never really thought about how old this place is but it's pushing well past the 100 mark. 20 years ago they did a remodel/expansion on it doubling it's size and adding a new garage because my great grandfather couldn't get around the house from upstairs any more. It's hot and humid, hot I"m used to, humid I'm not, but right now I'm inside and playing shepard/chauffer to my grandmother (who's half blind so everyone's scared about her driving. I'm probably gonna be the one who takes her anywhere if she needs to go alone or with me and my cousins, while I'm here).


Gonna be here for a few days and tommarow will be the first time where the extended family on this side is all in one place for about 20 years. I've got a cousin flying in from the Congo (where he delivered Mosquito nets) tommarow morning so things will be intersting (we're having a party for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary which is driving their daughters nuts trying to organize).


Overall this is an interesting and depressing trip. Interesting because people are actually acting like I'm an adult who's taking care (for the most part) of himself, and depressing because I'm realizing just how old my parents and aunts are, as well as my grandparents. And on top of all this one of my aunts (The youngest one) has breast cancer and is going through Chemo... I'm not sure if I want to see her so I can remember her when she was healthy rather than without hair and tired etc. Her kids are in good spirits but *shrugs* I'm not sure she'll survive much longer than 5 years (which she has an 80% chance to hit that point according to her doctor.


I'm always amazed to be out here simply because of the history/family. The house I'm in I kinda glossed over previously but my grandfather grew up here and tells us stories about having to walk to the first school in the area when he was 6. You know the one room schoolhouse? That was him. And then there's the oyster business that they used to own that still carries their name, along with like a dozen other charities (the family is kind of a troupe of philanthropists), and I think an oyster harvesting equipment is named after my great grandfather (who's dead) becuase he's the one with the patent on it.



Hell, I once found a civil war sabre in the bacement here when I was 8. Ah well, I'll stop boring you and run of to find something to do.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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i've been rather antisocial lately


did the film thingy last weekend

ended up doing some voice acting for it, and having to come up with multiple kinds of "angry vampire screams" was quite fun

and i'll never get used to airbrushing :ermm:


after that i went out to a party and ended up drinking until the following afternoon without really noticing

my flatmate came to pick me up he noticed the very nearly empty bottle. he just laughed at me and threatened to start honking the car horn on the entire way home

thankfully he wasn't that cruel, but after drinking about 1.5l of bourbon, and the other mystery drinks people had kept giving me, my head was certainly hurting :(


since then i've just been hiding away at home

had people bugging me to come to a party last night, but i thought after last weekend's horror i'd give it a miss

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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I'm heading off to Happy Hollow today, it is a neat little amusement park/zoo we have in the area. It is really designed for the little kids, from age 1-10 mostly.

I've been there. Pleasant place. It's where I took the pic of the tired lemur & meerkats that I probably posted here ages ago. Do they still have those? :D


Yesterday a big black crow decided to whack itself against our front window several times. I've had tiny songbirds do that, but never a bird of this size before. Glad it didn't break a window pane, they're not very strong. It was so dazed it stumbled around the front patio area for a long while, as his buddy in the trees cawed & laughed at him.


Today I'm waiting for some test results. Waiting always makes me nervous. And I have a headache.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I'm heading off to Happy Hollow today, it is a neat little amusement park/zoo we have in the area. It is really designed for the little kids, from age 1-10 mostly.

I've been there. Pleasant place. It's where I took the pic of the tired lemur & meerkats that I probably posted here ages ago. Do they still have those? :D



Yes! They did a complete remodel recently, it was pretty major. It took about two years, during which the park was closed. But now it looks really nice. It is still a small park designed for small kids, but it is a great alternative to one of the crazier parks like Great America. The petting zoo is in great shape, there are a few small rides and playgrounds, and they have a few great animals in the zoo section, like a jaguar and a ton of lemurs.

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I think it was three years or so ago that we were there. Hm. I may have to drive back down to check it out.

And yeah, Great America is crazy these days...plus really expensive unless you buy the season pass.


What's your take on Gilroy gardens, if you've been there?

I still miss the old Marine World Africa U.S.A before it moved to Vallejo and then later became Six Flags.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I really like Gilroy Gardens, in fact I lived just down the street for awhile. It has a lot of fantastic trees and is a beautiful park. Again, it is not an amusement park like GA, it is more about seeing neat stuff. It is overpriced though.

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*Not boring*
Edited by Walsingham

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Today I will mostly be shielding myself from the sun's deadly rays. Also bought the AvP dlc after an aliens movie marathon. It turns out that, at least at lunch time, nobody in the world is playing either set of dlc maps. Can I get a good investment high-five?

Edited by Serrano
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Running late but thought I'd post anyway. Still luxuriating in the speed of my new PC. And equally still freaking out over the Razer Arctosa keyboard which - it turns out - has black on black lettering. Which makes it impossible to do anything except touch type.






"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Running late but thought I'd post anyway. Still luxuriating in the speed of my new PC. And equally still freaking out over the Razer Arctosa keyboard which - it turns out - has black on black lettering. Which makes it impossible to do anything except touch type.






Uh, in answer to both: An idiot? :D


Well, today is the day where we have the huge party (114 people) followed by a slightly smaller part back here at the house (about 40 people... I don't know where they'll put all the diners). The oddest part for me of all this is being the 4th youngest (two cousins and a girlfriend of one of the two cousins) at the party with only two other people within 5 years of me beyond that it'll probably be old codgers talking about long winded stories (which my grandfather has turned into unfortunatly... no I'm not kidding, he launched off into a story about how he almost failed the 4th grade and got most improved for the year because he managed to get back up to passing grades last night).


Oh, and the girlfriend? Apparently she's got a crush on me that my aunt had FANTASTIC fun needling me about when they first told me (a year ago now), and that "hey, you've got a wife if you wait 4 years!" >.< Although to hear Tom (my cousin who's junior to me, and his sister Emily is the youngest of us cousins) tell it, this girl apparently crushes on ANYONE who is male so *shrugs* still feels a bit awkward.


Also ventured into the bedroom my parents use when they're here (always), and found several pictures of my great grandfather (who used to own this house before he died) during his WWI time. Well, not him exactly, more like his unit (the 313th Arty). In the past we've dug through ancient pictures and found one of him when he was my age (at the time, still a teen), and apparently I'm growing up in his spitting image. Not entirely sure I want that.


Gah, I should just get a frigging blog to post all this on.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Running late but thought I'd post anyway. Still luxuriating in the speed of my new PC. And equally still freaking out over the Razer Arctosa keyboard which - it turns out - has black on black lettering. Which makes it impossible to do anything except touch type.




It sounds to cool for skool, sod the lack of functionality. It says "not only can I touch type, but amidst the economic turmoil around me I can afford a frippery such as this."


Srsly, light a Monte Cristo, fill a goldfish bowl with cognac and congratulate yourself on an awesome purchase.


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